Why does the left want to appease cold-blooded killers?

It's sick that the left does it's best to protect Muslims.

I think Muslims- and Christians- and Jews- and every other American deserves to be protected.

You want to attack all Muslims for the actions of the isolated few. I think that is wrong- not wrong like the murder and actual violence perpetuated by the Muslim extremists- but your line of thinking- that 'all Muslims' are bad- is not that disimilar to the ISIS line of thinking "All Westerners' are bad- they have taken that line of thinking to more extreme actions- but both lines of thinking are wrong- and dangerous.
If the KKK held a rally and a coupla uppity negroes attacked them and were killed, it is possible to condemn the Klan and the killer negroes at the same time! Isn't that AMAZING?

If Black protesters held a rally and a couple of Klansmen attacked them and were killed, is it possible to condemn the Black protesters and the Klan at the same time? Yes, it is possible, but it would be amazingly STUPID.
Why does the OP say the following about the left?

"They don't say a word about how wrong it is for Muslims to kill people over mere words"

That statement is factually incorrect. In order for the OP to believe that it is true, he or she must be a total retard. Is that the case? Is the OP a total retard?

According to OP's logic. Yes, he is a total retard because in my limited spectrum, he hasn't expressly stated he is not retarded so then he must be retarded.
To be fair, it isn't the entire left - just the profoundly ignorant, over reactive useful idiots who hope that if they feed the crocodile, it will eat them last . There may not be too many liberals in the left these days as the chorus of useful idiocy threatens to drown them out, but at least there are a few like bill maher who stick to principles instead of screaming away like banshees.
The left loves to blame victims when it involves Muslim violence. They don't say a word about how wrong it is for Muslims to kill people over mere words. They blame those who express an opinion that Muslims don't like. One claimed that the cartoon exhibit in Texas may have crossed the line. Excuse me? Killing people because you take offense to a fucking cartoon is more than crossing the line. How dare the left bad mouth cartoonists without even chastising those who commit cold-blooded murder simply because they can't tolerate other points of view? That is today's liberals for you.

The latest attack by radical Muslims ended the way it should have. Two dead terrorists. That is the message we should be sending. No apologies for free speech. Just let them know that if they want to live in our country, with all the freedoms, either learn to tolerate others or don't come here. You can't move here and then kill people because you disagree. You will pay for such crimes, either by death or life in prison.

It's sick that the left does it's best to protect Muslims. They know they will kill over nothing. The answer is not for the rest of us to silence ourselves. Muslims haven't changed in centuries and never will. It's outrageous to ask anyone to humor them. Having cartoon exhibits, like the one in Texas, just draws out the radicals. The real concern is that they are among us every day and waiting to strike at the slightest offense. The left seems to think the way to handle it is to bend over and abide by their rules even if it means giving up some freedom. Why are they so willing to cede rights to appease a bunch of murderous scumbags?

"Bigotry and anti-constitutionalism on full display.

Muslims just can't control themselves. You should know that. If you run a cartoon featuring the prophet Mohammad, or organize a displeasing art exhibit, you should simply assume that an Islamist is going to get all wound up and kill you. It's your fault. You drew and displayed some doodle that they found offensive, and now you've paid the price.

Appeasement is the only way forward. The rest of us should rein in our First Amendment rights to conform to the killers' way of thinking.

That's the argument that the left has been trying to make for the last few days. Ever since two terrorists attempted to murder the attendees of a Prophet Muhammad cartoon contest in Garland Texas, we've been told that our free speech is the problem."


You might want to take a historical look at how Reagan and PLENTY of other conservatives cozied up to any cold-blooded ruthless dictator if and when they played patty cake with American business interests.
OK appeasers, please explain why smearing feces on a picture of Jesus is "art" but cartooning Mohammad is "provocative."
Both are intended to offend, ignoramus.

Do you have a problem with reading comprehension? I asked why offending Muslims is "provocative" while offending Christians is not. Try again.

Both are protected by the Constitution and I will defend their right to do either one.

However, your complaint is about public reaction. Which in your case, people really don't think that way, the reality is it is the other way around.

No one bats an eye over the offensive cartoon drawings of Mohammad because Muslims are not the majority.

However, let's use the last example I can remember of offending Christians. "Piss Christ". Here is how Christians felt about it:


That's right, they found it offensive and set out to destroy it. But guess what, when a journalist tried to point out the hypocrisy of publishing offensive Mohammed pictures, they banned the Piss Christ photo.

