Why do the people who voted for Hillary want to pay more taxes?

Liberals are so damn stupid they think bigger government is better government.

The assholes want higher taxes to pay for it, providing they are not the ones having to pay the taxes. They are greedy selfish little bastards like that.

Conservatives are so stupid that when a conservative politician says that liberals want 'bigger government', they believe them.

Nope, liberals don't particularly want 'bigger government'.

But one thing is for sure, 'tax and spend' is a whole lot smarter than 'not tax and spend'.
If they don't want bigger government, then why do they always call for spending increases?
Only on the rich, dupe, because they are getting away with murder and the middle class and the country are going to hell. Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.
Commies don't want a middle class......so you should be happy then.
So I want a dictatorship that owns all business and industry? True idiot.
Your kind keep pushing us in that direction.
Christian charity maybe?
You know...wanting to take care of their fellow citizens like Jesus commanded?
Except for the fact that liberals hate Christianity.

That is the RWNJ party line. Of course, it's just another lie, but that hasn't mattered so far.
Actually, the left has seemed to do everything in its power to remove God from any and every public venue, from government buildings to schools, so, id say his statement is pretty spot on.
Christian charity maybe?
You know...wanting to take care of their fellow citizens like Jesus commanded?
Can you point to the bible verse where Jesus commanded that we pay taxes to the government?

I recall him overturning the taxmans tables in the temple...……….

You’re not much of a Christian, are you?

Jesus didn’t overturn the taxman’s table in the Temple. He overturned the money changers’ tables. They changed Roman and Greek money for Jewish money, taking a profit from those they served. Jesus took issue to profit being made in the Lord’s house.

“Render to Ceasar what is Caesar’s”. Money is a government concept and Jesus dealt in spiritual matters but on money he was clear: “The love of money is the root of all evil.”

Americans want a first world country and taxes are your share of the cost of living in a first world country. If you want to live tax free, there are lots of countries you can move to but it’s going to cost you for round the clock security to protect you from thieves. The roads, if there are any, are crap and don’t drink the water and be careful with the food.

Taxes aren’t the theft of your hard earned dollars. Their your share of the costs of running your country, paying for your schools, roads and infrastructure, and that huge ass military you seem to deem necessary to your defence.

Liberal tax policy is such that it's making this country 3rd world country slowly but surely.

Oh by the way, the taxes used to be 5%, now they are 40%. Why are they so high? So that you could have bunch of free stuff. That's not civilization...
Was that back when the US army comprised 100,000 men with little more than bolt action rifles?

Yep, and we had no need for anything more than that. We certainly didn't need to get involved in that European war.
...but then Republicans came out with their support for Israel.

Explain if you will.. Why do you support Israel? Only reason I have heard right or wrong.

Because they are gods chosen
Because they are our "ally"
Because they are the only "democracy" in the ME
Because I am Jewish
SO tell me why do YOU support Israel?

I support them for the same reason I would come to the defence of woman who was being raped. What kind of scum doesn't want to help the victim of an assault?

Everyone has their pet project and they all eat into the budget.
Christian charity maybe?
You know...wanting to take care of their fellow citizens like Jesus commanded?
Except for the fact that liberals hate Christianity.

That is the RWNJ party line. Of course, it's just another lie, but that hasn't mattered so far.
Actually, the left has seemed to do everything in its power to remove God from any and every public venue, from government buildings to schools, so, id say his statement is pretty spot on.

Just curious, but why do you think references to god are on our public buildings to start with?
Christian charity maybe?
You know...wanting to take care of their fellow citizens like Jesus commanded?
Can you point to the bible verse where Jesus commanded that we pay taxes to the government?

I recall him overturning the taxmans tables in the temple...……….

You’re not much of a Christian, are you?

Jesus didn’t overturn the taxman’s table in the Temple. He overturned the money changers’ tables. They changed Roman and Greek money for Jewish money, taking a profit from those they served. Jesus took issue to profit being made in the Lord’s house.

