Why is jesus not a jew in churches?

Wait do you really believe in that story? In a time when skyscrapers far exceed any towers ancient civilizations could ever have built, where google translate can remove the language barrier, and when we no longer believe the world is flat and that "up" is heaven and "down" is ???? Where we've already gone "up" and know what's up there?

Do you really still believe in that old story to try to explain why there are multiple languages on the planet?

Does one have to believe stories to gain their impact? To discern their reasoning for the story?

I put forward that one can learn from such things regardless if one believes in their true, full or partial reality. This is why interpretation is important.
And I put forward that you can think critically about such things regardless of the true, full, partial or allegorical meaning. It's the same lessen as eating the forbidden fruit: seeking knowledge is bad. Collaboration and transparency should be avoided. Ignorance is desired. Funny how such a thing is preached in religion.

"Behold, they are one people, and they have all one language; and this is only the beginning of what they will do; and nothing that they propose to do will now be impossible for them. Come, let us go down, and there confuse their language"

Whether you take that in light of the physical building or the communication, how do you understand that idea in light of modern architecture and internet communication?
I agree with you SMH. It is why we are not still in Eden. We are where we should be. Deciding our personal path.

One must take into account the times in which any language of ideas and thoughts are created. It is through retrospective analysis.

I believe that science and monotheism are entwined. Science is simply a technical understanding and measurement of the effects.

We use electricity. We do not understand it. Yes, we understand its effects, but not its creation. We can measure it and easily mathematically conceive it, but we do not understand its creation. We can harness it and use it and we have many methods in which to convert it.

But understand it?

That's the same thing with monotheism. Faith. When you plug in an electricity enabled device, you have faith that it will work. We have faith that the stories have meaning.

I see the Tower of Babel as the extension of humanity. It is up to us to create the tower of understanding before we can climb the tower of our lord.

Instilled hate will never climb that tower, regardless of belief or faith.

My view at any rate...
It's kind of like how Barack is no longer a Muslim now that he has arisen as the Obamessiah.

1- There was no such a thing as a "Jews" in Jesus times and prior.

2- Jesus did not convert or become anything. The Bible clearly states that he "supposidly" said, he had come not to change a single word, or letter from the OLD LAW....but Christians Have changed nearly 1/2.

Now as for who is lying is another thing.:cuckoo:
It's kind of like how Barack is no longer a Muslim now that he has arisen as the Obamessiah.

1- There was no such a thing as a "Jews" in Jesus times and prior.

2- Jesus did not convert or become anything. The Bible clearly states that he "supposidly" said, he had come not to change a single word, or letter from the OLD LAW....but Christians Have changed nearly 1/2.

Now as for who is lying is another thing.:cuckoo:

there were hebrews for almost 6,000 years. at times they've been called israelites, hebrews, tribes of israel... but it's jews living under the same laws and same book.

history can be your friend.
It's kind of like how Barack is no longer a Muslim now that he has arisen as the Obamessiah.

Obana is neither a muslim or a Christian. A Christians does not critiseze the Bible even if wrong staares him in the face:confused:
If Jesus was born in Jeruselem then he is Jewish right? But, in every church I have visited both Black and White he is not as the bible describes: woolly hair, brown skin. Instead he is a White man. Why is that?

No clue where you would get something that absurd. All Christian churches know Jesus was a Jew. :rolleyes:

He must think everyone in the Middle East is Arab.:eusa_angel:
Jesus was a semetic person, aka arabic.

The "pictures" that portray him as a blond blue eyed white man are example of how wrong religion is and the racism and arrogance of humans in their worship of their gods.

I got a whipping for asking about this in sunday school one time.
Question nothing in church is how I was raised.
btw it is the same denomination as Palin belongs to.

Here's one area where I'd agree with you in the sense that "religion" in the way you mean; or man's false teachings, can be wrong. (And/or mans "sin") However, having a relationship with Jesus Christ our Lord and its very deep and personal - so it is not a "religion."

""The word religion is sometimes used interchangeably with faith or belief system, but religion differs from private belief in that it has a public aspect"" (From Wiki - Religion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia )

But yeah, we do not know what He looked like. Those pictures are deceiving. I cried when I found out the truth of that when I was 31 years old.

Great link with honest answers. "What Did Jesus Look Like?"
What did Jesus look like?

"////Most of the images we have of Jesus today are probably not accurate. Jesus was a Jew, so He likely had dark skin, dark eyes, and dark hair. This is a far cry from the blond-haired, blue-eyed, fair-skinned Jesus in many modern pictures.////"

This is one of my favorite pictures or rather, sketches of Him. We cannot see His Face, but we see the nails in His Hand and Him holding His "sheep."


Isaiah 53:3
He was despised and rejected by mankind,
a man of suffering, and familiar with pain.
Like one from whom people hide their faces
He was despised, and we held Him in low esteem.
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Jesus was a semetic person, aka arabic.

