Why is Government suppressing Report on Illegal aliens Rape of 5 year old Idaho Girl?

Does the family of the victim have the report yet?

Did the news provide the report yet?


So what the fuck are you talking about, idiot?
Your OP is fucking insane.

You want the names of the minors involved? I bet this is the first time in your life you've ever wanted the names of minors in a rape case involved. Should they be punished? Yes. Should they be used to demonize every brown person on the planet like your bitchass wants? No. Go fuck yourself.
If that was your daughter, you'd be whistling a different tune, hypocrite. And go fuck YOURSELF, asshole.
No. Go fuck YOUR self. How many similar cases have happened this year? But there's only ONE you give a fuck about.

Oh and here I said to myself, "in fact, I bet this ASSHOLE saintmichaeldefendthem has posted comments before about how most rapes are lies by women seeking attention."

And lo and fucking behold... the FIRST SEARCH RESULT is an OP!!! saintmichaeldefendthem himself not giving a fuck about rape:

Deception Rape?
That's a completely different topic that does not involve refugees violently raping a little girl. Stick to the topic, poop stain.
The only rape you've ever decided to care about. Fuck off.

The Old Fool: The wahhabism kind of islam brings a rape culture to any country that is STUPID enough to let them settle and squat. Your lack of knowledge about what we are facing and what is going on in Europe staggers the imagination. It absolutely FLOORS me that leftards are fine with resettling muslims that have such disdain and disgust for women and gays. Liberalism is a fucking disease of the mind........seriously.
Yeah it's so suppressed that it's been reported by countless news outlets. :rolleyes:

So what bothers you most (your very first comment) about this isn't the fact that a child was raped but the claim that the atrocity was suppressed. Wow.

We all know what makes you.
The federal prosecutors are threatening the family for even wanting to punish the boys.

We will be another Germany before long.
Yeah it's so suppressed that it's been reported by countless news outlets. :rolleyes:

So what bothers you most (your very first comment) about this isn't the fact that a child was raped but the claim that the atrocity was suppressed. Wow.

We all know what makes you.
If you want to see my thoughts you can check one of the several threads about this topic that have been created over the last several weeks. This thread, however, is bullshit.
It isn't being ignored here. Twin Falls is in an uproar, especially with the federal prosecutor threatening criminal charges against anyone saying negative things about the "refugees" who did this. We are up in arms!
Someone could send the information and the video (if available) to Judge Jeanine at FOX. By Twitter or Facebook.
It was posted on info wars, but maybe they took it down. They were saying some stuff that wasn't necessarily true.
Infowars is an unreliable source. You really have to verify that crap with cites elsewhere.

Alex Jones is a disinformant.
Yeah it's so suppressed that it's been reported by countless news outlets. :rolleyes:

So what bothers you most (your very first comment) about this isn't the fact that a child was raped but the claim that the atrocity was suppressed. Wow.

We all know what makes you.
OldShit is a bit of a jack ass. Nothing is close to more important than advancing the Dimbocratic hack cause.
"Why is Government suppressing Report on Illegal aliens Rape of 5 year old Idaho Girl?"

It's not.

This is a lie.
other thread on this: """Muslims Rape Girl 5 Years Old"""

a link from that thread:
UPDATED: Story of Syrian refugees raping Idaho girl is wrong, prosecutor says

with a little more detail, from a local Idaho Newspaper.

So to recap:
  • This case is being handled like every other sexual assault cases where the victim and accused are juveniles
  • The accused attackers are not Syrian
  • No indication the accused are illegal aliens.

According to those officials, three boys were involved, ages 7, 10 and 14, and the alleged victim was a 5-year-old girl. The boys are from Sudan and Iraq; none are Syrian. They are being held at a juvenile detention facility. Officials suspect the boys have been in the United States fewer than two years, but their refugee status wasn’t immediately clear to the police chief.

There were no adults involved, Loebs said, the boys didn’t have a knife, and the incident wasn’t a “gang-rape” instigated by the oldest boy.

“All those involved are juveniles, and the older one didn’t touch the victim in any way,” Loebs said. Only one person is alleged to have touched the victim, said the prosecutor, though he declined to elaborate.
Yeah it's so suppressed that it's been reported by countless news outlets. :rolleyes:

So what bothers you most (your very first comment) about this isn't the fact that a child was raped but the claim that the atrocity was suppressed. Wow.

We all know what makes you.

The OP is a lie.

