Why is jesus not a jew in churches?

1- There was no such a thing as a "Jews" in Jesus times and prior.
I think you should review your history. Someone else pointed out the other names for the group which were applicable, seeing as the English "Jew" probably wasn't used, but that group of people largely identified themselves in such a way as is present in Judaism today.

Nevertheless he is Savior of all. I posted pictures some pages back in this thread of various artistic depictions of Jesus. To Native American groups, he appears Native American. In India he often looks East Indian. In black cultures he is a black man. In Asian cultures he often looks Asian. I have no problem whatsoever with this as to me it beautifully illustrates that he is embraced and accepted by all the people--one Christ to all.
This is not true to Jesus, but rather RELIGION as a whole. It just goes to show that man shapes god in his image, not the other way around.

Incidentally, if you've ever been to Israel, you'd know that most Jewish people are caucasian.
If you've ever been to Israel, you'd know that the people of the area, be it Muslim, Jewish, or otherwise, are all darker skinned, not the pale caucasian of America that descended from Europe.

But was he circumcised? That's the real issue. We need to know what his penis looked like.
I can't tell if you are serious, or just made a really witty point.
being born in Jerusalem does not a jew make :cuckoo: but Jesus WAS raised by Jewish parents and probably would have been considered a 'jew' by most people who knew him as a youth

Considered a Jew?
He was Jewish.

Sure he WAS Jewish but he abandoned Judaism throwing away the old covenant aka old testament to make a new covenant (which became the new testament)...
Basically this is where "Christianity" TOTALLY FUCKED UP i.e. 'real' Christianity should be NEW TESTATMENT only bc Jesus threw the old out with the bathwater! :eusa_whistle: Instead the bible has both old and new which are absolutely contradictory of each other thus making modern Christianity SCHIZO as can be....thanks so much to the Catholic Church for fucking up what Jesus wanted.....In fact, I'd bet if Jesus were alive today and he went to the Vatican he would treat it exactly like the temple he vandalized!

You have a bit of froth dribbling down your chin. Need a napkin? Perhaps a bib?
Considered a Jew?
He was Jewish.

Sure he WAS Jewish but he abandoned Judaism throwing away the old covenant aka old testament to make a new covenant (which became the new testament)...
Basically this is where "Christianity" TOTALLY FUCKED UP i.e. 'real' Christianity should be NEW TESTATMENT only bc Jesus threw the old out with the bathwater! :eusa_whistle: Instead the bible has both old and new which are absolutely contradictory of each other thus making modern Christianity SCHIZO as can be....thanks so much to the Catholic Church for fucking up what Jesus wanted.....In fact, I'd bet if Jesus were alive today and he went to the Vatican he would treat it exactly like the temple he vandalized!

Jesus didn't 'throw out' the OT, he simply fulfilled the Law...

Mat 5:17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
Mat 5:18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

Though He was born as a 'Jew', the Jewish religion was based more on customs of which Jesus did not agree with. Jesus was/is the Word, He is what truth is based on. He himself is not of any 'religion'. Religion is a belief system, Jesus does not need to 'believe' in anything, He KNOWS truth because He IS the truth.
That's rather rediculous.

You can fulfill the law since amost all the laws are perpetual.

How do you fulfill do not murder?

How do you fulfill do not worship other gods?

The laws are perpetual.

Also Jesus has no power to change or "fulfill" any jewish law.

Deut 4

2. Do not add to the word which I command you, nor diminish from it, to observe the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you.
Considered a Jew?
He was Jewish.

Sure he WAS Jewish but he abandoned Judaism throwing away the old covenant aka old testament to make a new covenant (which became the new testament)...
Basically this is where "Christianity" TOTALLY FUCKED UP i.e. 'real' Christianity should be NEW TESTATMENT only bc Jesus threw the old out with the bathwater! :eusa_whistle: Instead the bible has both old and new which are absolutely contradictory of each other thus making modern Christianity SCHIZO as can be....thanks so much to the Catholic Church for fucking up what Jesus wanted.....In fact, I'd bet if Jesus were alive today and he went to the Vatican he would treat it exactly like the temple he vandalized!

he never did any such thing. you really should learn the history of your religion.

the last supper was a passover seder. so how did he abandon judaism again?

jesus' teachings, even as relayed second and third hand in the gospels; even after those gospels were edited and picked and chosen by constantine and his buds, still remains fairly close to what the talmud teaches in many ways ... things like do unto others; save one person, save the world... etc.

so i'm not sure what you think jesus abandoned... i'm not talking about what was done with his words.

He abandoned the principles when he claimed to be a god.

He may have been born jewish, but he was no longer considered jewish by jews when he made himself a divine being.
I think you should review your history. Someone else pointed out the other names for the group which were applicable, seeing as the English "Jew" probably wasn't used, but that group of people largely identified themselves in such a way as is present in Judaism today.

