Why Don't Republicans Identify What They Are Fighting?


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
It's high time we name radical Islam the enemy...
Why Don't Republicans Identify What They Are Fighting?

Time to name the enemy.
December 17, 2015
Dennis Prager


American conservatives are rightfully annoyed with the Obama administration, and Democrats generally, for refusing to name radical Islam or Islamism as the major source of terror.

When Nidal Hasan murdered 13 fellow soldiers at Fort Hood, the administration refused to label the mass murder — committed by a Muslim in the name of Islam — an act of Islamist terror, or even terror at all. Instead it was officially declared a "workplace shooting."

And when President Obama convened an international conference on terror, he refused to include the word "terror" or any form of the word "Islamist" in the title. Instead the conference — which took place a month after the Islamists' massacre of the Charlie Hebdo writers and editors and Jews at a Paris shop — was ridiculously named "The White House Summit on Countering Violent Extremism."

But conservatives and Republicans do the same thing. They, too, almost never identify what they are fighting — namely, leftism and the left. (Note to left-wing websites that monitor conservative writings: This is not a comparison of the left with Islamic terrorists; it is about not naming an ideological foe.)

Republicans — from the highest ranking politicians to rank and file members of the party — fight Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Hillary Clinton and all other Democrats. But they don't fight the left and leftism.

The implication is that if only we could defeat this or that Democrat, we would be on our way to a much better America.

But it's not true. If extraterrestrials came to our planet and absconded with every Democrat holding office from Barack Obama down to every Democratic city councilman in America, nothing would change. Other Democrats with the same left-wing views would take their place.

Leftism is ruining America. But almost no Republican ever — let alone repeatedly — says this.

The universities of this country have become a laughingstock. They have degenerated into anti-intellectual, anti-Western, anti-rational institutions with their ludicrous "safe spaces," trigger warnings that infantilize students, and all the lies about the racism and a rape culture that allegedly pervade the campuses and American society.

What is responsible for that? Leftism.

According to Pew Research, 40 percent of millennials do not believe in the principle of freedom of speech if the speech might hurt the feelings of a member of a minority group.

What is responsible for that? Leftism.

Why did Islamic State rise in Iraq after that country had been pacified by American troops and the Sunni uprising? Because a leftist president, the left-wing Democratic Party, and the left-wing media demanded a complete American withdrawal from Iraq.


In addition to criticizing Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton, Republicans need to tell the American people over and over that the only thing that can stop the further degradation of the United States of America is conservatism and the Republican Party. Because only conservatism and the Republican Party can stop the left.

Why Don't Republicans Identify What They Are Fighting?
But conservatives and Republicans do the same thing. They, too, almost never identify what they are fighting — namely, leftism and the left. (Note to left-wing websites that monitor conservative writings: This is not a comparison of the left with Islamic terrorists; it is about not naming an ideological foe.)

It's difficult for Conservatives to name an ideological foe because Conservatism is a philosophy and not an ideology. Conservative is the opposite measure from extreme. In an ideological sense, it is the more moderate view opposing liberal radicalism. But ideology does not define a conservative. They may have specific ideologies rooted in their conservative philosophies but those can differ greatly. It's mostly about pragmatism vs. radicalism.
But conservatives and Republicans do the same thing. They, too, almost never identify what they are fighting — namely, leftism and the left. (Note to left-wing websites that monitor conservative writings: This is not a comparison of the left with Islamic terrorists; it is about not naming an ideological foe.)

It's difficult for Conservatives to name an ideological foe because Conservatism is a philosophy and not an ideology. Conservative is the opposite measure from extreme. In an ideological sense, it is the more moderate view opposing liberal radicalism. But ideology does not define a conservative. They may have specific ideologies rooted in their conservative philosophies but those can differ greatly. It's mostly about pragmatism vs. radicalism.

You say today's conservatives are moderate? What planet have you been on?
But conservatives and Republicans do the same thing. They, too, almost never identify what they are fighting — namely, leftism and the left. (Note to left-wing websites that monitor conservative writings: This is not a comparison of the left with Islamic terrorists; it is about not naming an ideological foe.)

