Why do the anti God crowd attack the bible ?

Look at those teeth, obviously those were used to eat grass.

Now I know a big chunk of creationists were science deniers, but now this thread is opening my eyes that there's some of them that are math deniers too what with the dimensions of the ship and it's supposed ability to carry 2 of every species that ever walked the earth.

Silly boy,just by looking at those teeth you can determine whether the T-rex was a carnivore ? :lol: Wow you're a great scientist.

The T-rex could have been primarily a scavenger ,he had shallowly rooted teeth. Big sharp teeth are found on vegetarians too.

First off have you ever seen the teeth of a panda bear ? They're vegetarians.

And there is the Australian fruit bat what a savage looking creature. He flies around Australia and rips up and eats fruit.


omnivorous hedgehog

The bible say's there was no death until the fall of adam. God gave the ok for them to start eating meat after the flood,both man and beast. that is when God said man and animals would be at odds with each other.

Man of science, another thing for you to consider. We creationist believe in Micro-adaptations changes within a species. We know this to be fact because of the darwins galapagos finches. When the droughts came the short beak finche was dying off through natural selection while the finche adapted by growing longer beaks and these finches flourished during times of drought. But what happened when the droughts were over hey the short beak finche made a come back so they were adapting back to what they once were. That is how you get so many finches not evolution but Micro-adaptations.

That is why we have so many different dog's,cat's,horses,monkey's, so on and so on.

Ive told you this before, panda bears eat meat as well.

He's pretending I only gave one instance of evidence as to why they're carniverous. Which isn't true of course, I gave the evidence of them having other animals remains inside their own skeletons.

Now we can add to that, their claws.

What did Tyrannosaurus rex eat? Each other

Turns out they also were cannibals, but I'm sure YWC won't like my source because it has to do with science, and not dogma.

Lol you dont trust wiki but you trust creationministries.org? Wow...good logic there....

Of coures i do that is what i am.

That video was the funniest thing ive ever heard.

That guys evidence for why the grand canyon had to have been formed instantaneously during a giant flood was the the sand had to be wet to stick together "like building a sand castle". Nothing in that video even comes close to qualifying as evidence.

lmao wow thats hilarious.
Ok. Want more definitions?

Life | Define Life at Dictionary.com

Life - "1. the condition that distinguishes organisms from inorganic objects and dead organisms, being manifested by growth through metabolism, reproduction, and the power of adaptation to environment through changes originating internally.

2.the sum of the distinguishing phenomena of organisms, especially metabolism, growth, reproduction, and adaptation to environment. "

a virus does not eat or grow therefore it only meets a small fraction of the requirements for life.

Now how about you explain why dinosaurs and mammals arent found within the same rock layers



“At the dinosaur dig sites, scientists have found many unusual extinct mammal forms such as the multituberculates2 but they have also found fossilized mammals that look like squirrels, possums, Tasmanian devils, hedgehogs, shrews, beavers, primates, and duck-billed platypus. I don’t know how close these mammals are to the modern forms because I was not able to see most of these, even after going to so many museums.”

“Few are aware of the great number of mammal species found with dinosaurs. Paleontologists have found 432 mammal species in the dinosaur layers;3 almost as many as the number of dinosaur species. These include nearly 100 complete mammal skeletons. But where are these fossils? We visited 60 museums but did not see a single complete mammal skeleton from the dinosaur layers displayed at any of these museums. This is amazing. Also, we saw only a few dozen incomplete skeletons/single bones of the 432 mammal species found so far. Why don’t the museums display these mammal fossils and also the bird fossils?”

Many modern plants in dinosaur rock!

“In the dinosaur rock layers, we found fossils from every major plant division living today including: flowering plants, ginkgos, cone trees, moss, vascular mosses, cycads, and ferns. Again, if you look at these fossils and compare them to modern forms, you will quickly conclude that the plants have not changed. Fossil sequoias, magnolias, dogwoods, poplars and redwoods, lily pads, cycads, ferns, horsetails etc. have been found at the dinosaur digs.”

Werner living fossils

1. Mammals existed with dinosaurs. Most modern mammals did not. Your gonna have to do better than a quote that says primitive mammals were found with dinosaurs. Thats common sense.

2. Plants were among the first life forms. That havent changed much in 65 million years.

Were you aronud 65 million years ago to know ? talk about a belief based in faith.
Lol you dont trust wiki but you trust creationministries.org? Wow...good logic there....

Of coures i do that is what i am.

That video was the funniest thing ive ever heard.

That guys evidence for why the grand canyon had to have been formed instantaneously during a giant flood was the the sand had to be wet to stick together "like building a sand castle". Nothing in that video even comes close to qualifying as evidence.

lmao wow thats hilarious.

Laugh all you want come take the tour you will be convinced when he is done.

There is so much ewvidence there that supports the flood theory and destroy's the evolutionist timeline.
Of coures i do that is what i am.

That video was the funniest thing ive ever heard.