“Render to Ceasar what is Caesar’s”. Money is a government concept and Jesus dealt in spiritual matters but on money he was clear: “The love of money is the root of all evil.”

Americans want a first world country and taxes are your share of the cost of living in a first world country. If you want to live tax free, there are lots of countries you can move to but it’s going to cost you for round the clock security to protect you from thieves. The roads, if there are any, are crap and don’t drink the water and be careful with the food.

Taxes aren’t the theft of your hard earned dollars. Their your share of the costs of running your country, paying for your schools, roads and infrastructure, and that huge ass military you seem to deem necessary to your defence.
Who are you trying to kid? Taxes go mostly to feed parasites. What does government do to make this a "first world country?" Anything government does, that people actually want, could be done cheaper and better by private companies. The rest of what it does is stuff no one would voluntarily pay for.

The so-called "security" government provides is a joke. The police show up 5 minutes after you have been raped or knifed. All they do is file a report. That's why we have gated communities and private communities.

There are no countries where you can live tax free. None.

You're totally full of shit.
Can you point to the bible verse where Jesus commanded that we pay taxes to the government?

I recall him overturning the taxmans tables in the temple...……….

You’re not much of a Christian, are you?

Jesus didn’t overturn the taxman’s table in the Temple. He overturned the money changers’ tables. They changed Roman and Greek money for Jewish money, taking a profit from those they served. Jesus took issue to profit being made in the Lord’s house.

“Render to Ceasar what is Caesar’s”. Money is a government concept and Jesus dealt in spiritual matters but on money he was clear: “The love of money is the root of all evil.”

Americans want a first world country and taxes are your share of the cost of living in a first world country. If you want to live tax free, there are lots of countries you can move to but it’s going to cost you for round the clock security to protect you from thieves. The roads, if there are any, are crap and don’t drink the water and be careful with the food.

Taxes aren’t the theft of your hard earned dollars. Their your share of the costs of running your country, paying for your schools, roads and infrastructure, and that huge ass military you seem to deem necessary to your defence.

Liberal tax policy is such that it's making this country 3rd world country slowly but surely.

Oh by the way, the taxes used to be 5%, now they are 40%. Why are they so high? So that you could have bunch of free stuff. That's not civilization...
Was that back when the US army comprised 100,000 men with little more than bolt action rifles?
And we had poor houses and Potters fields and crappy food and housing and 65% poverty amongst the elderly etc etc. The GOP Utopia for these ignoramuses.
What we had was 100 times better than what we had a few decades earlier. The claim of 65% poverty among the elderly is pure horseshit.

Potter's fields? The only difference now is that the homeless have Social Security cards.
Tody more than 70% of black babies are born illigitimate and grow up on welfare. Big improvement.
Stop discriminating against them then, and the poor in general... God damn GOP and silly Dupes...
Christian charity maybe?
You know...wanting to take care of their fellow citizens like Jesus commanded?
Except for the fact that liberals hate Christianity.

That is the RWNJ party line. Of course, it's just another lie, but that hasn't mattered so far.
Actually, the left has seemed to do everything in its power to remove God from any and every public venue, from government buildings to schools, so, id say his statement is pretty spot on.

Just curious, but why do you think references to god are on our public buildings to start with?
I'm no historian, so my guess is, they are there because this nation was supposedly founded as a Christian nation. The declaration of independence says that we are endowed with certain unalienable rights, by "their" Creator.

I could be wrong, but that is my understanding.
give unto Caesar, what is Caesar's, give unto God, what is God's...

Jesus said to give to Cesar what is Cesars. However if you have a brain, which you don't you would know that Cesar deserved nothing which is why Rome FELL...………………

So how are your kids today?
So, now you're saying that Jesus didn't have a brain!
Typical Liberal Jesus-hater!
You are so ignorant its hilarious.....you read the talking points about jesus
Jesus said "Render unto Caesar what is Caesars and to God which is Gods" which means follow the law and possessions aren't as important as the spirit
and look up Roman's 13
Only on the rich, dupe, because they are getting away with murder and the middle class and the country are going to hell. Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.
Commies don't want a middle class......so you should be happy then.
So I want a dictatorship that owns all business and industry? True idiot.
I'm not a commie you dipshit....you're the Moron that thinks Marx was right
So you are brainwashed ignorant and illiterate nobody is a commie anymore dumbass.

