Why does Congress prevent the CDC from studying gun-related violence?

It's only been a freaking year since the CDC had to close two labs because of the mishandling of contaminated material. Anthrax and a rare strain of flu were "accidentally" blasted through the air conditioning and you think the CDC should branch out into non disease fields? Surely you jest.
It is very amusing to watch the far left drones (including the OP) believe that should be part of the CDC..
Very funny. How may guns are sold on the black market? How many guns are imported? What could possibly encourage people to turn in guns? FYI - Guns will always be sold, even if it's out of trucks of cars and on the internet. You can't get guns off the streets.

That's why you make the ATF a lot bigger and give it a lot of money for sting operations. Then you take the people you convict and you throw them in a nice dark hole where they are never seen again.

Again, guy, this is ALL very durable, and the country will thank us for it.
Uncle Ferd say is `cause it ain't dey's jurisdiction...

... the CD in CDC stands fer communicable diseases...

... not Colt discharges...

... dey s'posed to stick with what dey do best...

... an' detect communicable diseases...

... dey got enough to do tryin' to figger out a cure for...

... malaria, an' ebola, an' dat flesh-eatin' bacteria...

... besides cancer...

... don't go gettin' `em side-tracked on other things...

... let Obama an' the police worry `bout dat.
And more from the article..this time about the city of Baltimore...

Though data is no longer published in Baltimore, USA Today reported in 2007 that 91 percent of the then-205 murder victims in the city between Jan. 1 and Aug. 31, 2007, had criminal records.

So no....normal gun owners are not murdering people with every fender bender....we have violent sociopaths in our inner cities creating the majority of gun crime.....
And that makes a difference why exactly? Oh right, it doesn't, we still want the damn guns, and will get them eventually or technology will simply make them useless.

Because it points out where the effort needs to go to actually loweer gun violence....targeting normal gun owners is all you guys want to do..while the criminals and mass shooters keep killing people.......

Britain, Australia, Japan...they have cultures that are not the same as our inner city criminal cultures...our regular people are as non violent as theirs are, our criminals use guns more.

And in Europe, their criminals can easily get guns, as easily as our criminals do. They just don't use them as often. A big difference.
When all the guns are banned the violence will be minimal. Most people have no reason to own a gun these days, nor should they.

Well...tell that to Britain...they have 2 times the violence we have. Australia....huge rape problem there....Sweden, dittos....and now with all the immigrants pouring into Europe, their people are also disarmed....you are going to see a spike in violent crime because you have violent people moving in with non violent people.....it is not going to be pretty.
And more from the article..this time about the city of Baltimore...

Though data is no longer published in Baltimore, USA Today reported in 2007 that 91 percent of the then-205 murder victims in the city between Jan. 1 and Aug. 31, 2007, had criminal records.

So no....normal gun owners are not murdering people with every fender bender....we have violent sociopaths in our inner cities creating the majority of gun crime.....
And that makes a difference why exactly? Oh right, it doesn't, we still want the damn guns, and will get them eventually or technology will simply make them useless.

Because it points out where the effort needs to go to actually loweer gun violence....targeting normal gun owners is all you guys want to do..while the criminals and mass shooters keep killing people.......

Britain, Australia, Japan...they have cultures that are not the same as our inner city criminal cultures...our regular people are as non violent as theirs are, our criminals use guns more.

And in Europe, their criminals can easily get guns, as easily as our criminals do. They just don't use them as often. A big difference.
When all the guns are banned the violence will be minimal. Most people have no reason to own a gun these days, nor should they.

No, violence will escalate because the good people will not be able to defend themselves.....crime rates went up in Britain to 2 times our rate...rape is a huge problem in Australia.....and Sweden and coming soon to the rest of Europe.....

there was a point in human history where there were no guns at all.......and the strong used swords and other primintve weapons to enslave the weak...guns stopped that....

and gun ownership and gun crime is increasing in Australia.........
Guns made war easy, just as they do murder and suicide, hence the problem. No guns, like Japan, means a very safe society but you boys just love your dearly toys since they make you feel like what you are not, real men...

