Why do some people get stimulus checks while others only pay for it?

Couldn't you make the point this is worse than Welfare? How about socialism by leveling the playing fields affecting the poor and middle class only? That is unless you're dumb enough to believe the very wealthy pay for something. They sure as fuck don't, only the middle class and poor do. Consider this:

Person A earned 30K in 2018. They rec'd a big raise in 2019, and earned 50K. What an improvement and the future looks bright, and they're also eligible for a COVID entitlement just cuz.

Person B earned 70K in 2019, so they're not eligible for a COVID entitlement.

Person C earns more on unemployment than they did working, and received $3K more income for the year 2019. Eligible for a COVID entitlement.

Person D
only likes to work part-time @ $50 an hour. Eligible for a COVID entitlement.

All will pay principle & interest & more (e.g., inflation & higher taxes) for "entitlements" of which only three receive benefit.

Also, which of those four scenarios deserves a COVID entitlement and why?
Because both parties have been trying to destroy the Middle Class for some time now.

Marx said it was necessary.

I agree that Marx said destruction of Middle Class was necessary. Many Socialist models subscribe to the same notion. But, if, as you say, BOTH parties are trying to destroy the Middle Class, I would say Democrat policies do so on a comparatively larger scale. Under Democrat tax plans, the Middle Class keeps LESS of its paycheck; paying more in taxes despite Democrat promises that Middle Class earners won't pay more in taxes. Look at Obama-Biden promise of 2008 that anyone making less than $250,000, would not pay more in taxes? Didn't happen. Contrast that with the Trump tax reform that yielded an outcome of Middle Class keeping more of its paycheck. How about healthcare policies of Democrats? The Middle Class pays more. Energy policies? Democrats' push for elimination of fossil fuels in the absence of viable alternatives to at least sustain the economy of fossil fuels results in the Middle Class paying more in gasoline prices. Egregious regulation and taxes aimed at Small Business definitely hurts the Middle Class as nearly most small business owners and all small business employees are Middle Class.

Comparatively, how is the Republican Party hurting the Middle Class?
The GOP has done virtually nothing other than complain as the US has turned into a Left wing utopia. Put one man in there who actually tries to do something, like build a few feet to the border wall or appoint people to the bench who don't do acid while studying Marx philosophy in their spare time, and you would have thought the world was coming to an end.
Your interpretation of the truth is a joke, as Some Republican judges do the dirty also and have been caught with drugs and alcohol drunkenness. The wall is a questionable expense, at best.
Then it's going to be left to the States where it belongs
The checks go directly to the individual not to the states

Felons serving time do not have any income to file taxes over. While I agree that felons serving time should not be qualified, I doubt too many will be authorized any checks due to them not having paid any taxes last year. I don't think it's a huge deal. But I am still waiting to see that part of the proposal that was presented that was not agreed on. I am sure that it would be listed on the gov site.
The why is because government has abandoned productivity from personal responsibility and wants to virtue signal how caring and sharing “we” are by taking money from people who have achieved and earned it and giving it to people who make little or no effort.
It’s another feelings over fact libbie thing .
Incarcerated Felons don't have rights and don't file taxes.
all they need is an SSN and felons can get that

Generally, you’re eligible to claim the recovery rebate credit if, in 2020, you:

  • Were a U.S. citizen or U.S. resident alien;
  • Can’t be claimed as a dependent on another person’s tax return; and
  • Have a Social Security number valid for employment that’s issued before the due date of your 2020 tax return (including extensions)

Let's go one step further. The checks under Rump were modified so that Felons serving MIGHT be able to receive those checks. Let's hope that Biden doesn't do the same. Here is the law on SSI and Disability for incarcerated Prisoners. Also see
Scholl v. Mnuchin

What Prisoners Need To Know

Rarely will Incarcerated Prisoners be able to receive SSI or Disability payment during the time of their incarceration.

In March 2020, the U.S. Congress passed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (“CARES Act”). The Act provides a stimulus tax credit for eligible people, andinstructs the IRS to issue stimulus checksto eligible individuals as soonas possible.However, the IRS took the position that incarceratedpeopleare not eligible for stimulus payments. On September 24, 2020, a federal court ruled that the IRS’s position was likely unlawful. The case is Scholl v. Mnuchin, No. 4:20-cv-5309-PJH (N.D. Cal.). The court ordered the IRS to stop denying payments to people solely because they are incarceratedand to make payments to people who were previously denied because they were incarcerated.Be aware that this rulingmay bestayed or reversed on appeal, or that Congress could act to exclude incarcerated people from receiving stimuluspayments

This dealt with the 1200 and the 600 dollar checks. The rules are still being made for this next one. The IRS may, once again attempt to block some Prisoners from receiving it. But you would have to have had income (other than making license plates) for the 2020 year to qualify. Yah, I know, the Legal Beagles are having a ball on this one.

