Why does the United States have the largest prison population in the world ?

The answer, of course, is racism. Do we really need an excuse to incarcerate our innocent black and hispanic population?
Flood the streets with drugs and guns, then lock them up with felonies so when they get out they can't vote or get a decent job and 70 percent wind up back inside.

Thousands of people get up every day and don't get high. They don't shoot people. They don't go to jail. They aren't being sentenced to prison or one of the community sentencing programs. So, what is the problem?
We have so many people in prison because our government justifies their existence by writing about 3 feet -- as measured by with width of books -- of new laws every year.

How can we NOT have the worlds largest prison population?
The answer, of course, is racism. Do we really need an excuse to incarcerate our innocent black and hispanic population?
Flood the streets with drugs and guns, then lock them up with felonies so when they get out they can't vote or get a decent job and 70 percent wind up back inside.
I went to prison for drug crimes.
I am able to vote.
I have a fantastic job that pays well.

I am white so now what is your excuse going to be?
Ask Democrats. Dem controlled cities in Dem states using Dem courts have sent millions of young black men to Dem prisons.
It’s no secret that the U.S. incarcerates a shocking number of swaths of its own people, primarily the poor and people of color. With 2.3 million Americans currently being held in prisons, the country has the largest prison population in the world. But even as awareness of mass incarceration grows, two crucial questions remain at the heart of the debate on prison reform: Why does the U.S. imprison so many people, and how do we change our toxic approach? These are the issues Tony Platt, author of “Beyond These Walls: Rethinking Crime and Punishment in the United States,” and Truthdig Editor in Chief Robert Scheer discuss in the latest installment of “Scheer Intelligence.”

(snip)....There’s a tendency these days for people to say the United States proportionally incarcerates more people than any other country in the world. I don’t know if that’s true. I just don’t think we know what the real situation is in China and Russia, which are the big competitors in incarceration. I think the U.S. is in the ballpark; I think the U.S. is close. When you compare the U.S. with Canada or Australia or New Zealand, or France and England, then there’s no contest. There’s no other country that’s comparable to the United States in terms of its political economy that puts as many people away, that hires as many cops, and invests as much money in repression as this country does.


If every American had to do 30 days to get a taste of what it's like inside, we would put an end to this mass incarceration real fast. You don't realize how bad it is until it happens to someone close to you. Out of sight- out of mind....2.3 million forgotten souls living in hell.

/----/ Becuase we can afford to. Other countries just execute the prisoners or let them run free.
I try to tell you. We are all part of power fiefdoms. Young, old, female, male, gay, straight and others just living ways. Then you add the employment fiefdoms. MSM, law enforcement, courts, unions, government jobs of all varieties, private jobs, monopoly jobs, and more. You can be in multiple fiefdoms. The law enforcement fiefdom and the courts fiefdom are powerful. They can turn an individual into a pariah. And it is on all political sides. For people are influenced and believe their propaganda. And will destroy to keep their pay, benefits and pensions. So any government employee that services poverty is raking the taxpayer and this is the real crumbs and trickle down negativity. Private concerns getting contracts with government money are in it to. Prisons are a moneymaker and may have 25% women working them. That means men must go to jail. Black guys are screwed because it was already there. White guys that are screwed are the ones not privileged with those jobs. Most every other job that has an element of any personal health concerns are the same way. Yeah...there is a lot of commupance needed that has not been meted out for justice. And when the Progs come back to power that will happen at some point.
The answer, of course, is racism. Do we really need an excuse to incarcerate our innocent black and hispanic population?
there are no innocent blacks, browns or white in prison,,,
99.5% true, I believe. We have a large prison population for two reasons.
1) An ethnically diverse population
2) The rule of law
And we lock up wrong people.

We have more people in prison for nonviolent drug and property crimes than we do violent criminals and murderers
The answer, of course, is racism. Do we really need an excuse to incarcerate our innocent black and hispanic population?
there are no innocent blacks, browns or white in prison,,,
99.5% true, I believe. We have a large prison population for two reasons.
1) An ethnically diverse population
2) The rule of law
And we lock up wrong people.

We have more people in prison for nonviolent drug and property crimes than we do violent criminals and murderers
that is true, but they still arent innocent
The answer, of course, is racism. Do we really need an excuse to incarcerate our innocent black and hispanic population?
Flood the streets with drugs and guns, then lock them up with felonies so when they get out they can't vote or get a decent job and 70 percent wind up back inside.
Precisely WHO "floods the streets (AKA) inner city shit holes, with drugs and guns?
I'll answer for you. The fucking Mexican drug cartels. Which political party is against building a wall to help stop the drugs and guns from "flooding" into the US inner city shitholes?
The fucking DEM controlled cities are very much responsible.
Which political party get's the negro vote? Why?
You want to stop the negro on negro violent crime epidemic? Get rid of the corrupt DEMs who control these shitholes.
It’s no secret that the U.S. incarcerates a shocking number of swaths of its own people, primarily the poor and people of color. With 2.3 million Americans currently being held in prisons, the country has the largest prison population in the world. But even as awareness of mass incarceration grows, two crucial questions remain at the heart of the debate on prison reform: Why does the U.S. imprison so many people, and how do we change our toxic approach? These are the issues Tony Platt, author of “Beyond These Walls: Rethinking Crime and Punishment in the United States,” and Truthdig Editor in Chief Robert Scheer discuss in the latest installment of “Scheer Intelligence.”

