Why I Could Never Be GOP or Libertarian

Mitt Romney, a man of falsehoods

What his career has given him is the businessman’s concept of self — that what he does is not who he is. This is what enables the slumlord to be a charitable man. This is what enables the corporate raider to endow his university. Business is business. It’s what you do. It is not who you are. Lying isn’t a sin. It’s a business plan.

Mitt Romney’s enviable ability to ignore the truth - The Washington Post
For me to become a Republican....
...you would have to grow a brain and mortgage your soul for an ounce of intellectual honesty.

so accustomed are we to hearing the Right – a movement that historically opposed women's sufferage and black civil rights and still seeks to quash workers' right to organize and gay and lesbian Americans' right to marry– claim to be defenders of our liberties. :cuckoo:

One has to acknowledge the conservative messaging machine for branding its ideological preferences with the rhetoric of “freedom.” But it's nothing new. During the 2009 healthcare debate, when John F. Kennedy introduced the Medicare bill, Ronald Reagan “warned that if Medicare became law, there was a real possibility that the federal government would control where Americans go and what they do for a living.” :cuckoo:

Reagan told the nation, “If you don’t [stop Medicare] . . . one of these days you and I are going to spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it once was like in America when men were free.”

I wasn't stupid enough to buy that shit then or now. But you are. I guess the world will have idiots like you in 100 years so I guess I should just get used to it. :lol:

Because you have no clue what it would be like to have the kind of money to place you in the highest tax bracket, you should just shut it.
Otherwise you appear to be a bullshit artist.
Anyone who earns their money wants to keep as much as it as possible from the greedy grubby paws of government.
So please, don't say " oh I would remain democrat" because you have no point of reference. You will never earn that kind of money because you view it as evil.
...you would have to grow a brain and mortgage your soul for an ounce of intellectual honesty.

so accustomed are we to hearing the Right – a movement that historically opposed women's sufferage and black civil rights and still seeks to quash workers' right to organize and gay and lesbian Americans' right to marry– claim to be defenders of our liberties. :cuckoo:

One has to acknowledge the conservative messaging machine for branding its ideological preferences with the rhetoric of “freedom.” But it's nothing new. During the 2009 healthcare debate, when John F. Kennedy introduced the Medicare bill, Ronald Reagan “warned that if Medicare became law, there was a real possibility that the federal government would control where Americans go and what they do for a living.” :cuckoo:

Reagan told the nation, “If you don’t [stop Medicare] . . . one of these days you and I are going to spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it once was like in America when men were free.”

I wasn't stupid enough to buy that shit then or now. But you are. I guess the world will have idiots like you in 100 years so I guess I should just get used to it. :lol:

Because you have no clue what it would be like to have the kind of money to place you in the highest tax bracket, you should just shut it.
Otherwise you appear to be a bullshit artist.
Anyone who earns their money wants to keep as much as it as possible from the greedy grubby paws of government.
So please, don't say " oh I would remain democrat" because you have no point of reference. You will never earn that kind of money because you view it as evil.

Taxes remain the same on all the money you make up until $1 million, then after that it goes to 30%. That is still lower than what it was during the Clinton years.

These millionaires don't mind. Why should you?

Obama Enlists Millionaires in Buffett Rule Campaign - Bloomberg

Obama enlisted four millionaires and their assistants, all of whom support the so-called Buffett rule to set a minimum tax on people who earn at least $1 million annually.

the millionaires on the stage they haven’t been asked to do their fair share and they believe there is something deeply wrong and irresponsible about that.”

Millionaire Tilson said in an interview at the White House that he and his assistant Kelli Alires were “a little shocked” after they calculated their comparable federal tax rates for 2010.

While his adjusted gross income was 39 times that of Alires, he paid a rate of 24.6 percent while Alires paid a rate of 33.4 percent. “It struck both of us as unfair and ridiculous,”
so accustomed are we to hearing the Right – a movement that historically opposed women's sufferage and black civil rights and still seeks to quash workers' right to organize and gay and lesbian Americans' right to marry– claim to be defenders of our liberties. :cuckoo:

One has to acknowledge the conservative messaging machine for branding its ideological preferences with the rhetoric of “freedom.” But it's nothing new. During the 2009 healthcare debate, when John F. Kennedy introduced the Medicare bill, Ronald Reagan “warned that if Medicare became law, there was a real possibility that the federal government would control where Americans go and what they do for a living.” :cuckoo:

Reagan told the nation, “If you don’t [stop Medicare] . . . one of these days you and I are going to spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it once was like in America when men were free.”

