Why does the United States have the largest prison population in the world ?

Because when you have a free nation, some people abuse freedom of other people, which was not what was meant by the framers.
Seems like the worst criminals get away with their crimes though.

You forget the other part. Laws are for us, not them.
A huge double standard. Look at Ted Kennedy and that girl who drowned when he was drunk and drove the car into the lake. Probably didn't even lose his license when most regular folks would have been charged with homicide.

No one ever got a D.U.I. back then either
I personally remember getting off with warnings in the 70's
and I've had actual 2 DUI's - one in 1998 and one in 2013 , and I've long since stopped drinking alcohol. One of my sons had 3 in Texas and the 3rd one was a $10,000 felony, he got behind on payments, got arrested at a party with weed on him and the prick judge revoked his probation and gave him 2 years.
I'm sorry about your son, Angelo, and hope he gets out. Maybe with time to think about why he doesn't have his freedom, it will occur to him that mind-altering substances will result in his loss of freedom and will try to get help to stop his addiction to stuff. Best wishes, and your son is on my prayer list for healing his need for too much stuff. At least his body won't be wrapped around a telephone post if he can stay sober when driving. And I'm so sorry his decisions have worked against him so.
Seems like the worst criminals get away with their crimes though.

You forget the other part. Laws are for us, not them.
A huge double standard. Look at Ted Kennedy and that girl who drowned when he was drunk and drove the car into the lake. Probably didn't even lose his license when most regular folks would have been charged with homicide.

No one ever got a D.U.I. back then either
I personally remember getting off with warnings in the 70's
and I've had actual 2 DUI's - one in 1998 and one in 2013 , and I've long since stopped drinking alcohol. One of my sons had 3 in Texas and the 3rd one was a $10,000 felony, he got behind on payments, got arrested at a party with weed on him and the prick judge revoked his probation and gave him 2 years.
I'm sorry about your son, Angelo, and hope he gets out. Maybe with time to think about why he doesn't have his freedom, it will occur to him that mind-altering substances will result in his loss of freedom and will try to get help to stop his addiction to stuff. Best wishes, and your son is on my prayer list for healing his need for too much stuff. At least his body won't be wrapped around a telephone post if he can stay sober when driving. And I'm so sorry his decisions have worked against him so.
Thanks beautress. He's out now - this happened in 2016. He wasn't in the rough prison because of his medical condition ( he had cancer when he was 17 - Hodgkins lymphoma...he's in remission now for about 12 years) so he was in the Mental Health Treatment Center (prison with air-conditioning basically ) for most of the 2 years after a few months in county jail.
Because when you have a free nation, some people abuse freedom of other people, which was not what was meant by the framers.
Seems like the worst criminals get away with their crimes though.

You forget the other part. Laws are for us, not them.
A huge double standard. Look at Ted Kennedy and that girl who drowned when he was drunk and drove the car into the lake. Probably didn't even lose his license when most regular folks would have been charged with homicide.

No one ever got a D.U.I. back then either
I personally remember getting off with warnings in the 70's
and I've had 2 actual DUI's - one in 1998 and one in 2013 , and I've long since stopped drinking alcohol. One of my sons had 3 in Texas and the 3rd one was a $10,000 felony, he got behind on payments, got arrested at a party with weed on him and the prick judge revoked his probation and gave him 2 years.

And what people don't realize is how it affects the families of those locked up. Thousands in fines and attorney fees, the cost of travelling for visitation, commissary money ( inmates can't live on the shit they feed them) every week...etc. Our attorney was $7000.

Some people refuse to wrap their head around the causation principle...some people understand it well by third grade. Simple shit.
Going to jail this week for 6 years.. and I’m white
Nobody goes to jail for six years. You're going to prison. The longest I've ever been incarcerated is 8 months.

What the hell did you do anyways?
You forget the other part. Laws are for us, not them.
A huge double standard. Look at Ted Kennedy and that girl who drowned when he was drunk and drove the car into the lake. Probably didn't even lose his license when most regular folks would have been charged with homicide.