The word "Jew" (in Hebrew, "Yehudi") is derived from the name Judah, which was the name of one of Jacob's twelve sons. Judah was the ancestor of one of the tribes of Israel, which was named after him. Likewise, the word Judaism literally means "Judah-ism," that is, the religion of the Yehudim. Other sources, however, say that the word "Yehudim" means "People of G-d," because the first three letters of "Yehudah" are the same as the first three letters of G-d's four-letter name.

Originally, the term Yehudi referred specifically to members of the tribe of Judah, as distinguished from the other tribes of Israel. However, after the death of King Solomon, the nation of Israel was split into two kingdoms: the kingdom of Judah and the kingdom of Israel (I Kings 12; II Chronicles 10). After that time, the word Yehudi could properly be used to describe anyone from the kingdom of Judah, which included the tribes of Judah, Benjamin and Levi, as well as scattered settlements from other tribes. The most obvious biblical example of this usage is in Esther 2:5, where Mordecai is referred to as both a Yehudi and a member of the tribe of Benjamin.

In the 6th century B.C.E., the kingdom of Israel was conquered by Assyria and the ten tribes were exiled from the land (II Kings 17), leaving only the tribes in the kingdom of Judah remaining to carry on Abraham's heritage. These people of the kingdom of Judah were generally known to themselves and to other nations as Yehudim (Jews), and that name continues to be used today.

Judaism 101: Who Is a Jew?
Considered a Jew?
He was Jewish.

Sure he WAS Jewish but he abandoned Judaism throwing away the old covenant aka old testament to make a new covenant (which became the new testament)...
Basically this is where "Christianity" TOTALLY FUCKED UP i.e. 'real' Christianity should be NEW TESTATMENT only bc Jesus threw the old out with the bathwater! :eusa_whistle: Instead the bible has both old and new which are absolutely contradictory of each other thus making modern Christianity SCHIZO as can be....thanks so much to the Catholic Church for fucking up what Jesus wanted.....In fact, I'd bet if Jesus were alive today and he went to the Vatican he would treat it exactly like the temple he vandalized!

Jesus didn't 'throw out' the OT, he simply fulfilled the Law...

Mat 5:17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
Mat 5:18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

Though He was born as a 'Jew', the Jewish religion was based more on customs of which Jesus did not agree with. Jesus was/is the Word, He is what truth is based on. He himself is not of any 'religion'. Religion is a belief system, Jesus does not need to 'believe' in anything, He KNOWS truth because He IS the truth.

I must remind you of one simple fact...

the bible is NOT the 'word of GOD'!

It is words written by humans just like every other book i.e. "GOD" does NOT write books
so i'm not sure what you think jesus abandoned... i'm not talking about what was done with his words.
first off I am not a 'Christian' so it isn't my religion....anyway he abandoned the Jewish 'eye for an eye' bullshit is what he abandoned...:cuckoo:
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Considered a Jew?
He was Jewish.

Sure he WAS Jewish but he abandoned Judaism throwing away the old covenant aka old testament to make a new covenant (which became the new testament)...
Basically this is where "Christianity" TOTALLY FUCKED UP i.e. 'real' Christianity should be NEW TESTATMENT only bc Jesus threw the old out with the bathwater! :eusa_whistle: Instead the bible has both old and new which are absolutely contradictory of each other thus making modern Christianity SCHIZO as can be....thanks so much to the Catholic Church for fucking up what Jesus wanted.....In fact, I'd bet if Jesus were alive today and he went to the Vatican he would treat it exactly like the temple he vandalized!

Hey doc, you must have marbles for brains to make statements like what you just did.

Prove (with links to REAL scholar sites) that Yeshua (Jesus) abandoned His Judaic roots.

That's right......you won't be able to.

use your brain...
does 'eye for an eye' sound ANYTHING like 'turn the other cheek'?
me thinks not so please do STFU:eusa_whistle:
If Jesus was born in Jeruselem then he is Jewish right? But, in every church I have visited both Black and White he is not as the bible describes: woolly hair, brown skin. Instead he is a White man. Why is that?
Hmmmmm. Because nobody in their right mind would choose a Joo or sand ****** to be their savior and leader ? :lol::lol::lol:
Or Kenyan half breed for that matter.
so i'm not sure what you think jesus abandoned... i'm not talking about what was done with his words.
first off I am not a 'Christian' so it isn't my religion....anyway he abandoned the Jewish 'eye for an eye' bullshit is what he abandoned...:cuckoo:

Eye for an eye means compensating with money .

Also that bullshit is what G-d instructed the Jews.
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1- There was no such a thing as a "Jews" in Jesus times and prior.
I think you should review your history. Someone else pointed out

[to show that man shapes god in his image, not the other way around.