(snip)....There’s a tendency these days for people to say the United States proportionally incarcerates more people than any other country in the world. I don’t know if that’s true. I just don’t think we know what the real situation is in China and Russia, which are the big competitors in incarceration. I think the U.S. is in the ballpark; I think the U.S. is close. When you compare the U.S. with Canada or Australia or New Zealand, or France and England, then there’s no contest. There’s no other country that’s comparable to the United States in terms of its political economy that puts as many people away, that hires as many cops, and invests as much money in repression as this country does.


If every American had to do 30 days to get a taste of what it's like inside, we would put an end to this mass incarceration real fast. You don't realize how bad it is until it happens to someone close to you. Out of sight- out of mind....2.3 million forgotten souls living in hell.

And yet Hillary walks (and faints) free.
The answer, of course, is racism. Do we really need an excuse to incarcerate our innocent black and hispanic population?
there are no innocent blacks, browns or white in prison,,,
99.5% true, I believe. We have a large prison population for two reasons.
1) An ethnically diverse population
2) The rule of law
And we lock up wrong people.

We have more people in prison for nonviolent drug and property crimes than we do violent criminals and murderers
Only a fucking LIB idiot would claim that property crime isn't violent!
Tell that to the victims of property crime.
That's like saying if someone tears off a woman's dress there was no 'violence' b/c she wasn't injured.
Every gram of illegal drugs entering the US has had some form of violence associated with it at some level or many levels.
The cartels control EVERY fucking gram that enters the US. Including the cartels in China et al. You want violence?
Because we don't hang violent criminals anymore and pot is illegal.

If violent robbers/rapists/murderers were hanged within 2 weeks after their trial, there wouldn't be so many people in prison or as many lawyers, detention workers, and judges needed. It would also make prison safer for non-violent offenders.

Also, Mental Health Hospitals need to be reopened. Those people are in prison or on the streets as well.

It totally makes sense, so they'll never do that. :rolleyes:
Make a deal with some corrupt African country to take our violent prisoners. We pay the country so much a day to feed and house the criminals. The country in turn makes the criminals pay for their keep by working. The US could save billions of dollars a year. The African country could get a bunch of laborers and some much needed US currency. If a violent inner city gangbanger knew there was a good chance he could serve his sentence in a stinking prison labor camp in Darfur he might think twice before he murdered his cousin for his Nikes.
The answer, of course, is racism. Do we really need an excuse to incarcerate our innocent black and hispanic population?
there are no innocent blacks, browns or white in prison,,,
99.5% true, I believe. We have a large prison population for two reasons.
1) An ethnically diverse population
2) The rule of law
And we lock up wrong people.

We have more people in prison for nonviolent drug and property crimes than we do violent criminals and murderers
Only a fucking LIB idiot would claim that property crime isn't violent!
Tell that to the victims of property crime.
That's like saying if someone tears off a woman's dress there was no 'violence' b/c she wasn't injured.
Every gram of illegal drugs entering the US has had some form of violence associated with it at some level or many levels.
The cartels control EVERY fucking gram that enters the US. Including the cartels in China et al. You want violence?

Property crime isn't violent. And I wish you morons here would make up your minds as some of you say I'm a right wing nut job and others say I'm a left wing nut job.

I know what violent crime is as I was actually a victim and some idiot tagger spray painting a building or some other moron stealing a car are not violent crimes

An FYI violence involved with drugs that does not occur in this country is none of our business

If you want to end drug related crimes and violence then legalize all drugs. We'll save a shit load of money too
Because when you have a free nation, some people abuse freedom of other people, which was not what was meant by the framers.
Seems like the worst criminals get away with their crimes though.

You forget the other part. Laws are for us, not them.
A huge double standard. Look at Ted Kennedy and that girl who drowned when he was drunk and drove the car into the lake. Probably didn't even lose his license when most regular folks would have been charged with homicide.

No one ever got a D.U.I. back then either
I personally remember getting off with warnings in the 70's
and I've had 2 actual DUI's - one in 1998 and one in 2013 , and I've long since stopped drinking alcohol. One of my sons had 3 in Texas and the 3rd one was a $10,000 felony, he got behind on payments, got arrested at a party with weed on him and the prick judge revoked his probation and gave him 2 years.

And what people don't realize is how it affects the families of those locked up. Thousands in fines and attorney fees, the cost of travelling for visitation, commissary money ( inmates can't live on the shit they feed them) every week...etc. Our attorney was $7000.

This here for me is tough. One part of me says “well, your son was on probation and was likely told not to drink or do drugs as a condition of his probation. He made his bed so he had to sleep in it. The other part of me says it’s BS Because the rich here in Houston get rewarded for drunk driving, like Bill Whites daughter. Remember her? She is the one who got drunk, hit a semi, Mayor White made a call, got her off and then they sued the trucking company. Then there is that on kid who got off light for drunk driving because he was to rich and doesn’t know better. So I don’t feel your son was treated harshly. It I do feed that if you and your people were better connected, and were filthy rich your boy would likely have never been on probation. Our legal system isn’t fair. Answer me this. Say your son had just gotten off probation for making bombs, and the very month he got off probation he was cought planting a homemade bomb in a high traffic area, what do you think would happen ?

Texas man charged with trying to bomb Houston Confederate statue

A man captured while trying to blow up a Confederate monument in Houston, Texas on Saturday has been charged with a federal crime. Andrew Cecil Schneck tried to drink the liquid explosives when he was approached by officers, the police said.
Schneck, 25, was spotted “among the bushes” near the statue of Confederate officer Richard Dowling in Houston’s Hermann Park on Saturday evening, after protesters demanding the removal of the statue clashed with those who wanted to see it remain.

Instead of going to GITMO, this kid got the Jusse Smallet treatment.

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