Why do you want more government in your life?

the right to travel is a clearly established constitutional doctrine.

I'll concede you might be right on this one. There are many rights not enumerated in the Constitution that are present from English common law. Self defense would be another one.
Where did that panty sniffer drsmith go?

Aww did I hurt your wittle feewings?? LOL

Thanks for showing that you lack the ability to debate a simple topic as well as the fact that you seem to have some wierd obsession with seeing me wearing ladies underwear.

Oh and btw I find hilarious that after you disappear from the thread for over an hour that you would acrtually have the nerve to come back AFTER I was gone to attack me perosnally with all of your lies and then try to call me out for not being here AFTER you ran away. LOL

You were here a 6:45 and then the next time you came back was 7:53 and then you come back AFTER I am gone to attack me in your usual hit and run cowardly style.

How typical. LOL

If you have anything to offer on the topic please present your argument if not then I will only expect the usual childish rants and tirades from you since it's obvious that you can only try to attack with your usual toothless rage and can't actually debate the topic.

Oh and once again thanks for showing how you believe that people like you somehow have the right to deport American citizens merely because they disagree with you. Can you tell me where that right is given to you within the constitution??

I am trying to get back to serious debate here and since you expressed taht you ahve that right i was wondering if you will bother debating your postion??
Where did that panty sniffer drsmith go?

Aww did I hurt your wittle feewings?? LOL

Thanks for showing that you lack the ability to debate a simple topic as well as the fact that you seem to have some wierd obsession with seeing me wearing ladies underwear.

Oh and btw I find hilarious that after you disappear from the thread for over an hour that you would acrtually have the nerve to come back AFTER I was gone to attack me perosnally with all of your lies and then try to call me out for not being here AFTER you ran away. LOL

You were here a 6:45 and then the next time you came back was 7:53 and then you come back AFTER I am gone to attack me in your usual hit and run cowardly style.

How typical. LOL

If you have anything to offer on the topic please present your argument if not then I will only expect the usual childish rants and tirades from you since it's obvious that you can only try to attack with your usual toothless rage and can't actually debate the topic.

Oh and once again thanks for showing how you believe that people like you somehow have the right to deport American citizens merely because they disagree with you. Can you tell me where that right is given to you within the constitution??

I am trying to get back to serious debate here and since you expressed taht you ahve that right i was wondering if you will bother debating your postion??

Are you wearing your pink Obama thong on today...:lol:
Where did that panty sniffer drsmith go?

Heat=Too Much

Got OUT of the kitchen.

I'd like to see the 'Doctorate' BTW... ;)

He's not a Doctor...he just uses that nick to make everyone think he's smart. Actually when people call him "Doctor" he would reply and not acknowledge he wasn't a doctor. Too funny. Then he admitted to being a cross dresser and was particularly fond of wearing women's panties. After that he left MSNBC boards for about 3 months. There are several former MSNBC'ers here who saw his admission. I gotta hand it to the guy...admitting to being a panty wearer, while quite common among liberal men, was quite a significant thing on a message board.

Actually thanks for once again exposing your dishonesty because you know that i have explained my nic to you a thousand times over and yet despite that FACT you continue to pretend that i am being dishonest with my NAME.

I will explain it AGAIN maybe this time it will sink in.
D is my first initial, R is my middle initial and if you think really hard i am guessing that you can figure out that my last name is SMITH.

Notice how my name is not capitalized or punctuated in any manner that is meant to give the impression that I am a doctor and yes I have corrected many who have presumed that I am a doctor.

Of course PP knows this and as usual he chooses dishonesty and decides to run with it. How typical.
No one can prevent me from traveling, without cause. Therefore it's my right.