Incidentally, if you've ever been to Israel, you'd know that most Jewish people are caucasian.
If you've ever been to Israel, you'd know that the people of the area, be it Muslim, Jewish, or otherwise, are all darker skinned, not the pale caucasian of America that descended from
I have been to Israel numerous times and most Jews there are white.
1- There was no such a thing as a "Jews" in Jesus times and prior.
I think you should review your history. Someone else pointed out

[to show that man shapes god in his image, not the other way around.

Incidentally, if you've ever been to Israel, you'd know that most Jewish people are caucasian.
If you've ever been to Israel, you'd know that the people of the area, be it Muslim, Jewish, or otherwise, are all darker skinned, not the pale caucasian of America that descended from
I have been to Israel numerous times and most Jews there are white.

He might want to look up "semitic" as well. They are arabic peoples including the descendants of Abraham. And the root for antisemitic.
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1- There was no such a thing as a "Jews" in Jesus times and prior.
I think you should review your history. Someone else pointed out

[to show that man shapes god in his image, not the other way around.

Incidentally, if you've ever been to Israel, you'd know that most Jewish people are caucasian.
If you've ever been to Israel, you'd know that the people of the area, be it Muslim, Jewish, or otherwise, are all darker skinned, not the pale caucasian of America that descended from
I have been to Israel numerous times and most Jews there are white.

Unless they have changed the designations in recent years, race is determined by bone structure more than anything else and generally "Caucasian" was used to describe mostly people of European, North African, and Middle Eastern descent that would include the Arabs, Persians, and Jews of Middle Eastern descent. Many Italians, Mexicans, Greek, and Arabs are darker skinned than are people of Northern Europe, but they are all 'caucasian'. Or at least they used to be classified that way.
Sure he WAS Jewish but he abandoned Judaism throwing away the old covenant aka old testament to make a new covenant (which became the new testament)...
Basically this is where "Christianity" TOTALLY FUCKED UP i.e. 'real' Christianity should be NEW TESTATMENT only bc Jesus threw the old out with the bathwater! :eusa_whistle: Instead the bible has both old and new which are absolutely contradictory of each other thus making modern Christianity SCHIZO as can be....thanks so much to the Catholic Church for fucking up what Jesus wanted.....In fact, I'd bet if Jesus were alive today and he went to the Vatican he would treat it exactly like the temple he vandalized!

Hey doc, you must have marbles for brains to make statements like what you just did.

Prove (with links to REAL scholar sites) that Yeshua (Jesus) abandoned His Judaic roots.

That's right......you won't be able to.

use your brain...
does 'eye for an eye' sound ANYTHING like 'turn the other cheek'?
me thinks not so please do STFU:eusa_whistle:

Hey fuckwit......apparently you're really idiotic and don't really understand much........

"Eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth" was actually something from Judaic law. Although, it has been misunderstood for a while....lemmie clue you in..........

If you take something from someone that they use for their living, then you must redeem them for what you took from them.

In other words, if you took an eye from someone that used their eyes (i.e. a sewer or weaver), then if you injured that part, you were supposed to redeem them for their lost income, as long as they lived.

Same thing with teeth. They used to chew hides for tanning in the old days.

Too many people equate that saying with violence. They really don't understand that Yeshua (Jesus) was actually a rabbi who taught through parables.

What else ya got you ignorant idiot? I still think that your skull is filled with marbles.

And.......that's an insult to marbles.........
Hey doc, you must have marbles for brains to make statements like what you just did.

Prove (with links to REAL scholar sites) that Yeshua (Jesus) abandoned His Judaic roots.

That's right......you won't be able to.

use your brain...
does 'eye for an eye' sound ANYTHING like 'turn the other cheek'?
me thinks not so please do STFU:eusa_whistle:

Hey fuckwit......apparently you're really idiotic and don't really understand much........

"Eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth" was actually something from Judaic law. Although, it has been misunderstood for a while....lemmie clue you in..........

If you take something from someone that they use for their living, then you must redeem them for what you took from them.

In other words, if you took an eye from someone that used their eyes (i.e. a sewer or weaver), then if you injured that part, you were supposed to redeem them for their lost income, as long as they lived.

Same thing with teeth. They used to chew hides for tanning in the old days.

Too many people equate that saying with violence. They really don't understand that Yeshua (Jesus) was actually a rabbi who taught through parables.

What else ya got you ignorant idiot? I still think that your skull is filled with marbles.

And.......that's an insult to marbles.........

u can try to spew your verbal trickery while dodging the facts i.e.
everyone knows eye for an eye literally means
if they cut out your eye then you cut out theirs

so let me sum it up....

if they slap your cheek then you slap theirs or do you TURN IT, ???? :lol:
so obviously ABikerSailor's 'sensei' must have been drunk when he posted that weak retort...

