Why doesn't Trump talk about protecting LGBT people? They were the victims.

Funny, some LGBT groups endorsed Trump today, go figure.

Really? Who were they?

I heard about them on the radio, here's one, I think there are others.

BREAKING: After Gay Club Massacre - Phoenix LGBT Officially ENDORSES TRUMP (Updated)

FYI, from your link...
the account and group that posted that support of Trump, was CREATED this weekend...

so, more than likely it is a Trump supporter faking their LGBT status....trying to stir up some fake news....imo

The Phoenix LGBT account was created this weekend after the horrific shooting in Orlando.
OF COURSE IT WAS CREATED THIS WEEKEND Care, they even said so, they weren't pro Trump until AFTER this latest incident.

And care to comment on Lakhota's obvious lie in the OP?
so #PhoenixLGBT was created just this weekend and phoenixlgbt never had a twitter account until then?

follow the links, click on the comments/conversations, read them

saying it is FAKE

there is no sane reason for lgbt to support Trump...

Ok then, what is the reason for them to oppose him?
What is you implication? That Obama doesn't protect gays?
That gays need some sort of special protection?
Really? Who were they?

I heard about them on the radio, here's one, I think there are others.

BREAKING: After Gay Club Massacre - Phoenix LGBT Officially ENDORSES TRUMP (Updated)

FYI, from your link...
the account and group that posted that support of Trump, was CREATED this weekend...

so, more than likely it is a Trump supporter faking their LGBT status....trying to stir up some fake news....imo

The Phoenix LGBT account was created this weekend after the horrific shooting in Orlando.
OF COURSE IT WAS CREATED THIS WEEKEND Care, they even said so, they weren't pro Trump until AFTER this latest incident.

And care to comment on Lakhota's obvious lie in the OP?
so #PhoenixLGBT was created just this weekend and phoenixlgbt never had a twitter account until then?

follow the links, click on the comments/conversations, read them

saying it is FAKE

there is no sane reason for lgbt to support Trump...

Ok then, what is the reason for them to oppose him?

There is no reason and they know it.

As far as I know Trump's never said ANYTHING about gays, and when questioned about the tranny bathroom issue he said they should be able to choose what bathroom they want to use.

And NOW he has came out and said that gay people specifically deserve to be protected from religious zealots, and even after all that Care thinks gays should all vote for the candidate who receives millions of dollars from governments which support killing gays.

With less than two days between us and the slaughter of 49 lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people at Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida — during Pride month, no less — the pain only seems to be getting worse within our community.

But as we begin the process of healing, we must now deal with the non-queer, mainstream public trying to process something that we, as queer people, have always known: people hate us simply for existing as we are in the world.

More: Can We Please Stop Pretending This Massacre Wasn't About Homophobia?

I haven't heard Trump say anything about their rights - and they're the ones who were murdered and wounded. In fact, I haven't even heard him express remorse or sympathy for those who were murdered and wounded or their families. I've only heard him use this tragedy for political propaganda purposes.

Here you go Lakhota. Trump was very passionate about this. CK put up the full speech. I'll get the link.

"The attack on the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Florida, was the worst terrorist strike on our soil since September 11th, and the worst mass shooting in our country’s history.

So many people dead, so many people gravely injured, so much carnage, such a disgrace.

The horror is beyond description.

The families of these wonderful people are totally devastated. Likewise, our whole nation, and indeed the whole world, is devastated.

We express our deepest sympathies to the victims, the wounded, and their families.

We mourn, as one people, for our nation’s loss – and pledge our support to any and all who need it.

I would like to ask now that we all observe a moment of silence for the victims of the attack.

Our nation stands together in solidarity with the members of Orlando's LGBT Community.

This is a very dark moment in America’s history.

A radical Islamic terrorist targeted the nightclub not only because he wanted to kill Americans, but in order to execute gay and lesbian citizens because of their sexual orientation.

