Why do the anti God crowd attack the bible ?

No you didnt you fool. How did smaller animals get inside bigger animals? Did the animal wait until all the meat was gone and then eat the bones? You said they could have been scavengers. A scavenger is not a vegetarian. It doesnt matter if the meat is dead, its still meat.

That is true i am saying that once God lifted the ban they could have been scanvengers.

Do i have to spell everything out for you to comprehend what i am saying ?

Look if you can't be civil don't quote me.

They had plenty of room to store food for the animals.

"They had plenty of room to store food for the animals."

More evidence that if you take all the Old Testament literally and as fact that you not only have to be a science denier, you have to be a math and engineering denier as well.

Whoa, whose math was wrong earlier ?

How bout you use that math to tell us the chances of non-living matter becoming living matter.
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A virus cannot move by itself. It has no flagella or Cillia. It is not active. There is quite a considerable amount of debate about whether or not it is alive, but no one would argue that a virus is active outside of a host cell. It has no form of locomotion, it cant control its movement.

How does this prove it's not alive ?

That proves its not alive by the definition of life.

Life - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -

"Since there is no unequivocal definition of life, the current understanding is descriptive, where life is a characteristic of organisms that exhibit all or most of the following phenomena:[15][17]

1. Homeostasis: Regulation of the internal environment to maintain a constant state; for example, electrolyte concentration or sweating to reduce temperature.
2. Organization: Being structurally composed of one or more cells, which are the basic units of life.
3. Metabolism: Transformation of energy by converting chemicals and energy into cellular components (anabolism) and decomposing organic matter (catabolism). Living things require energy to maintain internal organization (homeostasis) and to produce the other phenomena associated with life.
4. Growth: Maintenance of a higher rate of anabolism than catabolism. A growing organism increases in size in all of its parts, rather than simply accumulating matter.
5. Adaptation: The ability to change over a period of time in response to the environment. This ability is fundamental to the process of evolution and is determined by the organism's heredity as well as the composition of metabolized substances, and external factors present.
6. Response to stimuli: A response can take many forms, from the contraction of a unicellular organism to external chemicals, to complex reactions involving all the senses of multicellular organisms. A response is often expressed by motion, for example, the leaves of a plant turning toward the sun (phototropism) and by chemotaxis.
7. Reproduction: The ability to produce new individual organisms, either asexually from a single parent organism, or sexually from two parent organisms."

it cant however act on its on. It doesnt have any structures. It doesnt maintain homeostatis, doesnt grow, doesnt have a metabolism, and isnt organized in cells.

It doesnt meet half of those criteria and it only meets the rest barely. It cant reproduce on its own. It doesnt eat or produce waste.

Uh oh let's break out the wiki that solves all arguements where anyone can post on there whether they know what they're talking about or not.
That is true i am saying that once God lifted the ban they could have been scanvengers.

Do i have to spell everything out for you to comprehend what i am saying ?

Look if you can't be civil don't quote me.

They had plenty of room to store food for the animals.

"They had plenty of room to store food for the animals."

More evidence that if you take all the Old Testament literally and as fact that you not only have to be a science denier, you have to be a math and engineering denier as well.

Whoa, whose math was wrong earlier ?

How bout you use that math to tell us the chances of non-living becoming living matter.

How about we just stick to the fact that a 450 foot long boat couldn't hold 2 of every land animal and their food and defacate on it?

This is common sense, something any early elementary age child would know.
How does this prove it's not alive ?

That proves its not alive by the definition of life.

Life - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -

"Since there is no unequivocal definition of life, the current understanding is descriptive, where life is a characteristic of organisms that exhibit all or most of the following phenomena:[15][17]

1. Homeostasis: Regulation of the internal environment to maintain a constant state; for example, electrolyte concentration or sweating to reduce temperature.
2. Organization: Being structurally composed of one or more cells, which are the basic units of life.
3. Metabolism: Transformation of energy by converting chemicals and energy into cellular components (anabolism) and decomposing organic matter (catabolism). Living things require energy to maintain internal organization (homeostasis) and to produce the other phenomena associated with life.
4. Growth: Maintenance of a higher rate of anabolism than catabolism. A growing organism increases in size in all of its parts, rather than simply accumulating matter.
5. Adaptation: The ability to change over a period of time in response to the environment. This ability is fundamental to the process of evolution and is determined by the organism's heredity as well as the composition of metabolized substances, and external factors present.
6. Response to stimuli: A response can take many forms, from the contraction of a unicellular organism to external chemicals, to complex reactions involving all the senses of multicellular organisms. A response is often expressed by motion, for example, the leaves of a plant turning toward the sun (phototropism) and by chemotaxis.
7. Reproduction: The ability to produce new individual organisms, either asexually from a single parent organism, or sexually from two parent organisms."

it cant however act on its on. It doesnt have any structures. It doesnt maintain homeostatis, doesnt grow, doesnt have a metabolism, and isnt organized in cells.