I wasn't stupid enough to buy that shit then or now. But you are. I guess the world will have idiots like you in 100 years so I guess I should just get used to it. :lol:

Because you have no clue what it would be like to have the kind of money to place you in the highest tax bracket, you should just shut it.
Otherwise you appear to be a bullshit artist.
Anyone who earns their money wants to keep as much as it as possible from the greedy grubby paws of government.
So please, don't say " oh I would remain democrat" because you have no point of reference. You will never earn that kind of money because you view it as evil.

Taxes remain the same on all the money you make up until $1 million, then after that it goes to 30%. That is still lower than what it was during the Clinton years.

These millionaires don't mind. Why should you?

Obama Enlists Millionaires in Buffett Rule Campaign - Bloomberg

Obama enlisted four millionaires and their assistants, all of whom support the so-called Buffett rule to set a minimum tax on people who earn at least $1 million annually.

the millionaires on the stage they haven’t been asked to do their fair share and they believe there is something deeply wrong and irresponsible about that.”

Millionaire Tilson said in an interview at the White House that he and his assistant Kelli Alires were “a little shocked” after they calculated their comparable federal tax rates for 2010.

While his adjusted gross income was 39 times that of Alires, he paid a rate of 24.6 percent while Alires paid a rate of 33.4 percent. “It struck both of us as unfair and ridiculous,”

Tilson is free to write a check any time he likes.
For me to become a Republican....
...you would have to grow a brain and mortgage your soul for an ounce of intellectual honesty.

so accustomed are we to hearing the Right – a movement that historically opposed women's sufferage and black civil rights and still seeks to quash workers' right to organize and gay and lesbian Americans' right to marry– claim to be defenders of our liberties. :cuckoo:
Thank you for proving my point more effectively than I could ever hope to.
Because you have no clue what it would be like to have the kind of money to place you in the highest tax bracket, you should just shut it.
Otherwise you appear to be a bullshit artist.
Anyone who earns their money wants to keep as much as it as possible from the greedy grubby paws of government.
So please, don't say " oh I would remain democrat" because you have no point of reference. You will never earn that kind of money because you view it as evil.

Taxes remain the same on all the money you make up until $1 million, then after that it goes to 30%. That is still lower than what it was during the Clinton years.

These millionaires don't mind. Why should you?

Obama Enlists Millionaires in Buffett Rule Campaign - Bloomberg

Obama enlisted four millionaires and their assistants, all of whom support the so-called Buffett rule to set a minimum tax on people who earn at least $1 million annually.

the millionaires on the stage they haven’t been asked to do their fair share and they believe there is something deeply wrong and irresponsible about that.”

Millionaire Tilson said in an interview at the White House that he and his assistant Kelli Alires were “a little shocked” after they calculated their comparable federal tax rates for 2010.

While his adjusted gross income was 39 times that of Alires, he paid a rate of 24.6 percent while Alires paid a rate of 33.4 percent. “It struck both of us as unfair and ridiculous,”

Tilson is free to write a check any time he likes.

So is Mitt but he aint writing it. Everyone needs to sacrafice, not just you and I. Their doing better than ever. Stop worrying about them and I'll stop worrying about union workers. Ok?
Why I could never vote GOP:

What is this election about?

It is about whether we value social safety nets or social Darwinism.

It is about how the government collects and spends money and whether those activities are ruled by a spirit of fairness or disproportionately favor the most well off.

It is about whether rhetoric criticizing the size and influence of government ends where individuals’ bodies begin. Whether you believe, as I do, that all liberty begins with personal liberty. That none of us has the right to impose our beliefs and values on others. That each of our bodies is sovereign, to be governed as we so choose, without the interference of government, so long as our individual choices don’t impede or encumber the liberty of others. Pro choice.

This is about each of us being able to love, and marry, whomever we chose.

This is about women having unfettered and unfiltered access to a full range of reproductive options, which is most fundamentally about the physical and economic well-being of both them and their families.

