Why Do Republicans Think Trump Will Do Anything on Crime?

Dems have sided with the criminals hence anyone not a Dem would be assumed an improvement.
Obviously you’re making up shift. No party is more criminally inclined then repugs.

You want your “expert“ on crime to have 91 indictments, be twice impeached with several adjudicated civil fraud cases
, so bad he can no longer do any business in NY and who has added 7 trillion to the debt ?

You guys are batshit crazy.
Does anyone in their right mind think democrats including Biden will do anything about crime? Trump comes out ahead in agenda (and sanity).
Trump, literally sold out to his donors and let them rewrite the budget while increasing the debt by 7 trillion.
No, numbnuts, he only expects them to control crime in their own cities and states, but they were busy defunding the police. When you defund the police, you don't have law enforcement, dumbfuck.
Go ahead. Name one state that has defunded the police….name one.
25 cities, Faggotronius Maximus:

Gee, cities aren’t states bozo. Check you atlas if you are in doubt. Besides, rural areas are more crime ridden and red states are more crime ridden both with higher crime rates.
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Your party protected all the rioters who crossed state lines to commit violence. We tried to put a stop to it, but your mayors refused our help and you guys called us racist fascists for trying to stop it. I can dig up a thousand threads of you guys defending the rioters.
No evidence of that, just babble. Trump has 91 indictments and he is free to travel from state to state. You’re fine with that,I’m not. Trump can’t even buy a gun now. I’m fine with that, you are not. So who’s easier on crime, this liberal or you conservative.
25 cities, Faggotronius Maximus:

GOP lead cities are the worse.
Other GOP-led cities with higher murder rates than New York in 2021 include Jacksonville, Florida; Fresno, California; Omaha, Nebraska; Colorado Springs, Colorado and Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Dems have sided with the criminals hence anyone not a Dem would be assumed an improvement.
Really ?
Seems like Trump and you bozos lead in the worse crimes.
“Cumulatively, overall murder rates since 2000 were on average 23% higher in Trump-voting states. For the past 21 years, the top 10 murder rate states have been dominated by reliably red states, namely Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Missouri.”
Dems have sided with the criminals hence anyone not a Dem would be assumed an improvement.
Overall, death rates in general for all causes are higher in rural areas than in urban areas...
That’s includes heart disease, civic, cancer, SUICIDE, rural areas are DEATH TRAPS.
If democrats had their way, Hillary would be president and Bill would be partying with epstein in the white house today. And if you said they were a bunch of pedos, democrats here would defend them.
Bet your ass. But not with Epstein or Rudy either. And Hillary wouldn’t have 91 indictments, but a balanced budge. And she would be kicking putins ass instead of TRUMP WHO KISSES PUTUN’s ass.
Hillary had a higher approval rating among REPUBLICAN politicians than Trump ever had in working with them. Republicans in Congress in general hate Trumps fking guts more than democrats do

Let the partying return !
That was probably the entire logic behind installing the King of Murder Town into the top position in the country in the 2020 in the first place.

If you want a particular virus to spread, well, by golly, you go find someone with a proven track record in promoting and maintaining that particular virus.

Judging by the course of history over the period of the current administration, it seems like the endeavor is working out just as expected.

Just wait'll they follow up by anointing the Canadian raised communist Black Panther, the Ayatolla Kamala.

They don't have her in that position for nothing...

Rural areas still dominate crime and death rates !
Street crime is not fixed on Federal level.

It is a local issue.

That is why we have so much crime in Democrat controlled area. They are incompetent at dealing with crime. Not only incompetent but they don't want to put the Blacks and Browns that commit so much violent street crime in jail.
Here’s what Trump said during his speech at the Republican nomination in 2016.

Our Convention occurs at a moment of crisis for our nation. The attacks on our police, and the terrorism in our cities, threaten our very way of life. Any politician who does not grasp this danger is not fit to lead our country.​

Americans watching this address tonight have seen the recent images of violence in our streets and the chaos in our communities. Many have witnessed this violence personally, some have even been its victims.​

I have a message for all of you: the crime and violence that today afflicts our nation will soon come to an end. Beginning on January 20th 2017, safety will be restored.​

But safety wasn’t restored. Crime soared under Trump.

Here are the murder rates.

If Trump said he would make the country safe again, why did he allow murders to skyrocket?

And why should Americans believe anything Trump says in 2024 about reducing crime when he failed so spectacularly when he was President?


Why Do Republicans Think Trump Will Do Anything on Crime?​

You mean besides the ones he commits?
Street crime is not fixed on Federal level.

It is a local issue.

That is why we have so much crime in Democrat controlled area. They are incompetent at dealing with crime. Not only incompetent but they don't want to put the Blacks and Browns that commit so much violent street crime in jail.

Cities and urban areas are much safer than rural areas. That is an absolute racist post. Plus, Red rural states have more crime are less safe and have more sexual abuse than blue states

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Street crime is not fixed on Federal level.

It is a local issue.

That is why we have so much crime in Democrat controlled area. They are incompetent at dealing with crime. Not only incompetent but they don't want to put the Blacks and Browns that commit so much violent street crime in jail.
It’s a local issue ONLY if it’s not a state crime. Crimes like murder and arson are state crimes in most states and are referred to and persecuted by the state. You know NOTHING about law enforcement.

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