Why do you want more government in your life?

would say that some progressives are independents...not most. Most independents may have broke for Obama in the last election but that doesn't make them progressives.

I know many, many people label themselves as "progressives" and none of them trust a party at all. All that I have been in contact with are independent. That is a big aspect of the "progressive" movement.

Check this out:

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But conservatives are also big government republicans as long as the spoils to not go to the citizenry, but to the MIC and corporations. What's the difference from a neocon other than where you think the taxpayer's money should go?

That's a generalization that lacks merit. I would agree that some conservatives are in fact for big government...but I would not lump all of them into that category.

and by "spoils going to the citizenry" what are you implying? More government involvement in the people's lives or a hand out to the citizenry?
this is why brute force, majority-wins politics ends up winning the day. your side pushes through what they can...the other side be damned.

compromise would be preferrable, but the HCR bill showed that some people wont compromise ... ever.
would say that some progressives are independents...not most. Most independents may have broke for Obama in the last election but that doesn't make them progressives.

I know many, many people label themselves as "progressives" and none of them trust a party at all. All that I have been in contact with are independent. That is a big aspect of the "progressive" movement.

It could be a case where they don't understand the definition of progressive...just as some don't understand the definition of neocon...they just toss the terms around so they appear to be "hip" and "into politics" on one side or the other.
One thing is for sure and that is both Socialists and Neocons are 100% in favor of Big Government and massive Government over-reaching. They change their philosophies on Government slightly depending on whether or not they have the power at the time. Both sides do this. The Neocons are now suddenly against Big Government but where were they the previous eight years? The Socialists also criticized the Neocons relentlessly for all the same exact things they are now doing themselves. Basically they're both frauds and shouldn't be trusted at this point. I wish we could see real change in this country and get rid of them both. I'm not giving up yet because a small part of me believes that more & more Americans are coming around and are beginning to see reality. I guess we'll see though.
But conservatives are also big government republicans as long as the spoils to not go to the citizenry, but to the MIC and corporations. What's the difference from a neocon other than where you think the taxpayer's money should go?

That is an inaccurate statement. It may be your opinion, but conservatives do not want government involved in anything of theirs; personal or business.

Perhaps you should ask a conservative as opposed to assume for them.

Again, there is no such animal. I love how the right is trying to sneak neocons in with what they deem the leftist bugaboos of socialism/communism, even when they don't even know the definitions or realities of those two ideologies. So now that you guys have disowned neocons (which you haven't... you just renamed them conservatives...), you now think you can lump them in w/ progressives? This oughtta be good...

Neoconservatives are in fact Democrats in their political roots. There is no disputing that fact.

The forerunners of neoconservatism were most often socialists or sometimes liberals who strongly supported the Allied cause in World War II, and who were influenced by the Great Depression-era ideas of the New Deal, trade unionism, and Trotskyism, particularly those who followed the political ideas of Max Shachtman. A number of future neoconservatives, such as Jeane Kirkpatrick,[citation needed] were Shachtmanites in their youth; some were later involved with Social Democrats USA.
Neoconservatism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


LOL after everytime I have seen you attack others for daring to present wikipedia as a source you are now trying to present it as yours?? LOL

Thanks for the spin. LOL
Again, there is no such animal. I love how the right is trying to sneak neocons in with what they deem the leftist bugaboos of socialism/communism, even when they don't even know the definitions or realities of those two ideologies. So now that you guys have disowned neocons (which you haven't... you just renamed them conservatives...), you now think you can lump them in w/ progressives? This oughtta be good...

Neoconservatives are in fact Democrats in their political roots. There is no disputing that fact.

The forerunners of neoconservatism were most often socialists or sometimes liberals who strongly supported the Allied cause in World War II, and who were influenced by the Great Depression-era ideas of the New Deal, trade unionism, and Trotskyism, particularly those who followed the political ideas of Max Shachtman. A number of future neoconservatives, such as Jeane Kirkpatrick,[citation needed] were Shachtmanites in their youth; some were later involved with Social Democrats USA.
Neoconservatism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


LOL after everytime I have seen you attack others for daring to present wikipedia as a source you are now trying to present it as yours?? LOL

Thanks for the spin. LOL

I didn't attack anyone. I posted an article from wiki. Take it or leave it. My opinion of wiki is irrelevant. Are you trying to start a fight...AGAIN?
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Wait wait wait.