See because Christians are the majority, when you are the majority opinion, that speech doesn't need protection. It's the minority's rights that need to be protected. But we don't do that as a country, we bend over backwards to not offend Christians but don't give a shit about offending Muslims. It's F**ked up.
We should have those contests in every single city possible. We should have it and we should broadcast it all over the world.

What are you waiting for? You can organize one right in your neighborhood.

Shut up liar. It takes a lot of time and effort to organize something like that. That's what they have community organizers for. I already have a job. I'm pretty good at drawing cartoons though. I'd love to compete.
Actually you could go to your local neighborhood owners committee and try to draw something up. If your a business owner you could put a sign up in the front of the window and do your own contest. If you were a boy scout master you could hand out fliers.

All it takes is effort and the willingness to stick ones neck out to do it. Even Obama, the community organizer, could do it.

You know full well it's not that simple, or maybe you don't and you need me to tell you that. Either way it doesn't pay me anything and I need to pay bills.

It's pretty lame of you and looney lone liar laugher to try to make fun, but the point of my post stands regardless.
I'm shocked the left loons haven't went after the two dead Muslims in Texas for clinging to guns and religion. :)
The left loves to blame victims when it involves Muslim violence. They don't say a word about how wrong it is for Muslims to kill people over mere words. They blame those who express an opinion that Muslims don't like. One claimed that the cartoon exhibit in Texas may have crossed the line. Excuse me? Killing people because you take offense to a fucking cartoon is more than crossing the line. How dare the left bad mouth cartoonists without even chastising those who commit cold-blooded murder simply because they can't tolerate other points of view? That is today's liberals for you.

The latest attack by radical Muslims ended the way it should have. Two dead terrorists. That is the message we should be sending. No apologies for free speech. Just let them know that if they want to live in our country, with all the freedoms, either learn to tolerate others or don't come here. You can't move here and then kill people because you disagree. You will pay for such crimes, either by death or life in prison.

It's sick that the left does it's best to protect Muslims. They know they will kill over nothing. The answer is not for the rest of us to silence ourselves. Muslims haven't changed in centuries and never will. It's outrageous to ask anyone to humor them. Having cartoon exhibits, like the one in Texas, just draws out the radicals. The real concern is that they are among us every day and waiting to strike at the slightest offense. The left seems to think the way to handle it is to bend over and abide by their rules even if it means giving up some freedom. Why are they so willing to cede rights to appease a bunch of murderous scumbags?

"Bigotry and anti-constitutionalism on full display.

Muslims just can't control themselves. You should know that. If you run a cartoon featuring the prophet Mohammad, or organize a displeasing art exhibit, you should simply assume that an Islamist is going to get all wound up and kill you. It's your fault. You drew and displayed some doodle that they found offensive, and now you've paid the price.

Appeasement is the only way forward. The rest of us should rein in our First Amendment rights to conform to the killers' way of thinking.

That's the argument that the left has been trying to make for the last few days. Ever since two terrorists attempted to murder the attendees of a Prophet Muhammad cartoon contest in Garland Texas, we've been told that our free speech is the problem."

What this reminds me of is the she ask for it defense that was used against rape victims back in the 70s and early 80s a woman was dressed sexy and acting provocative therefore she wanted it or was asking for it. Now because this group dared to use our right of free speech in provocative or controversial way you have some essentially claiming they wanted an attack or people to try and murder them it is truly scary that some seem willing to compromise one of if not our precious rights. This is the kind of speech the 1st amendement was meant to protect speech that everyone likes and agrees with does not need protection it's that which we don't like disagree with and even angers and disgust us that needs protection when we begin to compromise the right that millions gave their life to give us and to defend over the years due to threats of violence or because of political correctness we have reached a very sad day in this nations history.
Holy shit! Somebody please stop the stupid.

I don't know how to stop you and other liberals.

The left is doing more criticizing of free speech that allows people to make fun of Islam than they are of brutal murderers.

I didn't hear a single complaint from the left regarding the numerous attacks on Christianity over the years. And those attacks were far, far worse than a stupid cartoon. Those who believe in killing over being offended are the lowest life forms on the planet and all deserve to be exterminated.
Holy shit! Somebody please stop the stupid.

I don't know how to stop you and other liberals.

The left is doing more criticizing of free speech that allows people to make fun of Islam than they are of brutal murderers.

I didn't hear a single complaint from the left regarding the numerous attacks on Christianity over the years. And those attacks were far, far worse than a stupid cartoon. Those who believe in killing over being offended are the lowest life forms on the planet and all deserve to be exterminated.

