Why is jesus not a jew in churches?

If you say so. Ropey, neither was I rude nor did I intend to be rude. If you or Mike or anyone else feel scalded by my comments, look inside yourselves, not at me. And again I will say it to all of you: if you want to know if Jesus lives, serve a person each day for the remainder of your life without that person knowing that you are the one blessing him, and you will meet Jesus along the road.

Now if that is offensive to anyone here, then ignore it.
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Jroc said that we, as Jews should stay out of Christian discussions. That means to stay out of religious discussions with Christians.

Jake agreed and posted a thank you to Jroc.

I responded that I disagree with Jroc and also Jake.

This is the reason we as Jews should not get into these Christian discussions, No good can come of it in my opinion. Stay out of it let the Christians discuss it among themselves

Note that Jake agreed with you.

This is why we must take place in all discussions. Because there are those who wish to gag us.

It will not happen with this Jew....

I've too much love for both their side and ours...

For that's the proof of the spiritual connection. Love.

If the emotions are of base negativity, it does not come from G-d.

We know where it comes from. Love thy neighbor is a commandment, and supersedes all other extensions except earlier commandments.

And as humans, we all fail.

But I try. My Lord, who I love, knows I try.

Who is trying to gag you? :eusa_hand:

If you say so. Ropey, neither was I rude nor did I intend to be rude. If you or Mike or anyone else feel scalded by my comments, look inside yourselves, not at me. And again I will say it to all of you: if you want to know if Jesus lives, serve a person each day for the remainder of your life without that person knowing that you are the one blessing him, and you will meet Jesus along the road.

Now if that is offensive to anyone here, then ignore it.

I note that you posted "If you say so" then sat back, thought about it and attacked.

I put forward that it is all about competition with you. You did the same thing to me that you did to Mike.

Which is why I wouldn't have responded to you had you done it to me. I only do now to show your pattern's repetition.
This is only an attack in your head. We all have the right to say as we wish, respond as we wish, and respond to the responses. My repetition is merely to indicate I think your understanding of what I did and why I dead is rather meatheaded. But, hey, use sauce on it. Or you can ignore me.
This is only an attack in your head. We all have the right to say as we wish, respond as we wish, and respond to the responses. My repetition is merely to indicate I think your understanding of what I did and why I dead is rather meatheaded. But, hey, use sauce on it. Or you can ignore me.

Neither Jake. I will simply accept you.
This is only an attack in your head. We all have the right to say as we wish, respond as we wish, and respond to the responses. My repetition is merely to indicate I think your understanding of what I did and why I dead is rather meatheaded. But, hey, use sauce on it. Or you can ignore me.
This is only an attack in your head. We all have the right to say as we wish, respond as we wish, and respond to the responses. My repetition is merely to indicate I think your understanding of what I did and why I dead is rather meatheaded. But, hey, use sauce on it. Or you can ignore me.

Neither Jake. I will simply accept you.

Thank you. Feel free to tear me up anytime. That's the fun of it here. I can feel divecon lurking just beneath the surface here. Where are you, sharkboy?
This is only an attack in your head. We all have the right to say as we wish, respond as we wish, and respond to the responses. My repetition is merely to indicate I think your understanding of what I did and why I dead is rather meatheaded. But, hey, use sauce on it. Or you can ignore me.

Neither Jake. I will simply accept you.

Thank you. Feel free to tear me up anytime. That's the fun of it here. I can feel divecon lurking just beneath the surface here. Where are you, sharkboy?
you really are pathetic
as bad as the troofer morons
This is the reason we as Jews should not get into these Christian discussions, No good can come of it in my opinion. Stay out of it let the Christians discuss it among themselves

Note that Jake agreed with you.

This is why we must take place in all discussions. Because there are those who wish to gag us.

It will not happen with this Jew....

I've too much love for both their side and ours...

For that's the proof of the spiritual connection. Love.

If the emotions are of base negativity, it does not come from G-d.

We know where it comes from. Love thy neighbor is a commandment, and supersedes all other extensions except earlier commandments.

And as humans, we all fail.

But I try. My Lord, who I love, knows I try.

My point is, Jews should not debate the validity of our religious beliefs with non Jews. We can ask questions about other religions if we have questions about them, but we shouldn't debate which one is right in my opinion. This is not the Jewish way. The thing that’s great about Judaism is one does not have to be Jewish to be rewarded in the end, you can even be an atheist and be a righteous person:cool:
This is the reason we as Jews should not get into these Christian discussions, No good can come of it in my opinion. Stay out of it let the Christians discuss it among themselves

Note that Jake agreed with you.

This is why we must take place in all discussions. Because there are those who wish to gag us.

It will not happen with this Jew....

I've too much love for both their side and ours...

For that's the proof of the spiritual connection. Love.

If the emotions are of base negativity, it does not come from G-d.

We know where it comes from. Love thy neighbor is a commandment, and supersedes all other extensions except earlier commandments.