And that lie is that the government is trying to "suppress" the information to prevent opposition to Syrian refugees coming to the US.
other thread on this: """Muslims Rape Girl 5 Years Old"""

a link from that thread:
UPDATED: Story of Syrian refugees raping Idaho girl is wrong, prosecutor says

with a little more detail, from a local Idaho Newspaper.

So to recap:
  • This case is being handled like every other sexual assault cases where the victim and accused are juveniles
  • The accused attackers are not Syrian
  • No indication the accused are illegal aliens.

According to those officials, three boys were involved, ages 7, 10 and 14, and the alleged victim was a 5-year-old girl. The boys are from Sudan and Iraq; none are Syrian. They are being held at a juvenile detention facility. Officials suspect the boys have been in the United States fewer than two years, but their refugee status wasn’t immediately clear to the police chief.

There were no adults involved, Loebs said, the boys didn’t have a knife, and the incident wasn’t a “gang-rape” instigated by the oldest boy.

“All those involved are juveniles, and the older one didn’t touch the victim in any way,” Loebs said. Only one person is alleged to have touched the victim, said the prosecutor, though he declined to elaborate.
Show us the report and prove your lies are true, idiot.

The word of a federal prosecutor who is already on record threatening anyone that says anything bad about the scumbag refugees is not worth a bucket of cold spit.
other thread on this: """Muslims Rape Girl 5 Years Old"""

a link from that thread:
UPDATED: Story of Syrian refugees raping Idaho girl is wrong, prosecutor says

with a little more detail, from a local Idaho Newspaper.

So to recap:
  • This case is being handled like every other sexual assault cases where the victim and accused are juveniles
  • The accused attackers are not Syrian
  • No indication the accused are illegal aliens.

According to those officials, three boys were involved, ages 7, 10 and 14, and the alleged victim was a 5-year-old girl. The boys are from Sudan and Iraq; none are Syrian. They are being held at a juvenile detention facility. Officials suspect the boys have been in the United States fewer than two years, but their refugee status wasn’t immediately clear to the police chief.

There were no adults involved, Loebs said, the boys didn’t have a knife, and the incident wasn’t a “gang-rape” instigated by the oldest boy.

“All those involved are juveniles, and the older one didn’t touch the victim in any way,” Loebs said. Only one person is alleged to have touched the victim, said the prosecutor, though he declined to elaborate.
Show us the report and prove your lies are true, idiot.

The word of a federal prosecutor who is already on record threatening anyone that says anything bad about the scumbag refugees is not worth a bucket of cold spit.
Also wrong.

No "threats" were made.
other thread on this: """Muslims Rape Girl 5 Years Old"""

a link from that thread:
UPDATED: Story of Syrian refugees raping Idaho girl is wrong, prosecutor says

with a little more detail, from a local Idaho Newspaper.

So to recap:
  • This case is being handled like every other sexual assault cases where the victim and accused are juveniles
  • The accused attackers are not Syrian
  • No indication the accused are illegal aliens.

According to those officials, three boys were involved, ages 7, 10 and 14, and the alleged victim was a 5-year-old girl. The boys are from Sudan and Iraq; none are Syrian. They are being held at a juvenile detention facility. Officials suspect the boys have been in the United States fewer than two years, but their refugee status wasn’t immediately clear to the police chief.

There were no adults involved, Loebs said, the boys didn’t have a knife, and the incident wasn’t a “gang-rape” instigated by the oldest boy.

“All those involved are juveniles, and the older one didn’t touch the victim in any way,” Loebs said. Only one person is alleged to have touched the victim, said the prosecutor, though he declined to elaborate.
Show us the report and prove your lies are true, idiot.

The word of a federal prosecutor who is already on record threatening anyone that says anything bad about the scumbag refugees is not worth a bucket of cold spit.
Also wrong.

No "threats" were made.
Yes they were, you ignorant twit. The federal prosecutor threatened criminal action against anyone who said something about the case she thought to be a lie. That's called a threat.

Evil flourishes because of people like you.
Yes they were, you ignorant twit. The federal prosecutor threatened criminal action against anyone who said something about the case she thought to be a lie. That's called a threat.

Evil flourishes because of people like you.
Ah, the old 'Using Facts With a Libtard Fallacy' I see. You can do better than that.

Use things like this for more effect.....


