Why do the God-haters persist?

But I'm watching all these bible shows and listening to all of you and it is quite maddening all the different opinions and beliefs. This alone suggests it's all made up.

Let's imagine for a moment, you have been dispatched to a small village in Africa to investigate a report of a UFO. You set up camp and begin to interview the villagers. One by one, they tell you their story. One man saw three red lights in the sky, another man saw three white lights. One woman heard a noise and saw a glow in the sky, another woman heard no noise but saw the same glow. One man says he saw the spaceship itself, another man saw it hovering over the village, yet another saw it fly by quickly and vanish without a trace. In the end, nearly all the villagers reported seeing something they couldn't explain, only a couple saw and heard nothing.

Now since their stories all differed in what they supposedly saw, do you conclude they imagined this and it wasn't real? Or is it more than likely they DID see something and their stories simply differ because perceptions are different in eyewitness testimony?

The fact that 88% of the human species believes (and always have) that they make a real spiritual connection, is much more significant than the fact they experience these connections differently and have different perspective of what they experience. The fact that perspectives of an experience differ from person to person does NOT suggest the experience did not happen. This is not supported by science or logic, and it's not even a rational conclusion.

Those people in Africa don't know what they saw. If they said it was god and didn't have any proof, I would not immediately believe them and even if I did believe they saw something I wouldn't believe they saw god or a UFO.

Eye-witness testimony and anecdotal accounts are, by themselves, not reliable or definitive forms of proof for such extraordinary claims.
I R: God was sitting on a mt. when man was right below Him melting gold for an idol to worship.

whose fault was that ? - maybe G should come down from the mt., (for those who doubt).


He'd rather sit on High and draw His children near to Him, where He belongs, where we belong.
Keep in mind that during the day He was shade in the desert. At night He was the fire that warmed them, the one that forgave them while they were sinning, and the one providing all of the food and water for the trip.

It's called grace, unmerited favor. That you require more is your fault, not His.
Christ is our portion. :eusa_angel:

God is the universe/love/laws of physics/shade/fire/warmth/forgiveness.

We already have names for these things. Redefining something as ‘god’ tells us nothing. To use the word ‘god’ implies a host of other attributes and if you don’t intend to apply those attributes, using the word is intentionally misleading.
IGNORANT little man, does he want to be a robot or have freewill???? God gave man choice BUT THEN SIN LOVING little man wants to blame God for what choice man made AND THE JUST RESULTS HE GETS!!! lol!!!
Ah. Has sealybobo said that he is absolutely right in his beliefs?

Whatever the case may be for that, the post I quoted didn't say that only those who think they are absolutely right in their beliefs are not totally comfortable etc. And while I disagree with how adamant sealy comes across that there is no god, you have certainly presented your case as though you feel absolutely confident in your beliefs.

Silly boob has run the gamut. He has said that he "just doesn't know" and then he claims it's "scientific consensus!" Repeatedly, he claims God is not real and man invented God. Then he says there is a .0001% chance God is real. He says he is an Atheists, then he's an "Agnostic Atheist!" First it's "not rational" to believe in God, then it's the "most rational" to be an undecided agnostic.

I do feel confident that I am connecting with something beyond physical nature, greater than self. I define that as a spiritual connection with spiritual nature. As I said, if that were not the case, I wouldn't be able to just "believe" it. I feel confident that humans have always had spirituality because the oldest humans we know about were spiritually connecting. I don't feel confident that God exists as a physical entity or that physical sciences can ever prove God's spiritual existence. I also don't feel confident believing man-made religious incarnations of God. I've been completely open and honest about these things and remain consistent.
Apologetics Press - "Evolution is the Scientific Consensus?So You Should Believe It!?

When did we switch back to a debate on evolution? We were talking about existence of God. I've not refuted evolution, but evolution does not disprove God. Evolution has nothing to do with origin of the universe or origin of life... or whether God exists. Neither does Neil DeGrasse Tyson.
Apologetics Press - "Evolution is the Scientific Consensus?So You Should Believe It!?

