Why I don't care why you don't believe in God.

...because I don't care.
And I think I can pretty much speak for 98% of the population...no one cares.
Only thing we wonder is why do atheist insist on telling everyone multiple times?
I don't believe there is a Big Foot...I have never made 30 threads telling why.
Because people who believe want to shove it in our faces all the time. Creationism as science, vehement protests against gay marriage and abortion..., religious wars we all get dragged into... So maybe just shut the fuck up with all the bullshit and stay out of everyone's faces and we'll quick laughing at you all.
And thanks for YOUR thread telling us why... Idiot.

Abortion is morally fucking wrong regardless of the bible and goes against nature.

BS. Nature is a cruel beast. In nature many species practice infanticide.

Name the fucking mammals that stick a branch up their twat and abort?

Killing another males offspring is not abortion...

Don't try to use nature as a moral guide.

Who says what's moral? and why does he or she get to say?

Because people who believe want to shove it in our faces all the time. Creationism as science, vehement protests against gay marriage and abortion..., religious wars we all get dragged into... So maybe just shut the fuck up with all the bullshit and stay out of everyone's faces and we'll quick laughing at you all.
And thanks for YOUR thread telling us why... Idiot.

Abortion is morally fucking wrong regardless of the bible and goes against nature.

BS. Nature is a cruel beast. In nature many species practice infanticide.

Name the fucking mammals that stick a branch up their twat and abort?

Killing another males offspring is not abortion...

Don't try to use nature as a moral guide.

Who says what's moral? and why does he or she get to say?

What's moral for me might not be moral for you. I don't care if you or anyone else get an abortion. I don't feel the need to make that judgement.
I look at it this way. The government had to force most of these Liberals to by subsidized health care. We really should not expect them to get fire insurance too.
Abortion is morally fucking wrong regardless of the bible and goes against nature.

BS. Nature is a cruel beast. In nature many species practice infanticide.

Name the fucking mammals that stick a branch up their twat and abort?

Killing another males offspring is not abortion...

Don't try to use nature as a moral guide.

Who says what's moral? and why does he or she get to say?

What's moral for me might not be moral for you. I don't care if you or anyone else get an abortion. I don't feel the need to make that judgement.

So if it's moral to use nature as a moral guide (would be the "moral for you" (which would be me) in your argument above,) why did you just say not to do it?

And again who says what is moral and why does he or she get to say?

Because people who believe want to shove it in our faces all the time. Creationism as science, vehement protests against gay marriage and abortion..., religious wars we all get dragged into... So maybe just shut the fuck up with all the bullshit and stay out of everyone's faces and we'll quick laughing at you all.
And thanks for YOUR thread telling us why... Idiot.

Abortion is morally fucking wrong regardless of the bible and goes against nature.

BS. Nature is a cruel beast. In nature many species practice infanticide.

Name the fucking mammals that stick a branch up their twat and abort?

Killing another males offspring is not abortion...

Don't try to use nature as a moral guide.

Who says what's moral? and why does he or she get to say?


The person who owns the body "gets to say" what is moral for him or her.

...because I don't care.
And I think I can pretty much speak for 98% of the population...no one cares.
Only thing we wonder is why do atheist insist on telling everyone multiple times?
I don't believe there is a Big Foot...I have never made 30 threads telling why.
Because people who believe want to shove it in our faces all the time. Creationism as science, vehement protests against gay marriage and abortion..., religious wars we all get dragged into... So maybe just shut the fuck up with all the bullshit and stay out of everyone's faces and we'll quick laughing at you all.
And thanks for YOUR thread telling us why... Idiot.

Abortion is morally fucking wrong regardless of the bible and goes against nature.
No it doesn't go against nature. Fetuses all over the animal kingdom don't always make it to term, making it a natural occurrence.
Because people who believe want to shove it in our faces all the time. Creationism as science, vehement protests against gay marriage and abortion..., religious wars we all get dragged into... So maybe just shut the fuck up with all the bullshit and stay out of everyone's faces and we'll quick laughing at you all.
And thanks for YOUR thread telling us why... Idiot.

Nobody is shoving anything in your face but yourself when you eat.
Trying to force schools to teach creationism in a science class isn't shoving it in out faces? Protesting with placards that say shit like "god hates fags" isn't shoving it in our faces? ...
...because I don't care.
And I think I can pretty much speak for 98% of the population...no one cares.
Only thing we wonder is why do atheist insist on telling everyone multiple times?
I don't believe there is a Big Foot...I have never made 30 threads telling why.
Because people who believe want to shove it in our faces all the time. Creationism as science, vehement protests against gay marriage and abortion..., religious wars we all get dragged into... So maybe just shut the fuck up with all the bullshit and stay out of everyone's faces and we'll quick laughing at you all.
And thanks for YOUR thread telling us why... Idiot.

Abortion is morally fucking wrong regardless of the bible and goes against nature.
No it doesn't go against nature. Fetuses all over the animal kingdom don't always make it to term, making it a natural occurrence.

