Why do Republicans support a nuclear Iran?

what do you think that proves? that inspections were an area of contention? everyone knows that.

what makes you think Iran will be any more cooperative regarding inspection than it has been especially when the deal gives them both notice and the right to refuse?
it does not give them the right to refuse. they can protest, but not refuse

Yeah...we saw how well this worked with iraq.
it did work with iraq. iraq did not have a wmd program.
So whats to stop iran from moving it's nuke program to those "no inspection zones"?
there are no 'no inspection zones'
And you know that how?

The accord will keep Iran from producing enough material for a nuclear weapon for at least 10 years and impose new provisions for inspections of Iranian facilities, including military sites.

Read more: Iran reaches landmark nuclear deal after compromise on U.N. inspections - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

that's how.
what makes anyone think that there are no inspection zones?

'However, access isn’t guaranteed and could be delayed, a condition that critics of the deal Under the accord, Tehran would have the right to challenge U.N requests, and an arbitration board composed of Iran and the six world powers would then decide on the issue."

so there aren't 'no inspection zones'
thank you.

So you weren't old enough to remember the iraq weapons inspection fiasco?
That would explain a lot of things....
so the brain trust is on it, huh?

Yes...because no one with a brain was involved when it came to giving iran a nuclear weapon.
good god you could try to say something dumber but you'd be hard pressed to be able to actually do it.

the deal requires a reduction in enriched uranium and centrifuges and requires verification inspections.

how the fuck do you twist that into 'handing iran a nuclear weapon'

try, for once, to join us in reality.

Because they are restricting where inspections can take place.
ah. so we'll have less inspections in iran after the implementation of the agreement than we have now... is that right?


Where did you get that idea?

But, they could continue building on military bases, and inspectors would be non the wiser.

Is there something about that you dont' understand?

The truth...they will do whatever they want, there is no way to stop them once they get their money. This was a joke, obama planned on giving them everything and now they have it.
Still looking for a republican position on what we should be doing instead of this deal

working for a BETTER deal
Very good

Given the amount of goodwill republicans have built up with Iran..... What kind of deal would they get

One that would actually accomplish something.

So you obviously can't articulate jack shit about what kind of deal. All you can do is spew meaningless aphorisms.
Yes...because no one with a brain was involved when it came to giving iran a nuclear weapon.
good god you could try to say something dumber but you'd be hard pressed to be able to actually do it.

the deal requires a reduction in enriched uranium and centrifuges and requires verification inspections.

how the fuck do you twist that into 'handing iran a nuclear weapon'

try, for once, to join us in reality.

Because they are restricting where inspections can take place.
ah. so we'll have less inspections in iran after the implementation of the agreement than we have now... is that right?


Where did you get that idea?

But, they could continue building on military bases, and inspectors would be non the wiser.

Is there something about that you dont' understand?

The truth...they will do whatever they want, there is no way to stop them once they get their money. This was a joke, obama planned on giving them everything and now they have it.
What did Iran give us?
good god you could try to say something dumber but you'd be hard pressed to be able to actually do it.

the deal requires a reduction in enriched uranium and centrifuges and requires verification inspections.

how the fuck do you twist that into 'handing iran a nuclear weapon'

try, for once, to join us in reality.

Because they are restricting where inspections can take place.
ah. so we'll have less inspections in iran after the implementation of the agreement than we have now... is that right?


Where did you get that idea?

But, they could continue building on military bases, and inspectors would be non the wiser.

Is there something about that you dont' understand?

The truth...they will do whatever they want, there is no way to stop them once they get their money. This was a joke, obama planned on giving them everything and now they have it.
What did Iran give us?

The only way to deal with these shit heads is from a position of power,they understand nothing else.
You tell them we will be inspecting anywhere we damn well please and if you dont want to do it that way you leave us no choice but to bomb you into the stone age.
Your choice.
Still looking for a republican position on what we should be doing instead of this deal

working for a BETTER deal
Very good

Given the amount of goodwill republicans have built up with Iran..... What kind of deal would they get

One that would actually accomplish something.

So you obviously can't articulate jack shit about what kind of deal. All you can do is spew meaningless aphorisms.

It's already been "articulated"
Still looking for a republican position on what we should be doing instead of this deal

working for a BETTER deal
Very good

Given the amount of goodwill republicans have built up with Iran..... What kind of deal would they get

One that would actually accomplish something.

So you obviously can't articulate jack shit about what kind of deal. All you can do is spew meaningless aphorisms.

I have been hearing the points on the deal all day long, as soon as I can find the points I will post them.........everything obama said we would not tolerate, is now in the deal. And really.......there is no deal, we are going to lift the sanctions, iran will get their money, make their missiles, and develop the bomb, all while they continue to pay for terrorism around the world with the billions they get back from the sanctions.
what do you think that proves? that inspections were an area of contention? everyone knows that.

what makes you think Iran will be any more cooperative regarding inspection than it has been especially when the deal gives them both notice and the right to refuse?
it does not give them the right to refuse. they can protest, but not refuse

Yeah...we saw how well this worked with iraq.
it did work with iraq. iraq did not have a wmd program.
there are no 'no inspection zones'
And you know that how?

The accord will keep Iran from producing enough material for a nuclear weapon for at least 10 years and impose new provisions for inspections of Iranian facilities, including military sites.

Read more: Iran reaches landmark nuclear deal after compromise on U.N. inspections - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

that's how.
what makes anyone think that there are no inspection zones?