It's difficult for Conservatives to name an ideological foe because Conservatism is a philosophy and not an ideology. Conservative is the opposite measure from extreme. In an ideological sense, it is the more moderate view opposing liberal radicalism. But ideology does not define a conservative. They may have specific ideologies rooted in their conservative philosophies but those can differ greatly. It's mostly about pragmatism vs. radicalism.

You say today's conservatives are moderate? What planet have you been on?

Your just mad because we are kicking the left's ass.
But conservatives and Republicans do the same thing. They, too, almost never identify what they are fighting — namely, leftism and the left. (Note to left-wing websites that monitor conservative writings: This is not a comparison of the left with Islamic terrorists; it is about not naming an ideological foe.)

It's difficult for Conservatives to name an ideological foe because Conservatism is a philosophy and not an ideology. Conservative is the opposite measure from extreme. In an ideological sense, it is the more moderate view opposing liberal radicalism. But ideology does not define a conservative. They may have specific ideologies rooted in their conservative philosophies but those can differ greatly. It's mostly about pragmatism vs. radicalism.

You say today's conservatives are moderate? What planet have you been on?

Your just mad because we are kicking the left's ass.

Really? Is that what you are trying to call it?
"Leftism is ruining America. But almost no Republican ever — let alone repeatedly — says this."

And for good reason, the notion is unmitigated idiocy, completely untrue, a straw man fallacy, and a ridiculous lie.

Indeed, liberals defend the principles and beliefs fundamental to the American Nation, they safeguard the rights and protected liberties of all Americans and persons living in the United States, from republicans who for the most part seek to disadvantage Americans through force of law – by denying women their right to privacy, gay Americans their right to equal protection of the law, immigrants their right to due process, minorities their right to vote, and Muslims their rights enshrined in the First Amendment; unwarranted, un-Constitutional hostility toward Muslims for no other reason than who they are.

No, it's conservatism left unchecked that's ruining America.
This is the effect of conservative media, construct a false enemy and make their audience terrified of it.

In no way are Democrats an enemy of anyone in the US. Having a differeing view of what is important in life, namely human beings over profit, not only does not label someone as an enemy but their very actions have produced all of the benefits that ALL working people enjoy.

But con media paints an evil picture of this because it is much easier to manipulate people if you tell them they are in mortal danger.

Orwell called it 'perpetual war'. A way to keep the population scared and controlled.
You say today's conservatives are moderate? What planet have you been on?

I live on the planet that hasn't been brainwashed by Socialists with an agenda.

Conservatism is the pragmatic approach to problem solving using tried and true methods, adhering to common sense, weighing all the variables and considerations of the human condition and using history and experience as their guide. An ideologue is the antithesis of that. Their approach to problem solving revolves around their particular ideological goals and objectives and pragmatism doesn't matter.

Can some ideologues be Conservative? Sure. Some Liberals can be Conservative. That may sound like a contradiction but not when you view Conservatism as a philosophy as opposed to an ideology. Bill Clinton and Zell Miller are prime examples of Liberal Conservatives.
to disadvantage Americans through force of law – by denying women their right to privacy, gay Americans their right to equal protection of the law, immigrants their right to due process, minorities their right to vote, and Muslims their rights enshrined in the First Amendment; unwarranted, un-Constitutional hostility toward Muslims for no other reason than who they are.

You are totally UNHINGED from reality.
namely human beings over profit

This is dog whistle for.. I WANT SOCIALISM!

You've been brainwashed to believe that life can be made FAIR for all, if we only do something about the "evils" of capitalism. Mao Zedong sparked an entire People's Revolution on this very idea... it resulted in 70 million people dying.

So you are a dog that answers to a whistle. Jesus there is nothing new about anything conservatives say. Its the same old playbook that con-media has been tattooing on your brain for the last 20+ years. But you are too gullible to understand it happened to you.

