Why do the anti God crowd attack the bible ?

Oh jeez...Im waiting for someone to quote the one mistake i made as to why oxygen was beneficial...

If your smart enough, you can find the mistake. Ill make it a game for you.

Go play your games with someone else do not waste my time anymore. it's clear you don't know a thing outside what you read on the internet and maybe in a textbook. After some of the things you said i'm not sure you have even seen a college textbook.
40 percent of scientists believe in God...

The new study conducted by noted historian Edward J. Larson of the University of Georgia in Athens asked 1,000 scientists including biologists, physicists and mathematicians, if they believed in God.
Some 40 percent of the scientists said they do believe in God. The number is the same percentage found in the famous 1916 survey conducted by noted psychologist James Leuba.
Leuba thought belief in God would drop among scientists as education improved, but he didn't have any polling evidence to support that claim, said Larson.
That's why Larson took another look at it in the new study, which is designed to reproduce the 1916 project. The new results are published in the journal, Nature.
Larson's survey followed the same procedure as the 1916 study. Like Leuba, he drew 1,000 names randomly from a reference book of American scientists, choosing biologists for half of his sample and splitting the remainder among mathematicians and physicists or astronomers. "

Biologists represent 1/2 of the study participants.

New study reveals the percentage of scientists who believe in God is the same as 1916 count | Jet | Find Articles at BNET
So what was dumbshit saying about everybody who understood science understands that the bible has been disproven?
The Bible, specifically the New Testament, is one of the most inspiring pieces of literature ever written. Even if not read in the context of a spiritual book, the basic context of the Gospel: don't judge, love your neighbor as yourself, forgive those who wrong you are utterly inspiring.

It's too bad that so many professed Christians concern themselves more with bickering among themselves and others over silliness and less with trying to live by the example Christ set (or by his own commands to his followers).

I have no problem with the bible. I have a problem who try and co-opt it (and religion) to en-rich themselves or to advance their own personal agendas.

Though, this has been man's fundamental problem with religion since the beginning of organized religion.
Lol..nice example of Christian hating. Thanks, Sky! You always come through!

That's ridiculous. I am a Christian and I try my best to love everyone the best I can. Love means not judging them for their actions. God's job is to judge, ours isn't. But Some Christians can't help themselves but to demean people that do stuff that they don't agree with. Condemning them to hell before God even gets a say in the matter.

That is not Christianity. You have no clue who is and who isn't going to hell... neither do I. Homosexual Christians may very well walk among us in paradise... Drug addicts, Prostitutes... all those people that SOME Christians choose to threaten with eternal damnation are the people that God will have the most mercy upon. Those who act in God's name and make these judgments will be judged much more harshly.

James 3:1 Not many of you should presume to be teachers, my brothers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly.

The bottom line is that we are all flawed people. No one is better than another in God's eyes.

I say you're just politically correct and can't be honest.

It's an abomination and you know it. God was clear or do you really care what God say's?

I'd say you may be worshiping a false god... or at the very least, the correct god in a false manner... but that would be passing judgment wouldn't it?

Let me ask you something.... have you held true to everything in Leviticus? Have you ever read the book of Leviticus? specifically, the chapter on what is clean and unclean and the list of Abominations that accompany the one you don't like? Why is it only that one you folks focus on?

Like I said... we are all sinners... not one of us is worthy of heaven.
That's ridiculous. I am a Christian and I try my best to love everyone the best I can. Love means not judging them for their actions. God's job is to judge, ours isn't. But Some Christians can't help themselves but to demean people that do stuff that they don't agree with. Condemning them to hell before God even gets a say in the matter.

That is not Christianity. You have no clue who is and who isn't going to hell... neither do I. Homosexual Christians may very well walk among us in paradise... Drug addicts, Prostitutes... all those people that SOME Christians choose to threaten with eternal damnation are the people that God will have the most mercy upon. Those who act in God's name and make these judgments will be judged much more harshly.

James 3:1 Not many of you should presume to be teachers, my brothers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly.

The bottom line is that we are all flawed people. No one is better than another in God's eyes.

I say you're just politically correct and can't be honest.

It's an abomination and you know it. God was clear or do you really care what God say's?

I'd say you may be worshiping a false god... or at the very least, the correct god in a false manner... but that would be passing judgment wouldn't it?

Let me ask you something.... have you held true to everything in Leviticus? Have you ever read the book of Leviticus? specifically, the chapter on what is clean and unclean and the list of Abominations that accompany the one you don't like? Why is it only that one you folks focus on?