See the difference? Few words and big pictures help Dimbocrats understand what they are 'reading' all the time.
Idaho law is that minors are protected and law enforcement, lawyers and even the victims parents are subject to those non-disclosure laws. There was one council member in Twin Falls (a realtor who got in there after Chobani & the refugee influx) who was trying to keep it all silenced. Once certain people realized that instead of the crap a few were putting out that it wasn't a real situation it started going nation wide and "the Rebel" went and did a live taped interview of the woman who called the dad and saw what they were doing to the little girl.
5 year old girls are supposed to like being raped by refugees. If they don't, there is a federal authority to make sure they do.
other thread on this: """Muslims Rape Girl 5 Years Old"""

a link from that thread:
UPDATED: Story of Syrian refugees raping Idaho girl is wrong, prosecutor says

with a little more detail, from a local Idaho Newspaper.

So to recap:
  • This case is being handled like every other sexual assault cases where the victim and accused are juveniles
  • The accused attackers are not Syrian
  • No indication the accused are illegal aliens.

According to those officials, three boys were involved, ages 7, 10 and 14, and the alleged victim was a 5-year-old girl. The boys are from Sudan and Iraq; none are Syrian. They are being held at a juvenile detention facility. Officials suspect the boys have been in the United States fewer than two years, but their refugee status wasn’t immediately clear to the police chief.

There were no adults involved, Loebs said, the boys didn’t have a knife, and the incident wasn’t a “gang-rape” instigated by the oldest boy.

“All those involved are juveniles, and the older one didn’t touch the victim in any way,” Loebs said. Only one person is alleged to have touched the victim, said the prosecutor, though he declined to elaborate.
Show us the report and prove your lies are true, idiot..

You are always such a bag of wind.

I was quoting from the local newspaper- and am glad to do so again. Feel free to provide what you consider to be more reliable information;
UPDATED: Story of Syrian refugees raping Idaho girl is wrong, prosecutor says
Prosecutor: “There were no Syrians involved ... there was no gang-rape”

No Syrians have been resettled to Twin Falls, officials say


Authorities are denying reports that Syrians gang-raped a child at knife-point in a Twin Falls apartment complex earlier this month, saying the false claims are being spread to incite anti-refugee sentiments.

“There were no Syrians involved, there was no knife involved, there was no gang-rape,” Twin Falls County Prosecutor Grant Loebs said Monday morning.

Investigators and the prosecutor were quick to dismiss nearly all those claims Monday. Loebs said he didn’t want to “fan the flames of anti-Syrian refugee people” but suspects the false reports are the work of a local group opposed to refugee resettlement who hoped to stir up trouble by claiming the incident involved Syrian refugees who committed a violent sexual assault.

“There is a small group of people in Twin Falls County whose life goal is to eliminate refugees, and thus far they have not been constrained by the truth,” Loebs said. “They have not been constrained by the truth in the past, and I don’t expect them to be constrained by the truth in the future.”

An incident did occur, Loebs said, and two juveniles have been charged after authorities obtained video shot on a cellphone. But the details of the case don’t match what’s being reported by anti-refugee groups, the prosecutor said.

The criminal cases against those juveniles have been sealed, as is customary when children are charged. Although prosecutors and police are barred from discussing certain details in sealed juvenile cases, Loebs laid out the basics in an interview Monday with the Times-News. And Twin Falls Police Chief Craig Kingsbury briefed the public on the incident at a City Council meeting later in the evening, saying he wanted to clear up falsehoods circulating on social media.

According to those officials, three boys were involved, ages 7, 10 and 14, and the alleged victim was a 5-year-old girl. The boys are from Sudan and Iraq; none are Syrian. They are being held at a juvenile detention facility. Officials suspect the boys have been in the Uniteds States fewer than two years, but their refugee status wasn’t immediately clear to the police chief.

There were no adults involved, Loebs said, the boys didn’t have a knife, and the incident wasn’t a “gang-rape” instigated by the oldest boy.

“All those involved are juveniles, and the older one didn’t touch the victim in any way,” Loebs said. Only one person is alleged to have touched the victim, said the prosecutor, though he declined to elaborate.

The police chief also said there is no evidence to support claims the suspects’ fathers high-fived or praised the boys for committing the alleged assault, as has been reported on anti-refugee websites.

The prosecutor received a report Thursday from police. Further refuting claims made in the stories online that police bungled the investigation or tried to cover it up, Loebs said the police investigated the incident thoroughly, interviewed everyone who needed to be and followed proper protocols.

The police chief told the public the victim’s health and safety were the department’s first priority, and apprehending the suspects was the second — regardless of either’s ethnicity or religious beliefs.

Loebs said the College of Southern Idaho Refugee Center, which oversees refugee resettlement in the Magic Valley, did not resettle the boys involved and that the program has “absolutely nothing to do with this.

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