And as humans, we all fail.

But I try. My Lord, who I love, knows I try.

My point is, Jews should not debate the validity of our religious beliefs with non Jews. We can ask questions about other religions if we have questions about them, but we shouldn't debate which one is right in my opinion. This is not the Jewish way. The thing that’s great about Judaism is one does not have to be Jewish to be rewarded in the end, you can even be an atheist and be a righteous person:cool:

I disagree. The Jewish way is to discuss and debate. This is how we have continued. Had we not disagreed with the continued attempts to dissolve us by often quite nefarious methods and debated on how to get out of the current predicament(s), I put forward we would be pagans. I could give many proofs of my extension, but it's strong enough to stand on a single one (to my view).

We have our minds for a reason called choice. There are times when debate and discussion yield poor results, but of often times it is in retrospect wherein we learn and it is not on our time when the comprehension or the ability to discern is increased.

It is not a debate about right or wrong in belief. How could it be? Seriously. I don't see it in those terms and those who do are more on the path of decision rather than belief.

I will choose to come in here and read what I want. I will discuss my love of my connection with my G-d. I will discuss the spiritual precepts which exist in human beings regardless of belief.

I will tread lightly in any posts that seek competition. There is none. My Lord needs no support. Certainly not mine.

I need His...
disagree. The Jewish way is to discuss and debate. This is how we have continued. Had we not disagreed with the continued attempts to dissolve us by often quite nefarious methods and debated on how to get out of the current predicament(s), I put forward we would be pagans. I could give many proofs of my extension, but it's strong enough to stand on a single one (to my view).

That’s true, but I always thought that we discuss and debate Jewish teachings among Jews. Wouldn't it be considered proselytizing if we debate with non Jews?

We have our minds for a reason called choice. There are times when debate and discussion yield poor results, but of often times it is in retrospect wherein we learn and it is not on our time when the comprehension or the ability to discern is increased.

Well.. I've always had poor results when debating religions beliefs with Christians That’s one reason why I don't do it

I will choose to come in here and read what I want. I will discuss my love of my connection with my G-d. I will discuss the spiritual precepts which exist in human beings regardless of belief.

I agree, but that’s not the same as the debate we have amongst ourselves

I will tread lightly in any posts that seek competition. There is none. My Lord needs no support. Certainly not mine.

I need His...

Exactly...well said:up:
That’s true, but I always thought that we discuss and debate Jewish teachings among Jews. Wouldn't it be considered proselytizing if we debate with non Jews?

There is a problem inherent in such thinking. Proselytizing is attempting to convert, even if it is a pagan attempting to convert.

Attempting to understand and gain understanding is a totally different thing. There is a reason that Man was once a single language and why they were tossed down from their tower of Babel (where they were attempting to reach their lord). Search the reasons for this Jroc.

Well.. I've always had poor results when debating religions beliefs with Christians That’s one reason why I don't do it

And as a personal choice, you are well within your rights not to do it. I have found some of the most enjoyable discussions with those who follow Christ. I have found some of the most enjoyable discussions with those who follow Allah. I have found some of the most enjoyable and powerful (connection of course, just as they find with those of their own faith) discussions with those who follow Judaism. I could go on...

But that is discussion at a higher level with all of them. A level of the 'image' sought...

I agree, but that’s not the same as the debate we have amongst ourselves

It doesn't have to be and I put forward that it's not the same for them as when they are discussing between themselves. Any belief.

In my eyes, these are not debates. They are discussions. Debates are by their very definition, competitive. Discussions need not be. I will only debate formally, or (with my people) pilpul.

I will tread lightly in any posts that seek competition. There is none. My Lord needs no support. Certainly not mine.

I need His...

Exactly...well said:up:[/QUOTE]
There are many Jews that I know who are down right hostile towards Christians when it comes to discussing religion, I’m well beyond that, but I don’t' claim to be as competent in these matters as you are Ropey.
There are many Jews that I know who are down right hostile towards Christians when it comes to discussing religion, I’m well beyond that, but I don’t' claim to be as competent in these matters as you are Ropey.

The nice thing about discussion is that you can simply choose to accept whatever you wish to accept and just pass on the rest.

I rather look at it as old and wizened, than competent Jroc. If I was twenty again, I wouldn't be posting here.
Attempting to understand and gain understanding is a totally different thing. There is a reason that Man was once a single language and why they were tossed down from their tower of Babel (where they were attempting to reach their lord). Search the reasons for this Jroc.

Wait do you really believe in that story? In a time when skyscrapers far exceed any towers ancient civilizations could ever have built, where google translate can remove the language barrier, and when we no longer believe the world is flat and that "up" is heaven and "down" is ???? Where we've already gone "up" and know what's up there?

Do you really still believe in that old story to try to explain why there are multiple languages on the planet?
There are many Jews that I know who are down right hostile towards Christians when it comes to discussing religion, I’m well beyond that, but I don’t' claim to be as competent in these matters as you are Ropey.

