Why do you want more government in your life?

I just want to know why? Why don't you want more freedom to choose what you want to do?

Do you really think government will do everything better than you would?

I just don't get it.

Because it's easier than taking personal responsibility.

There is someone to blame for your own shortcomings and failures.

There is someone to rescue you, because you aren't ambitious enough to do it yourselves.
As I understand it...a neocon is a big government republican.

So anti-gay but pro patriot act (big government wiretapping, control of citizens) = neocon

big government leftist = radical left

they obviously share a belief in super-big government.

As I understand it...a neocon is a big government republican.

So anti-gay but pro patriot act (big government wiretapping, control of citizens) = neocon

big government leftist = radical left

they obviously share a belief in super-big government.

The radical left by and large isn't for big government. Democrats are for their type of big government, Republicans are for another type of big government, ultimately both are largely corporatist.

The radical left and radical right have nearly polar opposite ideas of what an ideal nation would look like, but in both there is limited or no government and expanded individual rights.

Nearly all Progressives are independents or belong to third parties. The only Progressives in the national Democratic Party are Dennis Kucinich and arguably Alan Grayson, the only Senate progressive is Independent Bernie Sanders. Calling themselves a "Progressive Caucus" and then voting against the agenda of progressives and the policies of progressivism makes them phonies, not leftists.

There's no such thing as Progressive Obama supporters anymore than there are Libertarian McCain supporters. The policies of the Democratic party are not progressive and the policies of the Republican party are not libertarian, the are each fairly centrist bastardizations of liberalism and conservativism. Progressivism is fundamentally at odds with a majority of Obama's policies and the policies enacted by the current Congress, just as Libertarianism is fundamentally at odds with a majority of Bush's policies and the policies enacted by his Congress.

People who vote Democrat and Republican may call themselves "Progressive" or "Libertarian," but that doesn't make them so. Those ideologies have well-defined meanings that are in direct conflict with the policies of those two parties.

Socialism on the left and laissez-faire Capitalism on the right are not radical, they're the most common and popular ideological alternatives to the modern brand of corporatist Capitalism we have now. Being a a Socialist or a laissez-faire free marketer doesn't make you a radical.

Various forms of left-anarchism and communism on the left are radical in relation to American government and various forms of right-anarchism and fascism on the right are radical in relation to American government.

Liberals, conservatives, progressives, libertarians, socialists, strict free-marketers, neo-liberals, neo-conservatives, Democrats and Republicans are all of them offering ways to modify and tweak the existing government to match their ideological stances.
Radicalism is that which calls for an overthrow of government to be replaced by an entirely new system, only a tiny sliver of Americans align themselves that way, none of them vote for either major party, and by definition they (besides fascists) don't believe in big government.

We get comfortable calling everyone who thinks differently than us a "radical" and soon words lose all meaning.
Get real dude. It's interesting to see you so adamantly defend a broken system that threw you overboard 30 years ago. Blissful ignorance peppered with anger.

I am real.. as I can readily and willingly accept the positives AND negatives that come with freedoms and liberty... and I will sooner take that over a governmental nanny state

Perhaps you should move to Rwanda then? No government interference in your life whatsoever. Of course, there are bands of barbarians who can rob, rape, beat and kill you and your family without fear of consequence, but hey, that's just a negative that comes with freedom, no?

Liberals NEVER get the fact that conservatives are not asking for no government but for LIMITED government. Going to the extreme and stating how bad it is without any govt is simply not what conservatives want but it is a good attempt at painting us in a negative light. It would be the same as if I stated that liberals love the cradle to grave, nanny state government though they do love their entitlement programs.
I am real.. as I can readily and willingly accept the positives AND negatives that come with freedoms and liberty... and I will sooner take that over a governmental nanny state

Perhaps you should move to Rwanda then? No government interference in your life whatsoever. Of course, there are bands of barbarians who can rob, rape, beat and kill you and your family without fear of consequence, but hey, that's just a negative that comes with freedom, no?

Liberals NEVER get the fact that conservatives are not asking for no government but for LIMITED government. Going to the extreme and stating how bad it is without any govt is simply not what conservatives want but it is a good attempt at painting us in a negative light. It would be the same as if I stated that liberals love the cradle to grave, nanny state government though they do love their entitlement programs.

Sure they do. You're painting with waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too broad a brush.
I swear, I wish conservatives would stop overusing the word freedom. Now, I'm sure someone is going to spin that into "he doesnt like freedoms, he's trying to repress people", but that's not true.

It's just really annoying that this blind devotion to the misuse of a word exists. Kind of like some people misuse the word "right".
I swear, I wish conservatives would stop overusing the word freedom. Now, I'm sure someone is going to spin that into "he doesnt like freedoms, he's trying to repress people", but that's not true.

It's just really annoying that this blind devotion to the misuse of a word exists. Kind of like some people misuse the word "right".

You mean kind of like the libby progressive blind devotion to the benevolent government?

...at least many of the stinking 'liberals' admit that they favor 'big government'..

...what irks me about the stinking 'conservatives' is that these stooooooopid motherf@ckers lie through their teeth about their disdain of 'big government'...these stooooopid fucks will frequently rail about 'big government' as they cheerlead/apologize for world-wide US government foreign interventionism, warmongering, militarism, etc..the stinking 'drug war'..abortion prohibition...etc. ad nauseam..