They deserve to be what?
Holy shit! Somebody please stop the stupid.

I don't know how to stop you and other liberals.

The left is doing more criticizing of free speech that allows people to make fun of Islam than they are of brutal murderers.

I didn't hear a single complaint from the left regarding the numerous attacks on Christianity over the years. And those attacks were far, far worse than a stupid cartoon. Those who believe in killing over being offended are the lowest life forms on the planet and all deserve to be exterminated.

They deserve to be what?

There are some radical people who will never change. They are among us and will murder at the slightest provocation. Do you want to pay to keep them in jail or just deal with them forever?

Look at what is happening in so many Muslim countries. Gays are being tossed off rooftops and other innocent people are being slaughtered for no reason other than they are not Muslims or don't follow sharia law. What we are seeing here now are radicals who have the same mindset. It starts with them treating it like a serious crime when someone offends them. Next, people who don't convert to Islam are slaughtered. Then anyone who doesn't follow sharia law is slaughtered.

It's clear where it's headed. The left seems to think we should just stop any criticism, as if that is what brings on the violence. The radicals are evil and need little excuse, so let's stop playing games. The fact that the majority here are not Muslim is what offends the radicals. They start with killing over some stupid cartoons, but it will quickly progress to killing over simply being infidels.

For centuries, this has been the case and the radicals will not change.

The answer is not to give in to them and stomp on freedom of speech. The answer is to force them to accept the rest of the world. Since they seem incapable of that, I hope any of them trying to attack people are shot and killed just like the two in Texas. Yes, I think they should all be killed if they attempt to attack. They are a disease.

We should send a message that we won't tolerate this sort of unprovoked violence and we will exercise our right to defend ourselves.

There are an estimated 300 million radicals, and that is a low estimate. That is a lot of crazy people who are determined to kill us. Humoring them will only embolden them. Even if we cease any criticism or mocking of Islam, there are too many other reasons for them to kill us, namely that we are infidels.

The left needs to give up the stupid notion that we can appease these people. We can't. And ceding our freedoms a little bit at a time is exactly what they are hoping we will do.
The left loves to blame victims when it involves Muslim violence. They don't say a word about how wrong it is for Muslims to kill people over mere words. They blame those who express an opinion that Muslims don't like. One claimed that the cartoon exhibit in Texas may have crossed the line. Excuse me? Killing people because you take offense to a fucking cartoon is more than crossing the line. How dare the left bad mouth cartoonists without even chastising those who commit cold-blooded murder simply because they can't tolerate other points of view? That is today's liberals for you.

The latest attack by radical Muslims ended the way it should have. Two dead terrorists. That is the message we should be sending. No apologies for free speech. Just let them know that if they want to live in our country, with all the freedoms, either learn to tolerate others or don't come here. You can't move here and then kill people because you disagree. You will pay for such crimes, either by death or life in prison.

It's sick that the left does it's best to protect Muslims. They know they will kill over nothing. The answer is not for the rest of us to silence ourselves. Muslims haven't changed in centuries and never will. It's outrageous to ask anyone to humor them. Having cartoon exhibits, like the one in Texas, just draws out the radicals. The real concern is that they are among us every day and waiting to strike at the slightest offense. The left seems to think the way to handle it is to bend over and abide by their rules even if it means giving up some freedom. Why are they so willing to cede rights to appease a bunch of murderous scumbags?

"Bigotry and anti-constitutionalism on full display.

Muslims just can't control themselves. You should know that. If you run a cartoon featuring the prophet Mohammad, or organize a displeasing art exhibit, you should simply assume that an Islamist is going to get all wound up and kill you. It's your fault. You drew and displayed some doodle that they found offensive, and now you've paid the price.

Appeasement is the only way forward. The rest of us should rein in our First Amendment rights to conform to the killers' way of thinking.

That's the argument that the left has been trying to make for the last few days. Ever since two terrorists attempted to murder the attendees of a Prophet Muhammad cartoon contest in Garland Texas, we've been told that our free speech is the problem."

It's what the left does...vilify Chris Kyle...empathize with the Muslim killers...
If the KKK held a rally and a coupla uppity negroes attacked them and were killed, it is possible to condemn the Klan and the killer negroes at the same time! Isn't that AMAZING?

Just so with the bigoted asshole anti-Muslim dumb fucks in Texas and the dipshits who attacked their hate fest.

Now was that so hard to understand? Apparently so, for some retards.

View attachment 40882
You damn well know that that saying is not from Texass but the Ozarks...

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