No one ever got a D.U.I. back then either
I personally remember getting off with warnings in the 70's
and I've had actual 2 DUI's - one in 1998 and one in 2013 , and I've long since stopped drinking alcohol. One of my sons had 3 in Texas and the 3rd one was a $10,000 felony, he got behind on payments, got arrested at a party with weed on him and the prick judge revoked his probation and gave him 2 years.
I'm sorry about your son, Angelo, and hope he gets out. Maybe with time to think about why he doesn't have his freedom, it will occur to him that mind-altering substances will result in his loss of freedom and will try to get help to stop his addiction to stuff. Best wishes, and your son is on my prayer list for healing his need for too much stuff. At least his body won't be wrapped around a telephone post if he can stay sober when driving. And I'm so sorry his decisions have worked against him so.
Thanks beautress. He's out now - this happened in 2016. He wasn't in the rough prison because of his medical condition ( he had cancer when he was 17 - Hodgkins lymphoma...he's in remission now for about 12 years) so he was in the Mental Health Treatment Center (prison with air-conditioning basically ) for most of the 2 years after a few months in county jail.
I'm so glad he got help, Angelo. Thanks for letting me know he's okay. Good job. :)
It’s no secret that the U.S. incarcerates a shocking number of swaths of its own people, primarily the poor and people of color. With 2.3 million Americans currently being held in prisons, the country has the largest prison population in the world. But even as awareness of mass incarceration grows, two crucial questions remain at the heart of the debate on prison reform: Why does the U.S. imprison so many people, and how do we change our toxic approach? These are the issues Tony Platt, author of “Beyond These Walls: Rethinking Crime and Punishment in the United States,” and Truthdig Editor in Chief Robert Scheer discuss in the latest installment of “Scheer Intelligence.”

(snip)....There’s a tendency these days for people to say the United States proportionally incarcerates more people than any other country in the world. I don’t know if that’s true. I just don’t think we know what the real situation is in China and Russia, which are the big competitors in incarceration. I think the U.S. is in the ballpark; I think the U.S. is close. When you compare the U.S. with Canada or Australia or New Zealand, or France and England, then there’s no contest. There’s no other country that’s comparable to the United States in terms of its political economy that puts as many people away, that hires as many cops, and invests as much money in repression as this country does.


If every American had to do 30 days to get a taste of what it's like inside, we would put an end to this mass incarceration real fast. You don't realize how bad it is until it happens to someone close to you. Out of sight- out of mind....2.3 million forgotten souls living in hell.

Why? Free healthcare, that's why. Democrats will tell you people are committing crimes just to get that free healthcare in prison.
Why does the United States have the largest prison population in the world ?

Because we have a lot of damn people who break the law....

It’s no secret that the U.S. incarcerates a shocking number of swaths of its own people, primarily the poor and people of color. With 2.3 million Americans currently being held in prisons, the country has the largest prison population in the world. But even as awareness of mass incarceration grows, two crucial questions remain at the heart of the debate on prison reform: Why does the U.S. imprison so many people, and how do we change our toxic approach? These are the issues Tony Platt, author of “Beyond These Walls: Rethinking Crime and Punishment in the United States,” and Truthdig Editor in Chief Robert Scheer discuss in the latest installment of “Scheer Intelligence.”

(snip)....There’s a tendency these days for people to say the United States proportionally incarcerates more people than any other country in the world. I don’t know if that’s true. I just don’t think we know what the real situation is in China and Russia, which are the big competitors in incarceration. I think the U.S. is in the ballpark; I think the U.S. is close. When you compare the U.S. with Canada or Australia or New Zealand, or France and England, then there’s no contest. There’s no other country that’s comparable to the United States in terms of its political economy that puts as many people away, that hires as many cops, and invests as much money in repression as this country does.


If every American had to do 30 days to get a taste of what it's like inside, we would put an end to this mass incarceration real fast. You don't realize how bad it is until it happens to someone close to you. Out of sight- out of mind....2.3 million forgotten souls living in hell.

Because liberal scum let criminals do whatever they want.

If that were true we'd have the lowest prison population in the world.
There are many reasons why our prison population is so large.

One reason is that we just put too many people in jail. Singapore has very few people in prison. For petty crimes the criminal is caned or whipped. They have a very small recidivism rate. We are humane and lock people up for 30 days.

We have a grievance population that believes they have a right to commit crimes. They are getting some sort of payback. Except they end up in prison.

Just a couple of reasons.

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