It is a strike at the heart and soul of who we are as a nation.

It is an assault on the ability of free people to live their lives, love who they want and express their identity.

It is an attack on the right of every single American to live in peace and safety in their own country."

[TRANSCRIPT] Trump Addresses Terrorism, Immigration, and National Security
Doesn't sound like Trumpy, must be an imposter; someone is writing his speeches for him...we know the real DT.
What is you implication? That Obama doesn't protect gays?
That gays need some sort of special protection?

Talk to the idiotic OP he's the one who demanded to know why Trump didn't specifically mention protecting gays (even though he did)

You liberal partisans are so stupid and so easy to outwit. Up your game you dumb bitches.

Also, if gays don't need special protections, why do we have hate crime laws and PA laws, among other things, that you stupid liberals support?
Really? Who were they?

I heard about them on the radio, here's one, I think there are others.

BREAKING: After Gay Club Massacre - Phoenix LGBT Officially ENDORSES TRUMP (Updated)

FYI, from your link...
the account and group that posted that support of Trump, was CREATED this weekend...

so, more than likely it is a Trump supporter faking their LGBT status....trying to stir up some fake news....imo

The Phoenix LGBT account was created this weekend after the horrific shooting in Orlando.
OF COURSE IT WAS CREATED THIS WEEKEND Care, they even said so, they weren't pro Trump until AFTER this latest incident.

And care to comment on Lakhota's obvious lie in the OP?
so #PhoenixLGBT was created just this weekend and phoenixlgbt never had a twitter account until then?

follow the links, click on the comments/conversations, read them

saying it is FAKE

there is no sane reason for lgbt to support Trump...

Of course there are sane reasons for gay people to support Trump. There is no reason for them to support Hillary who takes money from governments who hate gays and want to kill them and who supports bringing MORE refugees who hate gays into this country.

BUT why do you insist that all gays are insane if they don't vote the way you think they should? Not everyone is a partisan chump, some people carefully consider who best represents THEM before voting. Some of those people are gay.
hello? the killer was not a refugee....he was born and bread here in the USA... his parents were let in to the USA by Reagan.... not by clinton.

Trump wants to reverse the decision making gay marriage legal....even though he attended 2 gay weddings recently.... trump is a man who is not stable....changes his stances in a blink of the eye, he doesn't stand for anything longer than a new york minute.

lgbt community believes this was a HATE CRIME, and extends from hatred...not a terrorist attack from a ''refugee'' born in NYC.
Last edited:
I heard about them on the radio, here's one, I think there are others.

BREAKING: After Gay Club Massacre - Phoenix LGBT Officially ENDORSES TRUMP (Updated)

FYI, from your link...
the account and group that posted that support of Trump, was CREATED this weekend...

so, more than likely it is a Trump supporter faking their LGBT status....trying to stir up some fake news....imo

The Phoenix LGBT account was created this weekend after the horrific shooting in Orlando.
OF COURSE IT WAS CREATED THIS WEEKEND Care, they even said so, they weren't pro Trump until AFTER this latest incident.

And care to comment on Lakhota's obvious lie in the OP?
so #PhoenixLGBT was created just this weekend and phoenixlgbt never had a twitter account until then?

follow the links, click on the comments/conversations, read them

saying it is FAKE

there is no sane reason for lgbt to support Trump...

Of course there are sane reasons for gay people to support Trump. There is no reason for them to support Hillary who takes money from governments who hate gays and want to kill them and who supports bringing MORE refugees who hate gays into this country.

BUT why do you insist that all gays are insane if they don't vote the way you think they should? Not everyone is a partisan chump, some people carefully consider who best represents THEM before voting. Some of those people are gay.
hello? the killer was not a refugee....he was born and bread here in the USA... his parents were let in to the USA by Reagan.... not by clinton.

