Why do you want more government in your life?

I just want to know why? Why don't you want more I just don't get it.

Where was your question when bushie baby and dead-eye dick(less) were engaging in warrantless wire tapping, engaging illegal search and seizure? Where was your qestion when bushie and dickie staged an illegal and unconstitutional invasion of a country that was of no real military threat to our country?

You like big government, you just don't like big government when it is being used against you, other people yes, you no.

Where was your evidence that they engaged in any illegal searches and seizures.

Both wars were legal and Constitutional as both were approved of by Congress.
And in more news...Chicago's Socialist/Progressive Democrats are now calling the National Guard in to fight & kill their own fellow American Citizens. My God,what has happened to Chicago? The Democrats have thoroughly destroyed that once great city. Calling in our Military to fight their own? Pretty shocking and sad stuff.

Yeah, but it happens sometimes. Granted, the only time something like this has happened is the Civil war as far as I know.
And in more news...Chicago's Socialist/Progressive Democrats are now calling the National Guard in to fight & kill their own fellow American Citizens. My God,what has happened to Chicago? The Democrats have thoroughly destroyed that once great city. Calling in our Military to fight their own? Pretty shocking and sad stuff.

Yeah, but it happens sometimes. Granted, the only time something like this has happened is the Civil war as far as I know.

The Socialists/Progressives are destroying our nation. When will the People wake up and realize this? Socialism/Progressivism does not and never will promote individual Freedom & Liberty. Calling in our Military to fight and kill their fellow Americans? These are becoming some very dark & dangerous times for our nation. The People need to stand up before it's too late. Make 2010 count People.
Because it's easier than taking personal responsibility.

There is someone to blame for your own shortcomings and failures.

The parking lot you work in, is it run by the city or is it a civilian owned lot? Just asking........

(What a mess you must be "california girl".)

Drink less kool aid, Zona.... maybe your ability to think will return.

So that's a no to you answering my question. Is the parking lot you work in city owned?
I just want to know why? Why don't you want more freedom to choose what you want to do?

Do you really think government will do everything better than you would?

I just don't get it.

And yet you are for this thing in Arizona? Paperz please. ARe you pro life? I love my government retirement pay and my government tricare. I love the road I drove in on this morning.

You really haven't been paying attention. I'm against the Arizona law because it violates the Constitution.

Of course, I have no problems with them checking legal status if they are stopped for a crime. But I don't agree with the papers at all.

Please pay attention.

If you really did take that stance, then I genuinely apologize. I am wrong with assuming you took the pro arizona paperz please law. You are an ass usually but I can say I was wrong...no problem.
I want to know how the government will be more involved in my life?

It has more to do with your wallet than anything else, but come 2014 you will have an IRS agent making sure that you have health insurance. Then if cap and trade happens to pass you will see a major increase in your utitlity bills. Then if the commerce clause of the Constitution is not up-held by the 23 states that are taking Obamacare to the supreme court you could be forced to purchase not only health care, but then you may be forced to purchase a treadmill, gym membership, the type of car or house you will own, the type of appliances that will go in that house and on and on and on it will go.

Obama is a socialist-- He wants it all, first the banks, then the car companies, then health care, now wall street with his financial reform, then energy.

Definition of Socialism- A social system based on GOVERNMENT CONTROL of the production and distribution of goods and services.

The problem is The government has bankrupted-

Fannie Mae
Freddie Mac
The postal service
Social Security

You say they have not effected you? they will, you can count on that with this regime in power.:cuckoo::cuckoo: They will not only affect you they will affect your great, great grandchildren with the debt that they are saddling them with.
I want to know how the government will be more involved in my life?

It has more to do with your wallet than anything else, but come 2014 you will have an IRS agent making sure that you have health insurance. Then if cap and trade happens to pass you will see a major increase in your utitlity bills. Then if the commerce clause of the Constitution is not up-held by the 23 states that are taking Obamacare to the supreme court you could be forced to purchase not only health care, but then you may be forced to purchase a treadmill, gym membership, the type of car or house you will own, the type of appliances that will go in that house and on and on and on it will go.

