Why is naturalism considered scientific and creationism is not ?

By the way they claim the loss of genes happened over 6 million years,ridiculous. After the so called divergence.
How many of your scholarly articles have been refuted due to new evidence ? We have learned a lot in the last 5 years and you know we are gonna find a lot more to refute even more of this fairytale.

And everything we've learned in those five years supports evolution. Arguing from ignorance and from the god of the gaps is not a scientific argument. It is an argument from desperation. You poor dear.

Where do you think what I am showing you came from ? Further research after the both the human and chimp Genome was mapped.

Sorry you're a misinformed woman.

So you believe women are misinformed, do you? You have something in common with the Taliban. Congratulations. Are you one of those American Taliban? It would not surprise me if you were.
By the way they claim the loss of genes happened over 6 million years,ridiculous. After the so called divergence.

There "they" are again. How could the loss of genes have happened over a period of 6 million years when the planet was created only 6000 years ago?
Geez, you keep showing your ignorance on this issue. You evidently have not heard or read the explanation given by scientists where they claim apes evidently lost genes over time because they have no mechanism that will develop a completely new gene to get to the human count :lol:

The paper you quote makes no claim whatsoever that "apes have lost genes over time because they have no mechanism that will develop a completely new gene to get to the human count."

Making shit up doesn't help your argument.

Did you even read the paper? Or is English a second language for you?

But the first comprehensive comparison of the Y chromosome in two species--specifically, humans and chimpanzees--shows that in fact, it is a hot spot of evolution.

You have better put down that glass of whatever you're drinking.

They found that the chimpanzee Y chromosome has lost lots of genes that are present in humans, which suggests the human Y resembles that of the common ancestor more than does the chimp's Y. Chimpanzees only have two-thirds of the genes present in the human MSY.

Y Chromosome Evolving Rapidly | Science/AAAS | News

Don't be pathetic.

"They" reported the findings in the journal Nature. That means "they" are a part of the vast conspiracy of atheistic evilutionists.

I would be interested to see the results of research performed by the ICR.
You don't know what you're talking about and neither does anyone who make such claims. How do you think they built this theory numbnuts ?

Yeah, because every geneticist on the planet can't hold a candle to your mastery of science. :cuckoo:

Wrong ,brilliant men out there that just do not want to admit they are stumped. This evidence fits the model apes and humans were created uniquely apart from each other.

Yet another conspiracy required in order for the extremist to maintain his delusions.

Have brilliant men confided their 'stumped'ness" to you or more likely, this is about your propensity for furthering lies to maintain your delusions.
Geez, you keep showing your ignorance on this issue. You evidently have not heard or read the explanation given by scientists where they claim apes evidently lost genes over time because they have no mechanism that will develop a completely new gene to get to the human count :lol:

The paper you quote makes no claim whatsoever that "apes have lost genes over time because they have no mechanism that will develop a completely new gene to get to the human count."

Making shit up doesn't help your argument.

Did you even read the paper? Or is English a second language for you?

But the first comprehensive comparison of the Y chromosome in two species--specifically, humans and chimpanzees--shows that in fact, it is a hot spot of evolution.

You have better put down that glass of whatever you're drinking.

They found that the chimpanzee Y chromosome has lost lots of genes that are present in humans, which suggests the human Y resembles that of the common ancestor more than does the chimp's Y. Chimpanzees only have two-thirds of the genes present in the human MSY.

Y Chromosome Evolving Rapidly | Science/AAAS | News

Don't be pathetic.

Did you read the part that references "the common ancestor"?
And everything we've learned in those five years supports evolution. Arguing from ignorance and from the god of the gaps is not a scientific argument. It is an argument from desperation. You poor dear.

Where do you think what I am showing you came from ? Further research after the both the human and chimp Genome was mapped.

Sorry you're a misinformed woman.

So you believe women are misinformed, do you? You have something in common with the Taliban. Congratulations. Are you one of those American Taliban? It would not surprise me if you were.

I am sorry I have gotten testy with you and said some of the things I have. Thought you were a man had no real reason to assume that you were woman until you called me dear.

On the contrary,I have a great deal of respect for women although Hollie is a bit much.
By the way they claim the loss of genes happened over 6 million years,ridiculous. After the so called divergence.

