Why do you want more government in your life?

You must understand, there are those who want to go to bed at night secure in the notion that no matter what, all is well, no worries. The government "has their backs". These people lead empty lives as they search for the unattainable; the life without peril, consequences and responsibilities.

That is why they are entirely willing to turn their lives over to the government. But, it is a lie... they are living a lie.

There are also people who think the earth is 5000 years old and life began in an enchanted forest.

My point? What percent of those who identify themselves as liberals or Democrats fall into this stereotype you've just explained?
WOW how un-American of you. Any constitutional reason to justify you revoking a citizen's citizenship or are you actually a tyrant in a conservative's clothing??

Wow...how un-American of you. Any constitutional reason why I'm not entitled to protections under the 1st Amendment?

Nice dishonesty but at NO point did I deny you your right to freedom of speech so thanks for the strawman.

You however are talking about how IF people like you were in charge you would deport American citizens to europe with no just cause or constitutional reason to back it up.

Thanks for showing your dishonesty and hypocrisy for all to see. Oh well it's not as if you will stick around long since you probably continue your previous practice from the msnbc boards of using multiple screennames, so based on your dishonesty and inability to substantiate or defend your spin i don't expect you to stick with this one for much longer. LOL

Well...you admitted to wearing women's panties several times on the MSNBC Boards so I guess being accused of using multiple screen names without any proof whatsoever is acceptable to me.

Thanks for showing your dishonesty and hypocrisy for all to see.:lol:
you already admitted that it was your perosnal opinion of wiki when you tried to spin previously so what else needs to be said?? LOL

If wikipedia isn't a valid source for others then how can it be valid where your spin is concerned??

:lol: nice retort. However, it is far better than you used to provide on the msnbc boards.

Yeah this is definitely the same PP from the msnbc message boards. Notice how he has completely given up debating because he lacks the intelligence to engage in one and instead chooses to play the mocking bird as he parrots and repeats what has been previously said.

It's exactly what one would expect from a lemming of the right who merely parrots, can only repeat what he has heard and can't debate the simplest of topics. LOL

Run along PP it looks like you need to hit the right wing talking points websites and refill your short term memory with propaganda that you can regurgitate like the good little lemming.

PP want a cracker?? LOL

So do you wear thongs or full back panties drsmith1072...you're a pervert!!!
You must understand, there are those who want to go to bed at night secure in the notion that no matter what, all is well, no worries. The government "has their backs". These people lead empty lives as they search for the unattainable; the life without peril, consequences and responsibilities.

That is why they are entirely willing to turn their lives over to the government. But, it is a lie... they are living a lie.

Yep. And Obama by his latest proclimation and argeement with the Russians [which I hope the Senate defeats], makes people worry that he is indeed cowtowing to our enemies.

Obama could give a tinker's DAMN about our security with his latest antics. And of course we know the Statist Libz were so damned worried about how their 'Friends' viewed us...

We are now seeing whom their 'Friends' really are...
Where did that panty sniffer drsmith go?

Heat=Too Much

Got OUT of the kitchen.

I'd like to see the 'Doctorate' BTW... ;)

He's not a Doctor...he just uses that nick to make everyone think he's smart. Actually when people call him "Doctor" he would reply and not acknowledge he wasn't a doctor. Too funny. Then he admitted to being a cross dresser and was particularly fond of wearing women's panties. After that he left MSNBC boards for about 3 months. There are several former MSNBC'ers here who saw his admission. I gotta hand it to the guy...admitting to being a panty wearer, while quite common among liberal men, was quite a significant thing on a message board.
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Where did that panty sniffer drsmith go?

Heat=Too Much

Got OUT of the kitchen.

I'd like to see the 'Doctorate' BTW... ;)

He's not a Doctor...he just uses that nick to make everyone think he's smart. Actually when people call him "Doctor" he would reply and not acknowledge he wasn't a doctor. Too funny. Then he admitted to being a cross dresser and was particularly fond of wearing women's panties. After that he left MSNBC boards for about 3 months. There are several former MSNBC'ers here who saw his admission. I gotta hand it to the guy...admitting to being a panty wearer, while quite common among liberal men, was quite a significant thing on a message board.