You're a fucking commie. Who do you think you're kidding?
Communist memes dictatorship that owns all all business and Industry, super dupe. You are so ignorant you are a bad citizen, willfully ignorant and I'm guessing a polite racist. I know a million of them here in Trump country.
Christian charity maybe?
You know...wanting to take care of their fellow citizens like Jesus commanded?
Except for the fact that liberals hate Christianity.

That is the RWNJ party line. Of course, it's just another lie, but that hasn't mattered so far.
Actually, the left has seemed to do everything in its power to remove God from any and every public venue, from government buildings to schools, so, id say his statement is pretty spot on.

Just curious, but why do you think references to god are on our public buildings to start with?
I'm no historian, so my guess is, they are there because this nation was supposedly founded as a Christian nation. The declaration of independence says that we are endowed with certain unalienable rights, by "their" Creator.

I could be wrong, but that is my understanding.

So it's a public acknowledgement of a specific religious belief to the exclusion of all others, right?
Christian charity maybe?
You know...wanting to take care of their fellow citizens like Jesus commanded?
Can you point to the bible verse where Jesus commanded that we pay taxes to the government?

I recall him overturning the taxmans tables in the temple...……….

You’re not much of a Christian, are you?

Jesus didn’t overturn the taxman’s table in the Temple. He overturned the money changers’ tables. They changed Roman and Greek money for Jewish money, taking a profit from those they served. Jesus took issue to profit being made in the Lord’s house.

“Render to Ceasar what is Caesar’s”. Money is a government concept and Jesus dealt in spiritual matters but on money he was clear: “The love of money is the root of all evil.”

Americans want a first world country and taxes are your share of the cost of living in a first world country. If you want to live tax free, there are lots of countries you can move to but it’s going to cost you for round the clock security to protect you from thieves. The roads, if there are any, are crap and don’t drink the water and be careful with the food.

Taxes aren’t the theft of your hard earned dollars. Their your share of the costs of running your country, paying for your schools, roads and infrastructure, and that huge ass military you seem to deem necessary to your defence.
Who are you trying to kid? Taxes go mostly to feed parasites. What does government do to make this a "first world country?" Anything government does, that people actually want, could be done cheaper and better by private companies. The rest of what it does is stuff no one would voluntarily pay for.

The so-called "security" government provides is a joke. The police show up 5 minutes after you have been raped or knifed. All they do is file a report. That's why we have gated communities and private communities.

There are no countries where you can live tax free. None.

You're totally full of shit.
You’re not much of a Christian, are you?

Jesus didn’t overturn the taxman’s table in the Temple. He overturned the money changers’ tables. They changed Roman and Greek money for Jewish money, taking a profit from those they served. Jesus took issue to profit being made in the Lord’s house.

“Render to Ceasar what is Caesar’s”. Money is a government concept and Jesus dealt in spiritual matters but on money he was clear: “The love of money is the root of all evil.”

Americans want a first world country and taxes are your share of the cost of living in a first world country. If you want to live tax free, there are lots of countries you can move to but it’s going to cost you for round the clock security to protect you from thieves. The roads, if there are any, are crap and don’t drink the water and be careful with the food.

Taxes aren’t the theft of your hard earned dollars. Their your share of the costs of running your country, paying for your schools, roads and infrastructure, and that huge ass military you seem to deem necessary to your defence.

Liberal tax policy is such that it's making this country 3rd world country slowly but surely.

Oh by the way, the taxes used to be 5%, now they are 40%. Why are they so high? So that you could have bunch of free stuff. That's not civilization...
Was that back when the US army comprised 100,000 men with little more than bolt action rifles?
And we had poor houses and Potters fields and crappy food and housing and 65% poverty amongst the elderly etc etc. The GOP Utopia for these ignoramuses.
What we had was 100 times better than what we had a few decades earlier. The claim of 65% poverty among the elderly is pure horseshit.