The "pictures" that portray him as a blond blue eyed white man are example of how wrong religion is and the racism and arrogance of humans in their worship of their gods.

I got a whipping for asking about this in sunday school one time.
Question nothing in church is how I was raised.
btw it is the same denomination as Palin belongs to.

PS - I'm sorry you got a whipping. That's just plain wrong. Out of curiousity, may I please ask which "church" you had gone to? I know you said Palin's, but she started out in the Roman Catholic church until 12 I think....then went off to other denominations, I think now Evangelical. The Evangelical churches I know of would never whip people for asking that. Honest questions about Jesus are good and not turned away, in my experience. That just my experience.

Are you talking Roman Catholic then?

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being born in Jerusalem does not a jew make :cuckoo: but Jesus WAS raised by Jewish parents and probably would have been considered a 'jew' by most people who knew him as a youth
being born in Jerusalem does not a jew make :cuckoo: but Jesus WAS raised by Jewish parents and probably would have been considered a 'jew' by most people who knew him as a youth

The Bible supports that He was, yes. And so much more. :) Link to questions about it and verses supporting it.

Was Jesus a Jew?

Partial quote from link above:
/////Jesus also displayed the outward signs of being an observant Jew. He wore tzitzit (tassles) on His clothing (Luke 8:43; Matthew 14:36) to serve as a reminder of the commandments (Numbers 15:37-39). He observed Passover (John 2:13) and went up to Jerusalem (Deuteronomy 16:16) on this very important Jewish pilgrimage feast day. He observed Succoth, or the feast of tabernacles (John 7:2, 10) and went up to Jerusalem (John 7:14) as required in the Torah. He also observed Hanukah, the festival of lights (John 10:22) and probably Rosh Hashanah, the feast of trumpets (John 5:1), going up to Jerusalem on both those occasions as well, even though it isn't commanded in the Torah. Clearly, Jesus identified Himself as a Jew (John 4:22) and as King of the Jews (Mark 15:2). From His birth to His last Passover Seder (Luke 22:14-15), Jesus lived as an observant Jew.

So, if Jesus was a Jew, why is it that Christians don’t follow Judaism? The Laws of Judaism were given to Moses for the children of Israel in a very sacred and special covenant at Mount Sinai and recorded for us in the book of Exodus. In this covenant, God wrote His laws on tablets of stone, and Israel was commanded to be obedient to all that was revealed to them. But this wonderful covenant was only a picture of a New and better covenant that God would one day give to His people, both Jew and Gentile.

This new covenant is recorded for us in Jeremiah 31:31-34, “‘The time is coming,’ declares the LORD, ‘when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah. It will not be like the covenant I made with their forefathers when I took them by the hand to lead them out of Egypt, because they broke my covenant, though I was a husband to them,’ declares the LORD. ‘This is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel after that time,’ declares the LORD. ‘I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people. No longer will a man teach his neighbor, or a man his brother, saying, “Know the LORD,” because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest,’ declares the LORD. ‘For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.’”//////
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being born in Jerusalem does not a jew make :cuckoo: but Jesus WAS raised by Jewish parents and probably would have been considered a 'jew' by most people who knew him as a youth

Considered a Jew?
He was Jewish.

Yep. Descended from Jesse and David, the 'chosen of God', an ethnically identifiable group tracing their ancestry back for millenia. Not just Jewish, but a Jew descended from the Hebrews/Israelites of the Old Testament.

Nevertheless he is Savior of all. I posted pictures some pages back in this thread of various artistic depictions of Jesus. To Native American groups, he appears Native American. In India he often looks East Indian. In black cultures he is a black man. In Asian cultures he often looks Asian. I have no problem whatsoever with this as to me it beautifully illustrates that he is embraced and accepted by all the people--one Christ to all.
It is most probable that he was a member of the Jewish sect called the Essene's based on his ascetic life.
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It's kind of like how Barack is no longer a Muslim now that he has arisen as the Obamessiah.

Obana is neither a muslim or a Christian. A Christians does not critiseze the Bible even if wrong staares him in the face:confused:

Ya know vixi, you'd get your point across better if you could learn to spell correctly.

Incidentally, since Obama isn't a Christian or a Muslim, exactly what is he?

I'm betting you're one of them birther idiots, ain't ya?
being born in Jerusalem does not a jew make :cuckoo: but Jesus WAS raised by Jewish parents and probably would have been considered a 'jew' by most people who knew him as a youth


why would someone born to jewish parents "probably" "have been considered a jew"?

he WAS jewish. you know the last supper was a sedar, right?
being born in Jerusalem does not a jew make :cuckoo: but Jesus WAS raised by Jewish parents and probably would have been considered a 'jew' by most people who knew him as a youth

Actually, anyone that reads the Bible would know that Yeshua (Jesus) was an observant Jew, especially seeing as He was in Jerusalem in celebration of Passover, just before His crucifixion.

Then, there's also the fact that He taught in parables, which is how the rabbi's taught.

