Why do Republicans support a nuclear Iran?

Staying the course and maintaining existing sanctions will result in Iran having the capability to produce eight nuclear weapons within six months

Under the new agreement, Iran would not have the ability to produce one warhead in the next ten years

Is Republican hatred of Obama so great that they would rather have a nuclear Iran than for Obama to get credit for disarming them?

You are assuming that Iran would ever abide by the agreement.

Given the fact they have never stuck to any agreement thus far
they traded the hostages for weapons with reagan.

Yeah, so they'll keep their promise, when we're giving them weapons. Shocking.

In 2003, Iran agreed to the IAE, to end enrichment programs, and allow inspections. They lied.


This report details over a decade of denial, and lies about the extent of their nuclear program, and enrichment.

Additionally, Iran agreed to inspections of their nuclear facilities.

They lied.

While Obama was touting this nuclear agreement claiming Iran wouldn't be allowed to install or start new enrichment systems, the Iranian Atomic Energy minister was in Iran talking about new centrifuges currently being tested before mass production.

Lies. All lies.

You show me the nuclear agreements of the near or distant passed that Iran has followed to the letter.

I'll be more than happen to read up on what evidence you bring. Honestly, one real example would be comforting to me. Because I honestly think we're playing a fools game right now.
Staying the course and maintaining existing sanctions will result in Iran having the capability to produce eight nuclear weapons within six months

Under the new agreement, Iran would not have the ability to produce one warhead in the next ten years

Is Republican hatred of Obama so great that they would rather have a nuclear Iran than for Obama to get credit for disarming them?

You are assuming that Iran would ever abide by the agreement.

Given the fact they have never stuck to any agreement thus far, signing that treaty would be the highest level of absolute stupidity in the last 30 years.

It's like opposing an agreement with Russia over Ukraine. "Well why would you be against having an end to war? Why are you against ending the bloodshed?!?"

And here we are, and what do you know, Russia is still all over the Ukraine.

You leftists, while talking arrogantly and proudly, are the most easily duped people on the planet.
Please, we struck nuclear agreements with the Soviet Union we did not trust, we emerged friends with China while not trusting them one bit, Germany and Japan are close allies after being bitter enemies. Why not Iran or is your fear getting in the way of your ability to look at this neutrally?

You actually think we are friends with China?

Yes we have normalized relations with many countries we do not trust but consider them friends. How do you think Cuba came about?

China is not our friend, neither is Russia.

I can see why you think Iran is going to abide by the deal now though.
Diplomats will disagree with you since calling countries with normalized relations our enemy puts our relationship on the wrong footing and is not conducive to good relations. We are not a nation of fools no matter how hard some in congress try to make that so evident.
your link doesn't show that there are any 'no inspections zones'
try again.

It shows there will be.
no, it doesn't. but if there were, that would be a violation of the agreement. that would mean that the sanctions would return, and we'd be no worse off than we are now.

So whats to stop them from starting their nuke program up once they get their money?
This deal wont be enforceable and iran has shown many times that they dont honor agreements. Not sure why you think this time will be any different.
What is stopping them now?

They are close to a weapon now, what is the impact of delaying them 15 years?
Staying the course and maintaining existing sanctions will result in Iran having the capability to produce eight nuclear weapons within six months

Under the new agreement, Iran would not have the ability to produce one warhead in the next ten years

Is Republican hatred of Obama so great that they would rather have a nuclear Iran than for Obama to get credit for disarming them?

You are assuming that Iran would ever abide by the agreement.

Given the fact they have never stuck to any agreement thus far, signing that treaty would be the highest level of absolute stupidity in the last 30 years.

It's like opposing an agreement with Russia over Ukraine. "Well why would you be against having an end to war? Why are you against ending the bloodshed?!?"

And here we are, and what do you know, Russia is still all over the Ukraine.

You leftists, while talking arrogantly and proudly, are the most easily duped people on the planet.
Please, we struck nuclear agreements with the Soviet Union we did not trust, we emerged friends with China while not trusting them one bit, Germany and Japan are close allies after being bitter enemies. Why not Iran or is your fear getting in the way of your ability to look at this neutrally?

Those countries never vowed to wipe Israel of the map and called for death to America on a regular basis.
They also weren't supporters of terrorism.
I beg your pardon, all of those countries swore to destroy the United States of America go read a book.

And you ignore the difference yet again.
First of all they got nukes before we could do anything about it.
Second they aren't crazy enough to use them or give them to a terrorist organization because they know what the consequences would be.
Iran is dumb enough to think we wont find out where they came from.
You are assuming that Iran would ever abide by the agreement.

