Why is jesus not a jew in churches?

My, such emotion! One wonders why. One actually knows why. Ropey, such angst. Want to share? If not, please rant away. Please release it. Go ahead. We have the time.
You are a douche bag.

Simply do something good for a person each day and make sure they don't know it is you doing the good. If it makes you feel better to use that language, please do if it helps release some of the anger.
This is the reason we as Jews should not get into these Christian discussions, No good can come of it in my opinion. Stay out of it let the Christians discuss it among themselves

My only comments involved defending Judaism .

Calling Jesus a coward on the cross was defending Judaism? You're pathetic.
That's why the Jews had him murdered, he gave the true gospel to the gentile after they abused it for so many years.
That's why the Jews had him murdered, he gave the true gospel to the gentile after they abused it for so many years.

You know I love you froggy, but that isn't my understanding at all. The Jews didn't see it as murder nor did they care about the gentiles. They saw it as stopping a Jew who was committing and teaching blasphemy. Jesus said he was God, claimed powers of God, claimed ability to empower others. That was blasphemy and unacceptable to an orthodox Jew. It's unacceptable or unbelievable to our Jewish friends now. :)

The Sadducees and Pharisees of Jesus's day weren't concerned about what Jesus told the gentiles. They were concerned about not allowing him to corrupt his own. Okay they were also ticked off at his accusations of them. Even after the crucifixion the man who would become the Apostle Paul was filled with hatred for all Jews who believed and accepted Jesus's teachings and was going about trying to stamp out the infestation growing within Judaism and was having some success until Jesus took care of that on the Damascus Road.
That's why the Jews had him murdered, he gave the true gospel to the gentile after they abused it for so many years.

You know I love you froggy, but that isn't my understanding at all. The Jews didn't see it as murder nor did they care about the gentiles. They saw it as stopping a Jew who was committing and teaching blasphemy. Jesus said he was God, claimed powers of God, claimed ability to empower others. That was blasphemy and unacceptable to an orthodox Jew. It's unacceptable or unbelievable to our Jewish friends now. :)

The Sadducees and Pharisees of Jesus's day weren't concerned about what Jesus told the gentiles. They were concerned about not allowing him to corrupt his own. Okay they were also ticked off at his accusations of them. Even after the crucifixion the man who would become the Apostle Paul was filled with hatred for all Jews who believed and accepted Jesus's teachings and was going about trying to stamp out the infestation growing within Judaism and was having some success until Jesus took care of that on the Damascus Road.

To reject the son of god will bring nothing but damnation on ones self.
That's why the Jews had him murdered, he gave the true gospel to the gentile after they abused it for so many years.

You know I love you froggy, but that isn't my understanding at all. The Jews didn't see it as murder nor did they care about the gentiles. They saw it as stopping a Jew who was committing and teaching blasphemy. Jesus said he was God, claimed powers of God, claimed ability to empower others. That was blasphemy and unacceptable to an orthodox Jew. It's unacceptable or unbelievable to our Jewish friends now. :)

The Sadducees and Pharisees of Jesus's day weren't concerned about what Jesus told the gentiles. They were concerned about not allowing him to corrupt his own. Okay they were also ticked off at his accusations of them. Even after the crucifixion the man who would become the Apostle Paul was filled with hatred for all Jews who believed and accepted Jesus's teachings and was going about trying to stamp out the infestation growing within Judaism and was having some success until Jesus took care of that on the Damascus Road.

To reject the son of god will bring nothing but damnation on ones self.

I respect your beliefs froggy, but for myself I don't think damnation is the prerogative of the Christian to decide. Jesus himself said judge not lest you be judged meaning that we shouldn't presume to wander into territory God has reserved for Himself. And, I simply can't imagine anybody being introduced to the God of Love and Salvation by being told he or she is going to hell. :)
You know I love you froggy, but that isn't my understanding at all. The Jews didn't see it as murder nor did they care about the gentiles. They saw it as stopping a Jew who was committing and teaching blasphemy. Jesus said he was God, claimed powers of God, claimed ability to empower others. That was blasphemy and unacceptable to an orthodox Jew. It's unacceptable or unbelievable to our Jewish friends now. :)

The Sadducees and Pharisees of Jesus's day weren't concerned about what Jesus told the gentiles. They were concerned about not allowing him to corrupt his own. Okay they were also ticked off at his accusations of them. Even after the crucifixion the man who would become the Apostle Paul was filled with hatred for all Jews who believed and accepted Jesus's teachings and was going about trying to stamp out the infestation growing within Judaism and was having some success until Jesus took care of that on the Damascus Road.