No, Yeshua was Jewish, but the reason that other people and cultures adopted Him is because He came here not for those of the Jewish faith (they were already God's Chosen People), but rather for those who weren't Jewish, i.e. the Gentiles.

And, if you'd like to know what Yeshua really looks like, check out a program on the History Channel sometime called "The Real Face of Jesus". Some really cool stuff was shown on that program. Some scientists took the Shroud of Turin, did some really heavy duty research and constructed (with the help of computers and a whole slew of scientific instruments) and came up with what He really looked like.

Incidentally, if you've ever been to Israel, you'd know that most Jewish people are caucasian.
being born in Jerusalem does not a jew make :cuckoo: but Jesus WAS raised by Jewish parents and probably would have been considered a 'jew' by most people who knew him as a youth

Considered a Jew?
He was Jewish.

Sure he WAS Jewish but he abandoned Judaism throwing away the old covenant aka old testament to make a new covenant (which became the new testament)...
Basically this is where "Christianity" TOTALLY FUCKED UP i.e. 'real' Christianity should be NEW TESTATMENT only bc Jesus threw the old out with the bathwater! :eusa_whistle: Instead the bible has both old and new which are absolutely contradictory of each other thus making modern Christianity SCHIZO as can be....thanks so much to the Catholic Church for fucking up what Jesus wanted.....In fact, I'd bet if Jesus were alive today and he went to the Vatican he would treat it exactly like the temple he vandalized!
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being born in Jerusalem does not a jew make :cuckoo: but Jesus WAS raised by Jewish parents and probably would have been considered a 'jew' by most people who knew him as a youth

Considered a Jew?
He was Jewish.

Sure he WAS Jewish but he abandoned Judaism throwing away the old covenant aka old testament to make a new covenant (which became the new testament)...
Basically this is where "Christianity" TOTALLY FUCKED UP i.e. 'real' Christianity should be NEW TESTATMENT only bc Jesus threw the old out with the bathwater! :eusa_whistle: Instead the bible has both old and new which are absolutely contradictory of each other thus making modern Christianity SCHIZO as can be....thanks so much to the Catholic Church for fucking up what Jesus wanted.....In fact, I'd bet if Jesus were alive today and he went to the Vatican he would treat it exactly like the temple he vandalized!

Jesus didn't 'throw out' the OT, he simply fulfilled the Law...

Mat 5:17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
Mat 5:18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

Though He was born as a 'Jew', the Jewish religion was based more on customs of which Jesus did not agree with. Jesus was/is the Word, He is what truth is based on. He himself is not of any 'religion'. Religion is a belief system, Jesus does not need to 'believe' in anything, He KNOWS truth because He IS the truth.
being born in Jerusalem does not a jew make :cuckoo: but Jesus WAS raised by Jewish parents and probably would have been considered a 'jew' by most people who knew him as a youth

Considered a Jew?
He was Jewish.

Sure he WAS Jewish but he abandoned Judaism throwing away the old covenant aka old testament to make a new covenant (which became the new testament)...
Basically this is where "Christianity" TOTALLY FUCKED UP i.e. 'real' Christianity should be NEW TESTATMENT only bc Jesus threw the old out with the bathwater! :eusa_whistle: Instead the bible has both old and new which are absolutely contradictory of each other thus making modern Christianity SCHIZO as can be....thanks so much to the Catholic Church for fucking up what Jesus wanted.....In fact, I'd bet if Jesus were alive today and he went to the Vatican he would treat it exactly like the temple he vandalized!

he never did any such thing. you really should learn the history of your religion.

the last supper was a passover seder. so how did he abandon judaism again?

jesus' teachings, even as relayed second and third hand in the gospels; even after those gospels were edited and picked and chosen by constantine and his buds, still remains fairly close to what the talmud teaches in many ways ... things like do unto others; save one person, save the world... etc.

so i'm not sure what you think jesus abandoned... i'm not talking about what was done with his words.
being born in Jerusalem does not a jew make :cuckoo: but Jesus WAS raised by Jewish parents and probably would have been considered a 'jew' by most people who knew him as a youth

Considered a Jew?
He was Jewish.

Sure he WAS Jewish but he abandoned Judaism throwing away the old covenant aka old testament to make a new covenant (which became the new testament)...
Basically this is where "Christianity" TOTALLY FUCKED UP i.e. 'real' Christianity should be NEW TESTATMENT only bc Jesus threw the old out with the bathwater! :eusa_whistle: Instead the bible has both old and new which are absolutely contradictory of each other thus making modern Christianity SCHIZO as can be....thanks so much to the Catholic Church for fucking up what Jesus wanted.....In fact, I'd bet if Jesus were alive today and he went to the Vatican he would treat it exactly like the temple he vandalized!

Hey doc, you must have marbles for brains to make statements like what you just did.

Prove (with links to REAL scholar sites) that Yeshua (Jesus) abandoned His Judaic roots.

That's right......you won't be able to.

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