Obama is a socialist-- He wants it all, first the banks, then the car companies, then health care, now wall street with his financial reform, then energy.

Definition of Socialism- A social system based on GOVERNMENT CONTROL of the production and distribution of goods and services.

The problem is The government has bankrupted-

Fannie Mae
Freddie Mac
The postal service
Social Security

You say they have not effected you? they will, you can count on that with this regime in power.:cuckoo::cuckoo: They will not only affect you they will affect your great, great grandchildren with the debt that they are saddling them with.

That entire post is utter nonsense. Not true. Fabrication. A willful misrepresentation. All of the above.

Obama doesnt want to take over the world. You win my tin-foil-hat award today.
I want to know how the government will be more involved in my life?

It has more to do with your wallet than anything else, but come 2014 you will have an IRS agent making sure that you have health insurance. Then if cap and trade happens to pass you will see a major increase in your utitlity bills. Then if the commerce clause of the Constitution is not up-held by the 23 states that are taking Obamacare to the supreme court you could be forced to purchase not only health care, but then you may be forced to purchase a treadmill, gym membership, the type of car or house you will own, the type of appliances that will go in that house and on and on and on it will go.

Obama is a socialist-- He wants it all, first the banks, then the car companies, then health care, now wall street with his financial reform, then energy.

Definition of Socialism- A social system based on GOVERNMENT CONTROL of the production and distribution of goods and services.

The problem is The government has bankrupted-

Fannie Mae
Freddie Mac
The postal service
Social Security

You say they have not effected you? they will, you can count on that with this regime in power.:cuckoo::cuckoo: They will not only affect you they will affect your great, great grandchildren with the debt that they are saddling them with.

That entire post is utter nonsense. Not true. Fabrication. A willful misrepresentation. All of the above.

Obama doesnt want to take over the world. You win my tin-foil-hat award today.

Actually it is right on target. No one said Obama wants to take over the world. Just the U.S.
That entire post is utter nonsense. Not true. Fabrication. A willful misrepresentation. All of the above.

Obama doesnt want to take over the world. You win my tin-foil-hat award today.

If it was utter nonsense, you would think youd be able to point to a specific part of what was said and explain why it's total nonsense.

However, you haven't. Which makes me think you can't.
I want to know how the government will be more involved in my life?

It has more to do with your wallet than anything else, but come 2014 you will have an IRS agent making sure that you have health insurance. Then if cap and trade happens to pass you will see a major increase in your utitlity bills. Then if the commerce clause of the Constitution is not up-held by the 23 states that are taking Obamacare to the supreme court you could be forced to purchase not only health care, but then you may be forced to purchase a treadmill, gym membership, the type of car or house you will own, the type of appliances that will go in that house and on and on and on it will go.

Obama is a socialist-- He wants it all, first the banks, then the car companies, then health care, now wall street with his financial reform, then energy.

Definition of Socialism- A social system based on GOVERNMENT CONTROL of the production and distribution of goods and services.

The problem is The government has bankrupted-

Fannie Mae
Freddie Mac
The postal service
Social Security

You say they have not effected you? they will, you can count on that with this regime in power.:cuckoo::cuckoo: They will not only affect you they will affect your great, great grandchildren with the debt that they are saddling them with.

That entire post is utter nonsense. Not true. Fabrication. A willful misrepresentation. All of the above.

Obama doesnt want to take over the world. You win my tin-foil-hat award today.

Care to tell me how my statement is not true???? :lol::lol::lol: Do you have some facts to back your statement up???? Because I have a wealth of facts and truths to back mine up.
" The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of OTHER PEOPLE'S money." Margaret Thatcher
Rabbi - stop being obtuse. I said the world...that's the same spirit as what Maple said.

Avatar - I dont have to point to one thing...the entire thing is ludicrous.

Maple - you're the one making the absurd assertions. He's not trying to take everything over. Plain and simple. You've yet to prove he does. He's not a socialist - I suggest you stop using terms that you don't understand. Your "wealth of facts" is pretty insubstantial.

More partisan quackery.
"The whole thing is absurd." That's roughly equal to "I have no good arguments against any of it."
In the interests of honesty you might post that instead.
Rabbi - stop being obtuse. I said the world...that's the same spirit as what Maple said.