This is about how we prioritize and provide direction and incentives for our educational system so that we produce citizens who are well equipped to compete in a tightening global job market.

This is about the judges the winner of the election would nominate, particularly to the Supreme Court, and how those nominations might balance or further skew the justice system.

This is about war philosophies: how easily a president is willing to commit troops to war, how he might execute a war once it commences and how willing he is to end it.
Listening to everything the GOP and Libertarians have to say, I have to say I viamently disagree with the direction they want to take America. They are a very selfish group.

Paul Ryan, the father of a Republican budget initiative that seeks to destroy Medicare and Social Security has continually invoked the name of Ayn Rand as his philosophical mentor and guide. Many other Republicans have do so too. They are embracing a philosophy which, according to Ayn Rand herself, is one of selfishness and is against all forms of Spirituality. The question any thoughtful Americans must ask themselves is: “Is this the America we want?”

And how do they get evangelicals to go along with them is beyond me.

Its a very selfish every man for himself mentality.

And Libertarians don't believe in the Commons. What are the Commons?

The Commons are resources that are owned by all of us. That includes the Grand Canyon, oil rights, power companies, roads, public airwaves, schools, etc.

Here is how they think. Libertarians think if we all own the land on which our sheep graze, we will each add one too many sheep until we destroy the land for future generations. That We the People can't manage the commons.

Libertarians think that if one person owns the land and charged everyone else grazing fees, he would be more committed to preserving it for the future than a village of farmers.

I disagree.

wow you dont really know people do ya? And conservatives selfish? Wow, are you at Berkley? Liberals are the ME generation for a reason. Their abortion stance is pure selfish, their lack or ethics, stigma, ect is all selfish. They want to make daycare programs or fund art with joe 6packs money, instead of taking their millions and starting these "necessary" programs. They want to tax everyone, yet they take every tax loophole that everyone else uses.
Why I could never vote GOP:

Because you don't trust people to care for themselves.

What is this election about?

It's about the people chosing who they want to lead them at the federal and local levels. Just like it has always been. The only difference is that people now see the country at at tipping point where the government threatens to get involved in our lives at an unprecidented level.

It is about whether we value social safety nets or social Darwinism.

Social safety nets come in lots of forms. As near as I can tell, the ones that have been put in place by the democrats are the reason this country is in big financial problems. They've spent a lot of money helping very few people.

It is about how the government collects and spends money and whether those activities are ruled by a spirit of fairness or disproportionately favor the most well off.

It is about the government set up the constitution following the constitution or continuing to evade it's restrictions. it is about liberty vs. the kind of Orwellian involvement of government at the federal level that Obama wants to take us to.

It is about whether rhetoric criticizing the size and influence of government ends where individuals’ bodies begin. Whether you believe, as I do, that all liberty begins with personal liberty. That none of us has the right to impose our beliefs and values on others. That each of our bodies is sovereign, to be governed as we so choose, without the interference of government, so long as our individual choices don’t impede or encumber the liberty of others. Pro choice.

Don't want to get pregnant, don't mess around.

Once a child starts, there are two people involved and for all your crowing about rights, you seem totally oblivious to the rights of those unborn children. You are worse than a liar. You are a hypocrite.

If murder is acceptable in your book, then come right out and say it.

This is about each of us being able to love, and marry, whomever we chose.

Societies don't allow behavior that is detrimental to it's existence. Pure and simple. Without commenting on the nature of homosexuality, societies have chosen. California, with the help of a great many democrats, chose to deny something they saw as detrimental. Someone else decided they could wipe out the entire democratic process with one swipe of the pen. Yes, that is liberal for you. We want democracy...as long as things go our way. If not, go screw yourselves.

This is about self choice. If you don't like the choice, there are other countries that will accomodate you.

This is about women having unfettered and unfiltered access to a full range of reproductive options, which is most fundamentally about the physical and economic well-being of both them and their families.

The federal government will never be able to provide that. Like the "uninsured" who have access to programs but won't or don't sign up for them....many of the young women who have children these days don't have a clue as to what is important to them or their children. And this election could potentially cement into place a steady stream of children who are nothing but pawns and will recieve little of the full range of care then need to grow up well nourished and well adjusted. Just keep em coming. They'll vote democrap.

