Why is jesus not a jew in churches?

What precisely do you mean by "revelation"?

You're a priest and you don't know what revelation is?
I am Jewish . Hello???

Hey **** Mike..........just because you're Jewish, DOES NOT mean that you are a kohan.

By the way you slack jawed sperm drooling colon jousting cum dumpster, it is YOU who have ME on ignore, not the other way around.

Yeah.........I read your confused scrawls. How else would I know that you confused Joshua and Yeshua by saying they were both the same person?

Fuck off ya goddamn pedant, go please purists.
as time passes, churches and religions create their own vesion of jesus (what he looks like).
does that deminish the what jesus said or professed when he walked the earth, NO.

No, but it does make you wonder: if time has the ability to change his appearance and his very NAME, then why on earth do you believe that the stories of his life were passed down accurately? Why do you believe some half-baked hallucination by someone who never met the man is valid? We can't even get his skin color right. Imagine how believable it would be if someone today had a "vision" of Jesus and was told he needed to write it for inclusion in the bible. How reasonable does that sound today?

No, visual changes does not change what was written, but you have to wonder how many changes the written had seen as well.

If you are wondering, ask the Lord.
I asked. It said I was a prophet and need to write another book to be included in the bible, and it gave me visions of what needed to be written. You believe me, don't you? I mean, you believe that one old dude who said the same thing, right?

Oh also, I know a woman who got pregnant without having sex. I believe it was God's doing. You believe me, don't you?

Don't you understand? Have we lost any of the original words? They're right there for the viewing.

Over the years people have tried to simplify it for those who just take a glance. But if you want to dig deep, it's all there.

I would love for Tynedale to come up with a Bible with all the original words for God, but I also realize that if a new Christian picked it up...
We have the original words? You may have a point with the OT, as every letter needs to be exactly transcribed, but how did the NT come about? I believe a bunch of dudes voted on which books made it. And who wrote it again? Let's think about fidelity a bit more.
We have the original words? You may have a point with the OT, as every letter needs to be exactly transcribed, but how did the NT come about? I believe a bunch of dudes voted on which books made it. And who wrote it again? Let's think about fidelity a bit more.

Where are the fruits of your efforts?

I have no problem with continuing revelation. The historic Church was corrupted the second they started denying God communicated with men.

Obviously, I cut more than i intended. I apologize for that. Im responding to the whole post.

Oh and scientists can impregnate virgins fairly easy nowadays. Why on earth would God have a difficult time with it?
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Oh and scientists can impregnate virgins fairly easy nowadays. Why on earth would God have a difficult time with it?

Anything in G-d's realm is possible and everything is in G-d's realm.

We only think we know, and believe that what we think is right. :eusa_shhh:

But.... :razz:

So, I :eusa_pray:
You know......you've got to wonder about someone who calls themselves a kohan yet doesn't know that it's really close to rabbi.

Additionally, taking any kind of theological "facts" from some idiot who confuses Joshua with Yeshua is equally stupid.

Too bad he's got me on ignore, but, I can tell you all something..........if you call CMike "**** Mike" just a couple of times, he'll ignore you too.

Gay Sailor I am temporarily taking you off ignore to respond to this. You are vulagar piece of shit.

Here is a little clue, what is a jewish priest, how does one become a jewish priest, and what are a jewish priests responsiblities these days?

Before you say more stupid things, Google can get you a lot of good information.

Also Yeshusa is Joshua.

Your gay.
We have the original words? You may have a point with the OT, as every letter needs to be exactly transcribed, but how did the NT come about? I believe a bunch of dudes voted on which books made it. And who wrote it again? Let's think about fidelity a bit more.

Where are the fruits of your efforts?

I have no problem with continuing revelation. The historic Church was corrupted the second they started denying God communicated with men.

Obviously, I cut more than i intended. I apologize for that. Im responding to the whole post.

Oh and scientists can impregnate virgins fairly easy nowadays. Why on earth would God have a difficult time with it?

