Why Do So Many White Americans Practically Hate Malcolm X?

Why is every thread you start,
centered on race, hatred and white america?

There is no way, you do not,
recognize your own hatred and prejudices....
not possible, you are too intelligent

Why are you crying about this only when blacks start threads? OBTW this is the race and racism section. That might be why threads are centered on race. Now stop crying and if you see a person starting a thread about race in the sports section then complain.
Why are you crying about this only when blacks start threads? OBTW this is the race and racism section. That might be why threads are centered on race. Now stop crying and if you see a person starting a thread about race in the sports section then complain.
If I wanted to hear from an asshole, I'd fart.

You listen to yourself all the time.

This is the race and racism section. Whites are a race. Whites will get talked about.

Stop :CryingCow: And :bigboy:
You listen to yourself all the time.
I've had snappier comebacks from a bowl of Rice Krispies.
This is the race and racism section. Whites are a race. Whites will get talked about.

Stop :CryingCow: And :bigboy:
Obviously, you're under the impression,
that acting like a dick will make yours bigger

I'm not crying, you're whining like a little bitch,
over a question I posted to another poster.

I go through the threads on the Active Topics page...
I don't give a fuck what section/category it falls under

Your dick belongs in your pants, not your personality

I'm not the one crying. I'm telling you we are in he race and racism section and you are crying. You are whining about someone posting about race in this section and it's only because he's talking about whites.

Stop :CryingCow: And :bigboy:
I'm not the one crying.
Bitch, please...you are the one crying.
I'm telling you we are in he race and racism section and you are crying.
And, I'm telling you, you have me confused with,
someone who gives a fuck
You are whining about someone posting about race in this section and it's only because he's talking about whites.
You are whining about a question I asked MarcALT
on a thread I followed from the Active Topics page,
and it's only because you have me confused with,
someone who values your opinion and cares what you think.

Do us both a favor...

The next time you have a problem with me,
kindly write it on a piece of paper,
put it in an envelope, fold it up, and put it in your ass.
I’m commenting on the opportunity lost by every generation of Black crybabies.
Get an education.

I got one. Maybe you need one.
Display it...just once.
You first. I havent seen yours even once.
Oo! IM2 thinks you’re a winner.
Practically everyone else knows you’re an asshole.
You might start by actually basing your posts on history.
You place a lot of importance on what other people think of you. You should really see someone about your insecurity complex.
I see...stressing education is an indication that I’m obsessed with what people think of me.
You really are an idiot.
I’m commenting on the opportunity lost by every generation of Black crybabies.
Get an education.

I got one. Maybe you need one.
Display it...just once.
You first. I havent seen yours even once.
Oo! IM2 thinks you’re a winner.
Practically everyone else knows you’re an asshole.
You might start by actually basing your posts on history.

He does. And I give him the victory sign every time he kicks your dumb ass in response to your stupidity.
I understand that stressing education is a no-no amongst the brothers.
What is it that he did that brings out the hatred of white people so?

He didn't kill anyone, he didn't steal from anyone, he didn't commit any crimes, in his life that he's known for as a Minister and thought-leader of his time.

All he did was speak the raw, unadulterated and unfiltered truth about the state of affairs in this country.

I suppose that's why so many whites couldn't stand him.

The truth shouldn't be an offense.
Not all white people.
Remember there are a lot of white people Republicans hate.
In fact they hate gays the most.
Even more than blacks and Muslims or Hispanics.
I was just doing some reading on Malcolm X, and it appears that toward the very end of his life, he had a change of mind and heart… Which is good. As I said earlier on the thread, I have nothing against the man, I just disagree with his approach. But evidently he himself realized he had the wrong approach. His involvement with the Nation of Islam definitely put him on the wrong path...so good thing he had the wisdom to leave them.

Now that I know more about his childhood and life experiences, it's understandable that he had the mindset and views he did. I know that most here will disagree with this, and I'm sure a few will mock me for saying it… but as I was reading about him, I was thinking to myself… he definitely needed Jesus. It's sad that he was killed, because apparently his views were slowly but continually evolving (in the right direction)... so who knows what could have happened if he wasn't killed.
What do you have to say about the bigoted, racist and generally anti-black climate, at the time, that Malcolm X was born into in this country?
Why is every thread you start,
centered on race, hatred and white america?

There is no way, you do not,
recognize your own hatred and prejudices....
not possible, you are too intelligent
This is a lie from the pits of hell.

And it's provable.
Sorry to break it to you, Marc...but most whites don't know anything about MalcomX and don't care...
AND therein lies your PROBLEM for all to see,NO wonder Americans are ridiculed worldwide...I DISLIKE YOUR NAME "IMPURETRASH"....NO ONE IS TRASH GITIT

One of the perks of being an American is we don't have to care what the rest of the world thinks.
different people have different interests-------BASEBALL is the USA top sport and
I cannot name the latest baseball "stars"---------SO????
A lot of rightwingers misquote Brother Minister Malcolm X.

This is where they get a lot of it from...


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