To reject the son of god will bring nothing but damnation on ones self.

I respect your beliefs froggy, but for myself I don't think damnation is the prerogative of the Christian to decide. Jesus himself said judge not lest you be judged meaning that we shouldn't presume to wander into territory God has reserved for Himself. And, I simply can't imagine anybody being introduced to the God of Love and Salvation by being told he or she is going to hell. :)

Jesus left his word for us to live by and to prepare us for the future so we'd not be taken in. Mathew 7: 15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

16Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

17Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.

18A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.

19Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.

20Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

21Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

22Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

23And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
And never once did Jesus suggest that it was our job to 'save' anybody or 'condemn' anybody. In fact we can't. We can't merit salvation. We can't earn it. We can't buy it. That's God's job. Our job is to offer the introduction, but then we have to turn it over to Him to finish the project or deal with it as He will.

He had far more to say about loving one another and God's love for us and how we should respond to that more than he had anything else to say. I don't think we do Him much justice or honor Him when we focus on an angry God and make invisible the God who loves all, even those we might personally despise.
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And never once did Jesus suggest that it was our job to 'save' anybody or 'condemn' anybody. In fact we can't. We can't merit salvation. We can't earn it. We can't buy it. That's God's job. Our job is to offer the introduction, but then we have to turn it over to Him to finish the project or deal with it as He will.

He had far more to say about loving one another and God's love for us and how we should respond to that more than he had anything else to say. I don't think we do Him much justice or honor Him when we focus on an angry God and make invisible the God who loves all, even those we might personally despise.

But he said we know other by the fruits they bear, I'm not condemning just say what i see.
And never once did Jesus suggest that it was our job to 'save' anybody or 'condemn' anybody. In fact we can't. We can't merit salvation. We can't earn it. We can't buy it. That's God's job. Our job is to offer the introduction, but then we have to turn it over to Him to finish the project or deal with it as He will.

He had far more to say about loving one another and God's love for us and how we should respond to that more than he had anything else to say. I don't think we do Him much justice or honor Him when we focus on an angry God and make invisible the God who loves all, even those we might personally despise.

But he said we know other by the fruits they bear, I'm not condemning just say what i see.

Yes, we are to judge right and wrong and lead by example. We are to speak out against and resist evil. But in my understanding, we are not privy to look into another's soul or know what his/her relationship is with God and that is not our job. I believe we won't scare or shame anybody into accepting Jesus and in fact I think many have been driven away from Him by the unpleasant or unattractive way in which He was introduced.

What do you respond to better? Straighten up and fly right or you're going to hell! - or - All have sinned and fallen short but Jesus loves us just the same, He wants the very best for us, and all we have to do is accept Him.
And never once did Jesus suggest that it was our job to 'save' anybody or 'condemn' anybody. In fact we can't. We can't merit salvation. We can't earn it. We can't buy it. That's God's job. Our job is to offer the introduction, but then we have to turn it over to Him to finish the project or deal with it as He will.

He had far more to say about loving one another and God's love for us and how we should respond to that more than he had anything else to say. I don't think we do Him much justice or honor Him when we focus on an angry God and make invisible the God who loves all, even those we might personally despise.

But he said we know other by the fruits they bear, I'm not condemning just say what i see.

Yes, we are to judge right and wrong and lead by example. We are to speak out against and resist evil. But in my understanding, we are not privy to look into another's soul or know what his/her relationship is with God and that is not our job. I believe we won't scare or shame anybody into accepting Jesus and in fact I think many have been driven away from Him by the unpleasant or unattractive way in which He was introduced.

What do you respond to better? Straighten up and fly right or you're going to hell! - or - All have sinned and fallen short but Jesus loves us just the same, He wants the very best for us, and all we have to do is accept Him.

But I've not try to make anyone accept God that's there decision to make, i am just instructed to tell others of Jesus. and the bible speaks plainly about hell.
But he said we know other by the fruits they bear, I'm not condemning just say what i see.