You're attacking him for starting a fight...when all he's doing is calling you on your hypocrisy?

Be a man, admit your mistake, and move on. That's how it's done.
So like I said...big government republicans.

And there are plenty of examples of republicans wanting and supporting big government when it suited their needs so it's funny to hear them rail against it now that they believe it doesn't suit their needs all because they are in the minority.
Wait wait wait.

You're attacking him for starting a fight...when all he's doing is calling you on your hypocrisy?

Be a man, admit your mistake, and move on. That's how it's done.

Where did I attack anyone? All I made was a statement. You're really too tense. Calm down Beavis.
So like I said...big government republicans.

And there are plenty of examples of republicans wanting and supporting big government when it suited their needs so it's funny to hear them rail against it now that they believe it doesn't suit their needs all because they are in the minority.

It doesn't suit the country's needs right now because the country is broke...regardless of who's fault it is or was...we are broke and cannot afford big government. What's so difficult to understand about that?
But conservatives are also big government republicans as long as the spoils to not go to the citizenry, but to the MIC and corporations. What's the difference from a neocon other than where you think the taxpayer's money should go?

That's a generalization that lacks merit. I would agree that some conservatives are in fact for big government...but I would not lump all of them into that category.

and by "spoils going to the citizenry" what are you implying? More government involvement in the people's lives or a hand out to the citizenry?

You post generalizations all of the time and somehow you don't approve when others do it?? LOL
But conservatives are also big government republicans as long as the spoils to not go to the citizenry, but to the MIC and corporations. What's the difference from a neocon other than where you think the taxpayer's money should go?

That's a generalization that lacks merit. I would agree that some conservatives are in fact for big government...but I would not lump all of them into that category.

and by "spoils going to the citizenry" what are you implying? More government involvement in the people's lives or a hand out to the citizenry?

You post generalizations all of the time and somehow you don't approve when others do it?? LOL

Show me where I said I "don't approve"(your words) when others do it.
Neoconservatives are in fact Democrats in their political roots. There is no disputing that fact.

Neoconservatism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


LOL after everytime I have seen you attack others for daring to present wikipedia as a source you are now trying to present it as yours?? LOL

Thanks for the spin. LOL

I didn't attack anyone. I posted an article from wiki. Take it or leave it. My opinion of wiki is irrelevant. Are you trying to start a fight...AGAIN?

Please follow along and read SLOWLY. I stated that you have attacked people in the past for using wikipedia because you claimed it was not a valid source. So your opinion on a source that you are basing your spin on IS relevant.
So like I said...big government republicans.

And there are plenty of examples of republicans wanting and supporting big government when it suited their needs so it's funny to hear them rail against it now that they believe it doesn't suit their needs all because they are in the minority.

It doesn't suit the country's needs right now because the country is broke...regardless of who's fault it is or was...we are broke and cannot afford big government. What's so difficult to understand about that?

Thank god the people in charge think on a little bit deeper of a level than you.
Wait wait wait.

You're attacking him for starting a fight...when all he's doing is calling you on your hypocrisy?

Be a man, admit your mistake, and move on. That's how it's done.

Where did I attack anyone? All I made was a statement. You're really too tense. Calm down Beavis.


oh and in case you missed it the post you just made was avoidance followed up by an attack as you try to demean and belittle another poster.
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And there are plenty of examples of republicans wanting and supporting big government when it suited their needs so it's funny to hear them rail against it now that they believe it doesn't suit their needs all because they are in the minority.

It doesn't suit the country's needs right now because the country is broke...regardless of who's fault it is or was...we are broke and cannot afford big government. What's so difficult to understand about that?

Thank god the people in charge think on a little bit deeper of a level than you.

Yes....thank God for people like me aren't in charge...your ass would have been shipped back to Europe years ago.
Wait wait wait.

You're attacking him for starting a fight...when all he's doing is calling you on your hypocrisy?

Be a man, admit your mistake, and move on. That's how it's done.

Where did I attack anyone? All I made was a statement. You're really too tense. Calm down Beavis.


oh and in case you missed it the post you just made was avoidance followed up by an attack as you try to demean and belittle another poster.

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