Why doesn't Atheists go away?

the people wjo wrote the bible did not have access to the facts about our world that we have now.

They tried as best they could but were incorrect.

sodam and Gamorah was not bombed with fire by god.

It was an asteriod that created a plume that then dropped on the location and killed the people.

did you know sceince had figured that one out?

What facts? That there are more than 4 dimensions? lol That is what you believed thanks to Einstein. You now know better, thanks to Hawking and others.
I knew better when I read John.

Sodom and Gomorrah were indeed bombed by God. While an errant asteroid could have coincidentally destroyed the 2 cities just when God said He was going to deal with them, Bible readers know that God sent that asteroid.

Here is how, use science:
God didn't destroy 2 cities. He had 5 cities on the radar, all in close proximity to the other. Scientifically, if you are correct, the asteroid blast and the heat would have destroyed them all.
BUT, God promised Abraham He would spare Abraham's nephew. Lot went to Zoar, which was in the middle of the conflagration.
Zoar being untouched during the episode would be the same as a giant nuke hitting New York City and destroying everything but Central Park.
God said He'd never let Sodom and Gomorrah be rebuilt again. Have you booked at trip to Sodom lately? Zoar on the other hand is still there. You can book a trip there to see Lot's cave.
All you have to do is explain scientifically how a nuke could turn NYC to rubble while Central Park remains unscathed.
Did you know God had that one all figured out?
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Religion did the best it could to understand things they had no knowledge of.

Now we have much more knowledge.

why pretend the people who knew less knew more?

Because of their desperate need to validate both themselves and their "infallible" deity.

The irony here is that by trying to pretend that their bible is something that it patently is not they are discrediting the other aspects that actually have merit.
God said He'd never let Sodom and Gomorrah be rebuilt again. Have you booked at trip to Sodom lately? Zoar on the other hand is still there. You can book a trip there to see Lot's cave.

Actually, in a way, people do work at what was once Sodom.

The Dead Sea Works is a potash plant at Sdom, where many people believe to be the historical location of Sodom.

...it's a salt plant. OH THE IRONY.
the people wjo wrote the bible did not have access to the facts about our world that we have now.

They tried as best they could but were incorrect.

sodam and Gamorah was not bombed with fire by god.

It was an asteriod that created a plume that then dropped on the location and killed the people.

did you know sceince had figured that one out?

What facts? That there are more than 4 dimensions? lol That is what you believed thanks to Einstein. You now know better, thanks to Hawking and others.
I knew better when I read John.

Sodom and Gomorrah were indeed bombed by God. While an errant asteroid could have coincidentally destroyed the 2 cities just when God said He was going to deal with them, Bible readers know that God sent that asteroid.

Here is how, use science:
God didn't destroy 2 cities. He had 5 cities on the radar, all in close proximity to the other. Scientifically, if you are correct, the asteroid blast and the heat would have destroyed them all.
BUT, God promised Abraham He would spare Abraham's nephew. Lot went to Zoar, which was in the middle of the conflagration.
Zoar being untouched during the episode would be the same as a giant nuke hitting New York City and destroying everything but Central Park.
God said He'd never let Sodom and Gomorrah be rebuilt again. Have you booked at trip to Sodom lately? Zoar on the other hand is still there. You can book a trip there to see Lot's cave.
Did you know God had that one all figured out?

The authors of that fable were likely just bombed.
Religion did the best it could to understand things they had no knowledge of.

Now we have much more knowledge.

why pretend the people who knew less knew more?

Because of their desperate need to validate both themselves and their "infallible" deity.

The irony here is that by trying to pretend that their bible is something that it patently is not they are discrediting the other aspects that actually have merit.


there are some decent things to learn in the bible.

pretending that its infallible is just nonsense
Eh, scientifically, what happened is that there was some sort of natural disaster. The middle east is riddled with now dormant fault lines, but 5000 years ago many of them were still probably active. An earthquake followed by an eruption would definitely look like a divine cataclysmic event.
in that theory of how Sand M were distroyed is the evidence of the top of a mountain in europe being shorn off.

That is some pretty BIG evidence people
Will this board ever accept the truism that one can neither prove nor disprove the existence of GOD and therefore debating the subject is a complete waste of time?

Probably not.

Why not?

Because to the evangelical atheist or believer, such exercises serve to help them sustain the POVs.

They don't expect to change anyones minds, so much as they want to return to this debate to reinforce what they already believe.

Ironically, I believe it their LACK of absolute faith in what they believe that makes people constantly want to profess that faith in public.