G-D can do anything, but there is no reason he would do something so rediculous :cuckoo:
The people responsible for taking care of their people should know the God they serve. And that is impossible without revelation.
I'm going to answer my own question.

It's incredible the amount of people who have not the smallest clue what they are talking about, who are "experts" in someone else's religoin :cuckoo:

A Kohen, is a jewish priest. I am a kohen because my father was a kohen. He was a kohen because his father was a kohen. It goes back to Aaron.

As a kohen basically I get the first reading of the Torah during the sabbat prayer service.

Also during the Day of Attonement I say a prayer over the congregation, along with my fellow kohanim.

This is the blessing, but in hebrew.

May YHWH bless you and guard you – יְבָרֶכְךָ יְהוָה, וְיִשְׁמְרֶךָ
May YHWH make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you – יָאֵר יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וִיחֻנֶּךָּ
May YHWH lift up his face onto you and give you peace – יִשָּׂא יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ,

To the christian know it alls about judaism whom have posted here--:cuckoo:- get a fucking clue.

Thank you for your time on this pressing matter :eusa_whistle::lol:
You're a priest and you don't know what revelation is?
I am Jewish . Hello???

Hey **** Mike..........just because you're Jewish, DOES NOT mean that you are a kohan.

By the way you slack jawed sperm drooling colon jousting cum dumpster, it is YOU who have ME on ignore, not the other way around.

Yeah.........I read your confused scrawls. How else would I know that you confused Joshua and Yeshua by saying they were both the same person?

Fuck off ya goddamn pedant, go please purists.

psssssssp, Joshua and Yeshua and Jesus are all related names....
You know......you've got to wonder about someone who calls themselves a kohan yet doesn't know that it's really close to rabbi.

Additionally, taking any kind of theological "facts" from some idiot who confuses Joshua with Yeshua is equally stupid.

Too bad he's got me on ignore, but, I can tell you all something..........if you call CMike "**** Mike" just a couple of times, he'll ignore you too.

Gay Sailor I am temporarily taking you off ignore to respond to this. You are vulagar piece of shit.

Here is a little clue, what is a jewish priest, how does one become a jewish priest, and what are a jewish priests responsiblities these days?

Before you say more stupid things, Google can get you a lot of good information.

Also Yeshusa is Joshua.

Your gay.

Joshua was the guy who took down Jericho, Yeshua is the one the Romans crucified.

Tell ya what you smegma slurping cock monkey, your knowledge of the Bible is about as much as Beck and Palin know about the Constitution.
You know......you've got to wonder about someone who calls themselves a kohan yet doesn't know that it's really close to rabbi.

Additionally, taking any kind of theological "facts" from some idiot who confuses Joshua with Yeshua is equally stupid.

Too bad he's got me on ignore, but, I can tell you all something..........if you call CMike "**** Mike" just a couple of times, he'll ignore you too.

Gay Sailor I am temporarily taking you off ignore to respond to this. You are vulagar piece of shit.

Here is a little clue, what is a jewish priest, how does one become a jewish priest, and what are a jewish priests responsiblities these days?

Before you say more stupid things, Google can get you a lot of good information.

Also Yeshusa is Joshua.

Your gay.

Joshua was the guy who took down Jericho, Yeshua is the one the Romans crucified.

Tell ya what you smegma slurping cock monkey, your knowledge of the Bible is about as much as Beck and Palin know about the Constitution.

GaySailor Yeshua is Joshua in hebrew :cuckoo:

Back on the ignore list you go, where you deserve to be.
You know......you've got to wonder about someone who calls themselves a kohan yet doesn't know that it's really close to rabbi.

Additionally, taking any kind of theological "facts" from some idiot who confuses Joshua with Yeshua is equally stupid.

Too bad he's got me on ignore, but, I can tell you all something..........if you call CMike "**** Mike" just a couple of times, he'll ignore you too.

Gay Sailor I am temporarily taking you off ignore to respond to this. You are vulagar piece of shit.