Scholl v. Mnuchin only rules that the IRS cannot deny the payment of the Cares Funds to a currently serving felon due to his being a serving felon. But they can deny it on the grounds that the prisoner is paying zero taxes and it's legal to withhold the payment.

Incarcerated Felons don't have rights and don't file taxes.
all they need is an SSN and felons can get that

Generally, you’re eligible to claim the recovery rebate credit if, in 2020, you:

  • Were a U.S. citizen or U.S. resident alien;
  • Can’t be claimed as a dependent on another person’s tax return; and
  • Have a Social Security number valid for employment that’s issued before the due date of your 2020 tax return (including extensions)

Let's go one step further. The checks under Rump were modified so that Felons serving MIGHT be able to receive those checks. Let's hope that Biden doesn't do the same. Here is the law on SSI and Disability for incarcerated Prisoners. Also see
Scholl v. Mnuchin

What Prisoners Need To Know

Rarely will Incarcerated Prisoners be able to receive SSI or Disability payment during the time of their incarceration.

In March 2020, the U.S. Congress passed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (“CARES Act”). The Act provides a stimulus tax credit for eligible people, andinstructs the IRS to issue stimulus checksto eligible individuals as soonas possible.However, the IRS took the position that incarceratedpeopleare not eligible for stimulus payments. On September 24, 2020, a federal court ruled that the IRS’s position was likely unlawful. The case is Scholl v. Mnuchin, No. 4:20-cv-5309-PJH (N.D. Cal.). The court ordered the IRS to stop denying payments to people solely because they are incarceratedand to make payments to people who were previously denied because they were incarcerated.Be aware that this rulingmay bestayed or reversed on appeal, or that Congress could act to exclude incarcerated people from receiving stimuluspayments

This dealt with the 1200 and the 600 dollar checks. The rules are still being made for this next one. The IRS may, once again attempt to block some Prisoners from receiving it. But you would have to have had income (other than making license plates) for the 2020 year to qualify. Yah, I know, the Legal Beagles are having a ball on this one.

Scholl v. Mnuchin only rules that the IRS cannot deny the payment of the Cares Funds to a currently serving felon due to his being a serving felon. But they can deny it on the grounds that the prisoner is paying zero taxes and it's legal to withhold the payment.

its already been decided in court that jailbirds can get the checks

all they need is a SSN and they can file for it
Couldn't you make the point this is worse than Welfare? How about socialism by leveling the playing fields affecting the poor and middle class only? That is unless you're dumb enough to believe the very wealthy pay for something. They sure as fuck don't, only the middle class and poor do. Consider this:

Person A earned 30K in 2018. They rec'd a big raise in 2019, and earned 50K. What an improvement and the future looks bright, and they're also eligible for a COVID entitlement just cuz.

Person B earned 70K in 2019, so they're not eligible for a COVID entitlement.

Person C earns more on unemployment than they did working, and received $3K more income for the year 2019. Eligible for a COVID entitlement.

Person D
only likes to work part-time @ $50 an hour. Eligible for a COVID entitlement.

All will pay principle & interest & more (e.g., inflation & higher taxes) for "entitlements" of which only three receive benefit.

Also, which of those four scenarios deserves a COVID entitlement and why?

Did you have the same issue with the cares act, that was limited to people making less than $75,000?

What about the $2 trillion cost of Dotard's tax cuts?
would that be like, lets say 25% of xidens chinese flu bill, going out of AMERICA to say, repair some ship in sri lanka? or some other shit hole that has nothing to do with the chinese flu in AMERICA, something like that? right?
No income, no taxes paid.
You are being really stubborn

I already linked you to a reference that clearly states convicts only need an SSN

no income is required thanks to the democrats voting down the amendment that would have prohibited it

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Couldn't you make the point this is worse than Welfare? How about socialism by leveling the playing fields affecting the poor and middle class only? That is unless you're dumb enough to believe the very wealthy pay for something. They sure as fuck don't, only the middle class and poor do. Consider this:

Person A earned 30K in 2018. They rec'd a big raise in 2019, and earned 50K. What an improvement and the future looks bright, and they're also eligible for a COVID entitlement just cuz.

Person B earned 70K in 2019, so they're not eligible for a COVID entitlement.

Person C earns more on unemployment than they did working, and received $3K more income for the year 2019. Eligible for a COVID entitlement.

Person D
only likes to work part-time @ $50 an hour. Eligible for a COVID entitlement.

All will pay principle & interest & more (e.g., inflation & higher taxes) for "entitlements" of which only three receive benefit.

Also, which of those four scenarios deserves a COVID entitlement and why?
Welcome to Socialism, which works great until they run out of other people's money or until no one will continue to fund their nation / self-destroying deficit spending.
No income, no taxes paid.
You are being really stubborn

I already linked you to a reference that clears states convicts only need an SSN

no income is required thanks to the democrats voting down the amendment that would have prohibited it

Aren't convicts supposed to be PAYING their debt to society, not society paying THEM for sitting on their collective criminal asses?