Uhhhh.. no

You can be prevented from traveling for various reasons.... it is not a right.. you have no more a right to travel than you have a right to health care.. nobody can 'stop' you for paying for healthcare, though you can be restricted by the choice of another/provider or by the the need in a given situation... you do not have the 'right' to be on a bus or to drive a car on a road or to board an airplane, etc

that's right...

in fact, all you people who keep claiming America is great because "we have RIGHTS!"

are wrong...


the right to own guns
the right to vote
the right to a speedy trial when they come for you
freedom of religion, press and speech

that's about it.

those are ALL of your "RIGHTS"

everything else is either a "priviledge"
or a crime

Actually the so-called RIGHT to vote and so-called RIGHT to own guns can be taken away from you. So does that mean that they are priviledges??

and every one knows that there are limits to free speech so is that a priviledge also?
I just want to know why? Why don't you want more freedom to choose what you want to do?

Do you really think government will do everything better than you would?

I just don't get it.

The only kind of "big government" that most conservatives object to is any government that (1) tries to regulate Big Business or (2) requires them to fork over money - end of story.

When it comes to imposing their own, moral/personal viewpoints on others, most conservatives have no problem whatsoever with having government do this for them, with no regard (or concern) whatsoever for how this might impact on the personal lives of those affected.
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Where did that panty sniffer drsmith go?

Aww did I hurt your wittle feewings?? LOL

Thanks for showing that you lack the ability to debate a simple topic as well as the fact that you seem to have some wierd obsession with seeing me wearing ladies underwear.

Oh and btw I find hilarious that after you disappear from the thread for over an hour that you would acrtually have the nerve to come back AFTER I was gone to attack me perosnally with all of your lies and then try to call me out for not being here AFTER you ran away. LOL

You were here a 6:45 and then the next time you came back was 7:53 and then you come back AFTER I am gone to attack me in your usual hit and run cowardly style.

How typical. LOL

If you have anything to offer on the topic please present your argument if not then I will only expect the usual childish rants and tirades from you since it's obvious that you can only try to attack with your usual toothless rage and can't actually debate the topic.

Oh and once again thanks for showing how you believe that people like you somehow have the right to deport American citizens merely because they disagree with you. Can you tell me where that right is given to you within the constitution??

I am trying to get back to serious debate here and since you expressed taht you ahve that right i was wondering if you will bother debating your postion??

Are you wearing your pink Obama thong on today...:lol:

How typical, once again you offer nothing but cowardly avoidance.

If you have anything to offer on the topic please present your argument if not then I will only expect the usual childish rants and tirades from you since it's obvious that you can only try to attack with your usual toothless rage and can't actually debate the topic.

Oh and once again thanks for showing how you believe that people like you somehow have the right to deport American citizens merely because they disagree with you. Can you tell me where that right is given to you within the constitution??
Why do you want more government in your life?

Because it's better than working.

yeah, right!:eusa_whistle:

That's why the Blue states collect more in federal taxes which ends up going to needy red states....

Raise your red state taxes and take care yourselves....is that what you want? ;)

Heck no! The 'Progressives' have decided to distribute the money. I'm sorry the blue States are going bankrupt, but a promise is a promise. Now gimme, gimme, gimme!!!!
Socialism/Progressivism does not promote individual Freedom & Liberty. What more do people need to know? That should be enough. I really do hope more Americans come to realize this.
Socialism/Progressivism does not promote individual Freedom & Liberty. What more do people need to know? That should be enough. I really do hope more Americans come to realize this.

Freedom to choose abortion (which I disagree with)
Freedom to use marijuana (which I have mixed feeling about)
Freedom from Bush-style wiretapping (which I agree with)

What illegal stuff are you smoking?
I just want to know why? Why don't you want more freedom to choose what you want to do?

Do you really think government will do everything better than you would?

I just don't get it.

The only kind of "big government" that most conservatives object to is any government that (1) tries to regulate Big Business or (2) requires them to fork over money - end of story.

When it comes to imposing their own, moral/personal viewpoints on others, most conservatives have no problem whatsoever with having government do this for them, with no regard (or concern) whatsoever for how this might impact on the personal lives of those affected.