'However, access isn’t guaranteed and could be delayed, a condition that critics of the deal Under the accord, Tehran would have the right to challenge U.N requests, and an arbitration board composed of Iran and the six world powers would then decide on the issue."

so there aren't 'no inspection zones'
thank you.

So you weren't old enough to remember the iraq weapons inspection fiasco?
That would explain a lot of things....

I remember hans blix....before he was in Team America: World Police, when he testified before the U.N. that the Iraqi handlers would sometimes number 14 for every weapons inspector, and how if they wanted to see an Iraqi scientist they would have to lie about it, and sneak an interview in when they pretended to go to a weapons site for another reason.

This will be much worse............
Those countries never vowed to wipe Israel of the map and called for death to America on a regular basis.
They also weren't supporters of terrorism.
I beg your pardon, all of those countries swore to destroy the United States of America go read a book.

And you ignore the difference yet again.
First of all they got nukes before we could do anything about it.
Second they aren't crazy enough to use them or give them to a terrorist organization because they know what the consequences would be.
Iran is dumb enough to think we wont find out where they came from.
I'm not ignoring anything, unlike you I'm sticking to facts not a wild imagination. South Africa abandoned its nuclear program after years of diplomatic efforts, so can Iran, its not a completely unobtainable goal.

I find it hard to believe you're equating S. Africa with Iran.
Anti-Apartheid South Africa of 1990 is not the South Africa we see today. Neither will Iran be the same.

You obviously have no understanding of Iran. Iran unlike South Africa of the past is not a rational regime, and won't ever be unless their is regime change.
From the BBC link I just provided:

Iran would need tens of thousands of centrifuges to construct a bomb. It currently has almost 20,000. Under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA)agreed on 14 July, it will be limited to installing no more than 5,060 of the oldest and least efficient centrifuges at Natanz for 10 years.

Iran's uranium stockpile will also be reduced by 98% to 300kg (660lbs) for 15 years. It must also keep its level of enrichment at 3.67%.

In addition, research and development will take place only at Natanz and be limited for eight years. No enrichment will be permitted at Fordo for 15 years, and the underground facility will be converted into a nuclear, physics and technology centre. The 1,044 centrifuges at the site will produce radioisotopes for use in medicine, agriculture, industry and science.

Iran has been building a heavy-water nuclear facility near the town of Arak. Spent fuel from a heavy-water reactor contains plutonium suitable for a nuclear bomb.
Iran has now agreed to redesign the reactor so it cannot produce any weapons-grade plutonium and presents less of a proliferation threat, according to the White House. All spent fuel will be sent out of the country as long as the reactor exists.

Iran will also not be permitted to build additional heavy-water reactors or accumulate heavy water for 15 years.

Inspectors from the global nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), will continuously monitor Iran's declared nuclear sites and also verify that no fissile material is moved covertly to a secret location to build a bomb.

Iran has also agreed to implement the Additional Protocol to their IAEA Safeguards Agreement, which will allow inspectors to access any site they deem suspicious.

Sanctions imposed by the UN, US and EU in an attempt to force Iran to halt uranium enrichment have crippled its economy, costing the country more than $160bn (£102bn) in oil revenue since 2012 alone. Iran stands to receive more than $100bn in assets frozen overseas, and will be able to resume selling oil on international markets and using the global financial system for trade.

Iran will not see sanctions lifted until the IAEA confirms that it has followed through with its end of the JCPOA. Should Iran violate any aspect of the deal, the UN sanctions will automatically "snap back" into place for 10 years, with the possibility of a five-year extension.

Iran has also agreed to the continuation of the UN arms embargo on the country for up to five years, although it could end earlier if the IAEA is satisfied that its nuclear programme is entirely peaceful. A UN ban on the import of ballistic missile technology could also remain in place for up to eight years.
So there's the deal, dipshits. Explain what is wrong with it, and what a "better deal" would entail.
Staying the course and maintaining existing sanctions will result in Iran having the capability to produce eight nuclear weapons within six months

Under the new agreement, Iran would not have the ability to produce one warhead in the next ten years

Is Republican hatred of Obama so great that they would rather have a nuclear Iran than for Obama to get credit for disarming them?

You are misinformed and poorly read to the point of delusion. To make matters worse, you start your erroneously informed argument with the false assumption that the Republican position is to maintain the status quo.

It's very hard to reason with you because you never read the other side, you take Dem talking points and uncritically run with them, and you seem incapable of using reason and logic to analyze issues.
obama planned on giving them everything

Straw man.

Substantiate your claim or step aside.

They export terrorism around the world, they are currently holding Americans prisoner in their country, their weapons and soldiers were the ones killing Americans in Iraq and Afghanistan and they have repeatedly stated they will use a nuclear weapon to destroy Israel, and have never changed that position. So substantiate that......
You obviously have no understanding of Iran. Iran unlike South Africa of the past is not a rational regime, and won't ever be unless their is regime change.
Please explain how Iran is any less rational than the USSR was.

The USSR was out to destroy us and said so. The USSR sponsored terrorism. The USSR fought proxy wars all over the globe. The USSR had thousands of nuclear weapons. The USSR was a far, far, far greater existential threat to us than Iran.

There is nothing about Iran which indicates they are a greater threat, or less rational than the USSR. You are shitting your pants over Iran because you like the warm feeling it gives you around your castrated scrotum.

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