Why is Biden letting Covid increase around the US?

The rule has morphed up to 25 feet. Healthcare workers may have it on their clothes. The Covid may have brought on the death sooner. It is questionable because of his age, but the medical community knows more than you. Sorry for your loss. My Dad died at 92 from a cold. If he was younger the cold would not have affected him in that way.

None of that even makes sense, so let's start from the beginning.

Here is a 94 year old man that developed colon cancer. He couldn't walk so he never went anywhere, and moved in with his son so somebody could always care for him. When my cousin knew he was on his way out, he called the family to say their last goodbyes as the hospital had heavy restrictions on visitation. Hugs and kisses went around as this was the last time anybody would ever see him again, and the ambulance hauled him off to the VA.

Once he got to the VA, they claim he tested positive. The family was immediately alerted, and all 12 people in that room with him were forced to quarantine at home. Since the test won't show any results for at least five days after contact, those that visited him prior to that day and my cousins were tested negative. The others like my father just had to wait it out, and none of those people got it either. Same with his care worker who happened to be a neighbor of my cousin where he was living and the only other person he was with.

He died two weeks later, and about a month after that, my two cousins, his sons came by for a visit. They were outraged at the idea they ruled he died from covid instead of cancer. My one cousin even showed me a picture of his death certificate. About two weeks after my Uncles death, the VA called my cousins to ask their opinion about the care their father received. My one cousin told them the care was fine, but..............

After my cousin vented for about five minutes, the doctor told him to take a number, because he's on a long list of families that have the exact same complaint.

So how did this 94 year old cancer patient get covid when he never went anywhere? How is it every single person that was in the room that day didn't catch this highly contagious virus from him if he had it?
Uh, no. I used an analogy. A very valid one in response to your question "why does Trump get blamed for COVID deaths and Biden does not?". Do you understand what an analogy is?

I know what you think an analogy is, something you use when you can't answer the question directly.

The ineptitude of Biden is never more apparent than with each spike in Covid deaths.

Thanks to the efforts of Donald Trump, the country has access to a vaccine but their glorious leader is incapable of figuring out a way to prevent these deaths

Just amazing.

Everyone who voted for Biden and personally helped kill these people.
99% of hospitalizations and deaths are happening to those who have not been vaccinated...almost all are republicans.

The downside?
None of that even makes sense, so let's start from the beginning.

Here is a 94 year old man that developed colon cancer. He couldn't walk so he never went anywhere, and moved in with his son so somebody could always care for him. When my cousin knew he was on his way out, he called the family to say their last goodbyes as the hospital had heavy restrictions on visitation. Hugs and kisses went around as this was the last time anybody would ever see him again, and the ambulance hauled him off to the VA.

Once he got to the VA, they claim he tested positive. The family was immediately alerted, and all 12 people in that room with him were forced to quarantine at home. Since the test won't show any results for at least five days after contact, those that visited him prior to that day and my cousins were tested negative. The others like my father just had to wait it out, and none of those people got it either. Same with his care worker who happened to be a neighbor of my cousin where he was living and the only other person he was with.

He died two weeks later, and about a month after that, my two cousins, his sons came by for a visit. They were outraged at the idea they ruled he died from covid instead of cancer. My one cousin even showed me a picture of his death certificate. About two weeks after my Uncles death, the VA called my cousins to ask their opinion about the care their father received. My one cousin told them the care was fine, but..............

After my cousin vented for about five minutes, the doctor told him to take a number, because he's on a long list of families that have the exact same complaint.

So how did this 94 year old cancer patient get covid when he never went anywhere? How is it every single person that was in the room that day didn't catch this highly contagious virus from him if he had it?
"When my cousin knew he was on his way out, he called the family to say their last goodbyes as the hospital had heavy restrictions on visitation".
"Once he got to the VA, they claim he tested positive".

Get a clue.
None of that even makes sense, so let's start from the beginning.

Here is a 94 year old man that developed colon cancer. He couldn't walk so he never went anywhere, and moved in with his son so somebody could always care for him. When my cousin knew he was on his way out, he called the family to say their last goodbyes as the hospital had heavy restrictions on visitation. Hugs and kisses went around as this was the last time anybody would ever see him again, and the ambulance hauled him off to the VA.

Once he got to the VA, they claim he tested positive. The family was immediately alerted, and all 12 people in that room with him were forced to quarantine at home. Since the test won't show any results for at least five days after contact, those that visited him prior to that day and my cousins were tested negative. The others like my father just had to wait it out, and none of those people got it either. Same with his care worker who happened to be a neighbor of my cousin where he was living and the only other person he was with.

He died two weeks later, and about a month after that, my two cousins, his sons came by for a visit. They were outraged at the idea they ruled he died from covid instead of cancer. My one cousin even showed me a picture of his death certificate. About two weeks after my Uncles death, the VA called my cousins to ask their opinion about the care their father received. My one cousin told them the care was fine, but..............

After my cousin vented for about five minutes, the doctor told him to take a number, because he's on a long list of families that have the exact same complaint.

So how did this 94 year old cancer patient get covid when he never went anywhere? How is it every single person that was in the room that day didn't catch this highly contagious virus from him if he had it?

The Covid variant is now in 50 States and DC. 6% of Democrats say they won't get the vaccine..and 47% of Republicans say they won't get vaccinated.

The unvaccinated put children and people who can't be vaccinated at risk.
None of that even makes sense, so let's start from the beginning.

Here is a 94 year old man that developed colon cancer. He couldn't walk so he never went anywhere, and moved in with his son so somebody could always care for him. When my cousin knew he was on his way out, he called the family to say their last goodbyes as the hospital had heavy restrictions on visitation. Hugs and kisses went around as this was the last time anybody would ever see him again, and the ambulance hauled him off to the VA.