This is about how we prioritize and provide direction and incentives for our educational system so that we produce citizens who are well equipped to compete in a tightening global job market.

It is unfortunate that you don't keep a running tab of the cost estimates for all your wishful thinking. The government has tried and failed to promote this. The biggest achievement in putting out more financial aid has been to raise tuition so that the losers (the ones who can't get the aid) can't afford to go to college. :clap2::clap2:

This is about the judges the winner of the election would nominate, particularly to the Supreme Court, and how those nominations might balance or further skew the justice system.

Translation: another lib in the SCOTUS and the US Constitution is totally hosed.

This is about war philosophies: how easily a president is willing to commit troops to war, how he might execute a war once it commences and how willing he is to end it.



Nope...Santorum put it quite well....

During a 30-minute speech to a gathering of Warren County Republicans, Santorum berated Obama for trying to give government too much control in the running of everyday life.

“We have to look at the root cause of why the economy is struggling as much as it is,” Santorum said. “Government intervention. Government regulation. Government taxation. Government is crushing and destroying the American spirit and the American free enterprise system.”

Santorum said that government spending was impinging on personal freedoms and ultimately chipping away at what made the country great.

“When the government gets as big as it’s gotten and starts to take over more of your life, then you get smaller as the individual, you get weaker, you lose control over your lives. You lose the rights that were guaranteed you. That is what’s at stake here.”

Santorum said the current administration had exceeded the authority given it by the Constitution and that Obama believed only “the snobs of our country who are the well-bred, the well educated have the ability the to rule from on high.”
I can never be a liberal progressive because I am far too intelligent to live in a fantasy world. I work hard, I play hard, I earn everything I have and I don't expect a handout from anybody.
Listening to everything the GOP and Libertarians have to say, I have to say I viamently disagree with the direction they want to take America. They are a very selfish group.

Time has proven what works and what does not work.

It is not a matter of selfishness, it is ackowledgement of the way humanity behaves.

If the GOP is selfish, the dems (and Obama, in particular) take arrogance to new heights.

They are trying things that have failed in the past and even now haunt us as millstones...and yet they somehow think they can do it differently.
I can never be a liberal progressive because I am far too intelligent to live in a fantasy world. I work hard, I play hard, I earn everything I have and I don't expect a handout from anybody.

If I thought we could really put together a good system, I'd be all for it.

But they inevitably get warped and abused. They always have and always will. Just look at the political process.

Fantasy world is right.....progressives don't have a freaking clue.
Taxes remain the same on all the money you make up until $1 million, then after that it goes to 30%. That is still lower than what it was during the Clinton years.

These millionaires don't mind. Why should you?

Obama Enlists Millionaires in Buffett Rule Campaign - Bloomberg

Obama enlisted four millionaires and their assistants, all of whom support the so-called Buffett rule to set a minimum tax on people who earn at least $1 million annually.

the millionaires on the stage they haven’t been asked to do their fair share and they believe there is something deeply wrong and irresponsible about that.”

Millionaire Tilson said in an interview at the White House that he and his assistant Kelli Alires were “a little shocked” after they calculated their comparable federal tax rates for 2010.

While his adjusted gross income was 39 times that of Alires, he paid a rate of 24.6 percent while Alires paid a rate of 33.4 percent. “It struck both of us as unfair and ridiculous,”

Tilson is free to write a check any time he likes.

So is Mitt but he aint writing it. Everyone needs to sacrafice, not just you and I. Their doing better than ever. Stop worrying about them and I'll stop worrying about union workers. Ok?

Who said anything about Romney?
Look genius...The federal government does not have a revenue problem. It has a spending problem.
This "fairness" agenda dredged up by Obama and other liberals is a political ploy to solidify Obama's voting base.
The fact is the top 25% of wage earners pay 80% of the federal tax burden.
The fact the so called "wealthy" do not pay the mythical "fair share" is a pile stinking pile of dog shit.
Best thing to ever happen is that most Americans are not buying your sides ultra whine about taxes and (sniffle sniffle) fairness.
What is really laughable is not a single one of you lefties can define that fair or fairness is.
Nor do you dare define it. Doing that would force you to live by your decision.
BTW....who the fuck said anything about union workers? All 7% of the US Workforce..
Oh, you'd better not go there. Union wages leave none of those people starving for sure. Especially the union bosses who make 6 figures.
Tilson is free to write a check any time he likes.