'It' Isn't too impressive here either.
Actually there is no "right to travel". Where would you get the idea there is such a thing?:cuckoo:

No one can prevent me from traveling, without cause. Therefore it's my right.

Uhhhh.. no

You can be prevented from traveling for various reasons.... it is not a right.. you have no more a right to travel than you have a right to health care.. nobody can 'stop' you for paying for healthcare, though you can be restricted by the choice of another/provider or by the the need in a given situation... you do not have the 'right' to be on a bus or to drive a car on a road or to board an airplane, etc

that's right...

in fact, all you people who keep claiming America is great because "we have RIGHTS!"

are wrong...


the right to own guns
the right to vote
the right to a speedy trial when they come for you
freedom of religion, press and speech

that's about it.

those are ALL of your "RIGHTS"

everything else is either a "priviledge"
or a crime
OK people...

I get that you're raging against the idea of too many rights....

I get that you think there's a certain segment of the population or a particular political philosophy that's LAZY and wants everything handed to them in the form of rights...

but for fucks sake...

the right to travel is a clearly established constitutional doctrine.
we have a kazillion RIGHTS, writen or not writen....and the gvt has LIMITED POWER....both vested in the Constitution.
No one can prevent me from traveling, without cause. Therefore it's my right.

Uhhhh.. no

You can be prevented from traveling for various reasons.... it is not a right.. you have no more a right to travel than you have a right to health care.. nobody can 'stop' you for paying for healthcare, though you can be restricted by the choice of another/provider or by the the need in a given situation... you do not have the 'right' to be on a bus or to drive a car on a road or to board an airplane, etc

that's right...

in fact, all you people who keep claiming America is great because "we have RIGHTS!"

are wrong...


the right to own guns
the right to vote
the right to a speedy trial when they come for you
freedom of religion, press and speech

that's about it.

those are ALL of your "RIGHTS"

everything else is either a "priviledge"
or a crime


The Ninth Amendment to the Constitution:

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

Do you know what that means?
It's odd that it appears many who argue that the only powers the federal government has are those that are enumerated would also be arguing here that the only rights we have are those that are enumerated.

If we don't have the right to travel because it's not stated explicitly in the Constitution, where then does the government get its right to deny or restrict my right to travel, since THAT is not stated explicitly in the Constitution?
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Know what the irony is here? Blacks are heading right back into slavery and dont even realize it!!

Read this and one realizes, its a slam dunk!!! Of course, I highlighted the most compelling section and the one that is indisputable........

The Sovereign Individual

This Libertas Award acceptance speech was delivered at the XXIII Forum da Liberdade, in Porto Alegre, Brazil, on April 12, 2010.

President [Leonardo] Fração, it is a pleasure to be here, at this XXIII Forum da Liberdade, whose theme is based on Ludwig von Mises’s Economic Policy book [known in Brazil as The Six Lessons]. Mises was one of the greatest intellectuals of the twentieth century, a resolute and uncompromising champion of freedom. Fifty years ago, Mises came to South America and delivered those six historic lectures, which are heralded and quoted just outside, at the Forum’s exhibit. Today, there is a great international revival of Misesian ideas – including in Brazil – which show the benefits that consumers and workers derive when they are free to venture, to chart their course, and to fulfill their desires.

This week, in Porto Alegre, there is a great concentration of intellectual heirs of Ludwig von Mises. We, from Instituto Mises Brasil, have just concluded our first Conference, which was a great success, and it could not have been otherwise! The energy emanating from you is contagious. We have here today many scholars and experts of the Austrian School of Economics. Tom Woods, one of the speakers at our Conference and the bestseller author of Meltdown, will address you tomorrow. The legendary founder and Chairman of the Mises Institute – Lew Rockwell – is also among us tonight! Without Lew, there would be no Mises Institute, no revival of the Austrian School, no Instituto Mises Brasil. Thank you, Lew. And above all, thanks to you, President Fração, to IEE [The Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies], for your support to our Conference and especially for your achievements in the fight for liberty. Results come first in this contest; the results of the work of IEE and of the Forum da Liberdade are both evident and quantifiable. Congratulations, IEE!

