Why I am Catholic

... I could cite several thousand distinctions right off the top of my head.

So could I. But I will never forget the testimony of Rosalind Moss, Jewish lady who became Evangelical Christian and then Catholic, and her first impression of walking into a Catholic Church after having been an Evangelical for a while. Her impression was, This is a Synagogue, except with Christ.

Have you met all Catholics?
If you hear me tell it when I was 5 years old, yes..

You do know it's common knowledge in catholic circles don't you? I have been to a few catholic seminars that discussed that very topic
She was wrong.

Well, here is an instance where you might not be as knowledgeable as you think you are. Protestant churches do not have tabernacles. Synagogues and Catholic Churches do. Yours holds the written word, our holds the word become flesh, the Eucharist. Many of our liturgical traditions follow Jewish tradition.
I suppose you could equally argue that Satanism is an sect of xtianity.
How so?

Of course if you are successful in that argument it would in reality prove that satanism is a sect of Judaism as Judaism is the head water of that stream.
How so?

Of course if you are successful in that argument it would in reality prove that satanism is a sect of Judaism as Judaism is the head water of that stream.

In fact, while "Satan" is mentioned twice in Torah and discussed in Talmud, he does not rule over a place called Hell, nor does he have earthly control over evil as he does in xtianity. The Satan of Jewish scripture isn't even exiled from heaven.

The concept of Satan as a Satanist would envision it comes directly for The Satan of xtianity.
THAT was uncalled for

I consider it a valid comparison. Satanism could not exist without the scriptural and theological foundations of xtianity. It, likewise, bears no relation to it's source material and is, in fact, a corruption of its origin.
If you hear me tell it when I was 5 years old, yes..

You do know it's common knowledge in catholic circles don't you? I have been to a few catholic seminars that discussed that very topic
Maybe a common opinion. What you are arguing isn't quantifiable. I've participated in several Bible study groups with Protestants. I don't argue that all or almost all Protestants read the Bible literally even though most of the Protestants in those groups did.
Many of our liturgical traditions follow Jewish tradition.

I question your knowledge of Jewish liturgy or traditions. Do you know the distinctions between halacha and minhag? The distinction between Torah and Talmud? With what Jewish minhag are you familiar, Ashkenazic, Sephardic?

I could very well claim that Japanese and Polish are nearly identical ... if I didn't speak a word of either.
Maybe a common opinion. What you are arguing isn't quantifiable. I've participated in several Bible study groups with Protestants. I don't argue that all or almost all Protestants read the Bible literally even though most of the Protestants in those groups did.
I was introduced to protestant churches when I was around 12? Went to Awanas (Christian boy scouts) that's where I started to memorize books of the Bible and bible verses (they bribed us with candy bars) to this day when ever I go to a Catholic thing I have to watch myself and not quote scripture so I don't make them feel bad. It doesn't matter the state I am in its all the same.
In fact, while "Satan" is mentioned twice in Torah and discussed in Talmud, he does not rule over a place called Hell, nor does he have earthly control over evil as he does in xtianity. The Satan of Jewish scripture isn't even exiled from heaven.

The concept of Satan as a Satanist would envision it comes directly for The Satan of xtianity.
I believe I know the common Jewish belief about Satan and hell. I also believe I know those aren't universal beliefs of every sect of Judaism. It seems to me another common belief in Judaism are consequences of actions which would seem to contradict the belief that there is no punishment for what we do on earth. Terms like heaven and hell are consequences of man's desire for right over wrong or fairness - a trait that seems to be hardwired into all of us. I don't go any further than hell is being eternally separated from God and heaven is being eternally united with God. As for Satan, I don't know if he is an angel working for God to test man or he is a fallen angel who God has withdrawn his spirit from. It doesn't matter to my walk.

But arguing that the concept of hell and Satan originated in Christianity minimizes the role Jewish "myth" played in contributing to that narrative.
I was introduced to protestant churches when I was around 12? Went to Awanas (Christian boy scouts) that's where I started to memorize books of the Bible and bible verses (they bribed us with candy bars) to this day when ever I go to a Catholic thing I have to watch myself and not quote scripture so I don't make them feel bad. It doesn't matter the state I am in its all the same.
I have chosen the better portion and it will not be taken from me.

How's that?
YOU are wrong and you just called the Book of Acts and Stupid.
Read Acts and see the duties of bishops, and deacons, and priests all laid out.

The word Pope is an English bastardization of the word father. He is just another bishop, but he is the head bishop.

Learn something, moron

Fundamentalists can be very sanctimonious.

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