It's reality testing about a subject for which there is no reality to test it against EXCEPT those who disagree.

What YOU will not accept is that to believers the existence of God has already been proved. I believe in God, He is my very best friend. I started out as a non-believer, then God proved his existence to me personally. Over and over again. I don't need for God to prove his existence to you.

That's what non believers do not understand. They just don't get that personal relationship part. Yet it is the personal relationship that drives religion, particularly Christianity. All the erroneous logic and reasonable arguments will never work because the existence of God and God's authority has already been proved. A child might say "My dad doesn't love me, if he did, he would have bought me that new bike I wanted so that's proof right there.

I never get into these unwinnable arguments. Sometimes, though, the fallacies just have to be pointed out.

Why does your word of the "existence of God" override the lack of hard empirical evidence?
why pretend the people who knew less knew more?
Why pretend they didn't? Again, Nachmanides, 1400's. No Hadron Collider. Same conclusion as Hawking.
Earth being round. etc.

See, I'm still not so sure I agree with that. I went back and read what you provided, and it sounds more like ways to describe how they knew the heavens and the earth. Calling them separate dimensions still seems like a bit of a stretch.
Why does your word of the "existence of God" override the lack of hard empirical evidence?

It's the faith. It's less about hard data and more about simply "knowing" that the Bible is true. That's one of the things that doesn't sit well with me. I can't disprove the existence of the Divine any more than I can make the Theory of Gravity a Law.
the people wjo wrote the bible did not have access to the facts about our world that we have now.

They tried as best they could but were incorrect.

sodam and Gamorah was not bombed with fire by god.

It was an asteriod that created a plume that then dropped on the location and killed the people.

did you know sceince had figured that one out?

What facts? That there are more than 4 dimensions? lol That is what you believed thanks to Einstein. You now know better, thanks to Hawking and others.
I knew better when I read John.

Sodom and Gomorrah were indeed bombed by God. While an errant asteroid could have coincidentally destroyed the 2 cities just when God said He was going to deal with them, Bible readers know that God sent that asteroid.

Here is how, use science:
God didn't destroy 2 cities. He had 5 cities on the radar, all in close proximity to the other. Scientifically, if you are correct, the asteroid blast and the heat would have destroyed them all.
BUT, God promised Abraham He would spare Abraham's nephew. Lot went to Zoar, which was in the middle of the conflagration.
Zoar being untouched during the episode would be the same as a giant nuke hitting New York City and destroying everything but Central Park.
God said He'd never let Sodom and Gomorrah be rebuilt again. Have you booked at trip to Sodom lately? Zoar on the other hand is still there. You can book a trip there to see Lot's cave.
All you have to do is explain scientifically how a nuke could turn NYC to rubble while Central Park remains unscathed.
Did you know God had that one all figured out?

So are you telling us that all of those near miss asteroids in recent months are either just warning shots from your God or that his throwing arm is out and he can't get them over home base anymore?
Will this board ever accept the truism that one can neither prove nor disprove the existence of GOD and therefore debating the subject is a complete waste of time?

Probably not.

Why not?

Because to the evangelical atheist or believer, such exercises serve to help them sustain the POVs.

They don't expect to change anyones minds, so much as they want to return to this debate to reinforce what they already believe.

Ironically, I believe it their LACK of absolute faith in what they believe that makes people constantly want to profess that faith in public.

It's reality testing about a subject for which there is no reality to test it against EXCEPT those who disagree.

What YOU will not accept is that to believers the existence of God has already been proved. I believe in God, He is my very best friend. I started out as a non-believer, then God proved his existence to me personally. Over and over again. I don't need for God to prove his existence to you.

That's what non believers do not understand. They just don't get that personal relationship part. Yet it is the personal relationship that drives religion, particularly Christianity. All the erroneous logic and reasonable arguments will never work because the existence of God and God's authority has already been proved. A child might say "My dad doesn't love me, if he did, he would have bought me that new bike I wanted so that's proof right there.

I never get into these unwinnable arguments. Sometimes, though, the fallacies just have to be pointed out.

That’s the snag: theists fail to keep their ‘personal relationship’ personal.

In post after post, thread after thread, you and other theists advocate codifying subjective, personal religious dogma into secular law – with regard to your opposition to equal protection rights for same-sex couples or your opposition to privacy rights concerning to abortion.

You’re clearly entitled to have your personal beliefs and opinions, and to not marry someone of the same sex or have an abortion, but don’t attempt to foist your subjective, personal opinions on society as a whole, using your religion as some sort of justification.