So is Mitt but he aint writing it. Everyone needs to sacrafice, not just you and I. Their doing better than ever. Stop worrying about them and I'll stop worrying about union workers. Ok?

Who said anything about Romney?
Look genius...The federal government does not have a revenue problem. It has a spending problem.
This "fairness" agenda dredged up by Obama and other liberals is a political ploy to solidify Obama's voting base.
The fact is the top 25% of wage earners pay 80% of the federal tax burden.
The fact the so called "wealthy" do not pay the mythical "fair share" is a pile stinking pile of dog shit.
Best thing to ever happen is that most Americans are not buying your sides ultra whine about taxes and (sniffle sniffle) fairness.
What is really laughable is not a single one of you lefties can define that fair or fairness is.
Nor do you dare define it. Doing that would force you to live by your decision.
BTW....who the fuck said anything about union workers? All 7% of the US Workforce..
Oh, you'd better not go there. Union wages leave none of those people starving for sure. Especially the union bosses who make 6 figures.

Us Democrats want to help the rich out. We don't want them paying 80% of the federal tax burden. We use to pay much more before you sent all our jobs overseas. Do you understand that? The rich have all the money so who gives a fuck that they pay 80%. If they give their employees a raise they will start paying more taxes and if the CEO takes a pay cut he will start paying less taxes. Win win. :eusa_clap:
So is Mitt but he aint writing it. Everyone needs to sacrafice, not just you and I. Their doing better than ever. Stop worrying about them and I'll stop worrying about union workers. Ok?

Who said anything about Romney?
Look genius...The federal government does not have a revenue problem. It has a spending problem.
This "fairness" agenda dredged up by Obama and other liberals is a political ploy to solidify Obama's voting base.
The fact is the top 25% of wage earners pay 80% of the federal tax burden.
The fact the so called "wealthy" do not pay the mythical "fair share" is a pile stinking pile of dog shit.
Best thing to ever happen is that most Americans are not buying your sides ultra whine about taxes and (sniffle sniffle) fairness.
What is really laughable is not a single one of you lefties can define that fair or fairness is.
Nor do you dare define it. Doing that would force you to live by your decision.
BTW....who the fuck said anything about union workers? All 7% of the US Workforce..
Oh, you'd better not go there. Union wages leave none of those people starving for sure. Especially the union bosses who make 6 figures.

Us Democrats want to help the rich out. We don't want them paying 80% of the federal tax burden. We use to pay much more before you sent all our jobs overseas. Do you understand that? The rich have all the money so who gives a fuck that they pay 80%. If they give their employees a raise they will start paying more taxes and if the CEO takes a pay cut he will start paying less taxes. Win win. :eusa_clap:
"I" sent jobs overseas? Hmm. So business owners are all conservatives and all conservatives are business owners?...Really cookie?
Ya know what? You are a laugh per minute.
"If they just would giver their workers a raise..." Oh please..Do you want some cheese to go with that whine?
What various people earn has no correlation to taxation. This whole idea of the one percent and the rich getting richer is a bunch of populist, progressive Occupy Wall Street hogwash. The fact that the guy across town lives in a larger home than I makes no difference nor does is have any bearing on what I am doing.
The fact is long ago every parent raised their children with the idea that their child could one day own the business. They would take a knee next to their child and tell them "if you work hard, stay in school and learn a skill one day you could become what that person over there is today"...Now liberal parents teach their kids to despise the business owner. To hate the wealthy. They now tell their kids, "you see that man over there in the expensive car? If he would just give his workers a raise instead of buying that big car, we could live in a big house too. But he is greedy. We hate him because he has done well for himself".....That latter is YOU.....Jealous, angry and full of hate for the successful and the achievers.
Tilson is free to write a check any time he likes.

So is Mitt but he aint writing it. Everyone needs to sacrafice, not just you and I. Their doing better than ever. Stop worrying about them and I'll stop worrying about union workers. Ok?