There "they" are again. How could the loss of genes have happened over a period of 6 million years when the planet was created only 6000 years ago?

How could they have been loss in 6,000 years ? It's your sides story not mine. I am just pointing out the many problems with the theory that contradicts empirical evidence.
The paper you quote makes no claim whatsoever that "apes have lost genes over time because they have no mechanism that will develop a completely new gene to get to the human count."

Making shit up doesn't help your argument.

Did you even read the paper? Or is English a second language for you?

You have better put down that glass of whatever you're drinking.

They found that the chimpanzee Y chromosome has lost lots of genes that are present in humans, which suggests the human Y resembles that of the common ancestor more than does the chimp's Y. Chimpanzees only have two-thirds of the genes present in the human MSY.

Y Chromosome Evolving Rapidly | Science/AAAS | News

Don't be pathetic.

"They" reported the findings in the journal Nature. That means "they" are a part of the vast conspiracy of atheistic evilutionists.

I would be interested to see the results of research performed by the ICR.

The science community in whole accept many theories and hypothesis until it's confirmed or rejected by the evidence. Some are never confirmed either way but are still accepted.
Yeah, because every geneticist on the planet can't hold a candle to your mastery of science. :cuckoo:

Wrong ,brilliant men out there that just do not want to admit they are stumped. This evidence fits the model apes and humans were created uniquely apart from each other.

Yet another conspiracy required in order for the extremist to maintain his delusions.

Have brilliant men confided their 'stumped'ness" to you or more likely, this is about your propensity for furthering lies to maintain your delusions.

I was surrounded by them.
The paper you quote makes no claim whatsoever that "apes have lost genes over time because they have no mechanism that will develop a completely new gene to get to the human count."

Making shit up doesn't help your argument.

Did you even read the paper? Or is English a second language for you?

You have better put down that glass of whatever you're drinking.

They found that the chimpanzee Y chromosome has lost lots of genes that are present in humans, which suggests the human Y resembles that of the common ancestor more than does the chimp's Y. Chimpanzees only have two-thirds of the genes present in the human MSY.

Y Chromosome Evolving Rapidly | Science/AAAS | News

Don't be pathetic.

Did you read the part that references "the common ancestor"?

Yes,what is the common ancestor ? how can they confirm that claim ?
Where do you think what I am showing you came from ? Further research after the both the human and chimp Genome was mapped.

Sorry you're a misinformed woman.

So you believe women are misinformed, do you? You have something in common with the Taliban. Congratulations. Are you one of those American Taliban? It would not surprise me if you were.

I am sorry I have gotten testy with you and said some of the things I have. Thought you were a man had no real reason to assume that you were woman until you called me dear.

On the contrary,I have a great deal of respect for women although Hollie is a bit much.

I don't believe that that is true. You apparently believe it is okay to disrespect women (behind their backs) when you think you are talking to a man, but not if you think you think you are talking to a woman. Except that you thought I was a woman and intentionally disrespected me. Fucking hypocrite.

By the way, my cahones are still hanging, so no I am not a woman.
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So you believe women are misinformed, do you? You have something in common with the Taliban. Congratulations. Are you one of those American Taliban? It would not surprise me if you were.

I am sorry I have gotten testy with you and said some of the things I have. Thought you were a man had no real reason to assume that you were woman until you called me dear.

On the contrary,I have a great deal of respect for women although Hollie is a bit much.

I don't believe that that is true. You apparently believe it is okay to disrespect women (behind their backs) when you think you are talking to a man, but not if you think you think you are talking to a woman. Except that you thought I was a woman and intentionally disrespected me. Fucking hypocrite.

By the way, my cahones are still hanging, so no I am not a woman.

No, if I thought you were a woman you would have had much more respect from me. You were the one that made this personal with your childish insults.

Now let's get back on topic.
I am sorry I have gotten testy with you and said some of the things I have. Thought you were a man had no real reason to assume that you were woman until you called me dear.

On the contrary,I have a great deal of respect for women although Hollie is a bit much.

I don't believe that that is true. You apparently believe it is okay to disrespect women (behind their backs) when you think you are talking to a man, but not if you think you think you are talking to a woman. Except that you thought I was a woman and intentionally disrespected me. Fucking hypocrite.