Potter's fields? The only difference now is that the homeless have Social Security cards.
Tody more than 70% of black babies are born illigitimate and grow up on welfare. Big improvement.
Stop discriminating against them then, and the poor in general... God damn GOP and silly Dupes...
Illigitimacy isn't the result of discimination. It's the result of the welfare plantation. When you pay young women to have illigitimate babies, Damn if that's what you get!
Jesus said to give to Cesar what is Cesars. However if you have a brain, which you don't you would know that Cesar deserved nothing which is why Rome FELL...………………

So how are your kids today?
So, now you're saying that Jesus didn't have a brain!
Typical Liberal Jesus-hater!
You are so ignorant its hilarious.....you read the talking points about jesus
Jesus said "Render unto Caesar what is Caesars and to God which is Gods" which means follow the law and possessions aren't as important as the spirit
and look up Roman's 13
Commies don't want a middle class......so you should be happy then.
So I want a dictatorship that owns all business and industry? True idiot.
I'm not a commie you dipshit....you're the Moron that thinks Marx was right
So you are brainwashed ignorant and illiterate nobody is a commie anymore dumbass.

You're a fucking commie. Who do you think you're kidding?
Communist memes dictatorship that owns all all business and Industry, super dupe. You are so ignorant you are a bad citizen, willfully ignorant and I'm guessing a polite racist. I know a million of them here in Trump country.

It's only a matter of time until we reach that point. Just look at what happened in Venezuala. All you leftwing douchebags defended the government of Venezuala. Many of you still do.
I don't want to pay more taxes, I want huge corporations Verizon to pay more than $0.
AND why do you think trump won't show his taxes?? Because he paid a fair amount LOL LOL and Money laundering with his pals in Russia would show up Trump has always been an underhanded crook but republicans love them if they're republican
Except for the fact that liberals hate Christianity.

That is the RWNJ party line. Of course, it's just another lie, but that hasn't mattered so far.
Actually, the left has seemed to do everything in its power to remove God from any and every public venue, from government buildings to schools, so, id say his statement is pretty spot on.

Just curious, but why do you think references to god are on our public buildings to start with?
I'm no historian, so my guess is, they are there because this nation was supposedly founded as a Christian nation. The declaration of independence says that we are endowed with certain unalienable rights, by "their" Creator.

I could be wrong, but that is my understanding.

So it's a public acknowledgement of a specific religious belief to the exclusion of all others, right?
No, it is a public acknowledgement of the religion that the founders practiced, the principles of which they used to guide them while forming the foundations of this country. However, in no way does it exclude the practice of other religions.

The first amendment doesn't say that religion doesn't belong in government, it simply says that government will not make any laws establishing a religion, and that people may worship any religion that they choose.
That is the RWNJ party line. Of course, it's just another lie, but that hasn't mattered so far.
Actually, the left has seemed to do everything in its power to remove God from any and every public venue, from government buildings to schools, so, id say his statement is pretty spot on.

Just curious, but why do you think references to god are on our public buildings to start with?
I'm no historian, so my guess is, they are there because this nation was supposedly founded as a Christian nation. The declaration of independence says that we are endowed with certain unalienable rights, by "their" Creator.

I could be wrong, but that is my understanding.

So it's a public acknowledgement of a specific religious belief to the exclusion of all others, right?
No, it is a public acknowledgement of the religion that the founders practiced, the principles of which they used to guide them while forming the foundations of this country. However, in no way does it exclude the practice of other religions.

The first amendment doesn't say that religion doesn't belong in government, it simply says that government will not make any laws establishing a religion, and that people may worship any religion that they choose.