When did we switch back to a debate on evolution? We were talking about existence of God. I've not refuted evolution, but evolution does not disprove God. Evolution has nothing to do with origin of the universe or origin of life... or whether God exists. Neither does Neil DeGrasse Tyson.
IGNORANT little man, does he want to be a robot or have freewill???? God gave man choice BUT THEN SIN LOVING little man wants to blame God for what choice man made AND THE JUST RESULTS HE GETS!!! lol!!!

You are the robot lady. I am practicing my free will. I refuse to be guilted or brainwashed into believing your unbelievable cult story. Sorry. You'll just have to go back out there and try to recruit other fools like you who are gullable.
Apologetics Press - "Evolution is the Scientific Consensus?So You Should Believe It!?

When did we switch back to a debate on evolution? We were talking about existence of God. I've not refuted evolution, but evolution does not disprove God. Evolution has nothing to do with origin of the universe or origin of life... or whether God exists. Neither does Neil DeGrasse Tyson.

The motivation for belief in a divine salvational god breaks down when you accept evolution:

Original sin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I see. You want to deny all the supposed evidence god exists and still believe? It is even harder to prove you wrong I will admit since you have your own crazy reasons why you believe in a god. Its real easy to tear apart the jew, muslim or christian stories but your argument that "god exists because humans have always believed in one" is not one that can be proven wrong. It's just a feeling you have.

Lets just say most outspoken scientists don't agree with you. Why won't they speak up? Well you see how Americans treat and think about people who don't believe in god so I would keep quiet about it too if I were them. You guys are too ignorant to hear the truth.
Apologetics Press - "Evolution is the Scientific Consensus?So You Should Believe It!?

When did we switch back to a debate on evolution? We were talking about existence of God. I've not refuted evolution, but evolution does not disprove God. Evolution has nothing to do with origin of the universe or origin of life... or whether God exists. Neither does Neil DeGrasse Tyson.

In 1997, the science journal Nature reported that 40 percent of scientists in the U.S. believed in a personal God—the same amount as had believed eighty years prior. However, when those results were filtered to include only members of the National Academy of Sciences, the number dropped to 10 percent. A Pew survey taken in 2009 records that 33 percent of scientists believe in God and another 18 percent in a higher power, compared to 94 percent of the (STUPID) general public.

Read more: Why don't scientists believe in God?
I'm pissed at myself for being blind all those years I called myself a Christian. I want God to be real. I want to be rewarded for living this lousy life. Wanting something to be true, doesn't make it true. The bible is a work of fiction and the God of the OT is somebody I'd want nothing to do with. Too hateful, bloodthirsty, full of himself, I don't want to be anybody's slave and that includes God's.
Illiterate know-nothing, redux.

There are scientists who simply don't bother thinking about God. Steven Weinberg, a Nobel Prize laureate for his work in particle physics, said, "The experience of being a scientist makes religion seem fairly irrelevant. Most scientists I know simply don't think about it very much. They don't think about religion enough to qualify as practicing atheists."

Read more: Why don't scientists believe in God?
I'm pissed at myself for being blind all those years I called myself a Christian. I want God to be real. I want to be rewarded for living this lousy life. Wanting something to be true, doesn't make it true. The bible is a work of fiction and the God of the OT is somebody I'd want nothing to do with. Too hateful, bloodthirsty, full of himself, I don't want to be anybody's slave and that includes God's.

Clearly the Old and New Testaments were written by men and for men.
Illiterate know-nothing, redux.

Look at this bullshit website

) They choose to worship "created things rather than the Creator" (Romans 1:25 NIV).
2) They choose to embrace "opposing ideas of what is falsely called knowledge" (1 Timothy 6:20 NIV).
3) They choose to retain their sin instead of repenting (John 3:19).
4) They choose to limit their definition of truth to what can be empirically discovered. Unfortunately, the truth of God cannot be discovered via the scientific method. "The world through its wisdom did not know him" (1 Corinthians 1:21 NIV).
5) They choose pride over humility (James 4:6).