Judaism was/is a very practical religion and I understand it well enough. I mean Jews no harm but choose to make jokes about all of the world's people in an effort to be fair. I'm really going out of my way to make sure all the Jewish people know that I would never want to hurt them or their families simply because of their religion bc I know if I did they would try to hurt me and mine. It is my belief that most people only want to hurt those people who hurt them first i.e. AGRESSIVE people. I guess I could sum it up with this...

I will never hurt a Jewish eye unless one hurts mine first because everyone has the right to defend themselves.

Anyway everyone should just relax and be more open when having discussions about religion and government! The one's who can't are exposing themselves as extremists...I don't claim to be different than them I just claim that I am an extremist with respect to REALITY and I highly recommend it for everyone as the key to the survival of humanity as a whole (bc these crazy religious fruitcakes get their 72 virgins, angels, and harps if the entire planet dies via nuclear holocaust)
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Sure he WAS Jewish but he abandoned Judaism throwing away the old covenant aka old testament to make a new covenant (which became the new testament)...
Basically this is where "Christianity" TOTALLY FUCKED UP i.e. 'real' Christianity should be NEW TESTATMENT only bc Jesus threw the old out with the bathwater! :eusa_whistle: Instead the bible has both old and new which are absolutely contradictory of each other thus making modern Christianity SCHIZO as can be....thanks so much to the Catholic Church for fucking up what Jesus wanted.....In fact, I'd bet if Jesus were alive today and he went to the Vatican he would treat it exactly like the temple he vandalized!

Jesus didn't 'throw out' the OT, he simply fulfilled the Law...

Mat 5:17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
Mat 5:18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

Though He was born as a 'Jew', the Jewish religion was based more on customs of which Jesus did not agree with. Jesus was/is the Word, He is what truth is based on. He himself is not of any 'religion'. Religion is a belief system, Jesus does not need to 'believe' in anything, He KNOWS truth because He IS the truth.

I must remind you of one simple fact...

the bible is NOT the 'word of GOD'!

It is words written by humans just like every other book i.e. "GOD" does NOT write books

Excuse me, but how do you figure YOU can speak definitively to what God does and does not do? You talk to Him on the phone recently or something?

I DO hope you're not going to give us that pedantic, childish argument about "it was a human holding the pen, so it was a human who wrote it", because any secretary can happily tell you about the practice of dictation and trascription.
use your brain...
does 'eye for an eye' sound ANYTHING like 'turn the other cheek'?
me thinks not so please do STFU:eusa_whistle:

Hey fuckwit......apparently you're really idiotic and don't really understand much........

"Eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth" was actually something from Judaic law. Although, it has been misunderstood for a while....lemmie clue you in..........

If you take something from someone that they use for their living, then you must redeem them for what you took from them.

In other words, if you took an eye from someone that used their eyes (i.e. a sewer or weaver), then if you injured that part, you were supposed to redeem them for their lost income, as long as they lived.

Same thing with teeth. They used to chew hides for tanning in the old days.

Too many people equate that saying with violence. They really don't understand that Yeshua (Jesus) was actually a rabbi who taught through parables.

What else ya got you ignorant idiot? I still think that your skull is filled with marbles.

And.......that's an insult to marbles.........

u can try to spew your verbal trickery while dodging the facts i.e.
everyone knows eye for an eye literally means
if they cut out your eye then you cut out theirs

so let me sum it up....

if they slap your cheek then you slap theirs or do you TURN IT, ???? :lol:
so obviously ABikerSailor's 'sensei' must have been drunk when he posted that weak retort...

Judaism was/is a very practical religion and I understand it well enough. I mean Jews no harm but choose to make jokes about all of the world's people in an effort to be fair. I'm really going out of my way to make sure all the Jewish people know that I would never want to hurt them or their families simply because of their religion bc I know if I did they would try to hurt me and mine. It is my belief that most people only want to hurt those people who hurt them first i.e. AGRESSIVE people. I guess I could sum it up with this...

I will never hurt a Jewish eye unless one hurts mine first because everyone has the right to defend themselves.

Anyway everyone should just relax and be more open when having discussions about religion and government! The one's who can't are exposing themselves as extremists...I don't claim to be different than them I just claim that I am an extremist with respect to REALITY and I highly recommend it for everyone as the key to the survival of humanity as a whole (bc these crazy religious fruitcakes get their 72 virgins, angels, and harps if the entire planet dies via nuclear holocaust)

1) You are a moron

2) AGaySailor is right. And that is really painful for me to write.

An "eye for an eye" doesn't mean literally. You compensate someone with money.

Ask the Rabbi, JewishAnswers.org » Eye for an Eye vs. Turning the Other Cheek

The Truth About “an Eye for an Eye and a Tooth for a Tooth” (Is it Meant to be Taken Literally Within Jewish Law?) | Jew In The City

The Torah was written by jews for jews. Your interpretation is meaningless.

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