Why do RWs spend so much energy on demonizing democrats yet make no effort to defend republicans?

The value of Liberty isn't in question. You giving a weak ass answer as "ensure Liberty" as the sole reason to vote republican without at all elaborating is what's funny.
How do I need to "elaborate"? You don't understand legislation that protects liberty? Or are just unaware of the legislation? Let me know which one it is for you and I will fill in the blanks.
It was? Prove it.
Because you are WRONG
Did 80% of Federal Stimulus Funds Go To Public Unions? - Media Trackers
The Recovery Act Saved Public-Sector Jobs, But Can Governments Retain Them?
all three articles state most of the stimulus money went to preserve public sector jobs. With the lion's share going those represented by public worker unions.
Billy, every thread you create you get your ass handed to you on the facts.
If you were a race horse this would be you. The horse that lost 100 races, but won a family’s heart | New York Post
Lol what a crock of shit. You posted an article citing Rush Limbaugh who cited a republican. How about you find a non partisan source and show what it was spent on?

Billy there was no shovel ready jobs, again just temporary cosmetic jobs.

Obama: "No Such Thing as Shovel-Ready Projects" - CBS News

With unemployment hovering near 10 percent nearly two years after President Obama signed his economic stimulus package, Mr. Obama is acknowledging that, despite his campaign promises, "there's no such thing as shovel-ready projects"

According the CBO, the stimulus created 3 million private jobs.

Obama's Stimulus, Five Years Later

The federal government poured billions into the government and education sectors, where unemployment was low, but spent only about 10% on promised infrastructure, though the unemployment rate in construction was running in double digits. And some of the individual projects funded by the law were truly appalling. $783,000 was spent on a study of why young people consume malt liquor and marijuana. $92,000 went to the Army Corps of Engineers for costumes for mascots like Bobber the Water Safety Dog. $219,000 funded a study of college "hookups."
In aggregate, the spending helped drive federal outlays from less than $3 trillion in 2008 to $3.5 trillion in 2009, where federal spending has roughly remained ever since..
Obama’s Stimulus Generated Up to 3.3 Million Jobs, CBO Says

End of story.

100% unconstitutional. End of story. In fact, if we had people in Washington with the slightest bit of integrity, Obama would have been impeached and brought up on charges for this. End of story.
Lol what a crock of shit. You posted an article citing Rush Limbaugh who cited a republican. How about you find a non partisan source and show what it was spent on?

This was directly from Senator Tom Coburn's (OK) website. Every year he tracked and published reports on government spending. He made a special one just for the Obama "stimulus package":

1. Forest Service to Replace Windows in Visitor Center Closed in 2007 (Amboy, WA) - $554,763
Despite having no plans to reopen a shuttered visitor center at Mount St. Helens in Washington State, the U.S. Forest Service is spending more than $554,000 to replace its windows.

2. “Dance Draw” - Interactive Dance Software Development (Charlotte, NC) - $762,372
The University of North Carolina at Charlotte received more than $760,000 in stimulus funds to help develop a computerized choreography program that its creators believe could lead to a YouTube-like “Dance Tube” online application.

3. North Shore Connector to Professional Sports Stadiums, Casino (Pittsburgh, PA) - $62 million
ederal money has covered the vast majority of costs, with the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) agreeing to provide $348 million—nearly the full original cost—leaving state and local governments responsible for a small fraction.30 Even with that level of assistance, the Port Authority still threatened to shut down the project due to the enormous cost overruns. With an infusion of more than $62 million in stimulus money, the project was taken off life support.

4. FEMA Stalls Two Fire Stations More Than a Year, Increases Costs (San Antonio, TX) - $7.3 million
The City of San Antonio is hoping that there aren’t any fires for at least a year in the vicinity of two planned fire stations, thanks to “help” from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

5. Abandoned Train Station Converted Into Museum (Glassboro, NJ) - $1.2 million
Taxpayers may not be happy to learn that they are paying for one broken down train station twice. The Glassboro train station was built in 1860 and closed in 1971. Unused for nearly 40 years, it now sits boarded up and riddled with graffiti.

6. Ants Talk. Taxpayers Listen (San Francisco, CA) - $1.9 million
The California Academy of Sciences is receiving nearly $2 million to send researchers to the Southwest Indian Ocean Islands and east Africa, to capture, photograph, and analyze thousands of exotic ants.

