Why everyone (and I mean everyone) should listen to the Catholic Church

"The Catholic Church is the largest and topmost Christian organization which has an estimated wealth of more than $30 billion as of 2022."

You're about 50 times too high on your estimate.

We don't ask for 10% of people's income, that would be your protestant denominations.
I say the SSPX is the true Church and the regular Catholic Church is in schism...

I know of what I speak.... been Catholic (and studying the Church) for a LONG time... (Catholic all my life)
No need for repetitive Prayers or Beads.
Are you aware of how the rosary began? People wanted to pray the psalms throughout the day. Many did not know the words and did not read. It was a prayer of meditation--over 150 prayers to match the number of psalms, and then a calm rote recitation that kept people centered as the reflected/meditated on the life of Jesus.

Are you as adamant that the life of Jesus needs no meditation or reflection?
sorry but u caught me at a bad time... I no longer engage w/ Protestants bc I have found they do NOT listen to much of anything I say, if anything at all.. it's a very strange thing imo

how I try to explain and give Biblical sources for what Catholics believe but there is a huge WALL there and I am tired of banging my head against it. If you take a RCIA class at most Catholic Churches (free) you can ask all the Qs you want and get answers. I am worn out myself.. I guess if i was paid to teach such a class, I would have to overcome my weariness and fed-uppedness... but I'm not getting paid so I'll pass
I'm not Catholic pr Protestant. Jesus' words are what I follow. No other man
Are you aware of how the rosary began? People wanted to pray the psalms throughout the day. Many did not know the words and did not read. It was a prayer of meditation--over 150 prayers to match the number of psalms, and then a calm rote recitation that kept people centered as the reflected/meditated on the life of Jesus.

Are you as adamant that the life of Jesus needs no meditation or reflection?
Just a guy is right. Jesus condemned "vain repetition" on prayer thinking endless words will reach God.

He wants words from the heart, not memorized prayer
Are you aware of how the rosary began? People wanted to pray the psalms throughout the day. Many did not know the words and did not read. It was a prayer of meditation--over 150 prayers to match the number of psalms, and then a calm rote recitation that kept people centered as the reflected/meditated on the life of Jesus.

Are you as adamant that the life of Jesus needs no meditation or reflection?

Are you aware of how the rosary began? People wanted to pray the psalms throughout the day. Many did not know the words and did not read. It was a prayer of meditation--over 150 prayers to match the number of psalms, and then a calm rote recitation that kept people centered as the reflected/meditated on the life of Jesus.

Are you as adamant that the life of Jesus needs no meditation or reflection?

No need for repetitive Prayers or Beads.
all those things u list that you THINK the Church teaches but does not..

well, the ones you are not wrong about... repetitive prayers/beads... go-btwns...

Those things are what made me a Christian objectively speaking...

So if you don't want more Christians in the world, keep attacking what you THINK is Catholicism...

Most Protestants seem to do that...

No, sorry.
Just a guy is right. Jesus condemned "vain repetition" on prayer thinking endless words will reach God.

He wants words from the heart, not memorized prayer
First, Jesus did not say "memorized prayer". He said vain repetitions or empty phrases. When angels pray (as in Revelation) "Holy, holy, holy" these are repetitions, but I doubt many would call them 'vain repetitions' or 'empty phrases'. Further, meditation is about as heartfelt as one can get.

What is there about the Lord's Prayer that is a 'vain repetition'? What is there about "Glory be to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit" that is an empty phrase? Is the angel's greeting to Mary also vain and empty?
People respond as though I said that Everyone should immediately join the Catholic Church

that wouldn't be a bad idea, to say the least. However, that is not what I said or meant.

It just seems that...Here is this HUGE and ANCIENT Church that's been in the world for centuries and claims to be (is) the First and ONLY Christian Church and


we are going to ignore it? ridicule it? reject it without even finding out what it REALLY teaches?

doesn't sound like intellectual integrity to yours truly

No, sorry.
Most Protestants set up a straw man, this "thing" they think is the Catholic Church. They are SOOOO wrong SOOOO often but they persist in believing what they believe and in NOT finding out what the RCC really teaches... continuing to believe what their pastor SAYS it teaches rather than finding out for him or herself..

If that's the way you do things, I would never hire you to do research on ANY topic

God describes a false prophet as one who “presumes to speak in My name anything I have not commanded, or a prophet who speaks in the name of other gods” (Deuteronomy 18:20). In Jeremiah 14:14, God says these evildoers prophesy lies, offering “false visions, divinations, idolatries, and the delusions of their own minds.

He doesn't tell us to listen to them all.
Pope Francis said all religions pray to the same God, different name. That is a lie. Allah has no son.
I'm not Catholic pr Protestant. Jesus' words are what I follow. No other man
you are a product of protestantism if you know nothing or nearly nothing about the Original Church

which most protestants do not

they are brainwashed by their antiCatholic pastors, friends... etc
God describes a false prophet as one who “presumes to speak in My name anything I have not commanded, or a prophet who speaks in the name of other gods” (Deuteronomy 18:20). In Jeremiah 14:14, God says these evildoers prophesy lies, offering “false visions, divinations, idolatries, and the delusions of their own minds.

He doesn't tell us to listen to them all.
Pope Francis said all religions pray to the same God, different name. That is a lie. Allah has no son.
Pope F is not Catholic

I happen to be... but since I'm not pope, as Dangerfield used to say "I get no respect"

No need to pray with others because you can pray by yourself? Or do you bother with prayer at all since God knows what you need before you ask?

good answer.. couldn't have done better (I, the Master of Sarcasm...)

Then he needs to move...
you're telling ME!

I guess we poor devout Catholics have to wait for this one to "move"... I pray for his eternal soul... looks to me like he's on the way to... well, u know...

I'm not his judge but I CAN judge his words as being heretical... having studied Catholicism, having read the entire Bible... and just common sense..

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