They left one out. We don't believe because the stories are unfucking believable. Is that so fucking hard to understand? We don't trust corrupt lying churches. We don't accept their claims as fact. Why should we?

Well guess what people. Anyone who does has blind faith. You are trusting a society you should know is untrustworthy. Kings, Pharoahs, Slave Masters and corrupt Popes use religion to control the stupid masses. Are you someone who they control? I think you are.
Illiterate know-nothing, ad infinitum.

I don't get people like you. Why does it make you mad that I point out you have absolutely zero proof your lord and savior are even real? You freaks run around telling everyone to believe the unbelievable stories your fake ass book tells or go to hell.

Doesn't it bother you that all the other religions before and after yours are/were fake?

So all you really have to go on is trust that your church is telling the truth. But then you'd have to have faith that the generation before them told them the truth, and so on and so on.

If you ask me, 11 guys made up the story 2000 years ago and you are brainwashed to believe nonsense.

And I would be ok with that if you guys weren't trying to push it on the rest of us. I think religion is bad for society and I think we'll be much better off without it.

I read your fake ass book. Maybe now you guys should read something other than that fake ass book. Why there is no god
Apologetics Press - "Evolution is the Scientific Consensus?So You Should Believe It!?

When did we switch back to a debate on evolution? We were talking about existence of God. I've not refuted evolution, but evolution does not disprove God. Evolution has nothing to do with origin of the universe or origin of life... or whether God exists. Neither does Neil DeGrasse Tyson.

The motivation for belief in a divine salvational god breaks down when you accept evolution:

Original sin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I see. You want to deny all the supposed evidence god exists and still believe? It is even harder to prove you wrong I will admit since you have your own crazy reasons why you believe in a god. Its real easy to tear apart the jew, muslim or christian stories but your argument that "god exists because humans have always believed in one" is not one that can be proven wrong. It's just a feeling you have.

Lets just say most outspoken scientists don't agree with you. Why won't they speak up? Well you see how Americans treat and think about people who don't believe in god so I would keep quiet about it too if I were them. You guys are too ignorant to hear the truth.

Well, I am sorry but nothing "breaks down" when you accept the theory of evolution. I'm a perfect example.. I accept evolution and I also believe in a higher spiritual power. Now, I don't know about "divine salvational" God, but I do know Christians who also accept the theory of evolution. I have no idea what a wiki article on "original sin" has to do with evolution. I also have no idea what you mean that I want to deny evidence God exists, that seems to be what YOU want to do here. I'm the one making an argument for God existing and presenting the evidence I have.

You've not proven anyone wrong here. You've attacked religions, mostly with a simple-minded and frankly child-like understanding of their teachings. It's not "crazy reasoning" for me to believe in God because I communicate with God daily. And it's not a "feeling" that humans have always been spiritual creatures, it's a scientific fact.

Now... Thank God we have Silly Boob to tell us what scientists believe but are too afraid to say! I know your little stupid ass has solid inside understanding of what every scientist thinks and believes on matters of spirituality. Still.... no evidence is being presented to disprove God, by you or by them. I don't think it is because we are too ignorant to hear it, I believe it's because no such evidence exists. Belief in something not in evidence is called "faith" and that's what you have.
I think religion is bad for society and I think we'll be much better off without it.

Your trouble is you are a monkey who is trying to think. You should leave thinking to evolved humans who know and comprehend their spiritual connection to something greater than self, and concern yourself with peeling bananas or something.

It doesn't really matter what you think we'd be better off without, you are never going to remove a fundamental human behavioral attribute. It's remarkably silly for you to believe this is even possible. Again.... your time would be better spent picking off fleas from your mate or learning to hang upside down from your feet. Leave social structure to the species who do it better than any other!

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