Why educated people are more Liberal


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
I'm not taking sides here, just posting these links as some interesting reading on why those with college degrees in America, Canada, and Europe tend to be more Liberal, and why the less educated tend to be more Conservative, also, why American's believe they control their own destiny, while those in other countries would prefer the state to play a larger role in their lives.

Whatever side of the partisan fence you are on, this might make some interesting reading.

Why the Most Educated Americans Vote Democratic

How the education gap is tearing politics apart | David Runciman

5 ways Americans and Europeans are different
From my experience on this forum libs are the least educated people in the country and that makes them easy to manipulate by Deep State puppeteers.

Their "education" in reality is just propaganda based on ZERO historical facts.

Educated people would not destroy over 100 y.o. statues just because somebody told them "they are bad".
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The educational system in our country indoctrinates people into becoming liberals. Just because one has a degree that doesn't make him or her educated.
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Then how come they don't know what bathroom to use?
Safe spaces make you more liberal not smarter. Paying to attend a college doesn't mean you have any intelligence.
Safe spaces make you more liberal not smarter. Paying to attend a college doesn't mean you have any intelligence.

Quite the contrary in many cases.(for those that mortgage their future for BS degrees)
Baloney. First off, the idea liberals are more educated is misrepresented. If I recall, more college grads voted for Romney than Obama. Second, many college grads. are dysfunctional, because they were educated in "liberal arts" as opposed something practical. Third, critical thought and history are lost on liberals. Their assault on US history and the Constitution is plenty of proof. Fourth, I cannot believe I have to say this, but the majority of liberal protesters, blacks, Mexicans etc. don't even have a high school diploma.

And finally, fifth, a lot of those people who are "highly educated" are professors, who are simply indoctrinated in liberal arts. They don't produce anything. They're champion snowflakes.
Safe spaces make you more liberal not smarter. Paying to attend a college doesn't mean you have any intelligence.

Quite the contrary in many cases.(for those that mortgage their future for BS degrees)

Exactly. I have a friend who spent a fortune getting a M.S. in Public Health at Tulane....b only to continue to work as a chemist at Chevron because it pays more. He's still paying off his student loans for his Masters.
From my experience on this forum libs are the least educated people in the country and that makes them easy to manipulate by Deep State puppeteers.

Their "education" in reality is just propaganda based on ZERO historical facts.

I love how a Russian thinks they know so much about Americans by what they read on the internet. Do you even know what the historical facts REALLY are? I mean... YOU only think you know what the historical facts are through how they are presented to you by YOUR government. YOUR government that owns the media that is the gatekeeper to the information.
I'm not taking sides here, just posting these links as some interesting reading on why those with college degrees in America, Canada, and Europe tend to be more Liberal, and why the less educated tend to be more Conservative, also, why American's believe they control their own destiny, while those in other countries would prefer the state to play a larger role in their lives.

Whatever side of the partisan fence you are on, this might make some interesting reading.

Why the Most Educated Americans Vote Democratic

How the education gap is tearing politics apart | David Runciman

5 ways Americans and Europeans are different

Because they fall for the written on paper ideology , which always sounds good but doesn't work in reality.
Obama learned it the hard way when he admitted that his shovel ready, wasn't so ready.
Lots of money wasted there as well as solar.
The replies in this thread are a perfect demonstration of just how stupid uneducated conservatives are.

According to a New York Times headline dated April 14, 2010, “Poll Finds Tea Party Backers Wealthier and More Educated.” Shattering widespread myths, that survey revealed that Tea Party supporters were more likely to possess a college degree than their counterparts (23% to 15%), and also more likely to have completed post-graduate studies (14% to 10%). Tea Partiers were also more likely to have completed “some college” by a 33% to 28% margin, and substantially less likely to have not completed high school than non-supporters (3% versus 12%), or to possess only a high school degree (26% versus 35%).

Well educated and well paid people do not demand more welfare and higher taxes. Democrat Voters do that.

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