Why do the anti God crowd attack the bible ?

So you pick and choose what you will believe from the book ?

The whole book is either inspired by God or it is not ?

First, the Bible isn't a book. It's a collection of books. So it indeed could have some noninspired parts. I don't particularly consider Songs of Solomon inspired of God.

Second, Inspired of God doesn't mean perfect.

No it's a book with the collection of writings.

How do you know David was not inspired while writing them ?
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Nope it looked to be directed at you to me.

Because i felt the same way, all of a sudden you go with the anti God crowd.

That's ok Jesus is use to it and warned it would happen.

Sorry not trying to be rude.

What did I say that warrented the response?

Coming off as genuine in seeking truth then attacking it.

Your name is ironic.

I think everyone except her has realized that since she started posting. But you know, it's alright. You can learn something from everyone. Sometimes you just need to look harder.
Yes, I'll never take in principles of bigotry.

But I won't become christian until the Bible is proven to be fact. I'm a man of facts, not a man of faith. So until snakes can talk, until there's evidence the world is 6,000 years old or less, until it's proven men can survive inside whales, I won't take the Bible as fact.

Don't insult me i am a man of both.

There is no reason to conclude that one can't be both.

The only way to know whether the Doctrines of Christ are true is to do them. And then the Spirit will reveal the truth of God to you.

That has happened.
T-rex's and velociraptors were already extinct long before humans and cows came along.

Aw crap. Now youve done it.....

No proof of that whatsoever other then faulty dating methods.

Did you watch my videos ?

Yeah I did and those videos are what keeps me coming back. Heres one you can watch of mine:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BS5vid4GkEY]YouTube - ‪Why do people laugh at creationists? (part 1)‬‏[/ame]
Why do you need facts when you have faith?

Who cares about the fact that snakes can't talk when the Bible says you should have faith that it happened?

What makes you think snakes couldn't talk before the fall? What makes you think they can't now if they chose to?

People put too many limitations on things. Not criticizing you personally here. I think I probably act the same.
Thanks but all you did was show 7 other passages that dispute what youre trying to promote. God didnt need particles to create the world, did he? He just plain creates. He doesnt need anything, according to the bible.

This section of the passage "so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear" doesnt say we're made of particles.

So that marbles that we see were not made of other things we see. So in other words, *poof* there was a marble. God is capable of that according to the bible. Unless you dispute it.

You don't think elements are in the dust :lol:

I didnt say that at all did I?

Sorry,that is what you were saying, i think, but your questions are confusing.
Came someone tell me where in the bible it says jesus asked to be worshiped as the son of god? Doesnt that seem like a pretty pompous thing for a divine being to do? If you wanted to honor Jesus, wouldn't you follow what he preached rather than following the man himself? What kind of all knowing omniscient being needs to be worshiped?

That seems like a very human construct. The only thing i see in the bible is human ego and ignorance, with actually useful moral teachings peppered in not nearly frequently enough.
The titile of your thread pulses with hate

Please enlighten me: How do words pulse with hate? What the heck does that even mean?

I wouldn't use those terms, but the title of this thread is a trolling attempt to bait non-christians by calling us "anti-god" and "bible attackers". The point is to put non-christians on the defensive. It's one of those "when did you stop beating your wife" kinds of questions.

He hasn't just stopped with calling non-christians haters but he has personally called me the anti-christ.

By his definition, anyone who doesn't believe in God and the Bible is anti-christ. My fantasy is he has one of those Left Behind apocalypse games that gives you points for executing non-believers.

For petes sakes, can't we live in peace? If you believe in God, do so, and be happy. If you don't believe in god, don't and be happy.
You're so ignorant it's funny.

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Fish fossil confirms origin of nostrils
18:00 03 November 2004 by Bob Holmes

Land vertebrates can breathe through their noses thanks to an anatomical rearrangement of fish-style nostrils. That same rearrangement may explain why cleft lips and cleft palates are common birth defects in humans.

The nasal passages of land vertebrates differ dramatically from their fish ancestors. In fishes, the nose is independent of the mouth and throat. Water enters the nasal sac through one pair of nostrils and exits through a second pair.

By contrast, land vertebrates - technically known as tetrapods, because of their four limbs - have nasal passages that open to the outside world through a pair of external nostrils, and to the throat through a pair of internal nostrils or choanae.

Many biologists suspect the choanae evolved from one pair of fish nostrils that migrated over millions of years to a new position inside the throat. To do that, however, the nostrils would have had to cross through the line of teeth at some point, a move that sceptics regarded as unlikely.

Perfect intermediate

Their doubts should vanish, thanks to a careful reconstruction of several fossilised skulls of the most primitive known ancestor of tetrapods, a fish known as Kenichthys campbelli, from Yunnan, China. In Kenichthys, the second pair of nostrils opens neither externally nor internally, but directly into a gap in the row of teeth (Nature, vol 432, p 94).

"It's as if we were to have a nostril located on the upper jaw margin between the canine and the adjacent incisor," says Per Ahlberg of Uppsala University in Sweden, who did the study with Min Zhu of the Chinese Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology (IVPP) in Beijing.

In short, Kenichthys is a perfect intermediate, says John Maisey, a vertebrate palaeontologist at the American Museum of Natural History in New York.

Developing human embryos have a gap in the same place in the upper jaw, which later fuses. If it fails to fuse, the result is a cleft palate or cleft lip. Most likely, then, these birth defects arise from the same developmental process that gave us the ability to breathe through our noses, says Ahlberg.