Like I said... we are all sinners... not one of us is worthy of heaven.

So then why bother?

May as well just live it up while we're here if we're all going to hell anyway.
That's ridiculous. I am a Christian and I try my best to love everyone the best I can. Love means not judging them for their actions. God's job is to judge, ours isn't. But Some Christians can't help themselves but to demean people that do stuff that they don't agree with. Condemning them to hell before God even gets a say in the matter.

That is not Christianity. You have no clue who is and who isn't going to hell... neither do I. Homosexual Christians may very well walk among us in paradise... Drug addicts, Prostitutes... all those people that SOME Christians choose to threaten with eternal damnation are the people that God will have the most mercy upon. Those who act in God's name and make these judgments will be judged much more harshly.

James 3:1 Not many of you should presume to be teachers, my brothers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly.

The bottom line is that we are all flawed people. No one is better than another in God's eyes.

I say you're just politically correct and can't be honest.

It's an abomination and you know it. God was clear or do you really care what God say's?

I'd say you may be worshiping a false god... or at the very least, the correct god in a false manner... but that would be passing judgment wouldn't it?

Let me ask you something.... have you held true to everything in Leviticus? Have you ever read the book of Leviticus? specifically, the chapter on what is clean and unclean and the list of Abominations that accompany the one you don't like? Why is it only that one you folks focus on?

Like I said... we are all sinners... not one of us is worthy of heaven.

No i'm not Jewish that was a covenant created between God and Isarel.

2Ti 3:12 Yea, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.
2Ti 3:13 But evil men and seducers will go forward to worse, deceiving and being deceived.
2Ti 3:14 But continue in the things that you have learned and have been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them,
2Ti 3:15 and that from a babe you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise to salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.
2Ti 3:16 All Scripture is God-breathed, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness,
2Ti 3:17 that the man of God may be perfected, thoroughly furnished to every good work.

Pro 15:10 Correction is grievous to him who forsakes the way; he who hates reproof shall die.
So what was dumbshit saying about everybody who understood science understands that the bible has been disproven?


21 “You have heard that it was said to the people long ago, ‘You shall not murder,[a] and anyone who murders will be subject to judgment.’ 22 But I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister[c] will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to a brother or sister, ‘Raca,’[d] is answerable to the court. And anyone who says, ‘You fool!’ will be in danger of the fire of hell.

23 “Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother or sister has something against you, 24 leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to them; then come and offer your gift.

Matthew 5:21-24

Matthew 5 NIV - Introduction to the Sermon on the Mount - Bible Gateway
I say you're just politically correct and can't be honest.

It's an abomination and you know it. God was clear or do you really care what God say's?

I'd say you may be worshiping a false god... or at the very least, the correct god in a false manner... but that would be passing judgment wouldn't it?

Let me ask you something.... have you held true to everything in Leviticus? Have you ever read the book of Leviticus? specifically, the chapter on what is clean and unclean and the list of Abominations that accompany the one you don't like? Why is it only that one you folks focus on?

Like I said... we are all sinners... not one of us is worthy of heaven.

So then why bother?

May as well just live it up while we're here if we're all going to hell anyway.

Not what he meant.

We can't measure up to God's standards but we gain eternal life by believing and being the best we can be, becausde of the sacrfice of Christ.
So what was dumbshit saying about everybody who understood science understands that the bible has been disproven?


21 “You have heard that it was said to the people long ago, ‘You shall not murder,[a] and anyone who murders will be subject to judgment.’ 22 But I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister[c] will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to a brother or sister, ‘Raca,’[d] is answerable to the court. And anyone who says, ‘You fool!’ will be in danger of the fire of hell.

23 “Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother or sister has something against you, 24 leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to them; then come and offer your gift.

Matthew 5:21-24

Matthew 5 NIV - Introduction to the Sermon on the Mount - Bible Gateway

Thanks i needed that,sometimes these debates get testy,i am guilty, time to cool the jets. :eusa_angel:
I say you're just politically correct and can't be honest.

It's an abomination and you know it. God was clear or do you really care what God say's?

I'd say you may be worshiping a false god... or at the very least, the correct god in a false manner... but that would be passing judgment wouldn't it?

Let me ask you something.... have you held true to everything in Leviticus? Have you ever read the book of Leviticus? specifically, the chapter on what is clean and unclean and the list of Abominations that accompany the one you don't like? Why is it only that one you folks focus on?