Who said anything about Romney?
Look genius...The federal government does not have a revenue problem. It has a spending problem.
This "fairness" agenda dredged up by Obama and other liberals is a political ploy to solidify Obama's voting base.
The fact is the top 25% of wage earners pay 80% of the federal tax burden.
The fact the so called "wealthy" do not pay the mythical "fair share" is a pile stinking pile of dog shit.
Best thing to ever happen is that most Americans are not buying your sides ultra whine about taxes and (sniffle sniffle) fairness.
What is really laughable is not a single one of you lefties can define that fair or fairness is.
Nor do you dare define it. Doing that would force you to live by your decision.
BTW....who the fuck said anything about union workers? All 7% of the US Workforce..
Oh, you'd better not go there. Union wages leave none of those people starving for sure. Especially the union bosses who make 6 figures.

You complain that we envy the people making over 1 million dollars a year but you are jealous of the union workers making 6 figures? Don't you realize they brought up all our wages?

What is fair? Roll back the Bush tax cuts. That would be fair. Some of us say roll back the Reagan tax cuts too. Here is the liberal justification for it since you want to know what we think is fair:

Roll Back the Reagan Tax Cuts | Common Dreams

But I'm sure you won't be able to grasp any of it.
Who said anything about Romney?
Look genius...The federal government does not have a revenue problem. It has a spending problem.
This "fairness" agenda dredged up by Obama and other liberals is a political ploy to solidify Obama's voting base.
The fact is the top 25% of wage earners pay 80% of the federal tax burden.
The fact the so called "wealthy" do not pay the mythical "fair share" is a pile stinking pile of dog shit.
Best thing to ever happen is that most Americans are not buying your sides ultra whine about taxes and (sniffle sniffle) fairness.
What is really laughable is not a single one of you lefties can define that fair or fairness is.
Nor do you dare define it. Doing that would force you to live by your decision.
BTW....who the fuck said anything about union workers? All 7% of the US Workforce..
Oh, you'd better not go there. Union wages leave none of those people starving for sure. Especially the union bosses who make 6 figures.

Us Democrats want to help the rich out. We don't want them paying 80% of the federal tax burden. We use to pay much more before you sent all our jobs overseas. Do you understand that? The rich have all the money so who gives a fuck that they pay 80%. If they give their employees a raise they will start paying more taxes and if the CEO takes a pay cut he will start paying less taxes. Win win. :eusa_clap:
"I" sent jobs overseas? Hmm. So business owners are all conservatives and all conservatives are business owners?...Really cookie?
Ya know what? You are a laugh per minute.
"If they just would giver their workers a raise..." Oh please..Do you want some cheese to go with that whine?
What various people earn has no correlation to taxation. This whole idea of the one percent and the rich getting richer is a bunch of populist, progressive Occupy Wall Street hogwash. The fact that the guy across town lives in a larger home than I makes no difference nor does is have any bearing on what I am doing.
The fact is long ago every parent raised their children with the idea that their child could one day own the business. They would take a knee next to their child and tell them "if you work hard, stay in school and learn a skill one day you could become what that person over there is today"...Now liberal parents teach their kids to despise the business owner. To hate the wealthy. They now tell their kids, "you see that man over there in the expensive car? If he would just give his workers a raise instead of buying that big car, we could live in a big house too. But he is greedy. We hate him because he has done well for himself".....That latter is YOU.....Jealous, angry and full of hate for the successful and the achievers.

George Carlin was right.

"Now, there's one thing you might have noticed I don't complain about: politicians. Everybody complains about politicians. Everybody says they suck. Well, where do people think these politicians come from? They don't fall out of the sky. They don't pass through a membrane from another reality. They come from American parents and American families, American homes, American schools, American churches, American businesses and American universities, and they are elected by American citizens. This is the best we can do folks. This is what we have to offer. It's what our system produces: Garbage in, garbage out. If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're going to get selfish, ignorant leaders. Term limits ain't going to do any good; you're just going to end up with a brand new bunch of selfish, ignorant Americans. So, maybe, maybe, maybe, it's not the politicians who suck. Maybe something else sucks around here... like, the public. Yeah, the public sucks.
I don't really think the problem is with parties, per se, but values.

I can't stand how people have to act like they hate each other when in the real world, we just make things run.

I like the idea of smaller, more efficient government. You can love him or hate him, but Jimmy Carter streamlined gov't in many good ways. It was one of his signature achievements in a presidency that went down the shitter.