As I have pointed out....the Japanese people are conformist by nature. They had extremely low crime rates among the unarmed classes long before they had firearms. They also submit to authority far more than any Americans would....we can't even do stop and frisk in New York without people complaining and that is exactly the normal powers police have in Japan. Their prosecutors routinely coerce confessions out of people and their judges don't care about those coerced confessions. Their culture is non violent, conformist and willing to accept far more power for their police than we ever would...that is why they have low gun violence.

In fact, you could have the Japanese carrying guns all day long and their gun crime rate wouldn't change.

Again, another society that experienced feudalism, which is something our country didn't experience.....you will notice the countries that went through a feudal period accept a class based society and respect central authority more than those who didn't.
So the majority of suicides in all of these countries...their people don't use guns.....you really think that proves your point......they are killing themselves with everything else.....you should try this again......

But they have a LOWER suicide rate than we do, that's the point.

Because they don't have guns.

Wrong......you showed the stats, almost all of their suicides are done without guns.....and all of Japan, China and South Korea also commit 2 times as many suicides as our people do and they have 0 guns for the public.
Your dogma won't hunt. Give it up. There are free countries all over the world with strict gun controls, and they work just fine.

2AGuy has to pretend the rest of the world doesn't exist. The last thing he would want to have is for Americans to figure out Crazy People can't buy guns in the rest of the world.

Yes....explain Charlie Hebdo....explain the summer of the grenade in Sweden, or the gunmen in Marseilles France where the gun violence was so bad they wanted to send in the army....didn't read about that over here did you...or the gunmen in Denmark, and Belgium.........or the policewomen killed by the gunman in Britain......

Criminals and terrorists in Europe get guns just as easily as our criminals do...their criminal culture just doesn't use them as often....culture, not ability to get guns is the difference.
Your dogma won't hunt. Give it up. There are free countries all over the world with strict gun controls, and they work just fine.

2AGuy has to pretend the rest of the world doesn't exist. The last thing he would want to have is for Americans to figure out Crazy People can't buy guns in the rest of the world.

And of course, how did this 19 year old get a gun in Britain....?

British teen sentenced to life for planned school attack

Despite some of the tightest gun control on the planet, a British man was able to acquire a handgun, extended mags and explosives as part of a plot to attack his former school.

Liam Lyburd, 19, of Newcastle upon Tyne, was sentenced to life imprisonment this week on eight charges of possessing weapons with intent to endanger life.

As noted by the BBC, Lyburd gathered a cache that included a Glock 19, three 33-round magazines, 94 hollow-point bullets, CS gas, five pipe bombs and two other improvised explosive devices despite the country’s long history of civilian arms control.

According to court documents, Lyburd planned to use the weapons in an attack on Newcastle College, from which he had been expelled two years prior for poor attendance. He was arrested last November after two Northumbria Police constables visited him at his home on a tip from an individual who encountered threats and disturbing pictures posted by Lyburd online.

Despite a defense that portrayed the reclusive man as living in a fantasy world, Lyburd was found guilty in July.

The internet-savvy teen obtained the Glock and other items through Evolution Marketplace, a successor to the Silk Road, a long-time “dark web” site in which users could buy and sell everything from illegal narcotics to munitions using Bitcoin cryptocurrency.

In court, Lyburd testified that buying the Glock was so easy it was “like buying a bar of chocolate.”

He obtained funds for his purchases through a complex extortion scheme in which he used online malware to infect computers, which he in turn held for ransom from their owners.
Yes, we're all sick of it, and have been for a very long time. But, what can anyone do about it? Again, you can not get the guns out of the hands of citizens, period.

Sure you can. Buybacks, licensing, requiring insurance, putting rules on the gun companies as to what they can sell.

Holding gun sellers liable wh en their negligence results in deaths.

You see, the thing is, most guns used in crimes are not ones ones that have been sitting forgotten in closets. They are ones bought in the last few weeks. So stop selling them, you are on the way to removing them.

Wrong, again......
The British have tons more violent crimes then we do. In fact about 6 European Countries or Canada have more violent crimes then the US.