By the way, my cahones are still hanging, so no I am not a woman.

No, if I thought you were a woman you would have had much more respect from me. You were the one that made this personal with your childish insults.

Now let's get back on topic.

Wow, are you delusional about EVERYTHING? You are the one who made it personal, asshole. Speaking of getting back on topic, when you find a bunny rabbit in the Cambrian, let me know. Speaking of getting back on topic, are you going to meet me in the field? Or do you not have the cahones for it?
Wrong ,brilliant men out there that just do not want to admit they are stumped. This evidence fits the model apes and humans were created uniquely apart from each other.

Yet another conspiracy required in order for the extremist to maintain his delusions.

Have brilliant men confided their 'stumped'ness" to you or more likely, this is about your propensity for furthering lies to maintain your delusions.

I was surrounded by them.

With your propensity for playing fast and loose with facts, I have no reason to believe that you’re in any position to be representing the convictions of others. Your lack of a science vocabulary and utter lack of even the most basic precepts of evolution and the biological sciences puts real suspicion on your claimed academic background.
You have better put down that glass of whatever you're drinking.

They found that the chimpanzee Y chromosome has lost lots of genes that are present in humans, which suggests the human Y resembles that of the common ancestor more than does the chimp's Y. Chimpanzees only have two-thirds of the genes present in the human MSY.

Y Chromosome Evolving Rapidly | Science/AAAS | News

Don't be pathetic.

Did you read the part that references "the common ancestor"?

Yes,what is the common ancestor ? how can they confirm that claim ?

We can begin with a site that takes an approach which includes graphs and pictures to… how shall we say… “provide a beginners narrative” to evolution.

While I understand that you reject any evidence provided by the relevant science community that even hints at an earth older than 6,000 years or the fossil record, your being in denial of reality is no reason for anyone else to accept your lurid conspiracy theories involving many of the life sciences being fabricated.

Overview of Hominin Evolution | Learn Science at Scitable

All else is mere speculation of one form or another.

Millennia of “philosophers and theologians” have constructed elaborate and ultimately futile models of reality and truth, with next to no positive impact on the human condition. Science in dramatic contrast is among the youngest of human endeavors, and yet has achieved things no previous discipline has approached. It has fed the hungry, cured disease, created technology that four generations ago would have been unimaginable. It has literally changed our world, while religions have done comparatively little more than churn human misfortune in a static embrace of past error. Unlike all the philosophies and religions that came before it, science actually works.

This is why “scientific facts” deserve so much deference in comparison to the imaginary “absolute facts” delivered by philosophy and faith. They have evidence that affords them some qualification for our rational allegiance.

There is a reason why science has proven to be the single most influential and impactful human endeavor in history; that is because it formally recognizes the tentative nature of all human knowledge, and provides a method for incrementally approaching “absolute” truth without the arrogance of assuming it is ever actually achieved. It bears a humility regarding its own achievement that constantly inspires revision and review. It inspires thinking and iconoclasm rather than the intellectual rigor mortis of religious dogma.

And in this way it accomplishes what most religious beliefs do not; progress. I will nominate you as the poster child for "lack of progress".

“Scientific” facts may be conceptually inferior to “absolute” facts. But since there really are no such things as “absolute” facts, that would be the equivalent of claiming that horses are inferior to unicorns.
I don't believe that that is true. You apparently believe it is okay to disrespect women (behind their backs) when you think you are talking to a man, but not if you think you think you are talking to a woman. Except that you thought I was a woman and intentionally disrespected me. Fucking hypocrite.

By the way, my cahones are still hanging, so no I am not a woman.

No, if I thought you were a woman you would have had much more respect from me. You were the one that made this personal with your childish insults.

Now let's get back on topic.

Wow, are you delusional about EVERYTHING? You are the one who made it personal, asshole. Speaking of getting back on topic, when you find a bunny rabbit in the Cambrian, let me know. Speaking of getting back on topic, are you going to meet me in the field? Or do you not have the cahones for it?

Whatever nitwit.

I can't wait to hear this .why do I need to find a bunny in Cambrian ? :lol:

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