7. Stimulus Project Threatens Pastor’s House (Newark, OH) - $1.8 million
An Ohio road project received $1.8 million in stimulus funds,56 despite the threat it poses to the residents of over two dozen homes next to it. Pastor Greg Sheets of Newark, Ohio’s Truth Tabernacle 57 has already lost his front yard to the project, and could lose his entire home.

8. Old Abandoned Iron Furnace Gets Facelift after Money Squandered on Same Project Years Before (Fitchburg, KY) – $357,710
Once considered ahead of its time, the Fitchburg Furnace in Kentucky was abandoned after just five years in service—it then sat unused for nearly 140 more. Now it is getting a $357,710 makeover to repair stonework on the old structure and allow historians to conduct research.

9. Power Plant Construction Won’t Start for at Least Two Years (Kern County, CA) - $308 million
BP may have found itself staring down huge financial losses over the past several months, but executives can take solace knowing that a stimulus windfall will help offset them. On September 28, 2009, Hydrogen Energy California, LLC (HECA), owned largely by BP, was awarded $308 million86 in stimulus funds to “generate more environmentally friendly electricity by capturing carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels.”

10. Town Replaces New Sidewalks With Newer Sidewalks That Lead to Ditch (Boynton, OK) - $89,298
People around Boynton, Oklahoma were left scratching their heads after the town was awarded nearly $90,00096 to replace a quarter-mile stretch of sidewalk that was replaced only five years ago. Another resident, Mike Lance, noted that “the best indication of the absurdity of the project is what the contractor did with a section of sidewalk at the north end of town – one that fronts no homes or businesses, and leads directly into a ditch.”

It goes up to 100 Billy000. Let me know if you want me to post the rest.

Lol poor Billy, it must suck knowing the truth

Lol what a crock of shit. You posted an article citing Rush Limbaugh who cited a republican. How about you find a non partisan source and show what it was spent on?

This was directly from Senator Tom Coburn's (OK) website. Every year he tracked and published reports on government spending. He made a special one just for the Obama "stimulus package":

1. Forest Service to Replace Windows in Visitor Center Closed in 2007 (Amboy, WA) - $554,763
Despite having no plans to reopen a shuttered visitor center at Mount St. Helens in Washington State, the U.S. Forest Service is spending more than $554,000 to replace its windows.

2. “Dance Draw” - Interactive Dance Software Development (Charlotte, NC) - $762,372
The University of North Carolina at Charlotte received more than $760,000 in stimulus funds to help develop a computerized choreography program that its creators believe could lead to a YouTube-like “Dance Tube” online application.

3. North Shore Connector to Professional Sports Stadiums, Casino (Pittsburgh, PA) - $62 million
ederal money has covered the vast majority of costs, with the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) agreeing to provide $348 million—nearly the full original cost—leaving state and local governments responsible for a small fraction.30 Even with that level of assistance, the Port Authority still threatened to shut down the project due to the enormous cost overruns. With an infusion of more than $62 million in stimulus money, the project was taken off life support.

4. FEMA Stalls Two Fire Stations More Than a Year, Increases Costs (San Antonio, TX) - $7.3 million
The City of San Antonio is hoping that there aren’t any fires for at least a year in the vicinity of two planned fire stations, thanks to “help” from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

5. Abandoned Train Station Converted Into Museum (Glassboro, NJ) - $1.2 million
Taxpayers may not be happy to learn that they are paying for one broken down train station twice. The Glassboro train station was built in 1860 and closed in 1971. Unused for nearly 40 years, it now sits boarded up and riddled with graffiti.

6. Ants Talk. Taxpayers Listen (San Francisco, CA) - $1.9 million
The California Academy of Sciences is receiving nearly $2 million to send researchers to the Southwest Indian Ocean Islands and east Africa, to capture, photograph, and analyze thousands of exotic ants.

7. Stimulus Project Threatens Pastor’s House (Newark, OH) - $1.8 million
An Ohio road project received $1.8 million in stimulus funds,56 despite the threat it poses to the residents of over two dozen homes next to it. Pastor Greg Sheets of Newark, Ohio’s Truth Tabernacle 57 has already lost his front yard to the project, and could lose his entire home.

8. Old Abandoned Iron Furnace Gets Facelift after Money Squandered on Same Project Years Before (Fitchburg, KY) – $357,710
Once considered ahead of its time, the Fitchburg Furnace in Kentucky was abandoned after just five years in service—it then sat unused for nearly 140 more. Now it is getting a $357,710 makeover to repair stonework on the old structure and allow historians to conduct research.

