Why is Building the Wall Wrong?

I have no problem with Mexico paying for our wall.

When do we get the check?

Don’t need it...tell Mexico to use that money to teach their teenagers abstinence...tell them to fund truckloads of condoms and drop them in the barrios....problem solved.
Our Wall EASILY funds itself. The arithmetic is elementary.
Ending our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror would save even more, and not create refugees in the process.
None of the things you listed prohibits someone from walking into OUR NATION. You know what does? A WALL

No it doesn’t . Where You find a 10 foot wall, you’ll find a 12 foot ladder that beats it.

If we were talking 20 miles . Fine . We are talking 1,400 miles!!!
It's not a perfect solution but unarguably is would reduce crossings


But at what cost ?? You know the “wall” plan includes drones and all kinds of high tech sensors , roving border guards . It’s not just some one time cost and you are done .
I have no issue with the cost as I feel it would be good use of my tax paying dollars


Right . Cause cons don’t mind wasting tax money so long as you thinks it’s being used to stroke your xenophobia .
as long as the rich get a tax break and they can finance it on the Peoples' dime.
A- Cost prohibitive
B- Won't work
C- It's racist
D- It would reduce those successfully crossing the border
E- None of the Above

The machine benefits by not having a wall. Business (Republicans) get their cheap labor and (Democrats) get the votes

You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours

There is no excuse for the Republicans not funding the wall.


It isn't.
Sure...they're all valedictorians.

No far from it. Some very bad people come across but by and large they have been a beneficial influence to the nation.

By and large? So what percentage of "by and large" would not being beneficial be acceptable?

Well, the way I look at it is this; how many illegals do you think are here? 10M? 15M? 20M? Lets say 10M. The overwhelming majority buy things that creates sales tax revenue which stays in the states where it is spent. . The sales tax receipts--depending on how many you think are here--are equal to the population of many states. Michigan has 9 million people...so we're talking about the sales tax revenue generated by the State of Michigan. That is a sizable impact in real dollars spread across a great many states.

We can't have open borders. That is a no-brainer. And the ones we do allow into the nation officially need to have a much more stringent screening process. But the fallacy that all these folks do is take and give nothing back is flat out wrong.

Wouldn't it be nice if the rest of us only paid sales tax.

Is that the best you can do?

For you....yes. Paying sales tax...dumbass.
Upgrading Ellis Island instead is simply more market friendly and we subscribe to Capitalism, not socialism on a national basis as the right wing would have us believe.

All foreign nationals should be processed as tourists until they complete their immigration and naturalization proceedings.
Trumpanzees seem to forget about boats. I have a brother who lives north of San Diego and he said many come in by sea in the dead of night.

Yeah, so because the wall can only stop 40-80%, what the hell, why stop any of them. Dumbass.

Good question. We've had an unparalelled expansion of our economy (which was already the world's strongest) when immigration (illegal and otherwise) really got going, we've had comparatively few problems with illegals compared to natives, and a great amount of non citizens have served with honor in our military service.

We can't have open borders but this jihad you guys have launched against brown people is really stupid.

Sure...they're all valedictorians.

No far from it. Some very bad people come across but by and large they have been a beneficial influence to the nation.

Horseshit. Immigrants have mostly been a bad influence on this country. Consider the mafia. They were all immigrants.

Immigrants had little opportunity to make money back in those days. As things got better, many of the people in those organizations were already in.......and there's only one way out.

Today people can come here and do okay if they learn a trade, get educated or start their own business. However many of the people from South-Central don't even want to learn the language. They don't have the will or energy as European immigrants had. Sure, they will work hard, but they will never become anything because manual labor doesn't pay anything anymore. Then they end up on some welfare program.

People from Ellis Island had more of a motivation to become Americans. They cut ties to their homeland instead of making money here and sending it back home. They felt blessed to be part of our country unlike these people from the south that feel coming here is something owed to them.

I was born in an immigrant community so I know the difference between the attitude of people back then and the people I see on the news today. It's a night and day difference.........and no, for you liberals reading this, it wasn't meant in a racial way.
The bottom line is that they will come here as long as employers WANT them to come and will hire them.And they do.

Go after EMPLOYERS and the problem gets solved.

Of course you have to understand there are 11 million already here and ya just can't "ethnically cleanse" 11 million people.
You want to go after employers only because you hate employers. Whenever the government does go after employers, dumbasses like you scream about it.

That's exactly what happened when they busted two big places here in Ohio. Liberals were crying the blues that these people were just trying to support their family; they weren't bothering anybody; they are hard working law abiding people.
Yeah, so because the wall can only stop 40-80%, what the hell, why stop any of them. Dumbass.

Good question. We've had an unparalelled expansion of our economy (which was already the world's strongest) when immigration (illegal and otherwise) really got going, we've had comparatively few problems with illegals compared to natives, and a great amount of non citizens have served with honor in our military service.

We can't have open borders but this jihad you guys have launched against brown people is really stupid.

Sure...they're all valedictorians.

No far from it. Some very bad people come across but by and large they have been a beneficial influence to the nation.

Horseshit. Immigrants have mostly been a bad influence on this country. Consider the mafia. They were all immigrants.

Immigrants had little opportunity to make money back in those days. As things got better, many of the people in those organizations were already in.......and there's only one way out.