I feel sorry for you but only can fix yourself. Tune out of the propaganda fido and at least TRY to think for yourself.
So you are a dog that answers to a whistle. Jesus there is nothing new about anything conservatives say. Its the same old playbook that con-media has been tattooing on your brain for the last 20+ years. But you are too gullible to understand it happened to you.

I feel sorry for you but only can fix yourself. Tune out of the propaganda fido and at least TRY to think for yourself.

That's not what I said, dum dum. Your whining and moaning about "profit over people" is dog whistle for "I want Socialism!" (It means that is REALLY what you're saying).

I'm 56 years old... whatever might have been tattooed on my brain was done a LONG time ago and it won't likely change anytime soon... especially by the likes of an idiot such as yourself.

Don't lecture me about thinking for myself as long as you're running around parroting Socialist propaganda like you're reciting poetry.
In addition to criticizing Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton, Republicans need to tell the American people over and over that the only thing that can stop the further degradation of the United States of America is conservatism and the Republican Party. Because only conservatism and the Republican Party can stop the left.

Why Don't Republicans Identify What They Are Fighting?

because you can't be at war with an ideology and we can't and shouldn't go after a billion people. it is insane and everyone will laugh at you morons.

that's why....
But conservatives and Republicans do the same thing. They, too, almost never identify what they are fighting — namely, leftism and the left. (Note to left-wing websites that monitor conservative writings: This is not a comparison of the left with Islamic terrorists; it is about not naming an ideological foe.)

It's difficult for Conservatives to name an ideological foe because Conservatism is a philosophy and not an ideology. Conservative is the opposite measure from extreme. In an ideological sense, it is the more moderate view opposing liberal radicalism. But ideology does not define a conservative. They may have specific ideologies rooted in their conservative philosophies but those can differ greatly. It's mostly about pragmatism vs. radicalism.

You say today's conservatives are moderate? What planet have you been on?

The Democratic Party has always been a fascist party since FDR. We have been so exposed to this for so long that we now think anything that isn't authoritarian is "crazy".
In addition to criticizing Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton, Republicans need to tell the American people over and over that the only thing that can stop the further degradation of the United States of America is conservatism and the Republican Party. Because only conservatism and the Republican Party can stop the left.

Why Don't Republicans Identify What They Are Fighting?

because you can't be at war with an ideology and we can't and shouldn't go after a billion people. it is insane and everyone will laugh at you morons.

that's why....

It is not possible to fight a war against an ideology? Ask any Christian and they will tell you that they know that this is false because everyday they are asked penetrating questions solely designed to dislodge their faith. It is definitely possible to war against an ideology.
Indeed, liberals defend the principles and beliefs fundamental to the American Nation...

Bullshit. Liberals wrap themselves in the American flag and make these bold patriotic claims which amount to nothing but meaningless platitudes. Their policies are destructive of everything this nation stands for. Their leaders are incompetent and dangerous. They've put our nation at grave risk and they continue to do so, while wrapping themselves in the flag and pretending they are the ones upholding our values.
In addition to criticizing Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton, Republicans need to tell the American people over and over that the only thing that can stop the further degradation of the United States of America is conservatism and the Republican Party. Because only conservatism and the Republican Party can stop the left.

Why Don't Republicans Identify What They Are Fighting?

because you can't be at war with an ideology and we can't and shouldn't go after a billion people. it is insane and everyone will laugh at you morons.

that's why....
Did we not fight Nazism and Communism? Were they not ideologies?

No one is saying we should go after one billion Muslims. Why do you incessantly use strawman arguments?

Just so you might understand, the ideology we are discussing which you probably fail to recognize due to your brainwashing by the Left, is RADICAL ISLAM. I know....I know....my poor dear...your Beloved Dear Leader has not informed you.

And my poor dear, should we ever be ruled by RADICAL ISLAM, you won't like wearing a burka and being treated as a second class citizen....and maybe even subject to stoning because you were raped or thrown off a building because you are a homosexual, or beheaded because you are not a Muslim.

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