...as if these abominations aren't 'big government'.. :rolleyes:

...these goddamned fool conservative republican cheerleaders claim to be for 'freedom'...but in the end these stooooooopid ronald reagan cheerleading fools tax (borrow) and spend virtually the same as the stinking liberals at whom they hiss..only a miserable fool could quibble about any 'difference' between liberals and conservatives when it comes to 'big government', taxation, etc..

..but don't let these facts keep you stooopid conservative republicans from bitching..as i thoroughly enjoy calling you phonies out..

...the rest of you, have a good day! ;)
I just want to know why? Why don't you want more freedom to choose what you want to do?

Do you really think government will do everything better than you would?

I just don't get it.

And yet you are for this thing in Arizona? Paperz please. ARe you pro life? I love my government retirement pay and my government tricare. I love the road I drove in on this morning.
I just want to know why? Why don't you want more freedom to choose what you want to do?

Do you really think government will do everything better than you would?

I just don't get it.

Because it's easier than taking personal responsibility.

There is someone to blame for your own shortcomings and failures.

The parking lot you work in, is it run by the city or is it a civilian owned lot? Just asking........

(What a mess you must be "california girl".)

...at least many of the stinking 'liberals' admit that they favor 'big government'..

...what irks me about the stinking 'conservatives' is that these stooooooopid motherf@ckers lie through their teeth about their disdain of 'big government'...these stooooopid fucks will frequently rail about 'big government' as they cheerlead/apologize for world-wide US government foreign interventionism, warmongering, militarism, etc..the stinking 'drug war'..abortion prohibition...etc. ad nauseam..

...as if these abominations aren't 'big government'.. :rolleyes:

...these goddamned fool conservative republican cheerleaders claim to be for 'freedom'...but in the end these stooooooopid ronald reagan cheerleading fools tax (borrow) and spend virtually the same as the stinking liberals at whom they hiss..only a miserable fool could quibble about any 'difference' between liberals and conservatives when it comes to 'big government', taxation, etc..

..but don't let these facts keep you stooopid conservative republicans from bitching..as i thoroughly enjoy calling you phonies out..

...the rest of you, have a good day! ;)

You assume I am a repudlican?
I just want to know why? Why don't you want more I just don't get it.

Where was your question when bushie baby and dead-eye dick(less) were engaging in warrantless wire tapping, engaging illegal search and seizure? Where was your qestion when bushie and dickie staged an illegal and unconstitutional invasion of a country that was of no real military threat to our country?

You like big government, you just don't like big government when it is being used against you, other people yes, you no.
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I just want to know why? Why don't you want more freedom to choose what you want to do?

Do you really think government will do everything better than you would?

I just don't get it.

I'm lonely. I cannot make friends by myself. I await the arrival of the Census Taker now with baited breath. I'm hoping I can drag his visit out for an hour.

I also get overwhelmed if I am given choices. It's so much easier for me to get gas, now that I don't have to wonder "Leaded? Unleaded?" That used to take awhile every time I went. Wish they'd do away with "$2.89/$3.19/$3.78" as well, but at least that one I can get through a bit faster. Yanno -- eenie,meanie, minie, mo?
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I just want to know why? Why don't you want more freedom to choose what you want to do?

Do you really think government will do everything better than you would?

I just don't get it.

Because it's easier than taking personal responsibility.

There is someone to blame for your own shortcomings and failures.

The parking lot you work in, is it run by the city or is it a civilian owned lot? Just asking........

(What a mess you must be "california girl".)

Drink less kool aid, Zona.... maybe your ability to think will return.
I swear, I wish conservatives would stop overusing the word freedom. Now, I'm sure someone is going to spin that into "he doesnt like freedoms, he's trying to repress people", but that's not true.

It's just really annoying that this blind devotion to the misuse of a word exists. Kind of like some people misuse the word "right".

I swear, I wish liberals would stop exaggerating by claiming that we say Obama is trying to repress the people. We just don't like a big, controlling government. That's not an overly difficult concept.
I swear, I wish conservatives would stop overusing the word freedom. Now, I'm sure someone is going to spin that into "he doesnt like freedoms, he's trying to repress people", but that's not true.

It's just really annoying that this blind devotion to the misuse of a word exists. Kind of like some people misuse the word "right".

I swear, I wish liberals would stop exaggerating by claiming that we say Obama is trying to repress the people. We just don't like a big, controlling government. That's not an overly difficult concept.

Perhaps you should re-read what I said. I didn't extrapolate out to ALL conservatives. I said "someone" (as in not all, but an isolated poster on here posting just to score imaginary flame points). In fact, the "he" I was referencing was myself, if you look at the comment in context.

And it's not overly difficult to understand the concept of limited government. I agree. I simply notice a knee-jerk reaction in SOME who try to overcompensate by overusing the word freedom as if that one word worked like the Latin in Harry Potter.
And in more news...Chicago's Socialist/Progressive Democrats are now calling the National Guard in to fight & kill their own fellow American Citizens. My God,what has happened to Chicago? The Democrats have thoroughly destroyed that once great city. Calling in our Military to fight their own? Pretty shocking and sad stuff.
I just want to know why? Why don't you want more freedom to choose what you want to do?

Do you really think government will do everything better than you would?

I just don't get it.

And yet you are for this thing in Arizona? Paperz please. ARe you pro life? I love my government retirement pay and my government tricare. I love the road I drove in on this morning.

You really haven't been paying attention. I'm against the Arizona law because it violates the Constitution.

Of course, I have no problems with them checking legal status if they are stopped for a crime. But I don't agree with the papers at all.

Please pay attention.

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