That guys evidence for why the grand canyon had to have been formed instantaneously during a giant flood was the the sand had to be wet to stick together "like building a sand castle". Nothing in that video even comes close to qualifying as evidence.

lmao wow thats hilarious.

Laugh all you want come take the tour you will be convinced when he is done.

There is so much ewvidence there that supports the flood theory and destroy's the evolutionist timeline.

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“At the dinosaur dig sites, scientists have found many unusual extinct mammal forms such as the multituberculates2 but they have also found fossilized mammals that look like squirrels, possums, Tasmanian devils, hedgehogs, shrews, beavers, primates, and duck-billed platypus. I don’t know how close these mammals are to the modern forms because I was not able to see most of these, even after going to so many museums.”

“Few are aware of the great number of mammal species found with dinosaurs. Paleontologists have found 432 mammal species in the dinosaur layers;3 almost as many as the number of dinosaur species. These include nearly 100 complete mammal skeletons. But where are these fossils? We visited 60 museums but did not see a single complete mammal skeleton from the dinosaur layers displayed at any of these museums. This is amazing. Also, we saw only a few dozen incomplete skeletons/single bones of the 432 mammal species found so far. Why don’t the museums display these mammal fossils and also the bird fossils?”

Many modern plants in dinosaur rock!

“In the dinosaur rock layers, we found fossils from every major plant division living today including: flowering plants, ginkgos, cone trees, moss, vascular mosses, cycads, and ferns. Again, if you look at these fossils and compare them to modern forms, you will quickly conclude that the plants have not changed. Fossil sequoias, magnolias, dogwoods, poplars and redwoods, lily pads, cycads, ferns, horsetails etc. have been found at the dinosaur digs.”

Werner living fossils

1. Mammals existed with dinosaurs. Most modern mammals did not. Your gonna have to do better than a quote that says primitive mammals were found with dinosaurs. Thats common sense.

2. Plants were among the first life forms. That havent changed much in 65 million years.

Were you aronud 65 million years ago to know ? talk about a belief based in faith.

Theres actually fossil evidence for both of those statements. Wheres your fossil evidence that the flood happened? If every animal not on the ark died in a 40 day span, shouldnt we see one layer of rock that has massive amounts of skeletons in it?
Of coures i do that is what i am.

That video was the funniest thing ive ever heard.

That guys evidence for why the grand canyon had to have been formed instantaneously during a giant flood was the the sand had to be wet to stick together "like building a sand castle". Nothing in that video even comes close to qualifying as evidence.

lmao wow thats hilarious.

Laugh all you want come take the tour you will be convinced when he is done.

There is so much ewvidence there that supports the flood theory and destroy's the evolutionist timeline.

Found the ark yet? Btw, answer me this, if the ark had 2 of every animal on earth, how did the animals from south america get to Noah? And where did they get food for 40 days? A cow eats 100 lbs of food every day. And do you realize how much shit that little crew had to shovel every day? And where did the water go?
'If we all evolved how come animals and humans are not made up of the same elements?' You clearly dont know what elements are....all life is mostly carbon, and hydrogen and oxygen in the form of water. All DNA is made of a sugar phosphate backbone and nitrogenous base pairs. All life is made of the same elements. Theres minor variation, like plants have a cellulose cell wall and animals do not. But life is pretty much made of all the same elements. Im pretty sure you dont know what elements are.

What different elements are helping with the digesting system. The digestive system doesnt just work on basic elements. If anything different animals use different enzymes to digest specific chemicals, but those enzymes are just built from atoms, and those atoms of the same elements that exist in our body and all around you every day. You only interact with probably about 30 different elements on a daily basis.

Do i need to show you this to ?

Several other sources (US Geological Survey, United Nations FAO) list additional elements as having a role in plant and/or animal life processes. But no description of that "role" was discovered. Those elements are: Strontium, Lithium, Barium, Rubidium, Cesium, and Platinum (for plants).

Here you can go educate yourself a little better on elements and their roles.

The Role of Elements in Life Processes | Mineral Information Institute

Please don't try to make me look ignorant because you actually are ignorat of the role of elements in both our theories. Many of these elements perform different roles between human animal and plants.

When are you gonna explain how non-living matter became living matter. ?

And that doesnt have anything to do with god. Of course plant cells are composed of different elements than animals are. Thats common sense.

Wow a natural process would think to create plants that exhale off oxygen and are a great source for food that our bodies need.

That sounds like an intelligent designer to me.
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That video was the funniest thing ive ever heard.

That guys evidence for why the grand canyon had to have been formed instantaneously during a giant flood was the the sand had to be wet to stick together "like building a sand castle". Nothing in that video even comes close to qualifying as evidence.

lmao wow thats hilarious.

Laugh all you want come take the tour you will be convinced when he is done.

There is so much ewvidence there that supports the flood theory and destroy's the evolutionist timeline.

Found the ark yet? Btw, answer me this, if the ark had 2 of every animal on earth, how did the animals from south america get to Noah? And where did they get food for 40 days? A cow eats 100 lbs of food every day. And do you realize how much shit that little crew had to shovel every day? And where did the water go?

