Why is jesus not a jew in churches?

You are much like those Rabbis who instructed me Ropey and In fact I am now wondering if you are a Rabbi? (I do not for a minute believe Cmike is either Rabbi or Priest as he claims because he seems to know so little about the scriptures he defends but if I am wrong about that, it is of no consequence.)

I am a student. I have met Rabbis I would not choose to sit and discuss with because their own personal interpretive views were far more extreme than I would like. Israel's Democracy marginalizes them pretty much. They speak to a few, but not many listen.

We are human, thus conceived of every spectrum of humanities characteristics. He could be easily be a Rabbi. We have men, women, gays, and transgendered Rabbis.


We are simply human, even if there are some who say we are pigs and dogs. Our more passionate and fanatically extreme say crazy things as well.

For my personal choice, when someone becomes rude or foul with me, then I simply choose not to read and simply scan the post. But it would have to be pretty foul.

It is a choice. Your choice. :eusa_shhh:

I take it that one reason you reject the Christian's messiah is based on your closing emphasized line: One does NOT kill or harm their offspring.

I would be a bit more circumspect when assigning any value system to another. That's why we have questions.

My emphasis is for the murder of any offspring. I don't reject him as a human being. I don't reject him as a prophet of G-d. I don't reject him as the center of Christianity.

However, I am a Jew and my belief is that of a Jew. The two beliefs split apart for a reason.

There is no need to reject him though. I am not looking to be one of your faith. If I was, then I would have to make a choice because the two are not inclusive to my veiw.

So, I accept him as Christianities Son of God. Their Prince of Peace who must be here for a reason. Many reasons I don't know. I don't know this one either. I don't know why the Jews and Israel have bypassed their conquerors through the ages and their conquerors Empires have gone. Oh, I know our books reason for why. However, to anyone who does not follow our book, that must remain an amazing question.

There must be a reason. Many Rabbis speak to their views on this reason. Many learned men discuss this reason.

Are you speaking of the Christian G-D who gave his only son? Again there are such dichotomies. Was not Abraham blessed when he was williing to sacrifice Isaac as a burnt offering when YHWH commanded him to do that? As the story goes, YHWH did not require him to go through with it, but Abraham's faith was tested nevertheless in his willingness to do that.

I answered that above. It must be important for you to mention it twice and ascribe it as a rejection to me :razz:

I can see some more aggressive and passionate of my people might respond to you with abrasiveness. I would not condone it, but I can see...

I believe that culture has killed more people than the books the culture believes their ideologies birth from. Epiphanies have slaughtered more than any belief system. Anger has murdered more wives and children, than the books that they followed and often took as 'permission' to kill, doubly so for those with 'epiphanies'.

So, to further clarify the above, I was speaking with regards to the books as children. Judaism is first born, Christianity is second born and Islam is third born.

They are children to our book.

So fast forward thousands of years to First Century BC. G-d gave his only son as a sacrifice to cover the sins of all. Why would he do that when as G-d he could have simply forgiven those sins? But would the people have ever understood with a blood sacrifice had always been required for the remission of sins? But kill his own son? Yes. But in Christian belief he WAS that son as well as the Father of that son. And that is the ultimate of the Christian gospel: G-D loves us so much that he was willing to suffer the pain of a father watching his son die a terrible death and G-D loves us so much that he was willing to become one of us--the Word became flesh--and suffer anddie on the cross for us.

It is the greatest of all mysteries within Christian beliefs.

And there has never been a Christian command, except among those who put distorted doctrine or dogma ahead of the Gospel, for anyone to sacrifice any other person or any living thing since that time. G-d himself became man, wholly human, and made himself the ultimate sacrifice. As Jesus said, he came not to do away with the Law, but to fulfill the Law.

The Christian believes this. But without a solid grounding in Old Testament history and teachings, it would make no sense at all.

I have read the New Testament. From end to end and more than once. I needed to understand the transition. I have read the Qu'ran as well.


Just as you stay true to yours.
If Jesus was born in Jeruselem then he is Jewish right? But, in every church I have visited both Black and White he is not as the bible describes: woolly hair, brown skin. Instead he is a White man. Why is that?

as time passes, churches and religions create their own vesion of jesus (what he looks like).
does that deminish the what jesus said or professed when he walked the earth, NO.
If Jesus was born in Jeruselem then he is Jewish right? But, in every church I have visited both Black and White he is not as the bible describes: woolly hair, brown skin. Instead he is a White man. Why is that?

as time passes, churches and religions create their own vesion of jesus (what he looks like).
does that deminish the what jesus said or professed when he walked the earth, NO.

No, but it does make you wonder: if time has the ability to change his appearance and his very NAME, then why on earth do you believe that the stories of his life were passed down accurately? Why do you believe some half-baked hallucination by someone who never met the man is valid? We can't even get his skin color right. Imagine how believable it would be if someone today had a "vision" of Jesus and was told he needed to write it for inclusion in the bible. How reasonable does that sound today?

No, visual changes does not change what was written, but you have to wonder how many changes the written had seen as well.
If Jesus was born in Jeruselem then he is Jewish right? But, in every church I have visited both Black and White he is not as the bible describes: woolly hair, brown skin. Instead he is a White man. Why is that?

as time passes, churches and religions create their own vesion of jesus (what he looks like).
does that deminish the what jesus said or professed when he walked the earth, NO.