Like I said... we are all sinners... not one of us is worthy of heaven.

So then why bother?

May as well just live it up while we're here if we're all going to hell anyway.

Go right ahead.
But why do you care what we do?
I'd say you may be worshiping a false god... or at the very least, the correct god in a false manner... but that would be passing judgment wouldn't it?

Let me ask you something.... have you held true to everything in Leviticus? Have you ever read the book of Leviticus? specifically, the chapter on what is clean and unclean and the list of Abominations that accompany the one you don't like? Why is it only that one you folks focus on?

Like I said... we are all sinners... not one of us is worthy of heaven.

So then why bother?

May as well just live it up while we're here if we're all going to hell anyway.

Go right ahead.
But why do you care what we do?

Good question
I'd say you may be worshiping a false god... or at the very least, the correct god in a false manner... but that would be passing judgment wouldn't it?

Let me ask you something.... have you held true to everything in Leviticus? Have you ever read the book of Leviticus? specifically, the chapter on what is clean and unclean and the list of Abominations that accompany the one you don't like? Why is it only that one you folks focus on?

Like I said... we are all sinners... not one of us is worthy of heaven.

So then why bother?

May as well just live it up while we're here if we're all going to hell anyway.

Go right ahead.
But why do you care what we do?

Good point... why should he care? At the same time... He's probably been told the Good News of Christ and how he died for our sins. After one has been told, then the ball is in their court. So why should we try to keep convincing him or people like him? He's an American Citizen, so he should be allowed to worship(or not) as he/she sees fit.

That's one of the conundrums of American Life. On one hand, we are to spread the good news. On the other, our county was founded upon freedom to choose not to listen. So, the way I try to resolve it is this: If the subject of religion comes up in conversation... I let them know my beliefs. If they want to hear more, I tell them. If they don't I let them be. You can't force people to believe. People need to come to God in their own good time... some never do, and I guess that's their choice. But I will never condemn someone for their beliefs(or lack thereof). Once again... I feel as though that job belongs to God. In this life, they deserve to live in peace.

Just my opinion.
I'd say you may be worshiping a false god... or at the very least, the correct god in a false manner... but that would be passing judgment wouldn't it?

Let me ask you something.... have you held true to everything in Leviticus? Have you ever read the book of Leviticus? specifically, the chapter on what is clean and unclean and the list of Abominations that accompany the one you don't like? Why is it only that one you folks focus on?

Like I said... we are all sinners... not one of us is worthy of heaven.

So then why bother?

May as well just live it up while we're here if we're all going to hell anyway.

Go right ahead.
But why do you care what we do?

Hey Allie, by the looks of those teeth on your dog, he is definately carnivorous. :lol:
So then why bother?

May as well just live it up while we're here if we're all going to hell anyway.

Go right ahead.
But why do you care what we do?

Good point... why should he care? At the same time... He's probably been told the Good News of Christ and how he died for our sins. After one has been told, then the ball is in their court. So why should we try to keep convincing him or people like him? He's an American Citizen, so he should be allowed to worship(or not) as he/she sees fit.

That's one of the conundrums of American Life. On one hand, we are to spread the good news. On the other, our county was founded upon freedom to choose not to listen. So, the way I try to resolve it is this: If the subject of religion comes up in conversation... I let them know my beliefs. If they want to hear more, I tell them. If they don't I let them be. You can't force people to believe. People need to come to God in their own good time... some never do, and I guess that's their choice. But I will never condemn someone for their beliefs(or lack thereof). Once again... I feel as though that job belongs to God. In this life, they deserve to live in peace.

Just my opinion.

This is a forum and a lot of people read these threads should we not set the record straight ?

A lot of these kids should be able to see the other side of the arguement to make a wise choice no ?

They have been taught the secularist religion and their views not giving God a chance.

I do believe my God is loving and just and he will read the hearts of men,but what will happen to the kids if they continue being taught to hate God and his book ?

They actually think that we are all brainwashed and stupid.

They go to these anti God sites and come here to try and debate it. You see how much misinformation get's presented by their side.

But anyhow, if i can just get one to change his heart, i think it is worth putting up with the venom and hatred directed at us.

I just wish they would open their minds and hearts to see we don't mean them harm.
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So then why bother?

May as well just live it up while we're here if we're all going to hell anyway.