Look through the thread for yesterday's post it was addressed yesterday.
Laugh all you want come take the tour you will be convinced when he is done.

There is so much ewvidence there that supports the flood theory and destroy's the evolutionist timeline.

Found the ark yet? Btw, answer me this, if the ark had 2 of every animal on earth, how did the animals from south america get to Noah? And where did they get food for 40 days? A cow eats 100 lbs of food every day. And do you realize how much shit that little crew had to shovel every day? And where did the water go?

Look through the thread for yesterday's post it was addressed yesterday.

Just because it was addressed doesn't mean it was explained.
That video was the funniest thing ive ever heard.

That guys evidence for why the grand canyon had to have been formed instantaneously during a giant flood was the the sand had to be wet to stick together "like building a sand castle". Nothing in that video even comes close to qualifying as evidence.

lmao wow thats hilarious.

Laugh all you want come take the tour you will be convinced when he is done.

There is so much ewvidence there that supports the flood theory and destroy's the evolutionist timeline.


I am still waiting for your response to this.

You really are brainwashed believing what you spew.

Let me show you why you believe lies. Most everything you believe is built on imagination.

Natural selection is what keeps the gene pool strong and helps keeping the group alive and removing the weaker genes and defective genes and of course mutations.

If there was no natural selection we and all organisms would die off.

Natural selection is what would work against evolution because it would remove mutations that are not solidified in the gene pool.

How could a non-thinking and non-intelligent natural process think and create all the vital organs it would take for an organism to live ?


Fact #1 produce the same kind of plant or animal because of the DNA code barrier. Never will a cow produce a non-cow.

Micro-adaptations ;

Fact #2 result from the sorting or the loss of genetic information.

Fact # 3 scientist know of no way for nature to add appreciable amounts of new & beneficial genetic information to a gene pool.

Neo-darwinism is based on three false assumptions.

1. Mutations create new & beneficial genetic data.
2. Natural selection lets the mutant gene take over the population.
3. Needs long ages for this to happen millions of years ,given enough time they claim a bacteria cell overcame the law of abiogenesis and all mathematical possibility and came to life and then mutated its way to everything alive now,whew talk about faith. and they say it ended up the thing they call the ultimate mutation,you and I.

Here is a problem for you darwinist.

All observed mutations after millions of observations,mutations are caused by the sorting or loss of pre-existing genetic data. This is Gene Depletion. Gene depletion applies to Micro-adaptations and mutations,so they get weaker and weaker until they're removed by Natural Selection.


So you're being taught mutations + Natural Selection leads to Neo-darwinian Evolution.

But real science reveals based on millions of observations; DNA code barrier + Gene depletion + Natural Selection is what prevents Macro-evolution. Macro-evolution is an impossibility.

Example; You see , when breeding you breed out information you're not breeding in new information.

Let's say you're breeding boxers two purebreds.well it took several different breeds to create the boxer to begin with, what happens is through natural selection every generation after the first two boxers they would breed out information and the gene pool gets smaller and smaller and than Natural Selection weeds out the information of the other dogs it took to create the boxer in the first place. So unless another breed is introduced to the gene pool those boxers will only have genetic information to produce boxers and this is factual evidence.

Since you probably subscribe to this Neo Darwinism and believe that Natural selection allows a mutant gene to take over a gene pool.

Since most mutations are neutral or harmful to the organism how come humans are not crippled ,deformed,or dead since Nathral selection would allow harmful mutations to take over a population according to your faulty belief ?
We have two choices, life began from a bowl of soup or we were a product of intelligent design.
Found the ark yet? Btw, answer me this, if the ark had 2 of every animal on earth, how did the animals from south america get to Noah? And where did they get food for 40 days? A cow eats 100 lbs of food every day. And do you realize how much shit that little crew had to shovel every day? And where did the water go?

Look through the thread for yesterday's post it was addressed yesterday.

Just because it was addressed doesn't mean it was explained.

It was covered by an article,it was explained.
Anyways, you have no real proof or else everyone would know it. Just like god, if it really existed, it would hold a press conference on the white house lawn to show everyone it exists. Everything else is total bullshit.
1. Mammals existed with dinosaurs. Most modern mammals did not. Your gonna have to do better than a quote that says primitive mammals were found with dinosaurs. Thats common sense.

2. Plants were among the first life forms. That havent changed much in 65 million years.

Were you aronud 65 million years ago to know ? talk about a belief based in faith.

Theres actually fossil evidence for both of those statements. Wheres your fossil evidence that the flood happened? If every animal not on the ark died in a 40 day span, shouldnt we see one layer of rock that has massive amounts of skeletons in it?

Fossils from the Biblical Flood
Anyways, you have no real proof or else everyone would know it. Just like god, if it really existed, it would hold a press conference on the white house lawn to show everyone it exists. Everything else is total bullshit.

There is plenty of proof,people just don't want to accept it.

Nice way to leave a thread.

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