Given the fact they have never stuck to any agreement thus far, signing that treaty would be the highest level of absolute stupidity in the last 30 years.

It's like opposing an agreement with Russia over Ukraine. "Well why would you be against having an end to war? Why are you against ending the bloodshed?!?"

And here we are, and what do you know, Russia is still all over the Ukraine.

You leftists, while talking arrogantly and proudly, are the most easily duped people on the planet.
Please, we struck nuclear agreements with the Soviet Union we did not trust, we emerged friends with China while not trusting them one bit, Germany and Japan are close allies after being bitter enemies. Why not Iran or is your fear getting in the way of your ability to look at this neutrally?

You actually think we are friends with China?

Yes we have normalized relations with many countries we do not trust but consider them friends. How do you think Cuba came about?

China is not our friend, neither is Russia.

I can see why you think Iran is going to abide by the deal now though.
Diplomats will disagree with you since calling countries with normalized relations our enemy puts our relationship on the wrong footing and is not conducive to good relations. We are not a nation of fools no matter how hard some in congress try to make that so evident.

Sorry but the government already knows that China and Russia are not our friends you're the only one that thinks otherwise
So whats to stop iran from moving it's nuke program to those "no inspection zones"?
there are no 'no inspection zones'
iran refuses inspection - - Yahoo Search Results
what do you think that proves? that inspections were an area of contention? everyone knows that.

what makes you think Iran will be any more cooperative regarding inspection than it has been especially when the deal gives them both notice and the right to refuse?
it does not give them the right to refuse. they can protest, but not refuse

Yeah...we saw how well this worked with iraq.
your link doesn't show that there are any 'no inspections zones'
try again.

It shows there will be.
no, it doesn't. but if there were, that would be a violation of the agreement. that would mean that the sanctions would return, and we'd be no worse off than we are now.

So whats to stop them from starting their nuke program up once they get their money?
This deal wont be enforceable and iran has shown many times that they dont honor agreements. Not sure why you think this time will be any different.
What is stopping them now?

They are close to a weapon now, what is the impact of delaying them 15 years?

It's funny you think they're going to stop....
your link doesn't show that there are any 'no inspections zones'
try again.

It shows there will be.
no, it doesn't. but if there were, that would be a violation of the agreement. that would mean that the sanctions would return, and we'd be no worse off than we are now.

So whats to stop them from starting their nuke program up once they get their money?
This deal wont be enforceable and iran has shown many times that they dont honor agreements. Not sure why you think this time will be any different.
What is stopping them now?

They are close to a weapon now, what is the impact of delaying them 15 years?
They won't be delayed that long.

Why do you think they will comply?

Nothing in their history indicates that they will.
what do you think that proves? that inspections were an area of contention? everyone knows that.

what makes you think Iran will be any more cooperative regarding inspection than it has been especially when the deal gives them both notice and the right to refuse?
it does not give them the right to refuse. they can protest, but not refuse

They can delay and delay and delay

It's still better for Iran than it is for anyone else.

And you still haven't told me why you think Iran will honor this deal when they have not honored any other deal they have signed with the Great Satan
for the same reason any nation honors an agreement - because it's in their best interests.
Staying the course and maintaining existing sanctions will result in Iran having the capability to produce eight nuclear weapons within six months

Under the new agreement, Iran would not have the ability to produce one warhead in the next ten years

Is Republican hatred of Obama so great that they would rather have a nuclear Iran than for Obama to get credit for disarming them?

You are assuming that Iran would ever abide by the agreement.

Given the fact they have never stuck to any agreement thus far, signing that treaty would be the highest level of absolute stupidity in the last 30 years.

It's like opposing an agreement with Russia over Ukraine. "Well why would you be against having an end to war? Why are you against ending the bloodshed?!?"

And here we are, and what do you know, Russia is still all over the Ukraine.

You leftists, while talking arrogantly and proudly, are the most easily duped people on the planet.
Please, we struck nuclear agreements with the Soviet Union we did not trust, we emerged friends with China while not trusting them one bit, Germany and Japan are close allies after being bitter enemies. Why not Iran or is your fear getting in the way of your ability to look at this neutrally?

Those countries never vowed to wipe Israel of the map and called for death to America on a regular basis.
They also weren't supporters of terrorism.
I beg your pardon, all of those countries swore to destroy the United States of America go read a book.