And your tired and tedious counter ‘argument’ that you’re not allowed to practice your faith because society and government ‘forces’ you to ‘accept’ homosexuals and abortionists and the like fails because government obeying the rule of law and the Constitution does not manifest an abridgment of your right to remain ignorant and hateful.
...Volcanic. Eruption. No asteroids. A volcanic eruption.


Fair enough. I asked you to provide one so I shall do the same.

First off, I'm going to link an article by a (now deceased) scientist named Jeffrey Medkeff, who went to great lengths to debunk the asteroid here. Mind you, it's a read. A long read. A very, very long read.

Following that, I looked for seismic activity in the Mediterranean region and came across this: The Dead Sea Transform, which is a fault line that runs through, well, the Dead Sea. There's the Earthquake.

Following it with a volcanic eruption: The Minoan Eruption is reasonably close enough to warrant havoc in the Dead Sea area, considering it's only ~1000 miles away. Volcanic ash has been known to billow over the whole damn planet and still be deadly.

There. Five minutes of research.

Also, don't forget that the Kofels Impact Event is radiocarbon dated at >9000 years ago.
the people wjo wrote the bible did not have access to the facts about our world that we have now.

They tried as best they could but were incorrect.

sodam and Gamorah was not bombed with fire by god.

It was an asteriod that created a plume that then dropped on the location and killed the people.

did you know sceince had figured that one out?

What facts? That there are more than 4 dimensions? lol That is what you believed thanks to Einstein. You now know better, thanks to Hawking and others.
I knew better when I read John.

Sodom and Gomorrah were indeed bombed by God. While an errant asteroid could have coincidentally destroyed the 2 cities just when God said He was going to deal with them, Bible readers know that God sent that asteroid.

Here is how, use science:
God didn't destroy 2 cities. He had 5 cities on the radar, all in close proximity to the other. Scientifically, if you are correct, the asteroid blast and the heat would have destroyed them all.
BUT, God promised Abraham He would spare Abraham's nephew. Lot went to Zoar, which was in the middle of the conflagration.
Zoar being untouched during the episode would be the same as a giant nuke hitting New York City and destroying everything but Central Park.
God said He'd never let Sodom and Gomorrah be rebuilt again. Have you booked at trip to Sodom lately? Zoar on the other hand is still there. You can book a trip there to see Lot's cave.
Did you know God had that one all figured out?

The authors of that fable were likely just bombed.

They were sober and so completely accurate that they made a clay reproduction of the sky complete with the asteroid, so that modern day scientists were able to go back to that day and substantiate every mark on that clay disk.

That it happened is no fable. We have proof, even down to God's prediction about the time of day He would be sending the asteroid. Our best and brightest said those stars and asteroid on that disk were in those locations right before dawn, just like God said, in "the fable".
I knew by faith that God did what He said He was going to do. And why Zoar got a reprieve. Now you too can know what happened: :eusa_angel:
Recent Scientific Evidence Of Asteroid Hitting Sodom And Gomorrah Changing The World?s Climate ?????? ??????? ???????? ?? ???????? ????? ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ?????? | Armageddon / Apocalypse / End Of World / Blog ??????? / ?????????? / ??? ?????
You are only allowed to perpetuate your fable premise until your own prove you wrong.
Now what?
why pretend the people who knew less knew more?
Why pretend they didn't? Again, Nachmanides, 1400's. No Hadron Collider. Same conclusion as Hawking.
Earth being round. etc.

Why pretend they did?

Actually, the ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras was among the first to propose a spherical Earth in the 6th century BC, using among his proofs how the sail of a ship could be observed to disappear over the curvature of the Earth.

Plato also espoused a spherical Earth in the Phaedo, and his student Aristotle gave his reasoning in his book On the Heavens in 350 BC. His proof rested on the facts that persons living in southern lands see southern constellations higher above the horizon than those living in northern lands, that the shadow of the Earth on the Moon during a lunar eclipse is round, and that since objects fall to Earth towards its center means that if it were constructed of small bits of matter originally, these parts would naturally settle into a spherical shape. His demonstration was so compelling that a spherical Earth was the central assumption of all subsequent philosophers of the Classical era. He also used the curved phases of the moon to argue that the Moon must also be a sphere like the Earth.

Eratosthenese of Cyrene not only knew that the Earth was spherical, but managed to measure its circumference with astounding accuracy in the 3rd century BC. (28)

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