What do you consider living it up? I am by no means a prude. I like to drink beer, play blues music and I have a penchant for cussing. I like to watch porn with my wife sometimes on one of those "good nights" around the Plate household, I smoke, I'm overweight, and because I only get one Sunday off/month... I tend to prefer the Church of St. Mattress when I do have off. I am what one would call a devout Christian, but I know a good chunk of the bible and I do believe.

Anyway... a lot of those types of sins are cosmetic.... they are still sins in God's eye... I know that. but you know what? I don't ask God to forgive me for every infraction... I ask God to forgive me for my vices and weaknesses and ask for help to become a better man. I find as I get older, those physical vices tend to mellow on their own and they become less important and interpersonal relationships become more important.

I believe that God works in a natural manner.

But to your question... why bother? Because I believe in the Lord and I want to see my mother again. I miss her quite frankly. Let's suppose for a second, that atheists are right... there is no God. Guess what? When I am dead, I'm dead. But perhaps because of my faith, I helped someone who needed help that maybe I wouldn't have without it. Maybe I was a mentor for someone, maybe the love that I showed to my kids, a friend, or even a co-worker made a difference in their lives in some small way. That's a good thing.

But on the other hand... If Christians(or any other religion, for that matter) is right, then I will see my mom again, I will see my dad again and I will be in a place of peace and tranquility far away from this world of struggle.

now remember... I try very hard not to judge others and respect their life choices. All I personally ask is that you do the same for me. I even understand your animosity towards some Christians... but IMO, they aren't being very Christian-like by rebuking you for your actions or thoughts. God gave us free will for a reason. Forced obedience is false obedience. So I hope you folks who don't share my faith understand where I am coming from.

ok... long post... sorry about that.
Go right ahead.
But why do you care what we do?

Good point... why should he care? At the same time... He's probably been told the Good News of Christ and how he died for our sins. After one has been told, then the ball is in their court. So why should we try to keep convincing him or people like him? He's an American Citizen, so he should be allowed to worship(or not) as he/she sees fit.

That's one of the conundrums of American Life. On one hand, we are to spread the good news. On the other, our county was founded upon freedom to choose not to listen. So, the way I try to resolve it is this: If the subject of religion comes up in conversation... I let them know my beliefs. If they want to hear more, I tell them. If they don't I let them be. You can't force people to believe. People need to come to God in their own good time... some never do, and I guess that's their choice. But I will never condemn someone for their beliefs(or lack thereof). Once again... I feel as though that job belongs to God. In this life, they deserve to live in peace.

Just my opinion.

This is a forum and a lot of people read these threads should we not set the record straight ?

A lot of these kids should be able to see the other side of the arguement to make a wise choice no ?

They have been taught the secularist religion and their views not giving God a chance.

I do believe my God is loving and just and he will read the hearts of men,but what will happen to the kids if they continue being taught to hate God and his book ?

They actually think that we are all brainwashed and stupid.

They go to these anti God sites and come here to try and debate it. You see how much misinformation get's presented by their side.

But anyhow, if i can just get one to change his heart, i think it is worth putting up with the venom and hatred directed at us.

I just wish they would open their minds and hearts to see we don't mean them harm.

Oh... I get where you are coming from. But it's not your responsibility. it's your responsibility to point a person who wants to know about God in the right direction. It's not your responsibility to try to convert those who will not be converted.

My mom always said that you catch more flies with sugar than vinegar. Truthfully... I think that there are very few "true' atheists when one is on his/her deathbed.

Finally... I believe that God is a lot more understanding than we give him credit for. I know this sounds like blasphemy... and maybe it is(god forgive me), but I am hoping that God finds people of other religions worthy of redemption. It's hard for me to Fathom an all powerful creator of worlds being so offended by a group of people calling him Allah, Vishnu, or Buddha instead of God... and having a different book of reference to learn from that he would send those people to a place of eternal punishment for following the religion that they were born and raised upon for centuries.

I mean... I could be very much wrong about that... but I pray that I'm not.

Edit: One more thing... arguing about evolution vs. Creation is the type of thing that will turn a non-believer/agnostic off. Did you ever hear of the phrase... choose your battles wisely? If someone does not believe in God, you certainly are not going to get him/her to believe that Man walked with Dinosaurs. That kind of stuff is semantics and really doesn't matter in one's salvation... now mind you... this is just my opinion...not theological fact. But I'd rather talk about God's love and God's forgiveness than do the fire and Brimstone thing.

Finally... I believe in leading by example. I let people know that I am a sinner and I have never been able to stop sinning. I am no saint and I never will be. But... I try to let people know that they don't have to be.
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