9. Power Plant Construction Won’t Start for at Least Two Years (Kern County, CA) - $308 million
BP may have found itself staring down huge financial losses over the past several months, but executives can take solace knowing that a stimulus windfall will help offset them. On September 28, 2009, Hydrogen Energy California, LLC (HECA), owned largely by BP, was awarded $308 million86 in stimulus funds to “generate more environmentally friendly electricity by capturing carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels.”

10. Town Replaces New Sidewalks With Newer Sidewalks That Lead to Ditch (Boynton, OK) - $89,298
People around Boynton, Oklahoma were left scratching their heads after the town was awarded nearly $90,00096 to replace a quarter-mile stretch of sidewalk that was replaced only five years ago. Another resident, Mike Lance, noted that “the best indication of the absurdity of the project is what the contractor did with a section of sidewalk at the north end of town – one that fronts no homes or businesses, and leads directly into a ditch.”

It goes up to 100 Billy000. Let me know if you want me to post the rest.

Lol poor Billy, it must suck knowing the truth.

The reality is, the left just never wants to know the truth. That's why this reality has held up for generations:

Is it because they secretly know that republicans in office are useless and do not give a shit about them but are too immature to admit it?

I mean sure they support certain candidates for some bizarre reason, but it doesn't take much scrutiny to realize republicans in office do not do jack shit for the middle class and poor. That's why as a party, RWs make no effort in their defense for voting for them. They know there's no justification for it. It's just easier to shit all over the democrats. In the end you have to wonder why RWs even vote at all.

You are partially correct Billy000, at least as far as this RW is concerned. I don't defend GOPers because I think they are horribly ineffective in advancing the conservative agenda. I am disgusted by the whole lot of the incumbents, from the leadership on down.

However you will have to explain to me why under Obama the wealth gap has exploded. The middle class has gotten smaller under this guy, the rich have gotten much richer. Yet it is the evil Republicans that don't care about the middle class? I am scratching my head.
The value of Liberty isn't in question. You giving a weak ass answer as "ensure Liberty" as the sole reason to vote republican without at all elaborating is what's funny.
How do I need to "elaborate"? You don't understand legislation that protects liberty? Or are just unaware of the legislation? Let me know which one it is for you and I will fill in the blanks.
Right. The fight against gay rights such as marriage screams freedom! How do you explain the Patriot Act?
Is it because they secretly know that republicans in office are useless and do not give a shit about them but are too immature to admit it?

I mean sure they support certain candidates for some bizarre reason, but it doesn't take much scrutiny to realize republicans in office do not do jack shit for the middle class and poor. That's why as a party, RWs make no effort in their defense for voting for them. They know there's no justification for it. It's just easier to shit all over the democrats. In the end you have to wonder why RWs even vote at all.

You are partially correct Billy000, at least as far as this RW is concerned. I don't defend GOPers because I think they are horribly ineffective in advancing the conservative agenda. I am disgusted by the whole lot of the incumbents, from the leadership on down.

However you will have to explain to me why under Obama the wealth gap has exploded. The middle class has gotten smaller under this guy, the rich have gotten much richer. Yet it is the evil Republicans that don't care about the middle class? I am scratching my head.
Tell me, what specifically should Obama have done to close the wealth gap?
And yet you can't dispute it. All you can do is proclaim it "bullshit" and then run away.
I don't need to dispute it lol. You're the one that can't give specific policy reasons why anyone should vote republican

There is no reason. Just like there's no reason to vote for Democrats. The two parties are taxing and spending us into the ground
Well there is a reason for 000. They don't pay taxes and in exchange for trading in their freedom (that other people fought and died for), they get the pitiful government table scraps that they desire. Tragic.

I don't know what that means
You said "there is no reason". I was just saying that there is a reason in the minds of people like Billy000.

Ah, I didn't get the "000"
The value of Liberty isn't in question. You giving a weak ass answer as "ensure Liberty" as the sole reason to vote republican without at all elaborating is what's funny.
How do I need to "elaborate"? You don't understand legislation that protects liberty? Or are just unaware of the legislation? Let me know which one it is for you and I will fill in the blanks.
Right. The fight against gay rights such as marriage screams freedom! How do you explain the Patriot Act?