Today people can come here and do okay if they learn a trade, get educated or start their own business. However many of the people from South-Central don't even want to learn the language. They don't have the will or energy as European immigrants had. Sure, they will work hard, but they will never become anything because manual labor doesn't pay anything anymore. Then they end up on some welfare program.

People from Ellis Island had more of a motivation to become Americans. They cut ties to their homeland instead of making money here and sending it back home. They felt blessed to be part of our country unlike these people from the south that feel coming here is something owed to them.

I was born in an immigrant community so I know the difference between the attitude of people back then and the people I see on the news today. It's a night and day difference.........and no, for you liberals reading this, it wasn't meant in a racial way.

Unfortunately that lack of work ethic is not limited to only illegal immigrants.
bullshit. Drug dealers aren't responsible for making countries like Honduras into shit holes.
You're a loudmouthed idiot. Of COURSE drugs and the corruption that goes with them is why Honduras is a "shithole"
People from Ellis Island had more of a motivation to become Americans. They cut ties to their homeland instead of making money here and sending it back home.

They kept as close as the infrastructure and technology allowed them to. You just pull shit like that out of your ass and try to polish it into gold?
It’s a waste of money . If the goal is to address illegal immigration, then that money is better spent in other ways .

More ins agents , more immigrantion courts , more judges . More enforcement vs companies who hire illegals . That’s a better use if the money .
Why not some of both? No walls in some places just make it more labor intensive to catch the border jumpers. All your ideas are excellent, but giving Donald his Wall, in strategic places, is not a bad idea. We can afford it. Don't let them fool you.
That's exactly what happened when they busted two big places here in Ohio. Liberals were crying the blues that these people were just trying to support their family; they weren't bothering anybody; they are hard working law abiding people.

I've worked side by side with immigrants from Peru (and other Latin American countries) . I assumed they were illegal...at least some of them ( I never asked)...and I found them to be decent hard working people. REALLY hard working people.

You Trumpers want to punish them and pretend to believe that they are somehow evil...when in reality they are just like you. The problem is not who they are...or their ethnicity...or their life style. It's that employers exploit them to put downward pressure on wages for everyone.

And as far as punishing employers that hire them? Are you kidding? That's a joke. Why do you not see THEM as evil? THEY are the cause here
F. the wall prevents the Democratic Party from replacing educated middle class voters with uneducated third world anti-American voters
That's exactly what happened when they busted two big places here in Ohio. Liberals were crying the blues that these people were just trying to support their family; they weren't bothering anybody; they are hard working law abiding people.

I've worked side by side with immigrants from Peru (and other Latin American countries) . I assumed they were illegal...at least some of them ( I never asked)...and I found them to be decent hard working people. REALLY hard working people.

You Trumpers want to punish them and pretend to believe that they are somehow evil...when in reality they are just like you. The problem is not who they are...or their ethnicity...or their life style. It's that employers exploit them to put downward pressure on wages for everyone.

And as far as punishing employers that hire them? Are you kidding? That's a joke. Why do you not see THEM as evil? THEY are the cause here

They are not the cause. Democrats are the cause. You don't see employers on TV expressing their concern or empathy for these people. You see Democrats doing that.

Republicans are not protecting these illegals in their sanctuary cities. Republicans did not threaten to shutdown the government by implementing plans to keep them out of this country. You didn't see Republicans making a big fuss over separation of families. Democrats do these things.
That's exactly what happened when they busted two big places here in Ohio. Liberals were crying the blues that these people were just trying to support their family; they weren't bothering anybody; they are hard working law abiding people.

I've worked side by side with immigrants from Peru (and other Latin American countries) . I assumed they were illegal...at least some of them ( I never asked)...and I found them to be decent hard working people. REALLY hard working people.

You Trumpers want to punish them and pretend to believe that they are somehow evil...when in reality they are just like you. The problem is not who they are...or their ethnicity...or their life style. It's that employers exploit them to put downward pressure on wages for everyone.

And as far as punishing employers that hire them? Are you kidding? That's a joke. Why do you not see THEM as evil? THEY are the cause here

LefTard Logic:
“When you leave your keys in your ignition and you car is stole it is not the fault of the thief.”
They kept as close as the infrastructure and technology allowed them to. You just pull shit like that out of your ass and try to polish it into gold?

Nope. The most they did was write a letter around Christmas time if that. You mean we had no way to send money overseas back in the 60's and 70's?
They are not the cause. Democrats are the cause. You don't see employers on TV expressing their concern or empathy for these people. You see Democrats doing that.

You DO see Republicans constantly defending employers who are the CAUSE of this problem. No jobs...no illegals

Republicans are not protecting these illegals in their sanctuary cities. Republicans did not threaten to shutdown the government by implementing plans to keep them out of this country. You didn't see Republicans making a big fuss over separation of families. Democrats do these things.

Your ENTIRE immigration policy...if it can be called that...centers on punishing illegals...

Newsflash. Punish them as much as you want...all it will do is give you a warm fuzzy (how disgusting is it that punishing people gives you a tingle?) . It won't solve the problem
Nope. The most they did was write a letter around Christmas time if that. You mean we had no way to send money overseas back in the 60's and 70's?


Because I grew up in a town that was 30% Polish and 60% Italian. The Poles were essentially cut off from their homeland but the Italians were not. Their connection to Sicily and Naples was strong. And it included bringing over relatives and sending money back to help family back "home"

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