It doesnt meet half of those criteria and it only meets the rest barely. It cant reproduce on its own. It doesnt eat or produce waste.

Uh oh let's break out the wiki that solves all arguements where anyone can post on there whether they know what they're talking about or not.

Ok. Want more definitions?

Life | Define Life at Dictionary.com

Life - "1. the condition that distinguishes organisms from inorganic objects and dead organisms, being manifested by growth through metabolism, reproduction, and the power of adaptation to environment through changes originating internally.

2.the sum of the distinguishing phenomena of organisms, especially metabolism, growth, reproduction, and adaptation to environment. "

a virus does not eat or grow therefore it only meets a small fraction of the requirements for life.

Now how about you explain why dinosaurs and mammals arent found within the same rock layers
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No you didnt you fool. How did smaller animals get inside bigger animals? Did the animal wait until all the meat was gone and then eat the bones? You said they could have been scavengers. A scavenger is not a vegetarian. It doesnt matter if the meat is dead, its still meat.

That is true i am saying that once God lifted the ban they could have been scanvengers.

Do i have to spell everything out for you to comprehend what i am saying ?

Look if you can't be civil don't quote me.

They had plenty of room to store food for the animals.

So dinosaurs and animals were vegetarian at the same time? So they existed together?

How come within the rock strata theyre always separated by millions of years of soil and rock layers?

Not true.

23-Global Flood Strata at Grand Canyon
That is true i am saying that once God lifted the ban they could have been scanvengers.

Do i have to spell everything out for you to comprehend what i am saying ?

Look if you can't be civil don't quote me.

They had plenty of room to store food for the animals.

So dinosaurs and animals were vegetarian at the same time? So they existed together?

How come within the rock strata theyre always separated by millions of years of soil and rock layers?

Not true.

23-Global Flood Strata at Grand Canyon

Lol you dont trust wiki but you trust creationministries.org? Wow...good logic there....
Why do you believe in evolution again ?

Because there is archaeological evidence that can be carbon dated.

You put a lot of faith in a system with flaws.

But how would carbon dating prove dinosaurs died off 65 million years ago if they say it carbon dating will only go back 40 thousand years ?

How are you gonna prove that mankind walked with dinosaurs?

If you can't use carbon dating, then look at the layer you found the fossils.
Way to totally misunderstand what biologists mean by dead. Dead means theyve genetically altered the virus so it cant reproduce. Nice try though.

There is no precise definition of what separates the living from the non-living. One definition might be the point at which an entity becomes self-aware. In this sense, someone who has had severe head trauma may be classified as brain dead. In this case, the body and brain are still functioning on a base level and there is definitely metabolic activity in all of the cells that make up the larger organism, but it is presumed that there is no self-awareness so the person is classified as brain dead.

"On the other end of the spectrum, a different criterion for defining life would be the ability to move a genetic blueprint into future generations, thereby regenerating your likeness. In the second, more simplistic definition, viruses are definitely alive. They are undeniably the most efficient entities on this planet at propagating their genetic information.
Although there is no definitive resolution to the question of whether viruses can be considered living entities, their ability to pass on genetic information to future generations makes them major players in an evolutionary sense."

Are Viruses Alive?

That doesnt mean they kill the viruses for the vaccine. They make it unable to reproduce. I just said what you said a few posts back. No one is arguing that. Your useless.

You said they weren't alive based upon their inability to reproduce without a host.

You were wrong, as usual.

And it's not surprising you don't even know your own argument, or recognize when it's blasted. You'll just create another one. Have at.
There is no precise definition of what separates the living from the non-living. One definition might be the point at which an entity becomes self-aware. In this sense, someone who has had severe head trauma may be classified as brain dead. In this case, the body and brain are still functioning on a base level and there is definitely metabolic activity in all of the cells that make up the larger organism, but it is presumed that there is no self-awareness so the person is classified as brain dead.