I "get" the beef with things like the bloated education budget. America isn't better off because she ended up spending more on education these last few decades, in fact she's slipped down to about #37 or so.

Surely we can look at education, make improvements, and do a little trimming of that budget. And defense, too.

And phasing out corporate welfare over the next decade, that would be a conservative thing to do and we could find half a trillion there over 10 years.

A person like me has been pushed out of the GOP these days. I've had to deal with a decade of rhetoric without action, platitudes without common sense policies put into law.

I have a personal interest in health care with various family members involved in health care, and I'm convinced that a good food policy will cure our country's food insecurity problem with over 20 million hungry children, and it'll save us money in the long run on health care when we finally get transfats and sugars and carbs and other garbage out of the food we subsidize for young people already. America's obesity problem will be cured when we've got young people eating healthy snacks at day care and schools instead of pop and chips and other fried food.

If millions of kids in this country are eating well, they'll concentrate at school, test scores will go up, obesity will be cured because it's caused right now by people eating all the wrong crap, not because people are eating too much.

I find that to be a conservative policy. If we fund better lunches, we save tons of health care dollars and more kids pay better attention. America already almost cured hunger by the late 70's, but then we started to cut food stamps and other things these last 30 years and it has sent the obesity numbers through the roof while education scores have fallen. It was the Nixon administration that deserves the most credit on the hunger issue. They listened to the specialists, enacted a good policy, and funded it. By the end of the 70's, going into the Reagan administration, there were only a few hundred food banks in America.

When we started to leave food to charity and started cutting food stamps, we saw an explosion of tens of thousands of food banks.

I think if any party were to start talking common sense again and go back to things that worked instead of just hating gov't for the sake of hating gov't, there would be reasons to vote for the GOP again.

I'm not sure where the GOP is on policies these days. I see that they don't like much of anything, but you can only win the general on what you want to do, not what you don't want to do.
And I don't need to provide the proof that Romney paid 12% in taxes last year. He provided his returns and thats how we know. Were you one of those Birthers who didn't believe Obama was born in America even after he showed you he was?

The federal tax rate for your single Catholic mother earning $20K is shown as 15%, but is actually only about 6%. Her first $12,500 income is federal income tax free, and the remaining $7,500 is taxed at 15%, totaling 5.6% federal income tax paid with no other deductions. Since you made her a single mother, let's assume she has a child to claim, so she gets a credit of $1,000 for that. Instead of her federal tax burden being $1,120, it is down to $120, which means she pays less than 1% federal income tax on her total income earned. I'm not sure how much more of a break she needs regarding federal income tax.

Romney paid $3 million federal income tax on $22 million income, which is 13.6% in federal income taxes. He actually paid that 13.6%. That 13.6% is AFTER his deductions. He didn't get money back at tax time.

Claiming your single mother pays 30%, which is adding state and local and sales and every other tax she may possibly pay and doing it BEFORE she takes her deductions is just like lying. Romney pays state and local and sales taxes, too, and a hell of a lot more of it. Why not use that in your 12% representation of him? You are just like those people running around spouting 40% of the population pays no taxes at all! It's horseshit.

I'm not a Romney fan at all, but did you know he donated more to charity than he paid in taxes? Not only did he contribute $3 million to our government to provide services to that single mother, but he also contributed another $4 million to voluntarily assist those in need (plus $3 million to his church which a portion of which likely also helps support those in need, but I'm not sure, so didn't include it).

FFS, he's at around 50% of his income going to government, charity and church (part of which is likely also charity and all of which is technically considered chariatable, but i prefer to separate them). That's all BEFORE property tax, sales tax, gas tax, luxury taxes, etc. What percent would you consider his fair share?
So is Mitt but he aint writing it.

Mitt's not the one claiming he doesn't pay enough in taxes.

See the difference, stupid?

Everyone needs to sacrafice, not just you and I.

Scumbags are always willing to sacrifice their neighbor to their own desires.

Their doing better than ever. Stop worrying about them and I'll stop worrying about union workers. Ok?

As long as a hint of liberty exists, you'll continue to wage war against it. You are a leftist sillybonobo. You are stupid, jealous, filled with rage, and consumed with hatred. You are an Obama voter.

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