Avatar - I dont have to point to one thing...the entire thing is ludicrous.

Maple - you're the one making the absurd assertions. He's not trying to take everything over. Plain and simple. You've yet to prove he does. He's not a socialist - I suggest you stop using terms that you don't understand. Your "wealth of facts" is pretty insubstantial.

More partisan quackery.

The problem is they are not absurd they are true, Obviously you are one of those liberal progressives who have been drinking the coolaid. What is not true about my original post? Obama bailed out the car companies, he passed Obamacare, he is going after energy with cap and tax, right now he is pursuing financial reform in which his regime can dictate who fails and who succeeds. What part of that do you not understand, THAT IS GOVERNMENT CONTROL. Obamacare hires 16,500 new IRS agents to implement the mandatory plan to force you to purchase health care insurance. THAT'S GOVERNMENT CONTROL

He is a SOCIALIST because this is what SOCIALISTS DO.
Why am I not continuing to post anything of merit? Because everything he posted has been debated and debunked till we're all blue in the face.

You're never going to change your mind. I'm not going to change my mind.

I've studied socialist economic systems and been published on the subject. I've lived in Russia. I know what socialism is and Obama's not socialist. But your side won't let go of that word because it resonates with you. It has power because it scares people. So you'll never let go...even though you've been proven wrong.

Why on Earth would I keep showing you the light only to have it wasted?
Why am I not continuing to post anything of merit? Because everything he posted has been debated and debunked till we're all blue in the face.

You're never going to change your mind. I'm not going to change my mind.

I've studied socialist economic systems and been published on the subject. I've lived in Russia. I know what socialism is and Obama's not socialist. But your side won't let go of that word because it resonates with you. It has power because it scares people. So you'll never let go...even though you've been proven wrong.

Why on Earth would I keep showing you the light only to have it wasted?

You have not proven me wrong, because you can't, you are sucking wind and hyperventilating. Obama is a committed socialist- what I don't understand is why you are not PROUD of the term socialist because obviously you are one too.

Socialism on display for all to see.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUvwKVvp3-o]YouTube - 'Joe the Plumber' Becomes Focus of Debate[/ame]
Why am I not continuing to post anything of merit? Because everything he posted has been debated and debunked till we're all blue in the face.

You're never going to change your mind. I'm not going to change my mind.

I've studied socialist economic systems and been published on the subject. I've lived in Russia. I know what socialism is and Obama's not socialist. But your side won't let go of that word because it resonates with you. It has power because it scares people. So you'll never let go...even though you've been proven wrong.

Why on Earth would I keep showing you the light only to have it wasted?

You have not proven me wrong, because you can't, you are sucking wind and hyperventilating. Obama is a committed socialist- what I don't understand is why you are not PROUD of the term socialist because obviously you are one too.

Socialism on display for all to see.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUvwKVvp3-o]YouTube - 'Joe the Plumber' Becomes Focus of Debate[/ame]

Spreading the wealth around, the government takes it from you and gives it to those they see fit. :lol::lol:

" When democrats start talking about taxing the rich, the middle class needs to run for cover. " Fred Thompson. :lol::lol: We can't run fast enough.:lol::lol:
Dude. Live in your fantasy world if you want. I'll live in the real world. What you're claiming has been slaughtered so many times, it's not funny.

Have fun fighting windmills.
I just want to know why? Why don't you want more freedom to choose what you want to do?

Do you really think government will do everything better than you would?

I just don't get it.

Because it's easier than taking personal responsibility.

There is someone to blame for your own shortcomings and failures.

silly girl

there is always someone to "blame"

right wing christians blame liberals and democrats

right wing conservatives blame liberals and democrats

conservatives blame liberals and democrats

rush limbaugh and ann coulter blame liberals and democrats

you and political chick blame liberals and democrats...


you don't need government to blame when you've got liberals and democrats
Dude. Live in your fantasy world if you want. I'll live in the real world. What you're claiming has been slaughtered so many times, it's not funny.

Have fun fighting windmills.

I see you are still sucking wind or passing it, what-ever. No proof to the contrary.:lol::lol:

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