"On the other end of the spectrum, a different criterion for defining life would be the ability to move a genetic blueprint into future generations, thereby regenerating your likeness. In the second, more simplistic definition, viruses are definitely alive. They are undeniably the most efficient entities on this planet at propagating their genetic information.
Although there is no definitive resolution to the question of whether viruses can be considered living entities, their ability to pass on genetic information to future generations makes them major players in an evolutionary sense."

Are Viruses Alive?

That doesnt mean they kill the viruses for the vaccine. They make it unable to reproduce. I just said what you said a few posts back. No one is arguing that. Your useless.

You said they weren't alive based upon their inability to reproduce without a host.

You were wrong, as usual.

And it's not surprising you don't even know your own argument, or recognize when it's blasted. You'll just create another one. Have at.

I did not specifically say that. I said they arent alive because theye inanimate and do not meet the definition of life. They have no metabolism, they dont eat, they dont move on their own. Whose the one arguing imaginary topics now?
That doesnt mean they kill the viruses for the vaccine. They make it unable to reproduce. I just said what you said a few posts back. No one is arguing that. Your useless.

You said they weren't alive based upon their inability to reproduce without a host.

You were wrong, as usual.

And it's not surprising you don't even know your own argument, or recognize when it's blasted. You'll just create another one. Have at.

I did not specifically say that. I said they arent alive because theye inanimate and do not meet the definition of life. They have no metabolism, they dont eat, they dont move on their own. Whose the one arguing imaginary topics now?

And you are wrong.....

a different criterion for defining life would be the ability to move a genetic blueprint into future generations, thereby regenerating your likeness. In the second, more simplistic definition, viruses are definitely alive
You said they weren't alive based upon their inability to reproduce without a host.

You were wrong, as usual.

And it's not surprising you don't even know your own argument, or recognize when it's blasted. You'll just create another one. Have at.

I did not specifically say that. I said they arent alive because theye inanimate and do not meet the definition of life. They have no metabolism, they dont eat, they dont move on their own. Whose the one arguing imaginary topics now?

And you are wrong.....

a different criterion for defining life would be the ability to move a genetic blueprint into future generations, thereby regenerating your likeness. In the second, more simplistic definition, viruses are definitely alive

So all my definitions are wrong and yours are right? Theres no set criteria of life. All im trying to say is that a virus is an inanimate shell containing genetic material, yet that material has a meaningful code that codes for more viruses. It was an attempt to prove that life can form from a single shell, DNA, and a few enzymes. Your having an argument that doesnt exist. If anything it helps my argument.

If viruses are life that lowers the bar even further for me having to prove life arose from non life. All thats needed is RNA and a shell.
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And at least i linked to my definition. From the wording it sounds like you made your definition up. And even if you didnt that doesnt mean your definition is right and im wrong. The actual definition of life doesnt matter much. What matters is the composition of a virus or a single cell and if it could have formed spontaneously.
A scientists no less....thinks carnivores were plant eaters....what a maroon....(thats Bugs Bunny talk from the 40s).


Look at those teeth, obviously those were used to eat grass.

Now I know a big chunk of creationists were science deniers, but now this thread is opening my eyes that there's some of them that are math deniers too what with the dimensions of the ship and it's supposed ability to carry 2 of every species that ever walked the earth.

Silly boy,just by looking at those teeth you can determine whether the T-rex was a carnivore ? :lol: Wow you're a great scientist.

The T-rex could have been primarily a scavenger ,he had shallowly rooted teeth. Big sharp teeth are found on vegetarians too.

First off have you ever seen the teeth of a panda bear ? They're vegetarians.

And there is the Australian fruit bat what a savage looking creature. He flies around Australia and rips up and eats fruit.


omnivorous hedgehog

The bible say's there was no death until the fall of adam. God gave the ok for them to start eating meat after the flood,both man and beast. that is when God said man and animals would be at odds with each other.

Man of science, another thing for you to consider. We creationist believe in Micro-adaptations changes within a species. We know this to be fact because of the darwins galapagos finches. When the droughts came the short beak finche was dying off through natural selection while the finche adapted by growing longer beaks and these finches flourished during times of drought. But what happened when the droughts were over hey the short beak finche made a come back so they were adapting back to what they once were. That is how you get so many finches not evolution but Micro-adaptations.

That is why we have so many different dog's,cat's,horses,monkey's, so on and so on.

Ive told you this before, panda bears eat meat as well.
That proves its not alive by the definition of life.