And you ignore the difference yet again.
First of all they got nukes before we could do anything about it.
Second they aren't crazy enough to use them or give them to a terrorist organization because they know what the consequences would be.
Iran is dumb enough to think we wont find out where they came from.
I'm not ignoring anything, unlike you I'm sticking to facts not a wild imagination. South Africa abandoned its nuclear program after years of diplomatic efforts, so can Iran, its not a completely unobtainable goal.
your link doesn't show that there are any 'no inspections zones'
try again.

It shows there will be.
no, it doesn't. but if there were, that would be a violation of the agreement. that would mean that the sanctions would return, and we'd be no worse off than we are now.

So whats to stop them from starting their nuke program up once they get their money?
This deal wont be enforceable and iran has shown many times that they dont honor agreements. Not sure why you think this time will be any different.
What is stopping them now?

They are close to a weapon now, what is the impact of delaying them 15 years?

Truthfully, nothing is stopping them now.

Iran could at any moment, switch everything on, and make weapons grade uranium.

That's where the rub comes. Those of us on the right, understand that the only solution that prevents a Iran from making a nuclear bomb, is them not having centrifuges.

The left, wants to allow them to have centrifuges, but not have them make weapons grade uranium.

We know that's impossible. The difference between weapons grade uranium, and commercial power uranium, is one single button press. Just press the button and boop, weapons grade Uranium is produced.

Now, if Iran had a long extensive history of following every single promise to the letter, and dealing with the international community with truth and fairness.....

First we likely wouldn't be having this conversation.
Second, we on the right, would likely be fair more willing to accept their word.

But the reality is, we have a crazy government over there, with a long extensive history of saying whatever they want in the moment, and then doing whatever the heck they want.

And you Obamaites, are trying to convince us that 'this time they mean it', and arguably only because Obama is the one pushing it. That's just not a believable claim to most of us.
You are assuming that Iran would ever abide by the agreement.

Given the fact they have never stuck to any agreement thus far, signing that treaty would be the highest level of absolute stupidity in the last 30 years.

It's like opposing an agreement with Russia over Ukraine. "Well why would you be against having an end to war? Why are you against ending the bloodshed?!?"

And here we are, and what do you know, Russia is still all over the Ukraine.

You leftists, while talking arrogantly and proudly, are the most easily duped people on the planet.
Please, we struck nuclear agreements with the Soviet Union we did not trust, we emerged friends with China while not trusting them one bit, Germany and Japan are close allies after being bitter enemies. Why not Iran or is your fear getting in the way of your ability to look at this neutrally?

Those countries never vowed to wipe Israel of the map and called for death to America on a regular basis.
They also weren't supporters of terrorism.
I beg your pardon, all of those countries swore to destroy the United States of America go read a book.

And you ignore the difference yet again.
First of all they got nukes before we could do anything about it.
Second they aren't crazy enough to use them or give them to a terrorist organization because they know what the consequences would be.
Iran is dumb enough to think we wont find out where they came from.
I'm not ignoring anything, unlike you I'm sticking to facts not a wild imagination. South Africa abandoned its nuclear program after years of diplomatic efforts, so can Iran, its not a completely unobtainable goal.

I find it hard to believe you're equating S. Africa and Iran.
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Oh and you believe that?? WOW are you an idiot.

Iran will continue its work on a nuclear weapon in secret and will do exactly as they wish.
You seem to have comprehension problems
We lift sanctions AFTER we have verified destruction

If they want to restart in secret it will take ten years to get where we are today

So whats to stop iran from moving it's nuke program to those "no inspection zones"?
there are no 'no inspection zones'
And you know that how?

The accord will keep Iran from producing enough material for a nuclear weapon for at least 10 years and impose new provisions for inspections of Iranian facilities, including military sites.

Read more: Iran reaches landmark nuclear deal after compromise on U.N. inspections - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

that's how.
what makes anyone think that there are no inspection zones?

'However, access isn’t guaranteed and could be delayed, a condition that critics of the deal Under the accord, Tehran would have the right to challenge U.N requests, and an arbitration board composed of Iran and the six world powers would then decide on the issue."

Please, we struck nuclear agreements with the Soviet Union we did not trust, we emerged friends with China while not trusting them one bit, Germany and Japan are close allies after being bitter enemies. Why not Iran or is your fear getting in the way of your ability to look at this neutrally?

Those countries never vowed to wipe Israel of the map and called for death to America on a regular basis.
They also weren't supporters of terrorism.
I beg your pardon, all of those countries swore to destroy the United States of America go read a book.

