Why does anybody think concealed carry is a good idea?

sorry you are wrong...it actually happens 1.6 million times a year...violent criminal attacks are stopped and lives saved. And according to anti gunners on this site, only 200 criminals have to be killed, the rest run away, are held for police or are wounded an captured...

You should really research these actual events...they are inspiring in the way they show average people demonstrating remarkable calm in violent encounters....
Trained police stopping a crime by pointing a pistol at the criminal isn't the same thing as a vigilante redneck mowing down a purse snatcher and the five or six people around him with his shotgun. The more you know.
sorry you are wrong...it actually happens 1.6 million times a year...violent criminal attacks are stopped and lives saved. And according to anti gunners on this site, only 200 criminals have to be killed, the rest run away, are held for police or are wounded an captured...

You should really research these actual events...they are inspiring in the way they show average people demonstrating remarkable calm in violent encounters....
Trained police stopping a crime by pointing a pistol at the criminal isn't the same thing as a vigilante redneck mowing down a purse snatcher and the five or six people around him with his shotgun. The more you know.

You need to go to thearmedcitizen, thetruthaboutguns, and gunssavelives.....they actually collect real stories of law abiding, innocent citizens defending themselves against violent criminal attackers...many times more than one, many times the attackers are armed and have attacked by ambush....and they rarely kill them....most of the time they scare them off by presenting their weapon and their intent on defending themselves, they hold them at gunpoint or merely wound and capture them...

It happens all the time....too many times the media only shows the criminals using guns...so it is no surprise that you think the way you do....do yourself a favor...check out the real stories....they are actually inspiring when you see that unlike what you say....these people do not just start shooting, and use incredible restraint and control...and only shoot when they have to....
sorry you are wrong...it actually happens 1.6 million times a year...violent criminal attacks are stopped and lives saved. And according to anti gunners on this site, only 200 criminals have to be killed, the rest run away, are held for police or are wounded an captured...

You should really research these actual events...they are inspiring in the way they show average people demonstrating remarkable calm in violent encounters....
Trained police stopping a crime by pointing a pistol at the criminal isn't the same thing as a vigilante redneck mowing down a purse snatcher and the five or six people around him with his shotgun. The more you know.

Here a just a sample of self defense stories...you should really read them....

NRA-ILA Armed Citizen

Veteran's .45 frightens off thieves, The Gaston Gazette, Gaston County, N.C. 12/05/14
Sixty-eight-year-old disabled veteran Joseph Sapienza was at home in Gastonia, N.C. when he heard a suspicious noise at his front door. Sapienza retrieved a .45-caliber pistol, placed it in a holster attached to a walker ...



Pharmacist halts robbery, The Wyoming Tribune Eagle, Cheyenne, Wyo. 12/09/14
A man with what looked like a real gun entered Medicap Pharmacy in Cheyenne, Wyo., pointed it at an employee, handed them a bag, and ordered them to fill it with Oxycodone and Percocet. Pharmacist ...



Owner defends shop from pair of intruders, Alabama.com, Alabama, 12/02/14
The owner of a mechanic shop in Birmingham, Ala. was sleeping at his business after repeated burglary attempts, when a pair of criminals jumped a fence and came onto the property. The owner retrieved a ...



Pawn store customer fells armed robber, WISH, Indianapolis, Ind. 11/18/14
A man entered Cash America Pawn in Indianapolis, Ind. pulled a hood over his head, drew a gun, and attempted to rob the store. A customer responded by drawing a gun and shooting the criminal, ...



Marine stops home invader, KPRC, Houston, Texas, 11/10/14
Dan Reynolds, a former Marine, was at home in Harris County, Texas when he heard the sound of glass breaking. Reynolds responded by retrieving a shotgun and going towards the noise. When Reynolds came upon ...



Restaurant owner fights off pair of robbers, KTVI, St. Louis, Mo. 11/02/14
A pair of armed men entered Elicia’s Pizza in St. Louis, Mo. and attempted to rob the restaurant. The owner, a Right-to-Carry permit holder, retrieved a firearm and fired at the criminals, striking one, and ...


TUESDAY, MAY 20, 2014

Donut shop thief shot, The Las Vegas Sun, Las Vegas, Nev. 05/15/14, KVVU, Las Vegas, Nev. 05/16/14
An armed man wearing a bandana entered the Donut Hut in Las Vegas, Nev. and attempted to rob the store and the customers inside. The store’s owner, Sothy Seang, got into an altercation with the ...


