Why I Do Not Like the Obama's

I respect the office, I don't respect the man sitting in it right now.
We're supposed to respect the office, but we aren't expected to respect the man if he doesn't deserve it...and Obama doesn't.

It's unbelievable to me that so many of you have your heads stuck so far in the sand that you can't or won't open your eye's and pay attention to what he's doing!

Yes, I'm angry with him! I really hoped when he was first elected that i would find out I'm wrong about him. But he turned out much worse then I ever expected!

Do you ever disagree with him? Do you agree with the lies he and others made for weeks about Benghazi? Nothing he does is wrong to you, and NO president has never been wrong at something!!

Yes, I've disagreed with him. I just don't hate him like this OP and so many others do. And frankly, I don't understand the hate.

I hear that bullshit all the time.

I've started threads about how I disagree with him and have been disappointed in some aspects of the job he is doing.

I think Republican DNA is unable to handle that there are infinite shades of gray between black (hate) and white (love)--no race card; just using colors to show extremes.

It's incredible how if you support Obama's programs in any way whatsoever, you're automatically with him 100% of the way. If you were to ask any GOP goon here if they supported Bush 100%, you'd either not get an answer or you'd get a hearty "NO". Yet somehow, you can't have any ambiguity about Obama. I really don't think Republican DNA is equipped to handle anything beyond a "yes" or "no" response.

I wish we had 2 viable political parties (at minimum) in this country.

Agree 100%. If you agree with Obama in any fashion, you're an "Obamabot" or a "worshiper". No ambiguity allowed.

Republicans are pretty binary thinking when it comes to their own too. If you stray off the reservation, you better watch out for the bus. As far as asking a Republican if they supported Bush 100%, they might say no now, but while he was president? No fucking way. You're either with us or you're against us.

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