Why is it ok for blacks to be racist in society

No, your hypocritical double standard.

Double standard?

Double standard. You decry "playing the victim card," and yet you completely overlook it when your girlfriend Shitshisspeedos plays it. You constantly chime in, unbidden, to take up his defense, so you can't claim to be totally unassociated with his positions.

I see you're stuck in middle school.

First off, I don't have a girlfriend, I have a fiance.
Secondly, I don't know who shitshisspeedos is.
And third, I have't seen anyone other than black posters play the victim card or the race card for that matter.

Class dismissed.
Secondly, I don't know who shitshisspeedos is.
And third, I have't seen anyone other than black posters play the victim card or the race card for that matter.

Liar. You know who Shitshisspeedos is and you know he plays the race/vicitm card constantly. You are always here on the Race Relations forum making an ass of yourself so you cannot claim otherwise.
Secondly, I don't know who shitshisspeedos is.
And third, I have't seen anyone other than black posters play the victim card or the race card for that matter.

Liar. You know who Shitshisspeedos is and you know he plays the race/vicitm card constantly. You are always here on the Race Relations forum making an ass of yourself so you cannot claim otherwise.

I've never seen that name before you used it.
Blacks are racist towards blacks themselves, just like white people think that the irish are a bunch of drunken fools with not enough teeth to go around, or as they say in ireland, not enuf teef. :D
Now you're going to play coy? Sackless move, as usual.

I don't play.

Fact is there is no one in this forum that goes by that name.

I know you hate hearing the truth, most children do, but that is the cold hard truth of the matter.
For the same reason the left wimps out about islam; even through it goes against everything they say they believe in.

Leftist don't want to get the hell beat up of them. Blacks will do it too.

People like me want a better society where there's honesty and debate. There's no way forward without it...Yes, I'm taking a risk but that's what you do if you want a better society.

Blacks need to stop the double standard and do as they ask whites to do. At the very least.
Blacks are racist towards blacks themselves, just like white people think that the irish are a bunch of drunken fools with not enough teeth to go around, or as they say in ireland, not enuf teef.

You're still trying to avoid, you cowardly idiot.
Blacks are racist towards blacks themselves, just like white people think that the irish are a bunch of drunken fools with not enough teeth to go around, or as they say in ireland, not enuf teef.

You're still trying to avoid, you cowardly idiot.

I bet you like it when your dog dry humps your leg.

(Watch, he won't deny it, :D)
For the same reason the left wimps out about islam; even through it goes against everything they say they believe in.

Leftist don't want to get the hell beat up of them. Blacks will do it too.

People like me want a better society where there's honesty and debate. There's no way forward without it...Yes, I'm taking a risk but that's what you do if you want a better society.

Blacks need to stop the double standard and do as they ask whites to do. At the very least.

Bullshit. You take no risk, pussy, by spewing your nonsense here and keeping your mealy mouth shut tight in the real world.
Blacks are racist towards blacks themselves, just like white people think that the irish are a bunch of drunken fools with not enough teeth to go around, or as they say in ireland, not enuf teef.

So you admit that your comment was idiotic bullshit? Good idea, you ignorant douche.
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Why do black people only have nightmares?

Ima is the kind of loser who lacks the sack to admit when he has been caught making a bullshit comment. Keep dancing, clown.

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