There is no "right" to government marriage, the only right you have is to be left alone. You have no right to demand anything from other people. Positive rights are an oxymoron. You're just a plain moron
The value of Liberty isn't in question. You giving a weak ass answer as "ensure Liberty" as the sole reason to vote republican without at all elaborating is what's funny.
How do I need to "elaborate"? You don't understand legislation that protects liberty? Or are just unaware of the legislation? Let me know which one it is for you and I will fill in the blanks.
Right. The fight against gay rights such as marriage screams freedom! How do you explain the Patriot Act?

There is no "right" to government marriage, the only right you have is to be left alone. You have no right to demand anything from other people. Positive rights are an oxymoron. You're just a plain moron
So...the government has no place sanctioning heterosexual marriage then?
The value of Liberty isn't in question. You giving a weak ass answer as "ensure Liberty" as the sole reason to vote republican without at all elaborating is what's funny.
How do I need to "elaborate"? You don't understand legislation that protects liberty? Or are just unaware of the legislation? Let me know which one it is for you and I will fill in the blanks.
Right. The fight against gay rights such as marriage screams freedom! How do you explain the Patriot Act?

There is no "right" to government marriage, the only right you have is to be left alone. You have no right to demand anything from other people. Positive rights are an oxymoron. You're just a plain moron
So...the government has no place sanctioning heterosexual marriage then?

Equivocation. You don't know what "right" means.

But no, I don't support any government marriage. Regardless of whether we have it though it's not a "right"
The value of Liberty isn't in question. You giving a weak ass answer as "ensure Liberty" as the sole reason to vote republican without at all elaborating is what's funny.
How do I need to "elaborate"? You don't understand legislation that protects liberty? Or are just unaware of the legislation? Let me know which one it is for you and I will fill in the blanks.
Right. The fight against gay rights such as marriage screams freedom! How do you explain the Patriot Act?

There is no "right" to government marriage, the only right you have is to be left alone. You have no right to demand anything from other people. Positive rights are an oxymoron. You're just a plain moron
So...the government has no place sanctioning heterosexual marriage then?

Equivocation. You don't know what "right" means.

But no, I don't support any government marriage. Regardless of whether we have it though it's not a "right"
So marriage to you is...what?
How do I need to "elaborate"? You don't understand legislation that protects liberty? Or are just unaware of the legislation? Let me know which one it is for you and I will fill in the blanks.
Right. The fight against gay rights such as marriage screams freedom! How do you explain the Patriot Act?

There is no "right" to government marriage, the only right you have is to be left alone. You have no right to demand anything from other people. Positive rights are an oxymoron. You're just a plain moron
So...the government has no place sanctioning heterosexual marriage then?

Equivocation. You don't know what "right" means.

But no, I don't support any government marriage. Regardless of whether we have it though it's not a "right"
So marriage to you is...what?

A private function. Government should treat all it's citizens the same. There should be no perks for citizens pairing up. There is nothing marriage does that couldn't be accomplished with better laws and private contracts
The value of Liberty isn't in question. You giving a weak ass answer as "ensure Liberty" as the sole reason to vote republican without at all elaborating is what's funny.
How do I need to "elaborate"? You don't understand legislation that protects liberty? Or are just unaware of the legislation? Let me know which one it is for you and I will fill in the blanks.
Right. The fight against gay rights such as marriage screams freedom! How do you explain the Patriot Act?
I don't defend the Patriot Act at all. It was yet another liberty destroying policy by yet another liberal. You seem to think there are no liberals in the Republican party when in fact the overwhelming majority of the party is made up of liberals.

Also, there is no fight against "gay rights". At all. Every homosexual is allowed to carry a gun, vote, practice their own religion, etc.
The value of Liberty isn't in question. You giving a weak ass answer as "ensure Liberty" as the sole reason to vote republican without at all elaborating is what's funny.
How do I need to "elaborate"? You don't understand legislation that protects liberty? Or are just unaware of the legislation? Let me know which one it is for you and I will fill in the blanks.
Right. The fight against gay rights such as marriage screams freedom! How do you explain the Patriot Act?

There is no "right" to government marriage, the only right you have is to be left alone. You have no right to demand anything from other people. Positive rights are an oxymoron. You're just a plain moron
So...the government has no place sanctioning heterosexual marriage then?
Well....the federal government. The people of each state get to decide whether or not they want to recognize gay marriage. Sorry...it's just a fact. The U.S. Constitution says so.
The value of Liberty isn't in question. You giving a weak ass answer as "ensure Liberty" as the sole reason to vote republican without at all elaborating is what's funny.
How do I need to "elaborate"? You don't understand legislation that protects liberty? Or are just unaware of the legislation? Let me know which one it is for you and I will fill in the blanks.
Right. The fight against gay rights such as marriage screams freedom! How do you explain the Patriot Act?
I don't defend the Patriot Act at all. It was yet another liberty destroying policy by yet another liberal. You seem to think there are no liberals in the Republican party when in fact the overwhelming majority of the party is made up of liberals.