On other occasions, I customarily speak about finance and economics, about the measures that are likely to bring about a more prosperous society; in other words, as did Mises, I usually speak about what works and what does not.

Today, for the first time, I am addressing a different subject. I speak about what moves me. I speak about where my energy, as an individual, originates. Its source is here, in this advanced and progressive libertarian community, which looks forward to real changes; not merely illusory changes from campaign slogans. I feel at home. It is a great honor to receive the Libertas Award.

The history of ethics has been a history of exploitation. From time immemorial, individuals were set apart into two groups: those that must obey the rules, and those that need not. The people must observe ethics and morals, while rulers not.

The ethics that you and I must observe correctly advocates that one should not steal the property of others, should not murder, and should not force others to do something against their will.

But note that those ethical rules do not apply to government – the government takes your money, calls it "democratic taxes," and presto! – it is now authorized to steal.

If one enslaves another, this is considered a heinous crime. After all, slavery is the antithesis of individuality! However, in the case of government, they will draft you to "serve your nation" for a year, call this conscription "military service," and serfdom becomes perfectly legal.

If one kills a neighbor, this is murder. However, if he is an agent of the government – particularly that of the United States – using an olive-green uniform, and invoking a "preventive" war or similar excuse, suddenly it becomes permissible to murder; legally.

Counterfeiting is a crime, but only for you and me. For the government has the money-printing machine, or more precisely, the counterfeiting machine. If it is they doing it, fine. If it is we, we go to jail.

Three hundred years ago, a substantial part of the population in the Americas was comprised of slaves. One hundred percent of the fruits of their labor were the property of their owners. Today, we are no longer slaves. However, about 40 to 50% of the product of your efforts and talent are not your property, but your masters’: that is, the government and its friends. This is what you pay, whether you like it or not, embedded in the prices of the products, or through other taxes, duties, or tariffs. We are no longer slaves, but we are serfs.

Previously, the slave owner would threaten to punish with a whip a slave who refused to work. Now, if you refuse to pay the government, you are summoned and attacked with lawsuits, until you are finally thrown into jail. In both cases, the violence is of the same nature. The gun doesn’t even need to be displayed, as in the case of the customary robber. The mere threat of violence suffices. But the gun is always present, in the robber’s pocket and in the ruler’s jacket.

Theft and slavery are crimes, even if sanctioned by the majority of the people! Theft of the government, by the government, and for the government is somehow accepted and rationalized by the population at large. Why does that majority agree with this theft?

We must analyze the most misrepresented concept nowadays: the concept of democracy.

Click the link below to continue reading... Newby

April 21, 2010

Helio Beltrão [send him mail] is the founder and president of Instituto Mises Brasil.

The Sovereign Individual by Helio Beltrão
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Why do you want more government in your life?

Because it's better than working.

Indeed.........every liberal I know of thinks that the world owes them something. They are perpetually jealous and almost invaribly, are miserable with the idea of others being successful.

Who the fcukk raises these pathetic people who think life shold be like a bowl of cherries???


ps...........none of the k00ks can touch that article above!!!! To do so is like saying, "Im OK with being a pawn of the state!!!"
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It's pretty clear that our Government is out of control. Anyone with some common sense left can see that they are grossly over-stepping at this point. Let the people eat as much as salt as they want and just get off their backs. It's time to reign in the Socialists and Neocons. How much more damage will they be allowed to do to our nation?
Why do you want more government in your life?

Because it's better than working.

yeah, right!:eusa_whistle:

That's why the Blue states collect more in federal taxes which ends up going to needy red states....

Raise your red state taxes and take care yourselves....is that what you want? ;)

Here we go with this dishonest crap again!!!! You know perfectly well the population disparity between the blue and red states. Besides...if it wasn't for the red states...your ass would starve so don't be so quick to beat up on the red states.

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