Trump wants to reverse the decision making gay marriage legal....even though he attended 2 gay weddings recently.... trump is a man who is not stable....changes his stances in a blink of the eye, he doesn't stand for anything longer than a new york minute.

lgbt community believes this was a HATE CRIME, and extends from hatred...not a terrorist attack from a refugee born in NYC.

Hillary and Barry were also against gay marriage, before the were for it. But I guess that is just being "nuanced'?
I heard about them on the radio, here's one, I think there are others.

BREAKING: After Gay Club Massacre - Phoenix LGBT Officially ENDORSES TRUMP (Updated)

FYI, from your link...
the account and group that posted that support of Trump, was CREATED this weekend...

so, more than likely it is a Trump supporter faking their LGBT status....trying to stir up some fake news....imo

The Phoenix LGBT account was created this weekend after the horrific shooting in Orlando.
OF COURSE IT WAS CREATED THIS WEEKEND Care, they even said so, they weren't pro Trump until AFTER this latest incident.

And care to comment on Lakhota's obvious lie in the OP?
so #PhoenixLGBT was created just this weekend and phoenixlgbt never had a twitter account until then?

follow the links, click on the comments/conversations, read them

saying it is FAKE

there is no sane reason for lgbt to support Trump...

Of course there are sane reasons for gay people to support Trump. There is no reason for them to support Hillary who takes money from governments who hate gays and want to kill them and who supports bringing MORE refugees who hate gays into this country.

BUT why do you insist that all gays are insane if they don't vote the way you think they should? Not everyone is a partisan chump, some people carefully consider who best represents THEM before voting. Some of those people are gay.
hello? the killer was not a refugee....he was born and bread here in the USA... his parents were let in to the USA by Reagan.... not by clinton.

Trump wants to reverse the decision making gay marriage legal....even though he attended 2 gay weddings recently.... trump is a man who is not stable....changes his stances in a blink of the eye, he doesn't stand for anything longer than a new york minute.

lgbt community believes this was a HATE CRIME, and extends from hatred...not a terrorist attack from a refugee born in NYC.

Trump does not want to reverse the gay marriage ruling. That is a lie.

And hilarious that you accuse Trump of changing his stances when you support Hillary who's never met an issue she didn't argue from both sides LOL come on.
I heard about them on the radio, here's one, I think there are others.

BREAKING: After Gay Club Massacre - Phoenix LGBT Officially ENDORSES TRUMP (Updated)

FYI, from your link...
the account and group that posted that support of Trump, was CREATED this weekend...

so, more than likely it is a Trump supporter faking their LGBT status....trying to stir up some fake news....imo

The Phoenix LGBT account was created this weekend after the horrific shooting in Orlando.
OF COURSE IT WAS CREATED THIS WEEKEND Care, they even said so, they weren't pro Trump until AFTER this latest incident.

And care to comment on Lakhota's obvious lie in the OP?
so #PhoenixLGBT was created just this weekend and phoenixlgbt never had a twitter account until then?

follow the links, click on the comments/conversations, read them

saying it is FAKE

there is no sane reason for lgbt to support Trump...

Of course there are sane reasons for gay people to support Trump. There is no reason for them to support Hillary who takes money from governments who hate gays and want to kill them and who supports bringing MORE refugees who hate gays into this country.

BUT why do you insist that all gays are insane if they don't vote the way you think they should? Not everyone is a partisan chump, some people carefully consider who best represents THEM before voting. Some of those people are gay.
hello? the killer was not a refugee....he was born and bread here in the USA... his parents were let in to the USA by Reagan.... not by clinton.

Trump wants to reverse the decision making gay marriage legal....even though he attended 2 gay weddings recently.... trump is a man who is not stable....changes his stances in a blink of the eye, he doesn't stand for anything longer than a new york minute.

lgbt community believes this was a HATE CRIME, and extends from hatred...not a terrorist attack from a refugee born in NYC.

