Why do you hate

murder should always be illegal,,,but as with execution it is sometimes necessary,,,
Executions are illegal? Not where I live.
I said murder was illegal not executions,,,,GEEZ ,,try reading before you comment,,,,
So... Murder is sometimes necessary but even necessary murders should be illegal? Care to offer an example of a necessary murder?
AGAIN,,,not what I said,,,,

a good example of a necessary murder is when you take a solid blunt object and beat someone to death that continues to ignore a problem and make useless diatribes,,,
murder should always be illegal,,,but as with execution it is sometimes necessary,,,
Executions are illegal? Not where I live.
I said murder was illegal not executions,,,,GEEZ ,,try reading before you comment,,,,
So... Murder is sometimes necessary but even necessary murders should be illegal? Care to offer an example of a necessary murder?
AGAIN,,,not what I said,,,,

a good example of a necessary murder is when you take a solid blunt object and beat someone to death that continues to ignore a problem and make useless diatribes,,,
English is a terribly imprecise medium, that's why we have so many lawyers, and don't worry, I don't take your diatribes personally so you're in no danger.

It is frustrating that you insist on ignoring the question of when, if ever, an abortion is OK/necessary and should be legal? Is it always murder, sometimes murder, sometimes murder but necessary, etc.?

It seems you cannot bring yourself to sanction any abortions, no matter how much suffering will result. That is why you are so intent on discussing abortions of convenience, your 95%, they are so much easier for your conscience to deal with. Stop your dancing and man up to the moral dilemma that is abortion in this country.
murder should always be illegal,,,but as with execution it is sometimes necessary,,,
Executions are illegal? Not where I live.
I said murder was illegal not executions,,,,GEEZ ,,try reading before you comment,,,,
So... Murder is sometimes necessary but even necessary murders should be illegal? Care to offer an example of a necessary murder?
AGAIN,,,not what I said,,,,

a good example of a necessary murder is when you take a solid blunt object and beat someone to death that continues to ignore a problem and make useless diatribes,,,
English is a terribly imprecise medium, that's why we have so many lawyers, and don't worry, I don't take your diatribes personally so you're in no danger.

It is frustrating that you insist on ignoring the question of when, if ever, an abortion is OK/necessary and should be legal? Is it always murder, sometimes murder, sometimes murder but necessary, etc.?

It seems you cannot bring yourself to sanction any abortions, no matter how much suffering will result. That is why you are so intent on discussing abortions of convenience, your 95%, they are so much easier for your conscience to deal with. Stop your dancing and man up to the moral dilemma that is abortion in this country.
when did I ignore it???

I answered it twice and also said when the life of the child or mother are in question that even though its a harsh thing it is necessary,,,

.its you thats stuck on it not me,,,

I would rather of course focus on the millions being murdered for convenience,,,
when did I ignore it???

I answered it twice and also said when the life of the child or mother are in question that even though its a harsh thing it is necessary,,,

.its you thats stuck on it not me,,,

I would rather of course focus on the millions being murdered for convenience,,,
I just wanted to understand your position, it is not so far from my own. We both believe there are some situations where abortions should be legal and some where they should NOT be legal. Of course we differ on which situations are serious enough to warrant allowing legal abortions but those are just details since we agree on the basic issue, some, but not all, abortions should be legal.

Did I state your position fairly?
when did I ignore it???

I answered it twice and also said when the life of the child or mother are in question that even though its a harsh thing it is necessary,,,

.its you thats stuck on it not me,,,

I would rather of course focus on the millions being murdered for convenience,,,
I just wanted to understand your position, it is not so far from my own. We both believe there are some situations where abortions should be legal and some where they should NOT be legal. Of course we differ on which situations are serious enough to warrant allowing legal abortions but those are just details since we agree on the basic issue, some, but not all, abortions should be legal.

Did I state your position fairly?
somewhat,,,a little to vague,,,

like I said ,,only when it can be proven the child or mothers life is in danger,,,,
when did I ignore it???

