Why Do Republicans Think Trump Will Do Anything on Crime?

What is a president supposed to do about crime?

Crimes are tried at state and local level and are generally enforced at state and local level.

What should a president do, other than encourage states and cities to be tough on crime? He cannot interfere with state, county or local justice departments. So what is a president supposed to do about crime?

The feds provide billions each year for grants for training and capital expenses for states who then distribute it to local law enforcement

Ladies and gentlemen, what this shit-mouth idiot just said is, "Money." That's the democrats answer to everything. More spending. What an idiot. Not to mention the fact that the Feds trying to control states with money like the dope-man controls an addict is pretty much un-Constitutional. But this half-wit does not understand that. Fascists like Dagrossa have no use for the Constitution.

The FBI has a responsibility to help coordinate police forces throughout the nation.

No, it does not, you dimwit. Where's that responsibility enumerated in the Constitution? It is not.

Now take your shitstain ass back into your sewer, loser.
Ladies and gentlemen, what this shit-mouth idiot just said is, "Money." That's the democrats answer to everything. More spending. What an idiot. Not to mention the fact that the Feds trying to control states with money like the dope-man controls an addict is pretty much un-Constitutional. But this half-wit does not understand that. Fascists like Dagrossa have no use for the Constitution.

No, it does not, you dimwit. Where's that responsibility enumerated in the Constitution? It is not.

Now take your shitstain ass back into your sewer, loser.
You ignoramus. The constitution clearly spells out the responsibility of the Fed to insure domestic tranquility which includes funding and training for domestic law enforcement, mainly to your fking red states which are too poor to provide Andy of Mayberry the equipment he needs. Red states are notoriously high consumers of federal aid due to their impoverishment….being the idiot you are, and confirmed illiterate, you’re totally ignorant of these programs.m

Your idol Putin put you up to this shitty ass post.
That's a doctored photo, you fucking moron. The only reason that the fake news can fool you so damn easily like that is because you're so fucking stupid.

That's one thing that all of you TDS afflicted morons have in common. You're so extremely suggestible that you believe anything the fake news media throws at you. Since suggestibility has been demonstrated to be inversely related to intelligence, what that means is that you're just plain stupid.
You suffering from BDS after three years of HDS ? Now you have Hunter DS. Being so incompetent there’s nothing else you can post other then trype is there.
Ladies and gentlemen, what this shit-mouth idiot just said is, "Money." That's the democrats answer to everything. More spending. What an idiot. Not to mention the fact that the Feds trying to control states with money like the dope-man controls an addict is pretty much un-Constitutional. But this half-wit does not understand that. Fascists like Dagrossa have no use for the Constitution.

No, it does not, you dimwit. Where's that responsibility enumerated in the Constitution? It is not.

Now take your shitstain ass back into your sewer, loser.
How would you know ? You can’t read.
Here’s what Trump said during his speech at the Republican nomination in 2016.

Our Convention occurs at a moment of crisis for our nation. The attacks on our police, and the terrorism in our cities, threaten our very way of life. Any politician who does not grasp this danger is not fit to lead our country.​

Americans watching this address tonight have seen the recent images of violence in our streets and the chaos in our communities. Many have witnessed this violence personally, some have even been its victims.​

I have a message for all of you: the crime and violence that today afflicts our nation will soon come to an end. Beginning on January 20th 2017, safety will be restored.​

But safety wasn’t restored. Crime soared under Trump.

Here are the murder rates.

If Trump said he would make the country safe again, why did he allow murders to skyrocket?

And why should Americans believe anything Trump says in 2024 about reducing crime when he failed so spectacularly when he was President?

It's not that repugs will do something, it more like anything is better than nothing. It was democrats that defund police departments and during Trump we had no near the crime we are having now with criminals stealing with no fear of the law, another Leftist libtards endeavor against all morals and basic reason.
It's not that repugs will do something, it more like anything is better than nothing. It was democrats that defund police departments and during Trump we had no near the crime we are having now with criminals stealing with no fear of the law, another Leftist libtards endeavor against all morals and basic reason.
You on this made up shit about defunding police ? Hilarious.,
The President can't really do anything about crime as that is a state government issue

And why should Americans believe anything Trump says in 2024 about reducing crime when he failed so spectacularly when he was President?

By "do something" about crime am I correct to presume you mean BESIDE committing more crimes?
It's not that repugs will do something, it more like anything is better than nothing. It was democrats that defund police departments and during Trump we had no near the crime we are having now with criminals stealing with no fear of the law, another Leftist libtards endeavor against all morals and basic reason.
Trump and his admin were committing all the crimes…..hundreds. Now he faces 91 indictments and four trials. Tell us again how hard Trump is on crime.
You on this made up shit about defunding police ? Hilarious.,

Skip to 2:07 you lying sack of shyte.


Sign On to Support Defunding the Police​

Most major cities in America are channeling huge war-chests of money into police departments – but a rising tide of people are demanding concrete, bold solutions that can save lives.
The message is simple: Defund police. Invest in community services instead.
If you agree, add your name to join Alexandria and our movement in demanding that cities everywhere defund police and invest in community services.


Rep. Ilhan Omar Backs Ballot Initiative to Abolish Minneapolis Police & Create New Public Safety Department​

You're just another lying assed Prog.
That’s bullshit. Trump is anti law enforcement.
Guess who wants to cut back on police…..the GOP
Skip to 2:07 you lying sack of shyte.


Sign On to Support Defunding the Police​

Most major cities in America are channeling huge war-chests of money into police departments – but a rising tide of people are demanding concrete, bold solutions that can save lives.
The message is simple: Defund police. Invest in community services instead.
If you agree, add your name to join Alexandria and our movement in demanding that cities everywhere defund police and invest in community services.


Rep. Ilhan Omar Backs Ballot Initiative to Abolish Minneapolis Police & Create New Public Safety Department​

You're just another lying assed Prog.

IDIOT. That’s nothing compared to what republicans want to defund. .

Bullshit. It’s the house republicans cutting the FBI and the DOJ. It’s the DOJ and FBI that helps fund through grants, all of the nations police forces….They want to cut BILLIONS from the police forces EVERYWHERE.
How so, cupcake?
We have Trump with 91 indictments……….We have the proud boys going to jail. We have a record breaking numbers Trump admins indicted.
How about Meadows and Trump lawyers. They are all guilty of crimes.
Guess who wants to cut back on police…..the GOP

IDIOT. That’s nothing compared to what republicans want to defund. .

Bullshit. It’s the house republicans cutting the FBI and the DOJ. It’s the DOJ and FBI that helps fund through grants, all of the nations police forces….They want to cut BILLIONS from the police forces EVERYWHERE.
Why should the DOJ and FBI have anything to do with local law enforcement funding? :cuckoo:

When did that even start happening? It surely didn't used to.
We have Trump with 91 indictments……….We have the proud boys going to jail. We have a record breaking numbers Trump admins indicted.
How about Meadows and Trump lawyers. They are all guilty of crimes.

What "we" have is a politicized and corrupt judiciary in places. That's bad.

I know you may not think so, but it is.

There's not much more to say.

What "we" have is a politicized and corrupt judiciary in places. That's bad.

I know you may not think so, but it is.

There's not much more to say.
Trump is corrupt ? Agree. 91 indictments. How many did Hillary get ?

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