Also, there is no fight against "gay rights". At all. Every homosexual is allowed to carry a gun, vote, practice their own religion, etc.

Exactly. What Billy Zero wants is to provide gays with extra money to tell them that they're gay and it's OK
Is it because they secretly know that republicans in office are useless and do not give a shit about them but are too immature to admit it?

I mean sure they support certain candidates for some bizarre reason, but it doesn't take much scrutiny to realize republicans in office do not do jack shit for the middle class and poor. That's why as a party, RWs make no effort in their defense for voting for them. They know there's no justification for it. It's just easier to shit all over the democrats. In the end you have to wonder why RWs even vote at all.

You are partially correct Billy000, at least as far as this RW is concerned. I don't defend GOPers because I think they are horribly ineffective in advancing the conservative agenda. I am disgusted by the whole lot of the incumbents, from the leadership on down.

However you will have to explain to me why under Obama the wealth gap has exploded. The middle class has gotten smaller under this guy, the rich have gotten much richer. Yet it is the evil Republicans that don't care about the middle class? I am scratching my head.
Tell me, what specifically should Obama have done to close the wealth gap?
Get the federal government the hell out of the free market, stop destroying businesses with taxes and regulations, and force the executive branch to strictly adhere to the 18 enumerated powers delegated to the federal government by the states.
The value of Liberty isn't in question. You giving a weak ass answer as "ensure Liberty" as the sole reason to vote republican without at all elaborating is what's funny.
How do I need to "elaborate"? You don't understand legislation that protects liberty? Or are just unaware of the legislation? Let me know which one it is for you and I will fill in the blanks.
Right. The fight against gay rights such as marriage screams freedom! How do you explain the Patriot Act?

There is no "right" to government marriage, the only right you have is to be left alone. You have no right to demand anything from other people. Positive rights are an oxymoron. You're just a plain moron
So...the government has no place sanctioning heterosexual marriage then?
Well....the federal government. The people of each state get to decide whether or not they want to recognize gay marriage. Sorry...it's just a fact. The U.S. Constitution says so.

To billy when the Constitution can be contrived and word parsed to justify what he says it's a sledge hammer, when it can't it's toilet paper
How do I need to "elaborate"? You don't understand legislation that protects liberty? Or are just unaware of the legislation? Let me know which one it is for you and I will fill in the blanks.
Right. The fight against gay rights such as marriage screams freedom! How do you explain the Patriot Act?

There is no "right" to government marriage, the only right you have is to be left alone. You have no right to demand anything from other people. Positive rights are an oxymoron. You're just a plain moron
So...the government has no place sanctioning heterosexual marriage then?
Well....the federal government. The people of each state get to decide whether or not they want to recognize gay marriage. Sorry...it's just a fact. The U.S. Constitution says so.

To billy when the Constitution can be contrived and word parsed to justify what he says it's a sledge hammer, when it can't it's toilet paper
It's a damn shame. Absolutely criminal. And liberals don't even realize that they are laying the foundation for their own destruction. Even hard-core liberal Alan Dershowitz acknowledged as much:

“Foolish liberals who are trying to read the Second Amendment out of the Constitution by claiming it's not an individual right or that it's too much of a public safety hazard, don't see the danger in the big picture. They're courting disaster by encouraging others to use the same means to eliminate portions of the Constitution they don't like.”

Alan M. Dershowitz
Right. The fight against gay rights such as marriage screams freedom! How do you explain the Patriot Act?

There is no "right" to government marriage, the only right you have is to be left alone. You have no right to demand anything from other people. Positive rights are an oxymoron. You're just a plain moron
So...the government has no place sanctioning heterosexual marriage then?

Equivocation. You don't know what "right" means.

But no, I don't support any government marriage. Regardless of whether we have it though it's not a "right"
So marriage to you is...what?

A private function. Government should treat all it's citizens the same. There should be no perks for citizens pairing up. There is nothing marriage does that couldn't be accomplished with better laws and private contracts
I'm sorry better laws? Lol what?

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