Yes, we are to judge right and wrong and lead by example. We are to speak out against and resist evil. But in my understanding, we are not privy to look into another's soul or know what his/her relationship is with God and that is not our job. I believe we won't scare or shame anybody into accepting Jesus and in fact I think many have been driven away from Him by the unpleasant or unattractive way in which He was introduced.

What do you respond to better? Straighten up and fly right or you're going to hell! - or - All have sinned and fallen short but Jesus loves us just the same, He wants the very best for us, and all we have to do is accept Him.

But I've not try to make anyone accept God that's there decision to make, i am just instructed to tell others of Jesus. and the bible speaks plainly about hell.

Yes the Bible does speak of hell, but it has much much more to say about God's love, salvation, heaven and how to love people. I take that as my cue to focus on that.
Yes, we are to judge right and wrong and lead by example. We are to speak out against and resist evil. But in my understanding, we are not privy to look into another's soul or know what his/her relationship is with God and that is not our job. I believe we won't scare or shame anybody into accepting Jesus and in fact I think many have been driven away from Him by the unpleasant or unattractive way in which He was introduced.

What do you respond to better? Straighten up and fly right or you're going to hell! - or - All have sinned and fallen short but Jesus loves us just the same, He wants the very best for us, and all we have to do is accept Him.

But I've not try to make anyone accept God that's there decision to make, i am just instructed to tell others of Jesus. and the bible speaks plainly about hell.

Yes the Bible does speak of hell, but it has much much more to say about God's love, salvation, heaven and how to love people. I take that as my cue to focus on that.

That good. i love you dude in a Godly way.
But I've not try to make anyone accept God that's there decision to make, i am just instructed to tell others of Jesus. and the bible speaks plainly about hell.

Yes the Bible does speak of hell, but it has much much more to say about God's love, salvation, heaven and how to love people. I take that as my cue to focus on that.

That good. i love you dude in a Godly way.

:) And a Merry and blessed Christmas to you and all you love, froggy. :)
And the question is why? Why would no one believe it now, but have no problem believing it happened in the past? Mike says it outright, Jen implies it but won't enter a discussion about it. Why? Religion is such an interesting thing.


I've spent more time in this thread than any other thread running right now.

I already posted reasons. The prophesies all over the Old Testament outlined Jesus before He arrived, He fulfilled them, prophesied, all kinds of people died rather than recant what they saw, and then there's how He's impacted my life (Holy Spirit, etc).

There are prophesies of Jesus coming again but they're not anything like before.

Once again where is the

World peace

All the jews being brought to Israel

All the jews staying in Israel

The temple in jerusalem being rebuilt and standing forever


Mike, I know you'll find it hard to accept this, but the anti-Christ will be heralded in speaking words of peace and safety. Christ already came and is coming again. After that will come the New Jerusalem. Be very careful in the interim.
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No I don't.

I only believe in one G-D, and that G-D is not jesus:cuckoo:

Then by all means simply serve one person each day without that person knowing. Don't worry about Jesus. Let Him worry about you, and you will be fine.
He's dead.

and rose again,
To reject the son of god will bring nothing but damnation on ones self.
Yes. That is what every religion says. Congratulations.

But he said we know other by the fruits they bear, I'm not condemning just say what i see.
By saying what you see, you are condemning. You are allowed to see and keep it to yourself. There seem to be two schools of thought in Christianity regarding the use of the bible as a hurtful weapon. You ought to take a lesson from Foxfyre, because you really aren't winning anyone over with talk of fire and brimstone. You're just trying to make yourself feel better.

You ought to take a lesson from Foxfyre, because you really aren't winning anyone over with talk of fire and brimstone. You're just trying to make yourself feel better.

Well thanks for the vote of confidence, but I seem to recall you neg repping me twice on the same day when I pretty much argued the same points in a different context. Make up your mind. :)
This is the reason we as Jews should not get into these Christian discussions, No good can come of it in my opinion. Stay out of it let the Christians discuss it among themselves

Note that Jake agreed with you.

This is why we must take place in all discussions. Because there are those who wish to gag us.

It will not happen with this Jew....

I've too much love for both their side and ours...

For that's the proof of the spiritual connection. Love.

If the emotions are of base negativity, it does not come from G-d.

We know where it comes from. Love thy neighbor is a commandment, and supersedes all other extensions except earlier commandments.

And as humans, we all fail.

But I try. My Lord, who I love, knows I try.

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