The rate of violent crimes in the US is triple that of Canada.

Canada vs United States: Crime Facts and Stats

And quadruple that of the UK.

United Kingdom vs United States: Crime Facts and Stats

Sorry...the U.K. is more violent than the U.S.

Social media post says U.K. has far higher violent crime rate than U.S. does

For England and Wales, we added together three crime categories: "violence against the person, with injury," "most serious sexual crime," and "robbery." This produced a rate of 775 violent crimes per 100,000 people.

For the United States, we used the FBI’s four standard categories for violent crime that Bier cited. We came up with a rate of 383 violent crimes per 100,000 people.

This calculation suggests that there is a higher rate of crime in England and Wales, but the discrepancy is not anywhere near as wide as the one cited in the meme.
That's why you make the ATF a lot bigger and give it a lot of money for sting operations

Alcohol, tobacco, firearms. Trying to prohibit and restrict the first two has always been an epic failure. What, you think that the third time is the charm?

Actually, less than 9% of teens smoke now, we co uld be looking at the generation that ends tobacco.

Here's the th ing. OTHER COUNTRIES BAN OR LIMIT GUN OWNERSHIP. I hate to keep having to repeat that, but it is true.

You can't keep saying "it can't be done", when everyone, and I do mean EVERYONE else has already done it.

What needs to be done is exactly what was done to tobacco- challenge the industry that is profiting off the misery.

Here's my list of what I'd do.

1) Reverse the law that immunizes gun sellers and manufacturers from lawsuits from gun victims. A few seven and eight figure jury judgements will get them to rethink the way they do business.

2) Use the power of the purse- set down rules for how gun manufacturers conduct themselves, and plainly state that those manufacturers who do not comply will be excluded from government contracts. Since 40% of the firearms market is STILL sales to government agencies, no company can afford that.

3) Establish real background checks, and only allow guns to be sold by licensed dealers.

4) Criminal liability to anyone who provides a gun to someone who shouldn't have one if they go on and do something criminal with it.
That's why you make the ATF a lot bigger and give it a lot of money for sting operations

Alcohol, tobacco, firearms. Trying to prohibit and restrict the first two has always been an epic failure. What, you think that the third time is the charm?

Actually, less than 9% of teens smoke now, we co uld be looking at the generation that ends tobacco.

Here's the th ing. OTHER COUNTRIES BAN OR LIMIT GUN OWNERSHIP. I hate to keep having to repeat that, but it is true.

You can't keep saying "it can't be done", when everyone, and I do mean EVERYONE else has already done it.

What needs to be done is exactly what was done to tobacco- challenge the industry that is profiting off the misery.

Here's my list of what I'd do.

1) Reverse the law that immunizes gun sellers and manufacturers from lawsuits from gun victims. A few seven and eight figure jury judgements will get them to rethink the way they do business.

2) Use the power of the purse- set down rules for how gun manufacturers conduct themselves, and plainly state that those manufacturers who do not comply will be excluded from government contracts. Since 40% of the firearms market is STILL sales to government agencies, no company can afford that.

3) Establish real background checks, and only allow guns to be sold by licensed dealers.

4) Criminal liability to anyone who provides a gun to someone who shouldn't have one if they go on and do something criminal with it.

Yes...punish people who didn't use guns to commit crimes....typical lefty logic....and no background check will keep guns out of the hands of criminals...why can't you people get that? Criminals steal guns.....no background check stops that.

Criminals use people who have clean records to buy their guns....no background check stops that.....you guys don't think do you?
For England and Wales, we added together three crime categories: "violence against the person, with injury," "most serious sexual crime," and "robbery." This produced a rate of 775 violent crimes per 100,000 people.

For the United States, we used the FBI’s four standard categories for violent crime that Bier cited. We came up with a rate of 383 violent crimes per 100,000 people.

Not this bullshit again.

Okay, what the FBI counts as a violent crime and what the Home Office counts as a violent crime are two different things.

