Why is Biden too old but Trump is not?

How golf courses do you own? Hotels?

Do you have a home or just slum on Section 8 housing?
Trump is a demagogue. Is that what you want?

Have you noticed that what you are attacking Trump for what he allegedly did YOU are doing the EXACT same thing??? You’re a Moron . That’s who elected BRANDON calling those who did not the Vaccine for VARIOUS reasons MURDERS , bigoted for not accepting BIOLOGICAL MEN in GIRLS SPORTS, calling those who didn’t vote for him names, etc etc He’s QUITE a GUY
Trump championed the vaccine. Bragged about it. I don't approve of Trans men in women's sports, you hysterical ninny.
Court filings are public record, dope.
Hey, you asshole. Some are. Some are under seal. Some can’t be released prior to an arraignment or prior to the discovery process.

The persecutors in this case violated some of those rules.

Do your homework before you vomit out your stupidity. And then don’t. 👍
Shapiro took his exams at Wharton. Trump can fire up a crowd. He brags, lies, attacks. That's what demagogues do.
Maxine Waters. Elizabeth Warren. Chuck Schumer. Ask me for evidence. I dare you.
Trump championed the vaccine. Bragged about it. I don't approve of Trans men in women's sports, you hysterical ninny.
So what if he bragged about it ; You Moron?
Your “ boy” believes Men should compete with women ; Don’t see any condemnation
A. Biden has been battling a stutter his entire life. Age does not make a thing like that better.

I (and most of my golf buddies) have the occasional “senior moment” where a word won’t come to us . It doesn’t mean we have dementia. Several in fact are successful practicing lawyers
Give us some video of Biden speeches from his early days in Congress where he stutters.

This should be fun.
Trump is a demagogue. Is that what you want?

Now we can put this into balance by comparing it to the time Trump raped a 13-year-old and told her if she talked he would kill her.
at least 10 times the proof and validity of any statement you have made.
Give us some video of Biden speeches from his early days in Congress where he stutters.

This should be fun.
I can ! Remember when he said he didn’t want his kids going to School 🏫 in a RACIAL JUNGLE??? He meant ; RADICAL JUNGLE. 🧠
The fact that so many thought it was a possibility tells you that people thought he was senile back THEN
Gotcha, so the fact that 63% of Americans think Biden is senile, makes it a possibility. The fact that so many believed that Joe crapped his pants is a possibility tells us how people think he has no bowel control.

It all just show me how dishonest people can be.
Hey, you asshole. Some are. Some are under seal. Some can’t be released prior to an arraignment or prior to the discovery process.

The persecutors in this case violated some of those rules.

Do your homework before you vomit out your stupidity. And then don’t. 👍
Post it.
Show us the prosecutor doing so.
Post it.
Show us the prosecutor doing so.
Why? You wouldn’t acknowledge it anyway.

But since pussies like you will wet your panties, I’ll provide you with a hint.

Prior to the arraignment, which was, of course, before any of the indictment or grand jury evidence was allowed to be disseminated, is your memory good enough that you recall reading about the meeting between Trump and some author?

It was referenced in the indictment. See paragraph 34, et. seq.

Other than the persecutor, who the fuck could have leaked that to the press. And why would they? The way this shit usually works, although improper, is the prosecutors “feed” their favored press buddies. (One hand feeds the other.)

Also, although a bit off topic, when the FBI executed the fucking raid, they even took privileged attorney-client papers. Who gave the government the right to take a citizen’s attorney-client privileged papers?
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I will agree that it is a very sad time for our country that these two are seemingly the best we can come up with.
We need someone else.

Sort of, but Trump is good for country. The problem is our primary sources for information do the deeds of communists.
Why? You wouldn’t acknowledge it anyway.

But since pussies like you will wet your panties, I’ll provide you with a hint.

Prior to the arraignment, which was, of course, before any of the indictment or grand jury evidence was allowed to be disseminated, is your memory good enough that you recall reading about the meeting between Trump and some author?

It was referenced in the indictment. See paragraph 34, et. seq.

Other than the persecutor, who the fuck could have leaked that to the press. And why would they? The way this shit usually works, although improper, is the prosecutors “feed” their favored press buddies. (One hand feeds the other.)

Also, although a bit off topic, when the FBI executed the fucking raid, they even took privileged attorney-client papers. Who gave the government the right to take a citizen’s attorney-client privileged papers?

Translation: you're full of shit which is why you can't prove your claims.
Gotcha, so the fact that 63% of Americans think Biden is senile, makes it a possibility. The fact that so many believed that Joe crapped his pants is a possibility tells us how people think he has no bowel control.

It all just show me how dishonest people can be.
Trump has been in diapers since Celebrity Apprentice .
Why is Biden too old but Trump is not? They are basically the same age - old. So why is there only concern over Biden being old.
They're both too old. Biden is attacked more because some fools believe his speech impediment is related to cognitive function. All that proves is they are misinformed bigots. Besides I 'd rather have an elderly gentleman like Biden as president than a traitorous, insane man like trump.

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