THURSDAY, MAY 15, 2014

Elderly man fells intruder, The St. Louis Post-Dispatch, St. Louis, Mo. 05/08/14, KTVI, St. Louis, Mo. 05/08/14
An elderly resident of St. Clair County, Ill. was inside his home when he heard the sound of breaking glass. The homeowner called police, retrieved a pistol and went to investigate. Upon discovering the intruder, ...


TUESDAY, MAY 13, 2014

Man uses AR-15 to fight off armed home invader, WRAL, Raleigh, N.C. 05/11/14
Jonathan Haith was asleep at his home in Henderson, N.C. when he awakened to a knock at his door. Haith initially ignored the knock, but when it was followed by a loud bang, he retrieved ...


MONDAY, MAY 12, 2014

Woman fends off violent home invader, KSAZ, Phoenix, Ariz. 05/06/14
A recently widowed woman was home alone in Phoenix, Ariz. when a man broke into her house through a back door. Once inside, the criminal attacked the woman with that may have been a garden ...
sorry you are wrong...it actually happens 1.6 million times a year...violent criminal attacks are stopped and lives saved. And according to anti gunners on this site, only 200 criminals have to be killed, the rest run away, are held for police or are wounded an captured...

You should really research these actual events...they are inspiring in the way they show average people demonstrating remarkable calm in violent encounters....
Trained police stopping a crime by pointing a pistol at the criminal isn't the same thing as a vigilante redneck mowing down a purse snatcher and the five or six people around him with his shotgun. The more you know.

:lmao:When was the last time you, or anyone else, heard about any police officer preventing a crime? Only by arresting a bad actor after he or she has committed a crime, or multiple crimes, can you even remotely say the police have "prevented" a crime. Preventing crime is probably the smallest part of a police officers job.. Writing tickets and investigating a crime after the fact, those are the biggest parts of a cops job. :lmao:

Uh... The more you know... Uh...

As for a "vigilante redneck mowing down a purse snatcher and the five or six people around him with his shotgun?" I don't know where you live, but I have never heard of anything like this happening and I have lived in three state in the last 5 years.

But I have heard of this...

NYPD Gunfire In Empire State Building Shooting Wounded All Nine Bystanders Says Ray Kelly

Police wound 2 bystanders near Times Square - CNN.com

Albuquerque cop accidentally shoots bystander while investigating burglary

LAPD Torrance Police Shot At Innocent People In Frenzied Hunt For Former Cop Christopher Dorner

Jogger Killed in Police Shootout Crossfire After Oxnard Pursuit NBC Southern California

The more you know...

sorry you are wrong...it actually happens 1.6 million times a year...violent criminal attacks are stopped and lives saved. And according to anti gunners on this site, only 200 criminals have to be killed, the rest run away, are held for police or are wounded an captured...

You should really research these actual events...they are inspiring in the way they show average people demonstrating remarkable calm in violent encounters....
Trained police stopping a crime by pointing a pistol at the criminal isn't the same thing as a vigilante redneck mowing down a purse snatcher and the five or six people around him with his shotgun. The more you know.
So you say but the actual data shows that your 'hypothetical' is utterly false. The reality is that defensive gun users accidentally kill an innocent person less than 1 in 26,000 times. There are no defensive gun users out there 'mowing down' innocents.
Shall Issue The New Wave of Concealed Handgun Permit Laws

Even worse, you think that the police are somehow better trained in weapon use than your average concealed carry citizen and that is false. Most police only fire their weapon to qualify - sometimes only firing it in the academy - whereas most CC citizens are avid shooters training on their weapons constantly. Cops are MORE likely to kill an innocent than defensive gun users. IOW, your fears are silly as the real world has shown the exact opposite to be true. Add that to the fact that the police rarely actually stop a crime at all. Instead, police are there to clean up afterward.

As you said, the more you know. Try using actual facts rather than hyperbole and you will know more.
Trained police stopping a crime by pointing a pistol at the criminal isn't the same thing as a vigilante redneck mowing down a purse snatcher and the five or six people around him with his shotgun. The more you know.
So you say but the actual data shows that your 'hypothetical' is utterly false.
Are you surprised?

Liberals can't afford to tell the truth. It would defeat their entire agenda.