Once he got to the VA, they claim he tested positive. The family was immediately alerted, and all 12 people in that room with him were forced to quarantine at home. Since the test won't show any results for at least five days after contact, those that visited him prior to that day and my cousins were tested negative. The others like my father just had to wait it out, and none of those people got it either. Same with his care worker who happened to be a neighbor of my cousin where he was living and the only other person he was with.

He died two weeks later, and about a month after that, my two cousins, his sons came by for a visit. They were outraged at the idea they ruled he died from covid instead of cancer. My one cousin even showed me a picture of his death certificate. About two weeks after my Uncles death, the VA called my cousins to ask their opinion about the care their father received. My one cousin told them the care was fine, but..............

After my cousin vented for about five minutes, the doctor told him to take a number, because he's on a long list of families that have the exact same complaint.

So how did this 94 year old cancer patient get covid when he never went anywhere? How is it every single person that was in the room that day didn't catch this highly contagious virus from him if he had it?
Whether he went anywhere or not is irrelevant. He caught the Covid, and his body was unable to fight off the disease because of his age and another ailment. Same with my Dad who was unable to fight off the cold because his body was too weak. They say he died from the cold and not old age.
Whether he went anywhere or not is irrelevant. He caught the Covid, and his body was unable to fight off the disease because of his age and another ailment. Same with my Dad who was unable to fight off the cold because his body was too weak. They say he died from the cold and not old age.

Because that's the only thing he had was a cold. You didn't answer the question: if nobody around him ever had covid, and nobody caught covid that was in the room with him, how did he have covid when he never went anywhere?
Because that's the only thing he had was a cold. You didn't answer the question: if nobody around him ever had covid, and nobody caught covid that was in the room with him, how did he have covid when he never went anywhere?
Again, healthcare workers or anybody around the area could spread the disease. Did the medical community diagnose him as having the Covid while he was alive? If so, his death can be attributed to Covid and he had contributing factors--cancer and old age because he was unable to fight off the disease. Why would the doctor lie?
Again, healthcare workers or anybody around the area could spread the disease. Did the medical community diagnose him as having the Covid while he was alive? If so, his death can be attributed to Covid and he had contributing factors--cancer and old age because he was unable to fight off the disease. Why would the doctor lie?

No because he only had one healthcare worker who was not only tested after the results, but tested periodically as a lot of people in her line of work. Nobody in his family had it. No, nobody "around the area" could have given it to him, only the people inside that house. Nobody that was anywhere near him had it.

If the doctor lists covid as a contributing factor, they don't get federal money. If they list it as the main factor, government hands them a pile of cash.
No because he only had one healthcare worker who was not only tested after the results, but tested periodically as a lot of people in her line of work. Nobody in his family had it. No, nobody "around the area" could have given it to him, only the people inside that house. Nobody that was anywhere near him had it.

If the doctor lists covid as a contributing factor, they don't get federal money. If they list it as the main factor, government hands them a pile of cash.
Most doctors work for hospitals relative to treatment for Covid and do not receive more "cash".
Will a doctor lie so that the hospital receives the benefits and they may lose their license to practice medicine? Don't think so.

Donald Trump's false claim that doctors inflate ... - PolitiFact

https://www.politifact.com › nov › donald-trump › don...

Claim: Doctors inflate the number of COVID deaths because they get paid more for COVID patients.
Claimed by: Donald Trump
Most doctors work for hospitals relative to treatment for Covid and do not receive more "cash".
Will a doctor lie so that the hospital receives the benefits and they may lose their license to practice medicine? Don't think so.

The doctor doesn't make anything extra but doctors have bosses too. It's in every employees interest to see their employer does well.
The doctor doesn't make anything extra but doctors have bosses too. It's in every employees interest to see their employer does well.
The hospital administrators don't tell doctors to falsify records, Ray. There is too much at stake, like their careers. There has to be proof of infection anyway. Don't believe what trump espouses. He is full of shit.
Many employees don't care whether or not their employer does well . They think that their employer is a fat cat who makes his/her living off their hard work.
The hospital administrators don't tell doctors to falsify records, Ray. There is too much at stake, like their careers. There has to be proof of infection anyway. Don't believe what trump espouses. He is full of shit.

It's the doctors discretion as to what is listed as the cause of death. They list all the medical conditions associated with the health of the patient on the death certificate and decide which one of them was the main health condition. My Uncle didn't have covid because there was nobody which he could have caught it from. So if they are not making up BS for the money, why are they making it up? It's not like this is an isolated case. These claims are coming from all around the country. Not everybody can be wrong.

"Why is Biden letting Covid increase around the US?"​

Look in the mirror! You can thank Trump NaziCons for this mess! That is why President Biden may be forced to issue a mask and vaccine MANDATE to fight the coming resurgence of the COVID-19 pandemic! Hang on...

"Why is Biden letting Covid increase around the US?"​

Look in the mirror! You can thank Trump NaziCons for this mess! That is why President Biden may be forced to issue a mask and vaccine MANDATE to fight the coming resurgence of the COVID-19 pandemic! Hang on...
Force people to have medical treatment? Sounds like Nazi Germany to me.

So without forced vaccines you believe that Covid-19 will only worsen? Why do you believe that?
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"Why is Biden letting Covid increase around the US?"​

Look in the mirror! You can thank Trump NaziCons for this mess! That is why President Biden may be forced to issue a mask and vaccine MANDATE to fight the coming resurgence of the COVID-19 pandemic! Hang on...

Yep, letting in 1000's of COVID infected illegal's and busing/flying them around the country doesn't have any affect...moron.

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