What a retarded statement.
You do realize that a failed pregnancy and an abortion are two different things?
...because I don't care.
And I think I can pretty much speak for 98% of the population...no one cares.
Only thing we wonder is why do atheist insist on telling everyone multiple times?
I don't believe there is a Big Foot...I have never made 30 threads telling why.
Because people who believe want to shove it in our faces all the time. Creationism as science, vehement protests against gay marriage and abortion..., religious wars we all get dragged into... So maybe just shut the fuck up with all the bullshit and stay out of everyone's faces and we'll quick laughing at you all.
And thanks for YOUR thread telling us why... Idiot.

Abortion is morally fucking wrong regardless of the bible and goes against nature.
No it doesn't go against nature. Fetuses all over the animal kingdom don't always make it to term, making it a natural occurrence.

What a retarded statement.
You do realize that a failed pregnancy and an abortion are two different things?
It's called spontaneous abortion. Happens in nature.
...because I don't care.
And I think I can pretty much speak for 98% of the population...no one cares.
Only thing we wonder is why do atheist insist on telling everyone multiple times?
I don't believe there is a Big Foot...I have never made 30 threads telling why.
Because people who believe want to shove it in our faces all the time. Creationism as science, vehement protests against gay marriage and abortion..., religious wars we all get dragged into... So maybe just shut the fuck up with all the bullshit and stay out of everyone's faces and we'll quick laughing at you all.
And thanks for YOUR thread telling us why... Idiot.

Abortion is morally fucking wrong regardless of the bible and goes against nature.
No it doesn't go against nature. Fetuses all over the animal kingdom don't always make it to term, making it a natural occurrence.

What a retarded statement.
You do realize that a failed pregnancy and an abortion are two different things?
It's called spontaneous abortion. Happens in nature.

...because I don't care.
And I think I can pretty much speak for 98% of the population...no one cares.
Only thing we wonder is why do atheist insist on telling everyone multiple times?
I don't believe there is a Big Foot...I have never made 30 threads telling why.

There's been a billion "Hell Fire and Damnation" sermons preached and anybody who believes a damn one of them is either brainwashed or ignorant. You either have to go with the flow or STFU!!!

...because I don't care.
And I think I can pretty much speak for 98% of the population...no one cares.
Only thing we wonder is why do atheist insist on telling everyone multiple times?
I don't believe there is a Big Foot...I have never made 30 threads telling why.

Honestly, I don't believe you.

If I believed you, you wouldn't have made hundreds of posts talking to the atheists that you care nothing about. Would this thread even exist if you didn't care?

No, it is bullshit. You obviously care.
It's not that christians push their religion on others. It's the fact they ostercize and discrminate against those who don't hold the same beliefs. This hardly happens in my country but in a lot of states atheists & agnostics are bullied and threatened, including children. They also don't have to push their religion on anyone because they indoctrinate their children.
It's not that christians push their religion on others. It's the fact they ostercize and discrminate against those who don't hold the same beliefs. This hardly happens in my country but in a lot of states atheists & agnostics are bullied and threatened, including children. They also don't have to push their religion on anyone because they indoctrinate their children.

Exactly.....all that ancient god worship bullshit would have died 1500 years ago if not for childhood brainwashing. A child can be taught anything. For thousands of years consuming human flesh was a religious ritual. The irony of that is that Christianity also has a cracker/wine consumption which represents consuming flesh and blood. It's in the scriptures:

Matthew 26:
26 While they were eating, Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, "Take and eat; this is my body."

John 6:
55"For My flesh is true food, and My blood is true drink.…
Because people who believe want to shove it in our faces all the time. Creationism as science, vehement protests against gay marriage and abortion..., religious wars we all get dragged into... So maybe just shut the fuck up with all the bullshit and stay out of everyone's faces and we'll quick laughing at you all.
And thanks for YOUR thread telling us why... Idiot.

Abortion is morally fucking wrong regardless of the bible and goes against nature.
No it doesn't go against nature. Fetuses all over the animal kingdom don't always make it to term, making it a natural occurrence.

What a retarded statement.
You do realize that a failed pregnancy and an abortion are two different things?
It's called spontaneous abortion. Happens in nature.

Your concession is duly noted.
...because I don't care.
And I think I can pretty much speak for 98% of the population...no one cares.
Only thing we wonder is why do atheist insist on telling everyone multiple times?
I don't believe there is a Big Foot...I have never made 30 threads telling why.

Evangelical atheism has always left me scratching my head.
...because I don't care.
And I think I can pretty much speak for 98% of the population...no one cares.
Only thing we wonder is why do atheist insist on telling everyone multiple times?
I don't believe there is a Big Foot...I have never made 30 threads telling why.
Because people who believe want to shove it in our faces all the time. Creationism as science, vehement protests against gay marriage and abortion..., religious wars we all get dragged into... So maybe just shut the fuck up with all the bullshit and stay out of everyone's faces and we'll quick laughing at you all.
And thanks for YOUR thread telling us why... Idiot.

Abortion is morally fucking wrong regardless of the bible and goes against nature.

True. In all the times I have argued against legalized abortion, I have never once brought religion into the discussion. It is ALWAYS my leftist opponent who brings it up.

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