And you ignore the difference yet again.
First of all they got nukes before we could do anything about it.
Second they aren't crazy enough to use them or give them to a terrorist organization because they know what the consequences would be.
Iran is dumb enough to think we wont find out where they came from.
I'm not ignoring anything, unlike you I'm sticking to facts not a wild imagination. South Africa abandoned its nuclear program after years of diplomatic efforts, so can Iran, its not a completely unobtainable goal.

I find it hard to believe you're equating S. Africa with Iran.
Anti-Apartheid South Africa of 1990 is not the South Africa we see today. Neither will Iran be the same.
Those countries never vowed to wipe Israel of the map and called for death to America on a regular basis.
They also weren't supporters of terrorism.
I beg your pardon, all of those countries swore to destroy the United States of America go read a book.

And you ignore the difference yet again.
First of all they got nukes before we could do anything about it.
Second they aren't crazy enough to use them or give them to a terrorist organization because they know what the consequences would be.
Iran is dumb enough to think we wont find out where they came from.
I'm not ignoring anything, unlike you I'm sticking to facts not a wild imagination. South Africa abandoned its nuclear program after years of diplomatic efforts, so can Iran, its not a completely unobtainable goal.

I find it hard to believe you're equating S. Africa with Iran.
Anti-Apartheid South Africa of 1990 is not the South Africa we see today. Neither will Iran be the same.

Iran is not going to change until they get rid of the radical mullahs.
Staying the course and maintaining existing sanctions will result in Iran having the capability to produce eight nuclear weapons within six months

Under the new agreement, Iran would not have the ability to produce one warhead in the next ten years

Is Republican hatred of Obama so great that they would rather have a nuclear Iran than for Obama to get credit for disarming them?

You are assuming that Iran would ever abide by the agreement.

Given the fact they have never stuck to any agreement thus far, signing that treaty would be the highest level of absolute stupidity in the last 30 years.

It's like opposing an agreement with Russia over Ukraine. "Well why would you be against having an end to war? Why are you against ending the bloodshed?!?"

And here we are, and what do you know, Russia is still all over the Ukraine.

You leftists, while talking arrogantly and proudly, are the most easily duped people on the planet.
Please, we struck nuclear agreements with the Soviet Union we did not trust, we emerged friends with China while not trusting them one bit, Germany and Japan are close allies after being bitter enemies. Why not Iran or is your fear getting in the way of your ability to look at this neutrally?

You actually think we are friends with China?

Yes we have normalized relations with many countries we do not trust but consider them friends. How do you think Cuba came about?

Because Obama, Kerry, and Clinton dont' see a bad deal when it farts in their faces
I beg your pardon, all of those countries swore to destroy the United States of America go read a book.

And you ignore the difference yet again.
First of all they got nukes before we could do anything about it.
Second they aren't crazy enough to use them or give them to a terrorist organization because they know what the consequences would be.
Iran is dumb enough to think we wont find out where they came from.
I'm not ignoring anything, unlike you I'm sticking to facts not a wild imagination. South Africa abandoned its nuclear program after years of diplomatic efforts, so can Iran, its not a completely unobtainable goal.

I find it hard to believe you're equating S. Africa with Iran.
Anti-Apartheid South Africa of 1990 is not the South Africa we see today. Neither will Iran be the same.

Iran is not going to change until they get rid of the radical mullahs.
That very well may be, but opening Iran to free movement with Americans and Europeans interacting with regular Iranians is a whole lot better than being in opposite sides of war. The Mullahs may not be displaced but their power can be limited and since what was happening before wasn't working, I for one will be happy to try something different.
what do you think that proves? that inspections were an area of contention? everyone knows that.

what makes you think Iran will be any more cooperative regarding inspection than it has been especially when the deal gives them both notice and the right to refuse?
it does not give them the right to refuse. they can protest, but not refuse

Yeah...we saw how well this worked with iraq.
it did work with iraq. iraq did not have a wmd program.
You seem to have comprehension problems
We lift sanctions AFTER we have verified destruction

If they want to restart in secret it will take ten years to get where we are today

So whats to stop iran from moving it's nuke program to those "no inspection zones"?
there are no 'no inspection zones'
And you know that how?

The accord will keep Iran from producing enough material for a nuclear weapon for at least 10 years and impose new provisions for inspections of Iranian facilities, including military sites.

Read more: Iran reaches landmark nuclear deal after compromise on U.N. inspections - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

that's how.
what makes anyone think that there are no inspection zones?

'However, access isn’t guaranteed and could be delayed, a condition that critics of the deal Under the accord, Tehran would have the right to challenge U.N requests, and an arbitration board composed of Iran and the six world powers would then decide on the issue."

so there aren't 'no inspection zones'
thank you.

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