Why Do Republicans Think Trump Will Do Anything on Crime?

You make up shit, I had a referenced study. So you’re typically wrong.

You shithead Moon Bats always distort reality. That is one of the reasons we ridicule you silly turds so much.


Obviously you’re making up shift. No party is more criminally inclined then repugs.

You want your “expert“ on crime to have 91 indictments, be twice impeached with several adjudicated civil fraud cases
, so bad he can no longer do any business in NY and who has added 7 trillion to the debt ?

You guys are batshit crazy.
That's all the result of corrupt Democrats using lawfare against the man they fear.

It doesn't mean shit to anyone with a brain.
No evidence of that, just babble. Trump has 91 indictments and he is free to travel from state to state. You’re fine with that,I’m not. Trump can’t even buy a gun now. I’m fine with that, you are not. So who’s easier on crime, this liberal or you conservative.
This the kind of crap with political dominance pushed from propaganda and shills that gets a good percentage of the population killed or a nation living in tyranny. You will kill many.
Street crime is not fixed on Federal level.
Wtf does that mean ?
This the kind of crap with political dominance pushed from propaganda and shills that gets a good percentage of the population killed or a nation living in tyranny. You will kill many.
91 indictments
That's all the result of corrupt Democrats using lawfare against the man they fear.

It doesn't mean shit to anyone with a brain.
91 indictments.
It’s insulting to everyone’s intelligence to suggest Trump is going to lower crime and violence.
It’s insulting to everyone’s intelligence to suggest Trump is going to lower crime and violence.
Yup, he’s A fking advocate of criminal behavior. He never met a law he did t try to break.
Obviously you’re making up shift. No party is more criminally inclined then repugs.

You want your “expert“ on crime to have 91 indictments, be twice impeached with several adjudicated civil fraud cases
, so bad he can no longer do any business in NY and who has added 7 trillion to the debt ?

You guys are batshit crazy.
"Liberalism" literally means no rules.
Here’s what Trump said during his speech at the Republican nomination in 2016.

Our Convention occurs at a moment of crisis for our nation. The attacks on our police, and the terrorism in our cities, threaten our very way of life. Any politician who does not grasp this danger is not fit to lead our country.​

Americans watching this address tonight have seen the recent images of violence in our streets and the chaos in our communities. Many have witnessed this violence personally, some have even been its victims.​

I have a message for all of you: the crime and violence that today afflicts our nation will soon come to an end. Beginning on January 20th 2017, safety will be restored.​

But safety wasn’t restored. Crime soared under Trump.

Here are the murder rates.

If Trump said he would make the country safe again, why did he allow murders to skyrocket?

And why should Americans believe anything Trump says in 2024 about reducing crime when he failed so spectacularly when he was President?


What is a president supposed to do about crime?

Crimes are tried at state and local level and are generally enforced at state and local level.

What should a president do, other than encourage states and cities to be tough on crime? He cannot interfere with state, county or local justice departments. So what is a president supposed to do about crime?
What is a president supposed to do about crime?

Crimes are tried at state and local level and are generally enforced at state and local level.

What should a president do, other than encourage states and cities to be tough on crime? He cannot interfere with state, county or local justice departments. So what is a president supposed to do about crime?
The feds provide billions each year for grants for training and capital expenses for states who then distribute it to local law enforcement. . The FBI has a responsibility to help coordinate police forces throughout the nation.
”The President’s 2023 plan increases funding for the police, allocating more than $32 billion for fighting crime, with $20.6 billion going to the Department of Justice and $3.2 billion in discretionary resources for funding local and state law enforcement.”
You foolishly assume the nra hadn’t done its best to arm criminals. They pretty much can walk into any school now and shoot kids.
That's what you chinks are infamous for. That and trading children so you don't have to eat your own. Gotta love that chink communism.
Trump is a real beauty….what’s worse, his gut or his golf swing ?
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That's a doctored photo, you fucking moron. The only reason that the fake news can fool you so damn easily like that is because you're so fucking stupid.

That's one thing that all of you TDS afflicted morons have in common. You're so extremely suggestible that you believe anything the fake news media throws at you. Since suggestibility has been demonstrated to be inversely related to intelligence, what that means is that you're just plain stupid.

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