Why is jesus not a jew in churches?

If Jesus was born in Jeruselem then he is Jewish right? But, in every church I have visited both Black and White he is not as the bible describes: woolly hair, brown skin. Instead he is a White man. Why is that?
The Bible doesn't describe him as having wooly hair and olive skin. Jesus was more accurately a Hebrew. Judaism being their religion. You are right, pictures do depict him as being white when he is more likely olive skinned. If a church teaches anything other than Jesus being of Jewish descent they are wrong. As a Christian it doesn't matter to me what heritage he has. It is what he did for me that matters, he died on the cross for my salvation. I hope this helps.
Yes, because it's what a deity does for their believers that matters. Simple things like their appearance, background, or even name clearly hold little weight.
If Jesus was born in Jeruselem then he is Jewish right? But, in every church I have visited both Black and White he is not as the bible describes: woolly hair, brown skin. Instead he is a White man. Why is that?

First of all, a point of clarification. One is not a Jew because one is born in Jerusalem, or anywhere else. One is a Jew because one is born to Jewish parents.

Second, I assume your "he is a white man" comment refers to paintings and statues, and the answer is two words: artistic license. The artist who paints a picture or sculpts a statue of Jesus can make him look like anything he wants. If you don't care for that particular artist's depiction, I heartily suggest you don't buy any of his work.

Oh, one more thing: Jesus wasn't born in Jerusalem, dumbass. He was born in Bethlehem. I'm sure the story's fairly famous.

You would be surprised at the number of people who sing 'Oh Little Town of Bethlehem" and still think he was born in Jerusalem.

I don't think he grew up there either. Mary and Joseph fled with him to Egypt to keep him from being murdered by the Herod's hit men. They later returned to Galilee after Herod died. And Herod was alive and well until Jesus was grown. It was Herod's step daughter, Salome, who danced for him and then demanded the head of John the Baptist. Jesus and John the Baptist were cousins and contemporaries.

There is some thinking that Jesus learned to teach in parables and got a lot of his doctrine from the Egyptian Mystery Schools. There is certainly a story that he was 'initiated' at the Great Pyramid. As the story goes he, as all initiates did, lay in the sarcophagus in the Pyramid. They struck the corner of it with a tuning fork. When they struck it the third time, a piece of the sarcophagus broke off. According to the legend no one was ever initiated in the Great Pyramid again.
Joseph and Mary were from Nazareth, they went to Bethlehem for the census, that is where Jesus was born. He grew up in Nazareth. Refer to the four Gospels; Mathew, Mark, Luke and John.
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The OP was was ridiculous to begin with. What he looked like is not an earthshaking factor. He was born to Jewish parents in Bethlehem and not Jerusalem. Most likely he had a complexion and coloring of any typical Jew of the time. Some Jewish people have said he was a Rabbi and taught from the Torah. Maybe he did what so many other religious leaders have done - put his own twist on what he was teaching and his followers began thinking he was the long-awaited Messiah and got swept away. In any event, most Jews that I know don't consider him the Messiah and are still waiting for the Messiah to come.

Christianity, the worship of Christ, came as a result of what, particularly, his disciples wrote and passed on.

if the messiah had already come, the prophesies would have been fulfilled.

i have no doubt jesus was a good jew but he was also a rabble rouser who tried to get people to stand up to the san hedrin and the priests.

i'd have liked him. he believed in fighting authority and taking care of the poor. a great liberal.

it's what some do in his name that is the problem.
Jesus fulfilled every prophecy in the old testament. It is not a queston of if the messiah came, it is a queston of if you believe it or not. It is called FAITH.
Joseph and Mary were from Nazareth, they went to Bethlehem for the census, that is where Jesus was born. He grew up in Nazareth. Refer to the four Gospels; Mathew, Mark, Luke and John.

Remind me again: were Mary and Joseph married before the conception?
Interesting. Now if an engaged woman today became pregnant, and she insisted that she was still a virgin and that the pregnancy must be a result of God, what would you think of that?
Joseph and Mary were from Nazareth, they went to Bethlehem for the census, that is where Jesus was born. He grew up in Nazareth. Refer to the four Gospels; Mathew, Mark, Luke and John.

Remind me again: were Mary and Joseph married before the conception?

I believe they were engaged.

No they were married:

Matthew 1:18-25: "Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost. Then Joseph her husband, being a just man, and not willing to make her a public example, was minded to put her away privily. But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost. And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins. Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying, Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us. THEN JOSEPH BEING RAISED FROM SLEEP DID AS THE ANGEL OF THE LORD HAD BIDDEN HIM, AND TOOK UNTO HIM HIS WIFE: And knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his name JESUS."
Ah, a friend just pointed out I misread the question.

Joseph indeed was betrothed (engaged) to Mary and they were not yet formally married when she became pregnant. That of course was unacceptable in Jewish law and Joseph intended to break the engagement privately and send her away until the angel intervened. That must have been difficult for a devout Jew, both Joseph and Mary, but the angelic intervention in both cases was apparently very persuasive. They were married when Jesus was born.

Did they understand it all at that time? I think not. They had to learn as the story unfolded just like everybody else had to learn:

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Ah, a friend just pointed out I misread the question.