Completely made up and at best just an opinion.

I am a solid conservative. I believe in my religion, I believe in my rights, I believe in the sancitity of life ,I believe in freedom of choice and I believe government should not interfere in my decision making.

You want to abort a living fetus, go right ahead. Freedom of choice. I dont like it but it is none of my business. Do as you please. But do not make my tax dollars pay for it.

You want to marry someone of the same sex? Go for it. Freedom of choice. Not my style, but none of my dam business.

George, why the hell do you assume something and state it as fact? You have absolutely no idea how a conservative thinks. Your post certainly made that clear.
Sure he does. He gets to read what people post here every day.

To be fair, most people post their opinions on here with a tone that makes them sound like assertions of fact.

Are you going to go around to every post and make the same comments to people closer to your own ideology? Of course not.

His point is spot-on and I like it because it exposes the hypocrisy that exists on both sides.
I just want to know why? Why don't you want more freedom to choose what you want to do?

Do you really think government will do everything better than you would?

I just don't get it.

The only kind of "big government" that most conservatives object to is any government that (1) tries to regulate Big Business or (2) requires them to fork over money - end of story.

When it comes to imposing their own, moral/personal viewpoints on others, most conservatives have no problem whatsoever with having government do this for them, with no regard (or concern) whatsoever for how this might impact on the personal lives of those affected.

Completely made up and at best just an opinion.

I am a solid conservative. I believe in my religion, I believe in my rights, I believe in the sancitity of life ,I believe in freedom of choice and I believe government should not interfere in my decision making.

You want to abort a living fetus, go right ahead. Freedom of choice. I dont like it but it is none of my business. Do as you please. But do not make my tax dollars pay for it.

You want to marry someone of the same sex? Go for it. Freedom of choice. Not my style, but none of my dam business.

George, why the hell do you assume something and state it as fact? You have absolutely no idea how a conservative thinks. Your post certainly made that clear.

Examples of republicans supporting big government's interference and invasion of people's personal lives have already been given to substantiate the FACT that conservatives DO like it when it suits their needs.

If you had chosen to address those examples instead avoiding them and ranting about what you believe conservativism is to you then maybe your post could be taken more seriously.
Your CURRENT personal views have nothing to do with and do not address that fact that conservatives have supported such interference in the recent past.
Your spin does not change the actions of the past and your accusation of assumption is baseless based on that fact that history supports what you wish to call an assumption.
The only way to slow the inexorable growth of government as well as its cost and inherent intrusiveness is to have a large enough third party presence to fill 20% or more of seats in the House and Senate.

Until then we are on the insanity plan where we keep voting for Dimocrats and Repudlicans and yet expect a result other than bigger more expensive more intrusive government.
The only way to slow the inexorable growth of government as well as its cost and inherent intrusiveness is to have a large enough third party presence to fill 20% or more of seats in the House and Senate.

Until then we are on the insanity plan where we keep voting for Dimocrats and Repudlicans and yet expect a result other than bigger more expensive more intrusive government.

You're probably right. That's why i always say that there aren't any real differences between a Socialist and a Neocon. They both take you to the same place in the end. When will people learn? How sad.
The only way to slow the inexorable growth of government as well as its cost and inherent intrusiveness is to have a large enough third party presence to fill 20% or more of seats in the House and Senate.

Until then we are on the insanity plan where we keep voting for Dimocrats and Repudlicans and yet expect a result other than bigger more expensive more intrusive government.

You're probably right. That's why i always say that there aren't any real differences between a Socialist and a Neocon. They both take you to the same place in the end. When will people learn? How sad.

Yeah you ALWAYS said that except in the past when you were on the msnbc boards defending W and republicans back when they were in charge of big government and it's expansion. LOL

It's funny how most righties now want to rail against both in the hopes that REAL republicans will get elected when it's the same group of republicans that was in charge before that will get the reins back now if they win. How is this NEW batch of republicans any different when they are the same people?
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