Zone1 Why do you need gods?

In order to believe in God you have to start by first believing in God. Simple one step plan.
You should try it.

It is unlikely you would be in a position to substantively critique the theory of evolution.
Evolution is said to take millions and billions of years. There's no evidence for that
and its origins. It's like a religious belief with no evidence to back it up.

Because there's evidence
Just because you have "faith" in it doesn't mean there's evidence.

You are a "Young Earther"? That's a good area for me. I have my degrees in geology and most of the "young earth" stuff I've read isn't even remotely close to science. But it is interesting to see people who have no experience in earth science telling earth scientists how things work.
The age of the Earth isn't mentioned in the Bible, so the events in it, i.e. human history, were added up to come up with 6K years to counter the 4.54 B years of evolution. You can't prove any rock is millions of years old, let alone billions. Your rocks do not tell us of human history. It's an false assumption made to make evolution work.
that's the issue, they do not now exist and were never verified as who claimed their origin destroyed them before they could be authenticated ... moses the liar.

so what is written in the 4th century c bible or the other desert documents are without a basis as in fact - tablets etched in heaven - never existed. nor the phony 10 commandments, made up by the jews - who murdered jesus when they disavowed their authenticity in the 1st century.

you are a lose loony, bond and anyone else that claims commandments ever existed - sent from the heavens.
As usual, you have no evidence for your wrong opinions.

They're wrong because I have the evidence against it.

"Why do you need..." misses the point. My husband grew up without his dad--he didn't "need" a father. Growing up, I knew at least two who didn't "need" a mother. My aunt didn't "need" a husband; a sister and her husband didn't "need" children. Some don't even "need" friends.

A more interesting contemplation is, "Why invite anyone into your life" culminating with, "Why invite God into your life?"

My summary is that I am so small and God is so great. Why do I turn on a lamp at night? It is because I cannot light up the dark, but it is the nature of a lamp to provide light. God provides the strength, the wisdom, and at times even the knowledge I lack. God comes with the greatness I lack; my world expands.
They key point in my post was "Mutually Exclusive". For instance, per Christian soteriology one CANNOT get salvation if one FAILS to accept Christ as your savior. That's rather specific which means that, according to at least this particular sect, "all roads do NOT lead to Heaven". Rather the opposite.
"Why do you need..." misses the point. My husband grew up without his dad--he didn't "need" a father. Growing up, I knew at least two who didn't "need" a mother. My aunt didn't "need" a husband; a sister and her husband didn't "need" children. Some don't even "need" friends.

A more interesting contemplation is, "Why invite anyone into your life" culminating with, "Why invite God into your life?"

My summary is that I am so small and God is so great. Why do I turn on a lamp at night? It is because I cannot light up the dark, but it is the nature of a lamp to provide light. God provides the strength, the wisdom, and at times even the knowledge I lack. God comes with the greatness I lack; my world expands.

So you chose a god to fill areas of your life you think were lacking.

Others don't choose gods to do the same thing.
I generally agree. I don't mind debating religion with folks, it's very interesting to me, but I totally understand why they have their religious faith. And so long as it doesn't harm anyone else or impose itself on others I'm absolutely FINE with them having their faith.

So you chose a god to fill areas of your life you think were lacking.
Not what I said or even implied. It is what you infer. We may also be seeing "lack" through different definitions. I lack a tail. I lack self-illumination. I lack omnipotence. I do have self-awareness of what I am and what I am not; what I can be versus what I can never be or even want to be.

Because I, myself, cannot be everything, I see no need to eschew a Being who is Everything--or once I did find Him, to barricade Him from my life.

I hope this clarifies what I said and what I mean.
Others don't choose gods to do the same thing.
Now we are getting into the area of seeking and finding God. For example some who say they did seek God, but never found Him. As you point out above, they could have been seeking a being for to use for their own purpose. They were not seeking God, but a miracle worker; they were not seeking God, but a healer. Etc.
Now we are getting into the area of seeking and finding God. For example some who say they did seek God, but never found Him. As you point out above, they could have been seeking a being for to use for their own purpose. They were not seeking God, but a miracle worker; they were not seeking God, but a healer. Etc.
Or it could be as simple as some people see no reason to seek out a god.

You imply that people who don't seek out gods are somehow living less of a life but there is no way to quantify that is there?
You should try it.

I tried.

Evolution is said to take millions and billions of years. There's no evidence for that
and its origins. It's like a religious belief with no evidence to back it up.


Just because you have "faith" in it doesn't mean there's evidence.

You can't prove any rock is millions of years old, let alone billions.

Then you are not allowed to get radiation treatment should you get cancer. Because the same chemistry (rate of radioactive decay) is relied on for that as for dating rocks.

If you don't trust one, you don't get to use the other.

Your rocks do not tell us of human history. It's an false assumption made to make evolution work.

You don't know what the rocks tell you. I do.
Or it could be as simple as some people see no reason to seek out a god.

You imply that people who don't seek out gods are somehow living less of a life but there is no way to quantify that is there?
Sorry, I am not implying any such thing. You are inferring.

Remember, I grew up with atheists. I married an atheist. In this forum I have noted many times my husband, just as I did, made a decision at a young age. I heard there is a God and I wanted to meet Him. My husband heard there is a God and remembers making a firm decision that if there is, He definitely wanted to make it through this life on his own power, without any assistance.

When we first met, he told me he saw God as a crutch, and he wanted to make it through this life without a crutch. I said I saw it a bit differently. I know I could make it across the country on foot, but I always decide to take the plane.

Some people like to read a book or watch a movie without any kind of sneak preview. Good for them. When it comes to God, I wanted the sneak preview, and sought it out.

My husband--nor any of my other family members who also happen to be atheists--have never lived less of a life, so shame on you for suggesting that--or that it ever crossed my mind.

Have a question for you: Why did it cross your mind?
Most likely because you have an unrealistic perception and expectation of God.

Unrealistic expectations from that being than which none greater can be conceived? That's ironic.

I see this all the time. You can't believe in God because bad things happen to good people or because you perceive the God of the OT is a meanie and did horrible violent things to His creatures.

"The Problem of Evil" is not one of my. main critiques of God. I think it is a reasonable question but not the reason I'm no longer a believer.

You wouldn't understand the technical details of my "de-conversion" since it requires a lot more understanding in areas of theology, philosophy and psychology so I will spare you my efforts to explain it.
1. The Crusades
2. The Witch Trials
3. The Albigensian Crusade
4. The Inquisition
5. 9/11 Attacks
6. Scott Roeder
7. <list goes on and on and on and on>
Research any/all of these. All have much greater depth than religion. People need to stop making religion the convenient whipping boy. It barely skims the surface of why any/all these took place.

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