Yet we are not supposed to be linked to any religion. Lack of belief in a god is supposed to be just as valid as christianity when it comes to public property. How many quotes from The Flying Spahgetti Monster have you seen engraved over a court house door? Do you want to look at statues depicting Satan handing the constitution down from the clowds every time you go pay your taxes? What about a sign on cop cars that says "We have no evidence of any god" ? Practice your religion all you want on your own property, but nobody wants another's religion forced on them on publiuc property.
So, now you're saying that Jesus didn't have a brain!
Typical Liberal Jesus-hater!
You are so ignorant its hilarious.....you read the talking points about jesus
Jesus said "Render unto Caesar what is Caesars and to God which is Gods" which means follow the law and possessions aren't as important as the spirit
and look up Roman's 13
So I want a dictatorship that owns all business and industry? True idiot.
I'm not a commie you dipshit....you're the Moron that thinks Marx was right
So you are brainwashed ignorant and illiterate nobody is a commie anymore dumbass.

You're a fucking commie. Who do you think you're kidding?
Communist memes dictatorship that owns all all business and Industry, super dupe. You are so ignorant you are a bad citizen, willfully ignorant and I'm guessing a polite racist. I know a million of them here in Trump country.

It's only a matter of time until we reach that point. Just look at what happened in Venezuala. All you leftwing douchebags defended the government of Venezuala. Many of you still do.
I guess you'll have to choose between becoming like "Venezuala" and supporting the jew.
Jesus said to give to Cesar what is Cesars. However if you have a brain, which you don't you would know that Cesar deserved nothing which is why Rome FELL...………………

So how are your kids today?
So, now you're saying that Jesus didn't have a brain!
Typical Liberal Jesus-hater!
You are so ignorant its hilarious.....you read the talking points about jesus
Jesus said "Render unto Caesar what is Caesars and to God which is Gods" which means follow the law and possessions aren't as important as the spirit
and look up Roman's 13
Commies don't want a middle class......so you should be happy then.
So I want a dictatorship that owns all business and industry? True idiot.
I'm not a commie you dipshit....you're the Moron that thinks Marx was right
So you are brainwashed ignorant and illiterate nobody is a commie anymore dumbass.

You're a fucking commie. Who do you think you're kidding?
Communist memes dictatorship that owns all all business and Industry, super dupe. You are so ignorant you are a bad citizen, willfully ignorant and I'm guessing a polite racist. I know a million of them here in Trump country.
No, that's not communist, haven't you heard your lefty friends, it just hasn't been done correctly yet. True, that's how it ends up, because no one wants to be part of that shit system, because there is no middle class in it.
You are so ignorant its hilarious.....you read the talking points about jesus
Jesus said "Render unto Caesar what is Caesars and to God which is Gods" which means follow the law and possessions aren't as important as the spirit
and look up Roman's 13
I'm not a commie you dipshit....you're the Moron that thinks Marx was right
So you are brainwashed ignorant and illiterate nobody is a commie anymore dumbass.

You're a fucking commie. Who do you think you're kidding?
Communist memes dictatorship that owns all all business and Industry, super dupe. You are so ignorant you are a bad citizen, willfully ignorant and I'm guessing a polite racist. I know a million of them here in Trump country.

It's only a matter of time until we reach that point. Just look at what happened in Venezuala. All you leftwing douchebags defended the government of Venezuala. Many of you still do.
I guess you'll have to choose between becoming like "Venezuala" and supporting the jew.
what jew?
I don't want to pay more taxes, I want huge corporations Verizon to pay more than $0.
AND why do you think trump won't show his taxes?? Because he paid a fair amount LOL LOL and Money laundering with his pals in Russia would show up Trump has always been an underhanded crook but republicans love them if they're republican
The same reason hussein didn't want to show his college records.
So you are brainwashed ignorant and illiterate nobody is a commie anymore dumbass.

You're a fucking commie. Who do you think you're kidding?
Communist memes dictatorship that owns all all business and Industry, super dupe. You are so ignorant you are a bad citizen, willfully ignorant and I'm guessing a polite racist. I know a million of them here in Trump country.

It's only a matter of time until we reach that point. Just look at what happened in Venezuala. All you leftwing douchebags defended the government of Venezuala. Many of you still do.
I guess you'll have to choose between becoming like "Venezuala" and supporting the jew.
what jew?
Read post 423.

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