Fish fossil confirms origin of nostrils - 03 November 2004 - New Scientist


Sorry but another ignorant creationist is responsible for that mis-quote. Of course fish have nostrils however:

Genesis 7:15 - "And they went in unto Noah into the ark, two and two of all flesh, wherein is the breath of life."

Two factors need to be considered. First, God destroyed those creatures that have the "breath of life." This would exempt those that breath through gills. Second, God destroyed all flesh "upon the earth;" see also Genesis 7:4 which states, "every living substance that I have made will I destroy from off the face of the earth." This refers specifically to land animals and not to creatures that live in the waters. Therefore, even creatures like whales that breath the breath of life would be excluded because they do not live upon the earth. Clearly, enough of these creatures would be able to survive the flood so as to make their preservation in the ark unnecessary.

Fish dont have the "breath of life".

Now you're are trying to spin,atleast you are good at something.

Its the truth. See there is/was this crazy Creationist on Youtube who said that Noah took every animal except animals with no nostrils. His name was venomfangx. He had some outrageous ideas too.

Heres the guy. Super Christian guy.

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The titile of your thread pulses with hate

Please enlighten me: How do words pulse with hate? What the heck does that even mean?

I wouldn't use those terms, but the title of this thread is a trolling attempt to bait non-christians by calling us "anti-god" and "bible attackers". The point is to put non-christians on the defensive. It's one of those "when did you stop beating your wife" kinds of questions.

He hasn't just stopped with calling non-christians haters but he has personally called me the anti-christ.

By his definition, anyone who doesn't believe in God and the Bible is anti-christ. My fantasy is he has one of those Left Behind apocalypse games that gives you points for executing non-believers.

For petes sakes, can't we live in peace? If you believe in God, do so, and be happy. If you don't believe in god, don't and be happy.

I'd love to live in peace. And I have no disagreement that the title is a bait, but "pulsing with hate?"

an anti-christ is someone who puts themselves up as Christ. I suspect you don't qualify unless you are doing things off this board that I am unaware of that would put you in that category. I think you're fairly safe.
What did I say that warrented the response?

Coming off as genuine in seeking truth then attacking it.

Your name is ironic.

I think everyone except her has realized that since she started posting. But you know, it's alright. You can learn something from everyone. Sometimes you just need to look harder.

When you claim that ONLY YOU know Absolute Truth, and that anyone who challenges you is a liar or an attacker, that's unfortunate. Some Christians are chauvinists, and they think are superior to everyone else. It's natural to feel your path is the one true path FOR YOU. That's how Buddhism is for me. I don't recommend it to you. You've haven't the interest or aptitude for it. I respect that Christianity is your one true path. The problem is, many religions feel this way and there is too much fighting about it.

On the one hand, you side with youwerecreated in criticizing Truthmatters and then you kind of back off and say you can learn something from everyone. I like that part.
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Why do you need facts when you have faith?

Who cares about the fact that snakes can't talk when the Bible says you should have faith that it happened?

What makes you think snakes couldn't talk before the fall? What makes you think they can't now if they chose to?

People put too many limitations on things. Not criticizing you personally here. I think I probably act the same.

Interestingly enough, that could possibly be true.

The main reason for the Flood was that the Sons of God had mated with the daughters of mankind, and they created the Nephilim.

God saw what was going on and decided He needed to start over again.
Eye witness accounts are always evidence. That's not debateable. The debate is whether the witnesses are credible.

And you learn that by experimenting on the word.

Are you serious? You have no proof that those "eyewitnesses" even existed.

Why do you believe in evolution again ?


"If you want evidence, just look in the mirror. You're not just descended from apes, you *are* an ape. Your tail is just a stub of bones (the coccyx). Your dentition includes not only vestigial canines, but incisors, cuspids, bicuspids, and distinctive molars that come to five points interrupted by a "Y" shaped crevasse. This, taken together with all of your other traits, like the dramatically increased range of motion in your shoulder, as well as a profound increase in cranial capacity and disposition toward a bipedal gait, gives you a set of characteristics which all apes share, but no other living organisms share.

You're also a mammal, because you are homeothermic (warm-blooded), follicle-bearing and have lactal nipples, as all mammals do.

You're also a tetrapod. You have only four limbs. So you are like all other terrestrial vertebrates including frogs. Even snakes and whales are tetrapods in that both still retain vestigial or fetal evidence of all four limbs.

You are also a vertebrate, like all mammals, birds, dinosaurs, reptiles, amphibians, and most fish.

You are also an animal, because you are incapable of manufacturing your own food and must compensate for that by ingesting other organisms. In other words, your most basic structure requires that you cause death to other living things.

And that's just the tip of a massive iceberg of evidence. Isn't evolution amazing?


Here's another titbit:

A substantial proportion of the human genome is relic DNA from retroviruses - genetic code which became fixed in our germline DNA from infections millions of years ago. By comparing our genome with that of other species, we can see that some of these insertions are relatively recent (within the last 5 million years) and so are only found in humans. Others which occurred longer ago are found in the same place in both human and chimpanzee DNA, demonstrating that the incorporation happened in a common ancestor before the evolutionary divergence of chimps and humans. Others occurred tens of millions of years earlier still, and are present in 'old world' monkeys and apes (including humans), but not in 'new world' monkeys, demonstrating that the virus found its way into the genes after old and new world monkeys diverged but before apes evolved.

A point about this evidence: Retroviral DNA isn't genetic information for making a human (or a chimpanzee or whatever), it's genetic information for making a virus. There's no plausible reason for viral DNA to be in our genome unless it was inserted there during a viral infection, and there's no plausible reason for us to have the same viral DNA in the same place in our genome as a chimpanzee does, unless we both inherited it from a common ancestor which acquired it during a viral infection."
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