Joseph indeed was betrothed (engaged) to Mary and they were not yet formally married when she became pregnant. That of course was unacceptable in Jewish law and Joseph intended to break the engagement privately and send her away until the angel intervened. That must have been difficult for a devout Jew, both Joseph and Mary, but the angelic intervention in both cases was apparently very persuasive. They were married when Jesus was born.

Did they understand it all at that time? I think not. They had to learn as the story unfolded just like everybody else had to learn:


Oh. My. Gosh. I LOVE THIS. I love Mark Lowry..I love the Gaither Vocal Band. ♥♥
I have chills now..
Ah, a friend just pointed out I misread the question.

Joseph indeed was betrothed (engaged) to Mary and they were not yet formally married when she became pregnant. That of course was unacceptable in Jewish law and Joseph intended to break the engagement privately and send her away until the angel intervened. That must have been difficult for a devout Jew, both Joseph and Mary, but the angelic intervention in both cases was apparently very persuasive. They were married when Jesus was born.

Did they understand it all at that time? I think not. They had to learn as the story unfolded just like everybody else had to learn:


Oh. My. Gosh. I LOVE THIS. I love Mark Lowry..I love the Gaither Vocal Band. ♥♥
I have chills now..

Our son and daughter-in-law treated Hombre and me to a Mark Lowry concert a couple of years ago and he closed with "Mary Did You Know?" It was wonderful hearing his own version of his song and it gave me chills then too.
Ah, a friend just pointed out I misread the question.

Joseph indeed was betrothed (engaged) to Mary and they were not yet formally married when she became pregnant. That of course was unacceptable in Jewish law and Joseph intended to break the engagement privately and send her away until the angel intervened. That must have been difficult for a devout Jew, both Joseph and Mary, but the angelic intervention in both cases was apparently very persuasive. They were married when Jesus was born.

Did they understand it all at that time? I think not. They had to learn as the story unfolded just like everybody else had to learn:


Oh. My. Gosh. I LOVE THIS. I love Mark Lowry..I love the Gaither Vocal Band. ♥♥
I have chills now..

Our son and daughter-in-law treated Hombre and me to a Mark Lowry concert a couple of years ago and he closed with "Mary Did You Know?" It was wonderful hearing his own version of his song and it gave me chills then too.

Oh yeah!!!
The OP was was ridiculous to begin with. What he looked like is not an earthshaking factor. He was born to Jewish parents in Bethlehem and
Christianity, the worship of Christ, came as a result of what, particularly, his disciples wrote and passed on.

if the messiah had already come, the prophesies would have been fulfilled.

i have no doubt jesus was a good jew but he was also a rabble rouser who tried to get people to stand

it's what some do in his name that is the problem.
Jesus fulfilled every prophecy in the old testament. It is not a queston of if the messiah came, it is a queston of if you believe it or not. It is called FAITH.
Its called denial.

Where are the fulfilled messianic prophesies of:

World peace

All the Jews coming to Israel

All the Jews staying in Israel

The temple of Israel being rebuilt and standing forever

One recognized by all the Jews their king


This is in ezekiel 37 and michah 4:3
Ah, a friend just pointed out I misread the question.

Joseph indeed was betrothed (engaged) to Mary and they were not yet formally married when she became pregnant. That of course was unacceptable in Jewish law and Joseph intended to break the engagement privately and send her away until the angel intervened. That must have been difficult for a devout Jew, both Joseph and Mary, but the angelic intervention in both cases was apparently very persuasive. They were married when Jesus was born.

Did they understand it all at that time? I think not. They had to learn as the story unfolded just like everybody else had to learn:


Oh. My. Gosh. I LOVE THIS. I love Mark Lowry..I love the Gaither Vocal Band. ♥♥
I have chills now..

I had never even heard of them... Thanks Fox!
Joseph indeed was betrothed (engaged) to Mary and they were not yet formally married when she became pregnant. That of course was unacceptable in Jewish law and Joseph intended to break the engagement privately and send her away
Yes, I can certainly see how it would be rather embarrassing and shameful to both of them if people found out a woman was pregnant before being married. If only they could come up with some explanation........

So if this happened today, and the explanation given was that the woman was really a virgin and God created the conception, what would you think? Would you believe it? Would you find it foolish? Would you have questions?
Interesting. Now if an engaged woman today became pregnant, and she insisted that she was still a virgin and that the pregnancy must be a result of God, what would you think of that?

I would think that if it was true, it wouldn't matter what I thought.

If her child grew up and walked on water, I would still doubt the story because Jesus warned us of signs and wonders from the anti-Christ.

The life of Jesus Christ, however, fulfilled all kinds of prophecies, even ones that seemed to conflict until His life made it clear by living them out. That's why I trust Him, that and how He has guided and protected me in my life since giving my life to Him.
Excellent point. Well it turns out her child was born and named Jesus also. He grows up and a few guys see him walk on water. Oh and turn water into wine. He professes that he has returned. You believe it now, don't you? I mean, the woman SAYS she was a virgin, and those guys swear they saw those things. You believe everything, don't you?
Excellent point. Well it turns out her child was born and named Jesus also. He grows up and a few guys see him walk on water. Oh and turn water into wine. He professes that he has returned. You believe it now, don't you? I mean, the woman SAYS she was a virgin, and those guys swear they saw those things. You believe everything, don't you?

Were you writing to me? Because if you were, you didn't read my post well.

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