Why hasn't the media interviewed the owner of the shop Brown robbed

If he doesn't want to talk, why would they report that?

What "sense" would that be? What purpose would it serve to constantly remind viewers that they're NOT going to have an interview with the store owner?

Because I would think that logically speaking, every household in this country as they have been watching events unfold, have been screaming at their TV's to give us some information about the store owner !!

If he doesn't want to talk, (which could easily be the case since he's probably afraid if he say's anything negative about gentle boy, the black community will come with pitchforks) then for gods sake at least tell us !

Haven't you been wondering what this guy might have to say ? After all, there was no audio with the video, gentle boy could have been using some racial slurs towards him. Anyway, he might have a lot to add regarding gentle boy's character, and we should get it out there.
In case you missed it, they burned his store down in the riots and spray painted 'snitches get stitches.'

They don't want to interview him, that would not fit their narrative

All media outlets share a narrative, and we thought the outlets were in competition. :rolleyes:
Who thought that?

Two of the above posters. And the the Quick Trip was "burned to the ground", PLUS had this on the side of the building:


How the store "burned to the ground" with the wall standing is......................a question. And since the rioters are shooting also, why threatening "stitches" might be iat Conservattive Hideout/Treehouse, but don't waste too much time. The site is short on sentences, long on BIG pictures.
Two of the above posters. And the the Quick Trip was "burned to the ground", PLUS had this on the side of the building:


How the store "burned to the ground" with the wall standing is......................a question. And since the rioters are shooting also, why threatening "stitches" might be iat Conservattive Hideout/Treehouse, but don't waste too much time. The site is short on sentences, long on BIG pictures.
Yawn, your open mindedness is tiresome

Good thing my links were from another source, but you probably think its bunk too.

Its also refreshing that you decide just how destroyed a burnt out building is to be considered destroyed. Your continued play on words and splicing the language is predictable to say the least, amusing at best
However the media forwarded that it was the QT and so they burned it and wrote that on the wall. Later, after the Sunshine Request stuff came out it was discovered that the name blocked out was FAR too long to be QT and it was then forwarded (again by the media) that it was Ferguson Market ~ the looters/rioters eventually got that one as well.
This has puzzled me for days now. I'm certain the police have interviewed him, but why hasn't the media ?
Has he went in hiding out of fear ?

With the 24/7 coverage of this story, it would seem logical that this guy would be interviewed, to find out what he said to Brown, what was Brown's attitude, what other words were possibly exchanged ?

A rookie cub reporter should have figured this out, the public wants to know, and new info could come from an interview. What the fuck is wrong with these people, not one of them has thought to go question this guy ?

This is simply bizarre.

If the guy is not available, at least mention that in your reporting for gods sake. Is there a gag order out ?

This just doesn't make damn bit of sense.

Not giving interviews...thereby keeping his face/identity off the tv screen and out of public view...makes perfect sense to me.
It's exactly what I'd be doing.
What's in it for the shop owner, giving media interviews? not a lot, seems to be.
Nothing but trouble most likely.

Maybe the cops told him/advised not to give media interviews...as the case could be "before the courts".
This has puzzled me for days now. I'm certain the police have interviewed him, but why hasn't the media ?
Has he went in hiding out of fear ?

With the 24/7 coverage of this story, it would seem logical that this guy would be interviewed, to find out what he said to Brown, what was Brown's attitude, what other words were possibly exchanged ?

A rookie cub reporter should have figured this out, the public wants to know, and new info could come from an interview. What the fuck is wrong with these people, not one of them has thought to go question this guy ?

This is simply bizarre.

If the guy is not available, at least mention that in your reporting for gods sake. Is there a gag order out ?

This just doesn't make damn bit of sense.
leftist want to keep the pretense that he's innocent as long as they can. for some reason feeding the flames of hate makes them happy. If it didn't, they would have pulled those 2 racist "reverends" out of there by now.
If I were a shop owner in that area, I'd get a U-Haul, clear out my business, and vacate the area until shit calmed down...
Maybe in Angry Black Man jungle its Snitches Get Stitches...but in my house, Stitch Givers Get Put In A Ditch.
Considering how the cop and his family are in hiding, I wouldn't be too eager to be interviewed by the media if I were the shop owner.

Me either. Good way to have your family attacked and your home burned to the ground especially if your testimony doesn't show that asshole Brown in a good light.

Hell. I'd move my family the hell out of there.
Not giving interviews...thereby keeping his face/identity off the tv screen and out of public view...makes perfect sense to me.
It's exactly what I'd be doing.
What's in it for the shop owner, giving media interviews? not a lot, seems to be.
Nothing but trouble most likely.

Maybe the cops told him/advised not to give media interviews...as the case could be "before the courts".

That makes sense. But again, you'd think the media would then inform their viewers, who are obviously curious, the owner is not available.
Dieversity fucking sucks. Only going to get worse! 20 years from now our justice system won't be worth a bucket of pig shit.

Balkization will separate 20 or more cultures as they attack each other daily. This nation will have blood flowing down our streets in 50 years.

I see NO chance of the US remaining one by 2100. Yet, this suppose to be a strength?
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