Dispelling The Myth

We can clearly see here there is quite a large difference in how both countries report and assess what qualifies as “violent crime”. The UK’s approach seems to be a lot more encompassing in scope and adds to its definition of “violent crime” offences which are not matched by its US counterpart. This raises the obvious question of whether UK violent crime rates can be said to be higher simply because things considered “violent crime” in the UK are not so in the US. One example is “assault”, all forms of which are considered “violent” in the UK, whereas in the US only “aggravated” is considered violent. A further example revolves around sexual offences, only “forcible” rape featuring in the US definition, while the UK definition includes rape and any and all forms of sexual assault.

in short, we have so much fucking crime in this country that we have to ignore the piddling stuff to even get a handle on it.

That's why we have 2,000,000 people in prison while the UK locks up only 77,000.
Yes...punish people who didn't use guns to commit crimes....typical lefty logic....and no background check will keep guns out of the hands of criminals...why can't you people get that? Criminals steal guns.....no background check stops that.

Good point. We need to lock up the assholes who let their guns get 'Stolen", since they probably really just sold them to a bad guy.

Works for me.

You provide a gun to a criminal, you are going to be sharing a jail cell with him.

Unless you just want to turn in all your guns now. That works.
Again, another society that experienced feudalism, which is something our country didn't experience.....you will notice the countries that went through a feudal period accept a class based society and respect central authority more than those who didn't.

i read shit like this, and all I can think of is that episode of the Beverly Hillbillies where they went to England and Jethro says to Uncle Jed, "I done asked them, and I can't find a Serf or a Vassal in the bunch!"

Hey, here's why the rest of the industrialized world, who are much better educated, more cultured and more advanced that America don't have guns.

They don't need them. Period. There is not a SINGLE GOOD REASON why an average citizen needs a gun.

A gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy. When they found that out, the NRA got further studies banned.

And if you ever took up arms against the government the government will put you down like a mad dog to the wild cheering of your neighbors, because you were frightening their children.

You guys are a fringe, and we need to start treating you as such.
For England and Wales, we added together three crime categories: "violence against the person, with injury," "most serious sexual crime," and "robbery." This produced a rate of 775 violent crimes per 100,000 people.

For the United States, we used the FBI’s four standard categories for violent crime that Bier cited. We came up with a rate of 383 violent crimes per 100,000 people.

Not this bullshit again.

Okay, what the FBI counts as a violent crime and what the Home Office counts as a violent crime are two different things.

Dispelling The Myth

We can clearly see here there is quite a large difference in how both countries report and assess what qualifies as “violent crime”. The UK’s approach seems to be a lot more encompassing in scope and adds to its definition of “violent crime” offences which are not matched by its US counterpart. This raises the obvious question of whether UK violent crime rates can be said to be higher simply because things considered “violent crime” in the UK are not so in the US. One example is “assault”, all forms of which are considered “violent” in the UK, whereas in the US only “aggravated” is considered violent. A further example revolves around sexual offences, only “forcible” rape featuring in the US definition, while the UK definition includes rape and any and all forms of sexual assault.

in short, we have so much fucking crime in this country that we have to ignore the piddling stuff to even get a handle on it.

That's why we have 2,000,000 people in prison while the UK locks up only 77,000.

the british police ate under reporting their crime to kkep their numbers lower......the BBc and other news sources have been reporting this for years...
Again, another society that experienced feudalism, which is something our country didn't experience.....you will notice the countries that went through a feudal period accept a class based society and respect central authority more than those who didn't.

i read shit like this, and all I can think of is that episode of the Beverly Hillbillies when Jethro says to Uncle Jed, "I done asked them, and I can't find a Serf or a Vassel amongst them!"

Hey, here's why the rest of the industrialized world, who are much better educated, more cultured and more advanced that America don't have guns.

They don't need them. Period. There is not a SINGLE GOOD REASON why an average citizen needs a gun.

you are right there are 1.5 million reasons why an average citizen needs a gun.....

your jesus figure, bill clinton, did an anti gun study.....sadly for you guys even his two anti gun researchers couldn't hide the fact that their study showed Americans use guns to stop violent criminal attack and save lives 1.5 million times,a year.

Gun murders in 2014.... 8,124

Crimes stopped with guns... 1.5 million

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