Lying is the only way they can make their agenda accepted by normal people. And then only as long as the normal people don't realize they are being lied to.
If concealed carry was allowed for all law-abiding citizens, most people still wouldn't bother. But a few would.

And the best news is, someone contemplating committing a crime, would know there were no laws preventing nearly everyone in the crowd from carrying a gun in their pocket or purse. And he would know that most probably weren't carrying... and that a few people probably were. And he wouldn't know which ones they were.

So he would know that if he slugged an old lady and snatched her purse, he could expect a bullet from an unknown direction (or two). And there would be nothing he could do to prevent it, or to know which person in the crowd might fire the shot.

It's enough to make a criminal change jobs, and not commit the crime in the first place.

And that's the point.

If concealed carry is allowed for all law-abiding adults, many crimes won't get committed in the first place. And without a shot being fired. Without anyone having to pull their gun at all.

And that's the biggest benefit of concealed carry.
Trained police stopping a crime by pointing a pistol at the criminal isn't the same thing as a vigilante redneck mowing down a purse snatcher and the five or six people around him with his shotgun. The more you know.
So you say but the actual data shows that your 'hypothetical' is utterly false.
Are you surprised?

Liberals can't afford to tell the truth. It would defeat their entire agenda.

Lying is the only way they can make their agenda accepted by normal people. And then only as long as the normal people don't realize they are being lied to.
This fails as a hasty generalization fallacy.

Nothing has identified the poster as 'liberal.'

And if identified as 'liberal' his subjective opinion is in no way representative of 'liberals' in general.
The regulations were passed in 1996, and yet they had their highest rate of suicide in 1997. How does that support regulating guns will regulate suicides?

And yes, the number of firearm related suicides dropped when guns were removed from a large portion of the population. But the suicide rates did not drop significantly immediately, as they would if your claims were true.
Rome wasn't built in a day and you are grasping at straws while missing the logic. Their rates of suicide are down, way down by guns. That is the same thing I want and you don't.
Your logic is twisted. You claim fewer guns means fewer suicides. Not true.
No, it's very true. Suicides by guns would drop to nothing by my plan, and because a gun is so deadly and requires so little planning, so would suicides as a whole.

Can you prove that in any substantive way? We've already seen stats that counter it.
Stats that counter it? There aren't any, or I would have seen them. When you make something harder to do, like kill yourself, the numbers drop. A delay helps keep people alive and gives them more time to think, and there's none of that when all you have to do is put a gun to your head and pull the trigger. Guns, especially handguns, are suicide machines and the most likely person to die by your gun, is you, 6 out of 10 times not including accidents.

Right, it's your BELIEF that suicides would drop with fewer guns, just like it's your BELIEF that no one has any reason to carry a gun, and it's your BELIEF that removing guns will reduce violence overall. Facts dispute those beliefs.
Right, it's your BELIEF that suicides would drop with fewer guns, just like it's your BELIEF that no one has any reason to carry a gun, and it's your BELIEF that removing guns will reduce violence overall. Facts dispute those beliefs.
No, they don't, we just haven't done what other nations wiser than us have. It's long past time for the US to grow up. The wild west is long dead, along with 32,000 other Americans from guns each year.
Guns, especially handguns, are suicide machines and the most likely person to die by your gun, is you, 6 out of 10 times not including accidents.

If you have suicide tendencies then that may be true. If you are irresponsible you may have an accident. It is called the Darwin Effect. A stupid person with a gun (just like one without a gun) is still, well stupid.

None of that is justification for taking away the Constitutional rights of Americans to keep and bear arms.

Don't you have anything better to do than scheme ways to take Constitutional rights away from Americans? Why is it that you Libtards hate freedom so much?

There are about 300,000,000 firearms in the US. If you subtract the suicides and the number of shooting due to drug and gang violence (that won't change with any law) the actual number of firearms related deaths is not that high. Certainly not high enough to warrant the abolishment of a Constitutional right for public safety reasons.

If you were concerned about unnecessary deaths then why do you support infanticide on demand that kills about a million American children each year? Are you a hypocrite or just simply confused?

There are under 1000 accidental deaths a year...under 100 of them are children....again in a country of over 310 million people.......I don't even know if that number shows up on a calculator.....