Barry said running up national debt was "immoral"... before he doubled the national debt.
King Obama at this point so enamored with himself that it's hard to guess what he'll do or say next...like Trump.
With less than two days between us and the slaughter of 49 lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people at Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida — during Pride month, no less — the pain only seems to be getting worse within our community.

But as we begin the process of healing, we must now deal with the non-queer, mainstream public trying to process something that we, as queer people, have always known: people hate us simply for existing as we are in the world.

More: Can We Please Stop Pretending This Massacre Wasn't About Homophobia?

People hate the sin, not the individual sinners. This is why the nation has a weird split about this incident. On the one hand they are grieving for the parents and loved ones of the fallen. On the other hand, they're not surprised either by the fact that this compulsive-sex club/HIV factory was hit by an Islamic fundamentalist. The culture nobody is a fan of. What was done though is not an American act at all in its resolution.

I'm a fan of curbing the spread of this culture through passive/legal means; and I've been fiercely advocating for that for years now. Others like this American-born camel jockey had other ideas. My way is much much better.

People hate the culture. More often than not, they feel deep compassion for the individuals blindly caught up in it, heading on the fast-track towards death (HIV/AIDS from compulsive-anonymous-sex-clubs just like the one in Orlando). Judging by the numbers of wasting-away thin young gay men in the crowds grieving this massacre...they were all contemplating death in one way or another at the time..

At a given point you have to ask yourself if people promoting the lifestyle this club promoted aren't themselves actually homicidal homophobes in a passive-aggressive kind of way?
Trump has talked about protecting AMERICANS. Lakhota wants to bash Trump because he did not split LGBTs in their own seperate category / group and instead considers them 'Americans'.

Liberals love to divide people - LGBT, whites, blacks, Latinos, etc... They are all AMERICANS 1ST.

LIBERALS are LIBERALS 1ST then Americans. Enough of the political, partisan division and hate.
FYI, from your link...
the account and group that posted that support of Trump, was CREATED this weekend...

so, more than likely it is a Trump supporter faking their LGBT status....trying to stir up some fake news....imo

The Phoenix LGBT account was created this weekend after the horrific shooting in Orlando.
OF COURSE IT WAS CREATED THIS WEEKEND Care, they even said so, they weren't pro Trump until AFTER this latest incident.

And care to comment on Lakhota's obvious lie in the OP?
so #PhoenixLGBT was created just this weekend and phoenixlgbt never had a twitter account until then?

follow the links, click on the comments/conversations, read them

saying it is FAKE

there is no sane reason for lgbt to support Trump...

Of course there are sane reasons for gay people to support Trump. There is no reason for them to support Hillary who takes money from governments who hate gays and want to kill them and who supports bringing MORE refugees who hate gays into this country.

BUT why do you insist that all gays are insane if they don't vote the way you think they should? Not everyone is a partisan chump, some people carefully consider who best represents THEM before voting. Some of those people are gay.
hello? the killer was not a refugee....he was born and bread here in the USA... his parents were let in to the USA by Reagan.... not by clinton.

Trump wants to reverse the decision making gay marriage legal....even though he attended 2 gay weddings recently.... trump is a man who is not stable....changes his stances in a blink of the eye, he doesn't stand for anything longer than a new york minute.

lgbt community believes this was a HATE CRIME, and extends from hatred...not a terrorist attack from a refugee born in NYC.

Hillary and Barry were also against gay marriage, before the were for it. But I guess that is just being "nuanced'?
it took a decade or two to change their stances,

trump, a nano second, depending on time of day, who he is speaking to....
I heard about them on the radio, here's one, I think there are others.

BREAKING: After Gay Club Massacre - Phoenix LGBT Officially ENDORSES TRUMP (Updated)

FYI, from your link...
the account and group that posted that support of Trump, was CREATED this weekend...

so, more than likely it is a Trump supporter faking their LGBT status....trying to stir up some fake news....imo

The Phoenix LGBT account was created this weekend after the horrific shooting in Orlando.
OF COURSE IT WAS CREATED THIS WEEKEND Care, they even said so, they weren't pro Trump until AFTER this latest incident.