Here is a little clue, what is a jewish priest, how does one become a jewish priest, and what are a jewish priests responsiblities these days?

Before you say more stupid things, Google can get you a lot of good information.

Also Yeshusa is Joshua.

Your gay.

Joshua was the guy who took down Jericho, Yeshua is the one the Romans crucified.

Tell ya what you smegma slurping cock monkey, your knowledge of the Bible is about as much as Beck and Palin know about the Constitution.
uh, they are 2 different phonetic spellings of the same Hebrew name
Gay Sailor I am temporarily taking you off ignore to respond to this. You are vulagar piece of shit.

Here is a little clue, what is a jewish priest, how does one become a jewish priest, and what are a jewish priests responsiblities these days?

Before you say more stupid things, Google can get you a lot of good information.

Also Yeshusa is Joshua.

Your gay.

Joshua was the guy who took down Jericho, Yeshua is the one the Romans crucified.

Tell ya what you smegma slurping cock monkey, your knowledge of the Bible is about as much as Beck and Palin know about the Constitution.

GaySailor Yeshua is Joshua in hebrew :cuckoo:

Back on the ignore list you go, where you deserve to be.
actually, isnt it more Yeshua is the correct Hebrew pronunciation of the name Joshua?
"The Hebrew Yeshua vs. the Greek Jesus"

"Yeshua" in First Century Hebrew Text


The four letters or consonants from right to left are Yod, Shin, Vav, Ayin (Y, SH, OO, A).

Thus Jesus is the Greek name for the Hebrew name Joshua or Y'shua."


YEH SHU - A removed as there is no Greek letter for Hebrew "Ayin"
YEH O - SH removed as there is no Greek letter for Hebrew "Shin"
IE SOU - Hebrew YEH = Greek IE Equivalent => Hebrew YEH
IE SOUS - S added in Greek as a nominative case ending. (Ending in a noun/name)
IE SUS - O removed in English translation as found in the original King James Translation
JE SUS - J replaces I in later King James Versions.


So, now on to belief.

The devoutly Jewish people feel Yeshua is not applicable to them, so they never really have considered His claims.

So, in the old testament, the call for the messiah is the call. Not a call to Yeshua, who we do not feel has fulfilled all the prophesies in order to become Messiah.

So, the Torah is right for the Jews. There is a Yeshua and a coming Messiah for their belief.

So, the Bible is right for the Christians. There is a Yeshua who is Jesus and who is the Messiah, the Prince of Peace.

So, Mike is right for him. There is no mention of Jesus in the old testament. The translation from Yeshua to Jesus is in the New Testament is via translation and an extension to the belief that is not accepted by devout Judiasm.

Who is to say that Yeshua of the prophecies is actually Jesus of the Scriptures?

Belief. :eusa_pray:

Who is to say that Yeshua of the prophesies is not actually Jesus of the Scriptures?

Belief. :eusa_pray:

I do not step on the toes of Christians and their belief. I would hope they leave me mine.

Both cases are arguable and both cases are correct for those their cases support.

Why exclude? Include. It's all supposed to be. There is no transgressions to my view. We are supposed to not know. That is the reasoning for our faith and personal connection with every belief.
Oh and scientists can impregnate virgins fairly easy nowadays. Why on earth would God have a difficult time with it?
No but this one was done by God. It told me in a vision. You believe me, don't you?

Gay Sailor I am temporarily taking you off ignore to respond to this.
If you need to "take someone off ignore" to respond to something they said, then they weren't on ignore in the first place. Just thought you should know.

The people responsible for taking care of their people should know the God they serve. And that is impossible without revelation.
Yeah doctors worry about that all the time. "What drug do I give? This is impossible without revelation! Maybe I should just guess."

psssssssp, Joshua and Yeshua and Jesus are all related names....
related but not the same.

GaySailor Yeshua is Joshua in hebrew
Not exactly. If you talk to any Hebrew historian, they will quickly point out the differences, as others have started to do in this thread.

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