Life - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -

"Since there is no unequivocal definition of life, the current understanding is descriptive, where life is a characteristic of organisms that exhibit all or most of the following phenomena:[15][17]

1. Homeostasis: Regulation of the internal environment to maintain a constant state; for example, electrolyte concentration or sweating to reduce temperature.
2. Organization: Being structurally composed of one or more cells, which are the basic units of life.
3. Metabolism: Transformation of energy by converting chemicals and energy into cellular components (anabolism) and decomposing organic matter (catabolism). Living things require energy to maintain internal organization (homeostasis) and to produce the other phenomena associated with life.
4. Growth: Maintenance of a higher rate of anabolism than catabolism. A growing organism increases in size in all of its parts, rather than simply accumulating matter.
5. Adaptation: The ability to change over a period of time in response to the environment. This ability is fundamental to the process of evolution and is determined by the organism's heredity as well as the composition of metabolized substances, and external factors present.
6. Response to stimuli: A response can take many forms, from the contraction of a unicellular organism to external chemicals, to complex reactions involving all the senses of multicellular organisms. A response is often expressed by motion, for example, the leaves of a plant turning toward the sun (phototropism) and by chemotaxis.
7. Reproduction: The ability to produce new individual organisms, either asexually from a single parent organism, or sexually from two parent organisms."

it cant however act on its on. It doesnt have any structures. It doesnt maintain homeostatis, doesnt grow, doesnt have a metabolism, and isnt organized in cells.

It doesnt meet half of those criteria and it only meets the rest barely. It cant reproduce on its own. It doesnt eat or produce waste.

Uh oh let's break out the wiki that solves all arguements where anyone can post on there whether they know what they're talking about or not.

Ok. Want more definitions?

Life | Define Life at Dictionary.com

Life - "1. the condition that distinguishes organisms from inorganic objects and dead organisms, being manifested by growth through metabolism, reproduction, and the power of adaptation to environment through changes originating internally.

2.the sum of the distinguishing phenomena of organisms, especially metabolism, growth, reproduction, and adaptation to environment. "

a virus does not eat or grow therefore it only meets a small fraction of the requirements for life.

Now how about you explain why dinosaurs and mammals arent found within the same rock layers



“At the dinosaur dig sites, scientists have found many unusual extinct mammal forms such as the multituberculates2 but they have also found fossilized mammals that look like squirrels, possums, Tasmanian devils, hedgehogs, shrews, beavers, primates, and duck-billed platypus. I don’t know how close these mammals are to the modern forms because I was not able to see most of these, even after going to so many museums.”

“Few are aware of the great number of mammal species found with dinosaurs. Paleontologists have found 432 mammal species in the dinosaur layers;3 almost as many as the number of dinosaur species. These include nearly 100 complete mammal skeletons. But where are these fossils? We visited 60 museums but did not see a single complete mammal skeleton from the dinosaur layers displayed at any of these museums. This is amazing. Also, we saw only a few dozen incomplete skeletons/single bones of the 432 mammal species found so far. Why don’t the museums display these mammal fossils and also the bird fossils?”

Many modern plants in dinosaur rock!

“In the dinosaur rock layers, we found fossils from every major plant division living today including: flowering plants, ginkgos, cone trees, moss, vascular mosses, cycads, and ferns. Again, if you look at these fossils and compare them to modern forms, you will quickly conclude that the plants have not changed. Fossil sequoias, magnolias, dogwoods, poplars and redwoods, lily pads, cycads, ferns, horsetails etc. have been found at the dinosaur digs.”

Werner living fossils
Lol you know what, i dont even know what im arguing this.

Your whole argument hinges on the idea that atoms decayed at different rates previously, nothing we know about nuclear physics is right, telomeres on adam and eves chromosomes never shortened so they never aged, man walked with dinosaurs, noah brought millions of animals with enough food and water for them all, god banned animals from eating meat, gods hands are push apart the galaxies, and that sexual reproduction worked entirely differently thousands of years ago.

Thats psychotic. You havent provided one fact, nor answered one of mine.

I'm still wating to hear what you have to say about those hominid skulls btw
Look at those teeth, obviously those were used to eat grass.

Now I know a big chunk of creationists were science deniers, but now this thread is opening my eyes that there's some of them that are math deniers too what with the dimensions of the ship and it's supposed ability to carry 2 of every species that ever walked the earth.