I answered it twice and also said when the life of the child or mother are in question that even though its a harsh thing it is necessary,,,

.its you thats stuck on it not me,,,

I would rather of course focus on the millions being murdered for convenience,,,
I just wanted to understand your position, it is not so far from my own. We both believe there are some situations where abortions should be legal and some where they should NOT be legal. Of course we differ on which situations are serious enough to warrant allowing legal abortions but those are just details since we agree on the basic issue, some, but not all, abortions should be legal.

Did I state your position fairly?
somewhat,,,a little to vague,,,

like I said ,,only when it can be proven the child or mothers life is in danger,,,,
Excellent! I was purposely vague since I doubted I could put into words what it means to have the child or mothers life in 'danger'. I'm no doctor. I suspect my definition would be much more expansive.

Likewise, the younger the fetus the less I'd be willing to second guess the mother's decision. Until the fetus develops past a certain point (I don't really know where that point is, maybe higher level brain functionality or viability?) I'd be willing let the mother decide.
when did I ignore it???

I answered it twice and also said when the life of the child or mother are in question that even though its a harsh thing it is necessary,,,

.its you thats stuck on it not me,,,

I would rather of course focus on the millions being murdered for convenience,,,
I just wanted to understand your position, it is not so far from my own. We both believe there are some situations where abortions should be legal and some where they should NOT be legal. Of course we differ on which situations are serious enough to warrant allowing legal abortions but those are just details since we agree on the basic issue, some, but not all, abortions should be legal.

Did I state your position fairly?
somewhat,,,a little to vague,,,

like I said ,,only when it can be proven the child or mothers life is in danger,,,,
Excellent! I was purposely vague since I doubted I could put into words what it means to have the child or mothers life in 'danger'. I'm no doctor. I suspect my definition would be much more expansive.

Likewise, the younger the fetus the less I'd be willing to second guess the mother's decision. Until the fetus develops past a certain point (I don't really know where that point is, maybe higher level brain functionality or viability?) I'd be willing let the mother decide.
the mother would be very emotional and needs more than just a second opinion,,,and some doctors are in it for the money, so in this kind of case should have a lot of over site,,,
when did I ignore it???

I answered it twice and also said when the life of the child or mother are in question that even though its a harsh thing it is necessary,,,

.its you thats stuck on it not me,,,

I would rather of course focus on the millions being murdered for convenience,,,
I just wanted to understand your position, it is not so far from my own. We both believe there are some situations where abortions should be legal and some where they should NOT be legal. Of course we differ on which situations are serious enough to warrant allowing legal abortions but those are just details since we agree on the basic issue, some, but not all, abortions should be legal.

Did I state your position fairly?
somewhat,,,a little to vague,,,

like I said ,,only when it can be proven the child or mothers life is in danger,,,,
Excellent! I was purposely vague since I doubted I could put into words what it means to have the child or mothers life in 'danger'. I'm no doctor. I suspect my definition would be much more expansive.

Likewise, the younger the fetus the less I'd be willing to second guess the mother's decision. Until the fetus develops past a certain point (I don't really know where that point is, maybe higher level brain functionality or viability?) I'd be willing let the mother decide.
Apparently that point is a heart beat.
when did I ignore it???

I answered it twice and also said when the life of the child or mother are in question that even though its a harsh thing it is necessary,,,

.its you thats stuck on it not me,,,

I would rather of course focus on the millions being murdered for convenience,,,
I just wanted to understand your position, it is not so far from my own. We both believe there are some situations where abortions should be legal and some where they should NOT be legal. Of course we differ on which situations are serious enough to warrant allowing legal abortions but those are just details since we agree on the basic issue, some, but not all, abortions should be legal.

Did I state your position fairly?
somewhat,,,a little to vague,,,

like I said ,,only when it can be proven the child or mothers life is in danger,,,,
Excellent! I was purposely vague since I doubted I could put into words what it means to have the child or mothers life in 'danger'. I'm no doctor. I suspect my definition would be much more expansive.

Likewise, the younger the fetus the less I'd be willing to second guess the mother's decision. Until the fetus develops past a certain point (I don't really know where that point is, maybe higher level brain functionality or viability?) I'd be willing let the mother decide.
Apparently that point is a heart beat.
Apparently that point is a heart beat.

life begins with the first breath ... in Garden Earth, not before.
when did I ignore it???