Democrats are all about paying Ameticans to sit on their ass, slowly turning into a 3rd World Nation with THEM as self-appojnted tyrants.
No income, no taxes paid.
You are being really stubborn

I already linked you to a reference that clearly states convicts only need an SSN

no income is required thanks to the democrats voting down the amendment that would have prohibited it

Your own link also stated that it was very difficult even with a SSN. And I told you why.
No income, no taxes paid.
You are being really stubborn

I already linked you to a reference that clears states convicts only need an SSN

no income is required thanks to the democrats voting down the amendment that would have prohibited it

Aren't convicts supposed to be PAYING their debt to society, not society paying THEM for sitting on their collective criminal asses?

Democrats are all about paying Ameticans to sit on their ass, slowly turning into a 3rd World Nation with THEM as self-appojnted tyrants.

Wrong. MOST Americans are not supporting incarcerated Felons to get those checks. No I haven't checked but from what I have seen and heard, I haven't heard anyone this time around that thinks they should get them. Yes, there may be exceptions like they paid taxes in 2020 so according to the Court, just because they are incarcerated is not reason enough for them to be denied. Obviously, there is one trial lawyer and one judge that thinks that. I don't and neither do most Americans. You need to stop the hate crap on every little thing. And contact your House Rep to put that into the bill itself where that one judge can't touch it.
Yes, that is what unemployment is for, they worked and paid taxes, that's what it's for.
Its for an emergency that has come to an end

what you are doing is giving people a sample of a very addictive drug


Bush was losing 800,000 a month in 2009.

750,000 people filed for unemployment insurance last WEEK.

That's not an emergency?


Yeah, food tends to be that way, you need it every single day, the withdraws are a bitch.
Couldn't you make the point this is worse than Welfare? How about socialism by leveling the playing fields affecting the poor and middle class only? That is unless you're dumb enough to believe the very wealthy pay for something. They sure as fuck don't, only the middle class and poor do. Consider this:

Person A earned 30K in 2018. They rec'd a big raise in 2019, and earned 50K. What an improvement and the future looks bright, and they're also eligible for a COVID entitlement just cuz.

Person B earned 70K in 2019, so they're not eligible for a COVID entitlement.

Person C earns more on unemployment than they did working, and received $3K more income for the year 2019. Eligible for a COVID entitlement.

Person D
only likes to work part-time @ $50 an hour. Eligible for a COVID entitlement.

All will pay principle & interest & more (e.g., inflation & higher taxes) for "entitlements" of which only three receive benefit.

Also, which of those four scenarios deserves a COVID entitlement and why?

Did you have the same issue with the cares act, that was limited to people making less than $75,000?

What about the $2 trillion cost of Dotard's tax cuts?
would that be like, lets say 25% of xidens chinese flu bill, going out of AMERICA to say, repair some ship in sri lanka? or some other shit hole that has nothing to do with the chinese flu in AMERICA, something like that? right?

Hypothetically, yes.
Back to reality.

Trump's bill included payments to churches and foreign aid.
They don't pay US taxes.

August 3 2020
Religious organizations, having received as much as $10 billion in the first round of COVID-19 aid, hope to receive more funding under any new relief package.

Churches of all denominations and other religious nonprofits were quick to take advantage of the Paycheck Protection Program, which provided forgivable loans under the CARES Act in March. The U.S. Catholic Church alone received at least $1.4 billion in funding and possibly as much as $3.5 billion under the program, using data provided by the Small Business Administration (SBA).

December 20 2020

Uncle Sam is about to play Santa for America — and the world.
Congress passed a $2.3 trillion COVID-19 relief and government funding bill that gives just $600 to most Americans struggling during the COVID-19 pandemic — while doling out gifts to foreign countries .

$500 million earmarked for Israeli defense purchases, including to equip the Iron Dome missile defense system.
$1.4 billion for a construction of a wall on the southern US border.
Mexico is sending the check?
$10 million for “gender programs” meant to help women get education and start businesses in Pakistan.

Not to mention Mnuchin's $500 billion corporate slush fund.
Couldn't you make the point this is worse than Welfare? How about socialism by leveling the playing fields affecting the poor and middle class only? That is unless you're dumb enough to believe the very wealthy pay for something. They sure as fuck don't, only the middle class and poor do. Consider this:

Person A earned 30K in 2018. They rec'd a big raise in 2019, and earned 50K. What an improvement and the future looks bright, and they're also eligible for a COVID entitlement just cuz.

Person B earned 70K in 2019, so they're not eligible for a COVID entitlement.

Person C earns more on unemployment than they did working, and received $3K more income for the year 2019. Eligible for a COVID entitlement.

Person D
only likes to work part-time @ $50 an hour. Eligible for a COVID entitlement.

All will pay principle & interest & more (e.g., inflation & higher taxes) for "entitlements" of which only three receive benefit.

Also, which of those four scenarios deserves a COVID entitlement and why?

All four.

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