And care to comment on Lakhota's obvious lie in the OP?
so #PhoenixLGBT was created just this weekend and phoenixlgbt never had a twitter account until then?

follow the links, click on the comments/conversations, read them

saying it is FAKE

there is no sane reason for lgbt to support Trump...

Of course there are sane reasons for gay people to support Trump. There is no reason for them to support Hillary who takes money from governments who hate gays and want to kill them and who supports bringing MORE refugees who hate gays into this country.

BUT why do you insist that all gays are insane if they don't vote the way you think they should? Not everyone is a partisan chump, some people carefully consider who best represents THEM before voting. Some of those people are gay.
hello? the killer was not a refugee....he was born and bread here in the USA... his parents were let in to the USA by Reagan.... not by clinton.

Trump wants to reverse the decision making gay marriage legal....even though he attended 2 gay weddings recently.... trump is a man who is not stable....changes his stances in a blink of the eye, he doesn't stand for anything longer than a new york minute.

lgbt community believes this was a HATE CRIME, and extends from hatred...not a terrorist attack from a ''refugee'' born in NYC.

Riiiiiiiiiggghhhhhttttt, the dudes dad ran for president of Pakistan as a taliban candidate. Islamic teachings couldn't possibly have anything to do with it. LMAO
OF COURSE IT WAS CREATED THIS WEEKEND Care, they even said so, they weren't pro Trump until AFTER this latest incident.

And care to comment on Lakhota's obvious lie in the OP?
so #PhoenixLGBT was created just this weekend and phoenixlgbt never had a twitter account until then?

follow the links, click on the comments/conversations, read them

saying it is FAKE

there is no sane reason for lgbt to support Trump...

Of course there are sane reasons for gay people to support Trump. There is no reason for them to support Hillary who takes money from governments who hate gays and want to kill them and who supports bringing MORE refugees who hate gays into this country.

BUT why do you insist that all gays are insane if they don't vote the way you think they should? Not everyone is a partisan chump, some people carefully consider who best represents THEM before voting. Some of those people are gay.
hello? the killer was not a refugee....he was born and bread here in the USA... his parents were let in to the USA by Reagan.... not by clinton.

Trump wants to reverse the decision making gay marriage legal....even though he attended 2 gay weddings recently.... trump is a man who is not stable....changes his stances in a blink of the eye, he doesn't stand for anything longer than a new york minute.

lgbt community believes this was a HATE CRIME, and extends from hatred...not a terrorist attack from a refugee born in NYC.

Hillary and Barry were also against gay marriage, before the were for it. But I guess that is just being "nuanced'?
it took a decade or two to change their stances,

trump, a nano second, depending on time of day, who he is speaking to....

No it didn't. For Obama it took all of four years. As for his shift on the immorality of running up the national debt, it took a nanosecond.
"Why doesn't Trump talk about protecting LGBT people?"

Because he wants to appoint justices to the Supreme Court hostile to the rights and protected liberties of LGBT people, Trump couldn't care less about them.
More proof we have a child-molesting faggot in the WH.

Obama declares June to be LGBT Pride Month !!!

That's what typical Republicans think of gays. They even hold "kill the gays rallies".
So Trump did exactly what Lakota claimed he didn't do and barely anyone calls him a lying piece of dog shit?
Exactly what I was going to do, but no matter what we say, they still won't acknowledge that Trump is here to protect all Americans. If fags would just listen to one of his speeches and not what they hear from the media or there fag friends.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
"Why doesn't Trump talk about protecting LGBT people?"

Because he wants to appoint justices to the Supreme Court hostile to the rights and protected liberties of LGBT people, Trump couldn't care less about them.

Feel free to produce any of evidence of that you fool.

You're as stupid as those fools who claim Hillary would appoint Justices who would repeal the 2nd Amendment.

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