Silly boy,just by looking at those teeth you can determine whether the T-rex was a carnivore ? :lol: Wow you're a great scientist.

The T-rex could have been primarily a scavenger ,he had shallowly rooted teeth. Big sharp teeth are found on vegetarians too.

First off have you ever seen the teeth of a panda bear ? They're vegetarians.

And there is the Australian fruit bat what a savage looking creature. He flies around Australia and rips up and eats fruit.


omnivorous hedgehog

The bible say's there was no death until the fall of adam. God gave the ok for them to start eating meat after the flood,both man and beast. that is when God said man and animals would be at odds with each other.

Man of science, another thing for you to consider. We creationist believe in Micro-adaptations changes within a species. We know this to be fact because of the darwins galapagos finches. When the droughts came the short beak finche was dying off through natural selection while the finche adapted by growing longer beaks and these finches flourished during times of drought. But what happened when the droughts were over hey the short beak finche made a come back so they were adapting back to what they once were. That is how you get so many finches not evolution but Micro-adaptations.

That is why we have so many different dog's,cat's,horses,monkey's, so on and so on.

Ive told you this before, panda bears eat meat as well.

Well their main diet is bamboo so why do they still need those rippers ?
Ok my apologies, it's equally crazy to think a 450 foot long boat could carry 2 of every species of dinosaur ever "created" along with every other animal, and it's even crazier still to say T-Rex, lions and sabertooth cats were grass munching herbivores.

The Bible saying it doesn't make it any less crazy.

Why are you willing to accept explanations from evolutionist that have no backing, but reject explanations of a creationist that looks at the same evidence ?

Use some common sense man,if you were in noahs shoes would you take juveniles or fully grown adults ?

You do know that most dinosaurs were about the size of a dog don't you ?

It doesnt matter the size, because theres still tens of thousands of species of mammals alone. Add reptiles and insects, thats hundreds of millions of species of animals on your boat.

Lol you say evolution has no evidence, but you dont even know enough about the subject to sound like you know what your talking about.

What do you say about those three hominid skulls that none of you want to comment on. What about Austrolipithicus, Homo Habilis, and Homo erectus. Those are just a few fossils between ape and man. How do you explain those?

On that point, were they on the ark?
Uh oh let's break out the wiki that solves all arguements where anyone can post on there whether they know what they're talking about or not.

Ok. Want more definitions?

Life | Define Life at Dictionary.com

Life - "1. the condition that distinguishes organisms from inorganic objects and dead organisms, being manifested by growth through metabolism, reproduction, and the power of adaptation to environment through changes originating internally.

2.the sum of the distinguishing phenomena of organisms, especially metabolism, growth, reproduction, and adaptation to environment. "

a virus does not eat or grow therefore it only meets a small fraction of the requirements for life.

Now how about you explain why dinosaurs and mammals arent found within the same rock layers



“At the dinosaur dig sites, scientists have found many unusual extinct mammal forms such as the multituberculates2 but they have also found fossilized mammals that look like squirrels, possums, Tasmanian devils, hedgehogs, shrews, beavers, primates, and duck-billed platypus. I don’t know how close these mammals are to the modern forms because I was not able to see most of these, even after going to so many museums.”

“Few are aware of the great number of mammal species found with dinosaurs. Paleontologists have found 432 mammal species in the dinosaur layers;3 almost as many as the number of dinosaur species. These include nearly 100 complete mammal skeletons. But where are these fossils? We visited 60 museums but did not see a single complete mammal skeleton from the dinosaur layers displayed at any of these museums. This is amazing. Also, we saw only a few dozen incomplete skeletons/single bones of the 432 mammal species found so far. Why don’t the museums display these mammal fossils and also the bird fossils?”

Many modern plants in dinosaur rock!

“In the dinosaur rock layers, we found fossils from every major plant division living today including: flowering plants, ginkgos, cone trees, moss, vascular mosses, cycads, and ferns. Again, if you look at these fossils and compare them to modern forms, you will quickly conclude that the plants have not changed. Fossil sequoias, magnolias, dogwoods, poplars and redwoods, lily pads, cycads, ferns, horsetails etc. have been found at the dinosaur digs.”

Werner living fossils

1. Mammals existed with dinosaurs. Most modern mammals did not. Your gonna have to do better than a quote that says primitive mammals were found with dinosaurs. Thats common sense.

2. Plants were among the first life forms. That havent changed much in 65 million years.

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