We lose more people every year to deaths on the highway, deaths that could easily be avoided if we simply cut the maximum speed any vehicle can travel to 35 mph. Yet, we gladly accept tens of thousands of deaths every year just so we can drive fast. In fact, we glorify and sensationalize high speed driving. Interesting, no?
Right, it's your BELIEF that suicides would drop with fewer guns, just like it's your BELIEF that no one has any reason to carry a gun, and it's your BELIEF that removing guns will reduce violence overall. Facts dispute those beliefs.
No, they don't, we just haven't done what other nations wiser than us have. It's long past time for the US to grow up. The wild west is long dead, along with 32,000 other Americans from guns each year.

Can you demonstrate that countries with strict gun laws have fewer suicides per capita? If you can't, it would seem that facts dispute your beliefs.
Right, it's your BELIEF that suicides would drop with fewer guns, just like it's your BELIEF that no one has any reason to carry a gun, and it's your BELIEF that removing guns will reduce violence overall. Facts dispute those beliefs.
No, they don't, we just haven't done what other nations wiser than us have. It's long past time for the US to grow up. The wild west is long dead, along with 32,000 other Americans from guns each year.

Can you demonstrate that countries with strict gun laws have fewer suicides per capita?
Yes, if you mean by guns. And suicides overall all seem to drop as well. Handguns are suicide machines and way too easy to use on the spur of the moment.

It's common sense if you had any. When you make something harder you get less of it.
Right, it's your BELIEF that suicides would drop with fewer guns, just like it's your BELIEF that no one has any reason to carry a gun, and it's your BELIEF that removing guns will reduce violence overall. Facts dispute those beliefs.
No, they don't, we just haven't done what other nations wiser than us have. It's long past time for the US to grow up. The wild west is long dead, along with 32,000 other Americans from guns each year.

Can you demonstrate that countries with strict gun laws have fewer suicides per capita?
Yes, if you mean by guns. And suicides overall all seem to drop as well. Handguns are suicide machines and way too easy to use on the spur of the moment.

It's common sense if you had any. When you make something harder you get less of it.

I said demonstrate. That means that you need to post certified suicide rates from each of the countries and compare them to the United States. You claim that you believe getting rid of guns lowers suicide rates. Prove it. Simply reiterating your beliefs doesn't cut it.
Right, it's your BELIEF that suicides would drop with fewer guns, just like it's your BELIEF that no one has any reason to carry a gun, and it's your BELIEF that removing guns will reduce violence overall. Facts dispute those beliefs.
No, they don't, we just haven't done what other nations wiser than us have. It's long past time for the US to grow up. The wild west is long dead, along with 32,000 other Americans from guns each year.

Can you demonstrate that countries with strict gun laws have fewer suicides per capita?
Yes, if you mean by guns. And suicides overall all seem to drop as well. Handguns are suicide machines and way too easy to use on the spur of the moment.

It's common sense if you had any. When you make something harder you get less of it.

I said demonstrate. That means that you need to post certified suicide rates from each of the countries and compare them to the United States. You claim that you believe getting rid of guns lowers suicide rates. Prove it. Simply reiterating your beliefs doesn't cut it.
The numbers are out there. Educate yourself. That's not my job.
Guns, especially handguns, are suicide machines and the most likely person to die by your gun, is you, 6 out of 10 times not including accidents.

If you have suicide tendencies then that may be true. If you are irresponsible you may have an accident. It is called the Darwin Effect. A stupid person with a gun (just like one without a gun) is still, well stupid.

None of that is justification for taking away the Constitutional rights of Americans to keep and bear arms.

Don't you have anything better to do than scheme ways to take Constitutional rights away from Americans? Why is it that you Libtards hate freedom so much?

There are about 300,000,000 firearms in the US. If you subtract the suicides and the number of shooting due to drug and gang violence (that won't change with any law) the actual number of firearms related deaths is not that high. Certainly not high enough to warrant the abolishment of a Constitutional right for public safety reasons.

If you were concerned about unnecessary deaths then why do you support infanticide on demand that kills about a million American children each year? Are you a hypocrite or just simply confused?

There are under 1000 accidental deaths a year...under 100 of them are children....again in a country of over 310 million people.......I don't even know if that number shows up on a calculator.....

We lose more people every year to deaths on the highway, deaths that could easily be avoided if we simply cut the maximum speed any vehicle can travel to 35 mph. Yet, we gladly accept tens of thousands of deaths every year just so we can drive fast. In fact, we glorify and sensationalize high speed driving. Interesting, no?
Americans are a stupid people, and I know the numbers.

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