I answered it twice and also said when the life of the child or mother are in question that even though its a harsh thing it is necessary,,,

.its you thats stuck on it not me,,,

I would rather of course focus on the millions being murdered for convenience,,,
I just wanted to understand your position, it is not so far from my own. We both believe there are some situations where abortions should be legal and some where they should NOT be legal. Of course we differ on which situations are serious enough to warrant allowing legal abortions but those are just details since we agree on the basic issue, some, but not all, abortions should be legal.

Did I state your position fairly?
somewhat,,,a little to vague,,,

like I said ,,only when it can be proven the child or mothers life is in danger,,,,
Excellent! I was purposely vague since I doubted I could put into words what it means to have the child or mothers life in 'danger'. I'm no doctor. I suspect my definition would be much more expansive.

Likewise, the younger the fetus the less I'd be willing to second guess the mother's decision. Until the fetus develops past a certain point (I don't really know where that point is, maybe higher level brain functionality or viability?) I'd be willing let the mother decide.
Apparently that point is a heart beat.
Apparently that point is a heart beat.

life begins with the first breath ... in Garden Earth, not before.
thats just not true,,,
when did I ignore it???

I answered it twice and also said when the life of the child or mother are in question that even though its a harsh thing it is necessary,,,

.its you thats stuck on it not me,,,

I would rather of course focus on the millions being murdered for convenience,,,
I just wanted to understand your position, it is not so far from my own. We both believe there are some situations where abortions should be legal and some where they should NOT be legal. Of course we differ on which situations are serious enough to warrant allowing legal abortions but those are just details since we agree on the basic issue, some, but not all, abortions should be legal.

Did I state your position fairly?
somewhat,,,a little to vague,,,

like I said ,,only when it can be proven the child or mothers life is in danger,,,,
Excellent! I was purposely vague since I doubted I could put into words what it means to have the child or mothers life in 'danger'. I'm no doctor. I suspect my definition would be much more expansive.

Likewise, the younger the fetus the less I'd be willing to second guess the mother's decision. Until the fetus develops past a certain point (I don't really know where that point is, maybe higher level brain functionality or viability?) I'd be willing let the mother decide.
Apparently that point is a heart beat.
Apparently that point is a heart beat.

life begins with the first breath ... in Garden Earth, not before.
Not according to biology and science.
There is no justification for aborting a healthy fetus.
You state your opinion as a fact. It is NOT a fact.

Your 'healthy' fetus qualifier is a red herring since you have yet to say that that there is a justification for aborting an unhealthy fetus.
So far the only example you have provided usually dies in the womb as a miscarriage, is stillborn or dies shortly after birth.

I’m waiting for you to provide an example of one that doesn’t have one of those three outcomes. For all I know your definition of unhealthy is a downs baby.
the christians lost control of the situation with roe v wade, they can not stand being left on the sideline not in charge of everyone's lives but only with their own.

they see their eventual demise when people are set free. the woman in charge of their own reproductive choices.
The whole roe VS wade thing was a farce. As a man, I would never consider marriage to a woman who hated babies.
That "farce" you describe has been a reasonable compromise that most Americans have agreed with for nearly 50 years.

I suspect your greatest complaint is an inability for religious extremists to impose their extremist views on others.
Hollie, it’s just not “religious” people who believe abortion is wrong.
Until the fetus develops past a certain point (I don't really know where that point is, maybe higher level brain functionality or viability?) I'd be willing let the mother decide.
Apparently that point is a heart beat.
Not apparent to me. Every animal has a heart, it is the human brain that makes us unique so that is probably my yardstick.
Every mammal has a central nervous system which includes a brain.
Until the fetus develops past a certain point (I don't really know where that point is, maybe higher level brain functionality or viability?) I'd be willing let the mother decide.
Apparently that point is a heart beat.
Not apparent to me. Every animal has a heart, it is the human brain that makes us unique so that is probably my yardstick.
It seems you are making a human versus animal distinction.

I can assure you that if it is in a human’s womb it is human.
Babies in the womb are fully human every step of the way. They are never not human.

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