Why Do Republicans Think Trump Will Do Anything on Crime?

Bull shit. You expect local cops without jurisdiction accross city lines, to just let murderers “ go home” in another town. Local cops have no powers to arrest, investigate or provide evidence out side of their towns . That’s why we even have state law enforcement…..for fking state crimes.
No, numbnuts, he only expects them to control crime in their own cities and states, but they were busy defunding the police. When you defund the police, you don't have law enforcement, dumbfuck.
Resident Biden's hometown of Wilmington (AKA Murder Town USA,) happens to boast istelf as being safer than 1% of the sum of all American cities, with only a 1 in 67 chance of becoming a victim of a violent crime.



So...I suppose that now we all know why the rest of country is on fire. The old man just wants to feel at home...
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You want Trump to be the POTUS and do the job of hundreds of mayors too?
When it comes to federal laws and state crimes where perpetrators cross state lines or the crossing of state lines is involved in committing major offense, yes…
No, numbnuts, he only expects them to control crime in their own cities and states, but they were busy defunding the police. When you defund the police, you don't have law enforcement, dumbfuck.
Dumbass. You’re so stupid. The local police can’t even arrest a suspected criminal commiting * a state crime who mearly lives in snother town. You are a stupid numbnut. He has to actual,observe the offense to chase the perpetrator.
What a numb nut you are.
Dumbass. You’re so stupid. The local police can’t even arrest a suspected criminal commiting * a state crime who mearly lives in snother town. You are a stupid numbnut. He has to actual,observe the offense to chase the perpetrator.
What a numb nut you are.
Whose talking about arresting people in other towns? They don't arrest the criminals in that live in their town, dumb fuck. They can't because they weren't hired because the mayor defunded the police.
The state has jurisdiction for all state crimes. In our state and in most states, even arson REQUIRES that the state be notified ASAP. The state must then provide all their investigation and prosecution resources available to THE STATE JUDICIARY for prosecution.

Its absolutely stupid to think a local cop, prosecutor and judiciary is expected to investigate a crime like murder where the perpetrator needs only go across a city line to avoid arrest and prosecution. Geesus, a New York City detective isn’t going to investigate a state crime in upstate New York by himself without state involvement on notification. …that’s asinine. THE STATE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ENFORCING STATE CRIMES. Any indication that perpetrators of major state crimes cross state extradition is involved as a federal alternative.
Local jurisdictions enforce state laws. Also, county police departments are considered local.
Bull shit. You expect local cops without jurisdiction accross city lines, to just let murderers “ go home” in another town. Local cops have no powers to arrest, investigate or provide evidence out side of their towns . That’s why we even have state law enforcement…..for fking state crimes.
Geesus dufus, that’s why we gave STATE CRIMES.
I distinctly remember when Trump tried to stop crime across the nation by using the National Guard. Remind me again, who complained and stopped him from doing it? Ohhh, thats right, it was the democrat mayors of those violent cities who fought against all of Trumps efforts to stop the violence.

But its Trumps fault, right? :cuckoo:
Here’s what Trump said during his speech at the Republican nomination in 2016.

Our Convention occurs at a moment of crisis for our nation. The attacks on our police, and the terrorism in our cities, threaten our very way of life. Any politician who does not grasp this danger is not fit to lead our country.​

Americans watching this address tonight have seen the recent images of violence in our streets and the chaos in our communities. Many have witnessed this violence personally, some have even been its victims.​

I have a message for all of you: the crime and violence that today afflicts our nation will soon come to an end. Beginning on January 20th 2017, safety will be restored.​

But safety wasn’t restored. Crime soared under Trump.

Here are the murder rates.

If Trump said he would make the country safe again, why did he allow murders to skyrocket?

And why should Americans believe anything Trump says in 2024 about reducing crime when he failed so spectacularly when he was President?


Crime has become exponentially rampant in the last three years but you already knew that.
When it comes to federal laws and state crimes where perpetrators cross state lines or the crossing of state lines is involved in committing major offense, yes…
Your party protected all the rioters who crossed state lines to commit violence. We tried to put a stop to it, but your mayors refused our help and you guys called us racist fascists for trying to stop it. I can dig up a thousand threads of you guys defending the rioters.
Crime has become exponentially rampant in the last three years but you already knew that.

That was probably the entire logic behind installing the King of Murder Town into the top position in the country in the 2020 in the first place.

If you want a particular virus to spread, well, by golly, you go find someone with a proven track record in promoting and maintaining that particular virus.

Judging by the course of history over the period of the current administration, it seems like the endeavor is working out just as expected.

Just wait'll they follow up by anointing the Canadian raised communist Black Panther, the Ayatolla Kamala.

They don't have her in that position for nothing...

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That a Dem would dare start this thread demonstrates how delusional they are. The criminals are running amok with Dems enabling the crime spree and they start a thread daring to question what Trump would do about crime. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Does anyone in their right mind think democrats including Biden will do anything about crime? Trump comes out ahead in agenda (and sanity).

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