No, but it does make you wonder: if time has the ability to change his appearance and his very NAME, then why on earth do you believe that the stories of his life were passed down accurately? Why do you believe some half-baked hallucination by someone who never met the man is valid? We can't even get his skin color right. Imagine how believable it would be if someone today had a "vision" of Jesus and was told he needed to write it for inclusion in the bible. How reasonable does that sound today?

No, visual changes does not change what was written, but you have to wonder how many changes the written had seen as well.

that's a matter of faith which is the basis of religious belief. i get your point and it's a good one. i'll still stick with my faith.
If Jesus was born in Jeruselem then he is Jewish right? But, in every church I have visited both Black and White he is not as the bible describes: woolly hair, brown skin. Instead he is a White man. Why is that?

as time passes, churches and religions create their own vesion of jesus (what he looks like).
does that deminish the what jesus said or professed when he walked the earth, NO.

No, but it does make you wonder: if time has the ability to change his appearance and his very NAME, then why on earth do you believe that the stories of his life were passed down accurately? Why do you believe some half-baked hallucination by someone who never met the man is valid? We can't even get his skin color right. Imagine how believable it would be if someone today had a "vision" of Jesus and was told he needed to write it for inclusion in the bible. How reasonable does that sound today?

No, visual changes does not change what was written, but you have to wonder how many changes the written had seen as well.

If you are wondering, ask the Lord.
You have no solid ground of the Torah, because the Torah clearly contradicts the christian fundamental beliefs of centering it around jesus.

According to the G-D that I believe in there is:

1) One G-D

2) That G-D is not divided

3) You may only put your faith in him, no one else

4) Worshipping any one else in any manner is perhaps the greatest of all sins.

Obviously, your religion and my religion are mutually exclusive.

:nono:What is it with you man? You say you're Jewish? It is not the Jewish way to convince non-Jews that you are right with you religious beliefs. No proselytizing get? Respect other people's religious beliefs and go on about you're business.. So long as they don't want to cut of you're head of course.
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You know......you've got to wonder about someone who calls themselves a kohan yet doesn't know that it's really close to rabbi.

Additionally, taking any kind of theological "facts" from some idiot who confuses Joshua with Yeshua is equally stupid.

Too bad he's got me on ignore, but, I can tell you all something..........if you call CMike "**** Mike" just a couple of times, he'll ignore you too.

I'm really beginning to question his sanity. :cuckoo:
You have no solid ground of the Torah, because the Torah clearly contradicts the christian fundamental beliefs of centering it around jesus.

According to the G-D that I believe in there is:

1) One G-D

2) That G-D is not divided

3) You may only put your faith in him, no one else

4) Worshipping any one else in any manner is perhaps the greatest of all sins.

Obviously, your religion and my religion are mutually exclusive.

:nono:What is it with you man? You say you're Jewish? It is not the Jewish way to convince non-Jews that you are right with you religious beliefs. No proselytizing get? Respect other people's religious beliefs and go on about you're business.. So long as they don't want to cut of you're head of course.
They can believe whatever they want, without me caring.

When they start perverting the Torah to validate their beliefs that's when I jump in.

I am just stating the truth.
If Jesus was born in Jeruselem then he is Jewish right? But, in every church I have visited both Black and White he is not as the bible describes: woolly hair, brown skin. Instead he is a White man. Why is that?

as time passes, churches and religions create their own vesion of jesus (what he looks like).
does that deminish the what jesus said or professed when he walked the earth, NO.

No, but it does make you wonder: if time has the ability to change his appearance and his very NAME, then why on earth do you believe that the stories of his life were passed down accurately? Why do you believe some half-baked hallucination by someone who never met the man is valid? We can't even get his skin color right. Imagine how believable it would be if someone today had a "vision" of Jesus and was told he needed to write it for inclusion in the bible. How reasonable does that sound today?

No, visual changes does not change what was written, but you have to wonder how many changes the written had seen as well.

Don't you understand? Have we lost any of the original words? They're right there for the viewing.

Over the years people have tried to simplify it for those who just take a glance. But if you want to dig deep, it's all there.

I would love for Tynedale to come up with a Bible with all the original words for God, but I also realize that if a new Christian picked it up...
You know......you've got to wonder about someone who calls themselves a kohan yet doesn't know that it's really close to rabbi.

Additionally, taking any kind of theological "facts" from some idiot who confuses Joshua with Yeshua is equally stupid.

Too bad he's got me on ignore, but, I can tell you all something..........if you call CMike "**** Mike" just a couple of times, he'll ignore you too.

I don't think I've ever said this before cause I'm never really sure what is meant by the term.

But...(stepping lightly)...I think this is a

straw dog

and a kind of profane one at that

bikersailor are you having a bad day?

You have no solid ground of the Torah, because the Torah clearly contradicts the christian fundamental beliefs of centering it around jesus.

According to the G-D that I believe in there is:

1) One G-D

2) That G-D is not divided

3) You may only put your faith in him, no one else

4) Worshipping any one else in any manner is perhaps the greatest of all sins.

Obviously, your religion and my religion are mutually exclusive.

Time will tell CMike, and all knees shall bow to that one God you wrote of, and it will suddenly make sense to all


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