The nice thing about discussion is that you can simply choose to accept whatever you wish to accept and just pass on the rest.

I rather look at it as old and wizened, than competent Jroc. If I was twenty again, I wouldn't be posting here.

On the theory that there is no knowledge that is not worth having, I see these discussions as a way to learn and also a way to test the opinions I have formed. I don't have to agree with my Jewish friends here in order to benefit from seeing how they perceive this or that even if my own understanding or belief is different. At some point that new information may be useful but in any case, it is interesting to me. Those who see differences of opinion as something to be confronted and attacked miss out on a lot of that I think.

And I agree that those of us who are getting a bit long in the tooth do benefit from the wisdom of experience, but we also become increasingly aware of how much we do not yet know. :)
Attempting to understand and gain understanding is a totally different thing. There is a reason that Man was once a single language and why they were tossed down from their tower of Babel (where they were attempting to reach their lord). Search the reasons for this Jroc.

Wait do you really believe in that story? In a time when skyscrapers far exceed any towers ancient civilizations could ever have built, where google translate can remove the language barrier, and when we no longer believe the world is flat and that "up" is heaven and "down" is ???? Where we've already gone "up" and know what's up there?

Do you really still believe in that old story to try to explain why there are multiple languages on the planet?

Does one have to believe stories to gain their impact? To discern their reasoning for the story?

I put forward that one can learn from such things regardless if one believes in their true, full or partial reality. This is why interpretation is important.
Attempting to understand and gain understanding is a totally different thing. There is a reason that Man was once a single language and why they were tossed down from their tower of Babel (where they were attempting to reach their lord). Search the reasons for this Jroc.

Wait do you really believe in that story? In a time when skyscrapers far exceed any towers ancient civilizations could ever have built, where google translate can remove the language barrier, and when we no longer believe the world is flat and that "up" is heaven and "down" is ???? Where we've already gone "up" and know what's up there?

Do you really still believe in that old story to try to explain why there are multiple languages on the planet?

Does one have to believe stories to gain their impact? To discern their reasoning for the story?

I put forward that one can learn from such things regardless if one believes in their true, full or partial reality. This is why interpretation is important.

In one theological (Christian) theory, for instance, the Garden of Eden is the metaphorical explanation of how sin was introduced into G-d's perfect creation. The stories of Cain and Abel and Noah show how sin spread from the central parents into the family and community. The story of the Tower of Babel metaphorically shows how sin then spread into the whole community and the world. In each instance, sin spoiled some of G-d's perfect creation requiring G-d to intervene in the affairs of humankind with a recurring theme of creation, sin, judgment, redemption/salvation.

When we look for the lessons to be learned, it becomes irrelevent whether the stories were actual events as described or not, and I leave that up to every person to decide for himself/herself.
Attempting to understand and gain understanding is a totally different thing. There is a reason that Man was once a single language and why they were tossed down from their tower of Babel (where they were attempting to reach their lord). Search the reasons for this Jroc.

Wait do you really believe in that story? In a time when skyscrapers far exceed any towers ancient civilizations could ever have built, where google translate can remove the language barrier, and when we no longer believe the world is flat and that "up" is heaven and "down" is ???? Where we've already gone "up" and know what's up there?

Do you really still believe in that old story to try to explain why there are multiple languages on the planet?

Does one have to believe stories to gain their impact? To discern their reasoning for the story?

I put forward that one can learn from such things regardless if one believes in their true, full or partial reality. This is why interpretation is important.
otherwise known as "rightly dividing the word"
some is literal, some is figurative
Attempting to understand and gain understanding is a totally different thing. There is a reason that Man was once a single language and why they were tossed down from their tower of Babel (where they were attempting to reach their lord). Search the reasons for this Jroc.

Wait do you really believe in that story? In a time when skyscrapers far exceed any towers ancient civilizations could ever have built, where google translate can remove the language barrier, and when we no longer believe the world is flat and that "up" is heaven and "down" is ???? Where we've already gone "up" and know what's up there?

Do you really still believe in that old story to try to explain why there are multiple languages on the planet?

Does one have to believe stories to gain their impact? To discern their reasoning for the story?

I put forward that one can learn from such things regardless if one believes in their true, full or partial reality. This is why interpretation is important.
And I put forward that you can think critically about such things regardless of the true, full, partial or allegorical meaning. It's the same lessen as eating the forbidden fruit: seeking knowledge is bad. Collaboration and transparency should be avoided. Ignorance is desired. Funny how such a thing is preached in religion.

"Behold, they are one people, and they have all one language; and this is only the beginning of what they will do; and nothing that they propose to do will now be impossible for them. Come, let us go down, and there confuse their language"

Whether you take that in light of the physical building or the communication, how do you understand that idea in light of modern architecture and internet communication?

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